02x26 - The Pretty Princess and Mr. Big Power Hour / Clean Up in Aisle Eleven

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x26 - The Pretty Princess and Mr. Big Power Hour / Clean Up in Aisle Eleven

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: hey, kids.
Today's featured words

Are dupe and hoist.

School newspaper editor
todd "scoops" ming is

Interviewing word girl
for a local news segment,

And he's asking her
the question

On everyone's mind.

Do you think
doing tv will hurt
my repution

As a serious

Maybe just his mind.

Eh, forget it.

just like me and you.

Hi. I'm todd
"scoops" ming,

Here to prove that
word girl has

More in common
with regular people

Than you might think.

For example, word girl,
what's your

Favorite hobby?


Ha ha ha!

I guess some people
out there in television
land can relate to that.

Oh! Can you
transform into your
secret identity

So I can
interview her?

Really, scoops?

You think I'm
gonna fall for that?

Sorry. Guess I should
know better than to try

And dupe a superhero.

Um, listen.

I have to be somewhere.

Any more questions?

What job, other than
superhero, would you
like to try?

Oh, that's easy.
I would want to be the star
of my favorite tv show

"Pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"!

I know it's a cartoon,
so technically that's

But a girl can dream,
can't she?

Ok, this is
great stuff. Now--

I actually have to
get home right away
to watch it.

I never miss an episode
as long as I don't
have a crime to stop!


So what's it like
being a--

Um, what kind of animal
are you again?


[High-pitched tone]

Watch it.
I never miss an episode

As long as I don't
have a crime to stop!


Or to not stop,
once I use my brand-new

Mind control setting on you!

Hee hee hee!

Sir, do you plan on
turning word girl
into a horse?


That's not
a bad idea, though.

Write it down.

make it a pony.

You were saying
about this plan...


I'm making word girl
believe she's part

Of her "princess
and pony" show

By controlling her mind
through television!

Mmm. And then what?

Oh. Well, um,
control her.

Her mind.

And then make
her do what?

Uh, capture every
citizen in town

In--in giant
pet carriers--

Yes, yes, pet carriers,

That's perfect!

And the--then
she'll hoist them up

In the air and fly them
all out of the city!

Mu ha! Oh, mu ha!
Mu ha! And ha ha!

Why do you want word girl
to take everyone
out of the city?

Because then the city,
you see--

The city--stay
with me here--

The city
will be mine!

I mean, who else--
who else's would it be?

Heh heh. Ye--
everyone else will
be out of the city!

Brilliant as
usual, sir.

Thank yo lesl--
wait are you
being sarcastic?

I can't tell
anymore, sir.

No matter

Because once word girl
is duped into thinking

She's inside her
favorite show,

I'll send my orders
to her through
this microphone.

Maybe you should try to
make sure the message

Only goes to word girl
so you don't ruin

The show for anyone else
who might be watching.

Oh, what a coincidence.
It's time for my break.

I'll be
in the tv room,

Eating my lunch
and not watching

"Pretty princess
magic pony
power hour".

Just make sure you punch
your time card, leslie.

I don't pay you to eat.

Ahh. Finally a little peace,
a little quiet,

And some "p.p.m.p."!

It's just nice to lose
yourself in the magical
world of princesses

And magic ponies
and dragons

And mr. Big's face.

[Soothing voice]
hello, word girl!

Welcome to
"pretty princess
magic mind control."

I'm going to
empty out the city,

Thanks to viewers
like you!

Mu ha ha ha!
Mu ha ha ha!

Mu ha ha ha!
Mu ha ha ha!

Oh, welcome,
word girl.


Pretty princess?

Magic pony?

Is this really

Mr. Big and pretty
princess: yes, it is.

This is not
mind control.

Wow! The enchanted city!


Ok, just
a few questions.

Is sparkletopia
really just a place

In your

Or was that just
another one

Of count cloudy's


Also if the pretty
flower mobile runs

On sunshine, how did
the wondertown elves

Ever get out
of darkness mountain?

I mean, come on.

[Normal voice]
i--listen. Just...

[Soothing voice]
save your
questions for later.

[Normal voice]
word girl thinks
she's in a tv show.

How ridiculous!

I totally duped her!

Mu ha ha!
Mu ha ha ha!

Oh, this really
isn't as fun by yourself.

Leslie, get in here!

You interrupted,

Yes. Initiate phase
two of my plan.

The button right next
to your hand, sir?

That's the one!

Word girl will think
she's doing good things

For that princess
when really she'll be doing

Bad things
for this princess!

I mean prince.

Of course you do,

I'll just press this
button and get back

To my show--
I mean, lunch.

I need your--i--

[Soothing voice]
I need your help,
word girl.

I need your help,
word girl.

That evil bad guy--

Count cloudy?

That's the one.

He's threatening
to invade

The enchanted city!

This is amazing.

It's up to you to fly
everyone out of the city

Before it's too late!

You can hoist them up
in these giant pet carriers.

Wait. Why do you
have pet carriers?

Won't you help us,
word girl?

Won't you pretty
please with cherries

And gum drops and kittens
with mittens...

And oodles of noodles
and carts full of hearts and...

and cream cakes and--

Yes! Yes, a thousand times
yes, I'll help you!

I've been waiting
for this my whole life.

Are you kidding me?

Come on, everyone!

Into these
giant pet carriers!

Free pet carrier
ride from word girl.


We must leave
the enchanted city

Before count cloudy

Yeah, ok.

Hoist us up,
word girl!

All: hoist! Hoist!
Hoist! Hoist!

Wait, wait, wait.
Why are we
saying, "hoist"?

Hoist means lift up
or raise.

Ohh. Well, hoist!

Hoist! Hoist!


Scoops: and so
the superhero word girl

And her trusted sidekick
colonel koala head

Are revealed
to be ordinary,

Run-of-the mill--
hey, what's happening
over there?

Cool! This is
todd "scoops" ming

With the best ending
to a report ever.

Yeah! Wait for me!
Wait for me!



Your work here
is almost done.

Soon, the city will
be completely empty!

Can I just say what
a huge fan I am?

I mean, seriously,
I don't normally get
star-struck, but--

[Distant squeaking]

Hmm. That's weird.

Does anyone hear
a squeaking?

It's just sounding
really familiar.


Free pet carrier ride
and a jumping bear?

Could this day
be better?!


Do you hear
that squeaking,
pretty princess?

Uh, uh, what squeaking?

There's no squeaking.

There's no
squeaking at all!

Oh, there's

Definitely squeaking

Oh, right,
that squeaking.

There's a loose pipe,
in the...rainbow
sprinkler system.

Mu heh heh.

Hmm. The enchanted city
rainbows are made

By a sprinkler system?

Uh, yes, it's all
powered by mr. Big
water supply!

Oh, that's just
not true!

The rainbows are made
by magic sunbeams that

Shine over the valley
of unicorns,

And their power
grows stronger

Whenever someone buys
a pretty princess
magic pony accessory!

Everyone knows that!

[Soothing voice]
leslie, what are you
what are you--

[Normal voice]
what are you doing?!

I'm a superfan, sir.

Leslie? Mr. Big
water supply?

Wait a minute.

No, word girl,
don't go.

Stay here with us!

It's what you've wanted!

It's what you've
always wanted.

Come on, more hoisting!

Hoist! Hoist! Hoist!

Holy cow!
Mr. Big?

He duped me using
my favorite show?!

Hey. I want
my money back!

But it was
a free ride.

Let's go, huggy.
He doesn't know what

Superhero team he's
messing with.


That's right. Us.

Word up!


Uh, uh, you...

[Soothing voice]
you want to go home...

And leave mr. Big alone.

Game over, mr. Big.

[Normal voice]
ok. But you admit i--i
totally duped you, right?

Well, dupe means trick,
and you definitely
tricked me.


So...duped you!

Say it.

Yes, but it won't
happen again!

Ha ha ha!
We'll see about that!



Mm-hmm. Haven't you
tried that one before?

Yes. But not this one!


Or this one!

Or, uh, this one!

Or this one!

Or this one!

Ugh. Terrific.

I know you were being
sarcastic that time!


That time, too!

Uh, uh-oh.

I can fly, remember?

I also have
super strength!

Let's leave those
two for the police.

I guess I was so
obsessed with my
favorite tv show,

I completely lost sight of--

You know, actually,
if we hurry we can
probably catch

The last minutes
of the episode.

[Huggy squeaks]

Narrator: and so word girl
and captain huggy face

Save the day.

Well, mainly
captain huggy face

Since word girl was duped.

Well, you were,

But maybe she won't
be next time,

On another colossal, stupendous,
fantastic episode of--

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is shatter.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.


Uh, huggy!
What are you doing?

I'd like to answer
the question,

But huggy shattered
my buzzer.

I mean, it's totally
broken into pieces.

Hmm. You're right about
the definition.

Shatter does mean to
break into pieces,

But, uh, well,
you didn't buzz in.

How could I have?

With your buzzer.
Oh, right. Sorry.

Judges, emily
did correctly
define the word.

Can we accept
her answer?

We can?! Ok.

Huh? Oh, this tie?

No, it's not new.

Well, I like
your tie, too.

Sure you can borrow it.

Congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official "word girl"
rope swing!

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

♪ Word girl

Narrator: pssst, listen
for the words

Debate and substitute.

One afternoon
at the botsfords'...

Isn't this fun,

The school debate club
is having a special
debate today.

We're deciding
on a club mascot!

I can't wait to
explain to everyone
why I think

We should be
the unicorns.

How is this not
fascinating for you?

Supermarket superheroes!

Word girl is making
an appearance

At the grocery store
ribbon cutting
ceremony today!

Wow! I've got
to leave.

Oh, no! How could
I have forgotten?!

I mean,
I wrote it down
in my calendar!

Aw, but I was so
looking forward
to the big debate!

I always have to miss
fun stuff because
I'm word girl.

I wish I could send
a substitute
in my place.

I've got an idea!


I'll tell you
what's going on.

You, bob, are going to
be word girl's substitute

At the ribbon cutting


You know,
my replacement!

We'll dress you up
like word girl,

And you can go
to the ribbon cutting
instead of me.


You won't have to
say or do anything.

Just show up, smile
for the cameras,
and come home.

Everyone will think
you're really word girl!

I think.


Hmm. Good point.

You are very small.


Just hand them this note,
and you'll be fine.


Ok. Fine.

Here's an emergency
distress button.

Only press it
if there's an emergency.

a real emergency.

Have fun being
my substitute!

I've got
a debate to get to!


Ok. Well, there she is!

You know, we were just
about to replace you
with someone else.

Replace me?

I don't need
a substitute.

I'm here, and I'm
prepared to debate.

ms. Botsford.

It is indeed
an honor.

Likewise, mr. Ming.

May the best
argument win.

Okey dokey!
Let's get this meeting

Of the woodview elementary
debate club underway.

Now is anyone here
for the very first time?


Well, I'm not
a mind reader,

But I bet some of you
are wondering,

"Ms. Davis, why is
your skin so smooth,

And what exactly
is a debate?"

What does the word
debate even mean?

I'll inform them!

Of course you will.

When two people with
different ideas explain

Why their idea
is the best,

It's called a debate.

Today, scoops and I will
each try and convince

You that our animal
would make the best mascot

For the debate club.

At the end,
we'll take a vote,

And the animal
with the most votes

Will be our new mascot!

Becky botsford, you
make my job so easy.

Now let's begin!

Becky, which animal
do you want to be

The new club mascot?

I think our new
mascot should be
the majestic unicorn.

And scoops?

I have chosen
a different animal,

The industrious

Ok. We'll start with...


Ahem. Fellow debate club
members, allow me to

Tell you why I believe
the unicorn

Would be the best mascot
for the debate club.

over at the grocery store,

Word girl's...

Substitute arrives
for the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Word girl?

You look a little...


Oh. A letter.
Well, I'll read it.

"Dear everybody,
please forgive me

"For being so
quiet and tiny.

"I seem to have lost
my voice while shouting
at evildoers,

"And I am, for some reason,
feeling short today.

Sincerely, I am really
word girl and not just
a substitute."

That letter
put me at ease!

Thanks for the explanation,
word girl.

So glad you could be
here to celebrate

The grand opening
of aisle !

Narrator: meanwhile,
across town, all
the city's villains

Have gathered for their annual
villain convention.

And so let there
be no debate,

or argument that i,

Lady redundant woman,

Am the best, greatest,
and supreme choice

For villain
association president!

Um, can anyone tell
me what's missing

From this year's
villain convention?

Could it be
there's no snacks?!

No snacks!

What's up with that?!
Why no snacks?

Whose job was it to
bring the snacks?

[Indistinct chatter]

Oh. Heh. My bad!
My fault!

I am to blame!

I completely forgot
I was on snack duty
this year.

Won't happen again.
I guarantee. I vow.

Ha! A promise is no
substitute for snacks!


Well, are you gonna
go get some snacks
or what?!

I'll be back in a flash,
in the blink of an eye,

In no time flat!

back at the ribbon cutting...

So let me welcome
you to aisle ,

Featuring ice cream
and pickles!

And a special thanks
to word girl for lending

Some of her super-celebrity
for today's event!

Lady redundant woman:
ok, everybody,
this is a robbery!

A stickup! A heist!

Get ready to give me
all your snack food!

The villains are hungry!

Bring me
of everything!

Word girl!
Help me!

They're about
to steal all
of my food!

[Customers screaming]

[Beep beep beep]

Narrator: back at school,
the debate is heating up!

they are special,

One-of-a-kind creatures
that cannot be replaced.

There is no substitute
for the unicorn.

Therefore, it must
be our new mascot!

Thank you.


Ha ha ha! Becky,
I am afraid
I must disagree.

The armadillo
is by far
the better choice.

Did you know that,
when threatened,

Armadillos roll
into a ball to
protect themselves?

Armadillos are
clearly better.

Are armadillos magical,

And do they have
princesses for friends?

I don't think so.

Well, maybe not,
but they do have
armored shells,

Which are awesome!


Oh, no! Not now!

The debate's
not finished!


Here's another
reason armadillos

Should be
our mascot.

They make
funny sounds
when they eat.

What am I hearing?

Um, wow.

That electric
pencil sharpener

I was holding
sure did just suddenly

And dramatically
malfunction, didn't it?

Maybe I should go find
a substitute

So we can all keep
our pencils sharp!

Ugh. Got to work
on my excuses.

Carry on
with the debate!

Should I keep going?

I'm shrugging.

Why aren't you doing
anything, word girl?!

This is criminally

What's that you
were saying?

You got
your voice back!

Wait a minute.
Did you just get taller?

I was just about
to ask you how you
got shorter.

How could I have
suddenly gotten

You were just
a tiny, little--

There's no time to
debate the issue.

I've got crime to fight.



Look at you--
you changed outfits!

that's right!

You did substitute
one costume for another.

Nice vocabulary.

Now let's get to work!

You stop the copies
from leaving the store.

I'll deal
with lady redundant woman!

Hmm. Do I want lemon-lime,
or lime-lemon?

Oh, I'll treat myself
and get both!

You'll get neither,
lady redundant woman!

Word girl!

Did you get taller?
Bigger? Larger?

Uh, that--that's
not important.

What is important
is you putting
all this food back.

No can do, sister.

I've got
a convention hall
filled with villains

Who are hungry
for snacks,

And no pint-sized

Is going to stand
in my way,

Block my path,
or interrupt
my progress!

Arms of steel!

Like me, you're
probably wondering

How long can my
monkey sidekick

Hold on to those
a*t*matic doors?

Not long, I hope.

Go, girls!
Keep pushing.

Do you hear that siren,
lady redundant woman?

It sounds like
the police, the cops,

The local
law enforcement.

What do you
want from me?

Wish from me?
Desire from me?

What do you want?

I want you to pay
for the food
you're taking.

Oh! Is that all?

Well, here's some money,
cash, moolah.

Why, this is exactly
enough to pay

For all the food!

No problem, officers.

She's all paid up!

Well, if we're
all done here,

I should be getting back
to my convention,

My gathering,
my meeting.

Not so fast,
lady redundant woman.

The food may be paid for,

But the store
is still a mess.

Oh, well no problem!

I'll just make
some copies--

Whoa, whoa.
Hold up.

You can send
a substitute
to the convention.

You'll be here cleaning
up this mess

All by yourself.

Huggy, keep
an eye on her.

I've got important
business to
attend to.

Word up!

Am I too late?!
Is the debate over?!

Ok, now it's
time to vote!

Everyone who agrees
with scoops that our mascot

Should be the armadillo,
raise your hand.


Wow, scoops.
You must have given
a convincing speech.

Armadillos are
my passion.

, ...!

And everyone who
agrees with becky

That our mascot
should be a unicorn,

Raise your hand.


You have chosen wisely.

Two and two, subtract one.

That's !

It's a tie!

A tie?
What does that mean?

I don't know.

I'll check
the club rule book.

Let's see.

"It should be chosen
by the teacher in charge."

Who knew?

I get to pick
the new debate club mascot.

Well, what animal are
you going to pick?

Pick unicorn.

Pick armadillo.

Ok, everybody.
Settle down.

I've made my decision.

The new debate
club mascot is...

The magic turtles.

The magic turtles?

a magic turtle?

It happens to be
a combination

Of a unicorn,
which is magical,

And an armadillo,
which has a shell.

Magic turtle.

That's a terrible

There are so many reason
why unicorns are better

Than magic turtles.

I disagree
with this decision,

And here's why--
how do we know

Armadillos don't
already have
magical powers, huh?

Fine, but how do we know
that unicorns don't also
sometimes have a shell?

But if they had
a shell...

Narrator: and so with becky,
scoops, and ms. Davis

Debating the substitute mascot,
we come to the end

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
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Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!
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