02x23 - Bummertime / The Homerun King

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x23 - Bummertime / The Homerun King

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: psst.
Listen for the words
prolong and aggravated.

Just another beautiful day
in the city.

It sure is.

And it's the last day
of summer,

So I need to make
the most of it

Before I have to go
back to school.

Summer always
goes so fast,

And there's still
a lot of carefree fun

To be had.

Item one:
read a book under
the old apple tree.


Item two..

Narrator: let me get
this straight.

You've organized a list
of ways to be carefree?

Yeah. It's even

Based on a complex
system of fun--

Whoa! A unicorn
with pink and purple
zebra stripes?

You know who'd
appreciate that!


Violet would love
this unicorn.

I can't believe she's
spent the whole summer

At art camp.

Dad on megaphone: attention,
family botsford!

family botsford!

Please report
to the homestead immediately!

Is he serious?

Autumn is fast approaching.

It's time to take
inventory of our rakes.

Any second now, our lawn
is going to be covered

With leaves.

We can't be too ready.

I guess we'd
better go.

Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile
in tobey's lair...

Tobey: I'll show them!

I'll show everyone!

Narrator: uh, who are you
talking to exactly?

I'm a villain.

This is how we speak.

I saw it in a movie.

Once if I finish
chronos here,

I'll be able to make
summer last forever!

Then I'll never have
to go back to school

And face that




[Whistle blowing]

[Laughter and applause]


Soon, I'll accomplish
what no villain has

Ever been able to do--
stopping time!

Ha ha ha!

Sinister hand-rubbing?

You're becoming a cliché.

And you're becoming
more aggravating
by the second.

Later that day...

Ok, then.
Final rake inventory.

, , Da, da, da.

They're all
accounted for

And in
working order.

Great job, g*ng.

I'm glad we
spent the past
couple of hours

Figuring that out.

Oop! Oop! Oh!

Hmm. Looks like
I get to spend
the rest of the day

Doing what I love most--
rake shopping!

Dad, we're
all right here.

Do you really
need to use
that megaphone?

Yes. You see, becky,
megaphones instantly

Turn whomever's holding
them into a...

of great importance.

Man: botsford, pipe down!

later, in the backyard...

Let's see.
What's next?

Ah, yes.
Play baseball.

All right.
Let's do it.

Bob, standing here
waiting for you to pitch

Is really aggravating.

Hi, becky!

That doesn't count!
I was distracted!


I need your help.

Sure. Anything you need!

Do you need a hug?

Uh, no.

I'm talking
about the newspaper.

Oh, right. Ok.

I'm putting together
this year's first issue

Of the "daily rag,"
and I need a headline

For the front page,
something electric

To really grab readers.

How about
"back to school"?

Well, it's, uh,

No, wait!
I've got it.

"School's back!"

With, like,
exclamation points.

uh, riveting.

Listen, scoops.
Bob and I have a lot

Of fun stuff planned
for the day.

Maybe you could
join us.

Aw. Sorry.
I'm on a deadline.

I've got to get going
right after we do

Some serious

brainstorm, brainstorm.

Heh heh!

Tobey: yes. This alarm clock
will give my robot the ability

To stop time!

Narrator: and how would
that work exactly?

Like I have time to
explain the intricacies

Of alarm-clock-based
quantum mechanics

To an aggravating
nuisance like you.

You'll just have
to watch and see

Like everyone else.

All right, robot...


Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Yes, robot!
Prolong summer vacation!

Make summer last forever!

Stop time!

Stop time!

Ohh! My word girl watch!

Uh, I mean, my
local professional
sports team watch!

Stop time!
Stop time!

Narrator: heh heh! Aren't
you going to do something?

No. This is all part
of my villainous design.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to go...

Carry out this plan that's
going exactly as planned.

Mother: tobey!
It's time to go shopping

For your
back-to-school clothes!

But--but I'm busy being
a terrifying boy genius!

We'll stop for
ice cream afterwards!

Ooh! Ice cream!

Narrator: while his robot is
rampaging through town,

Tobey is on a back-to-school
shopping spree.

You got that right!

Nearby, in another
part of the store...

Hmm. These look
like good rakes,

But how can I be sure
they're the right ones?

Hmm. This family
doesn't look anything
like our family,

But I guess that's
close enough.

to the rake department.

to the rake department.

Oh, nooooo!

Aah! Sweet vidalia onions!

Narrator: back at home,
becky continues her quest

To enjoy
the final day of summer.

Number : one last
plunge into the pool
on the rope swing.

, , --

Dad on megaphone: word girl.
Come in, word girl.

A robot is on a rampage
at the department store.

That's dad!

It's destroying
clocks and watches

For some reason!

It's almost as if,
in an effort
to prolong summer,

This robot was
programmed to stop time,

But then it misunderstood
its directive!


Word up.

Word girl!
We need you!

Your prolonged
absence is really
quite aggravating!

I'll tell you what's

Not knowing
what aggravating means.


Hmm. It seems odd
that you're able
to use a word you

Claim not to know
in a sentence.

Hmm. Help!

Ok, aggravating means
annoying and irritating!

For instance, if someone
were trying to enjoy

Her last day
of summer vacation

But kept getting

That would be

Stop time.

Great. And we just canceled
our robot insurance.

Aw, man, that's

And that's
why I dedicate
this clock tower

To colonel cunningham.

May it stand forever
as a testament

To your
unflinching bravery.

Robot: stop time!

[Bell tolling]


That was close!

Woman: and here comes
gavin danaher in the lead!

He's going to do it, folks!

He's going to break
the world record!

Stop time!

He's going
for the sundial!

Stop time!

Whoa! Whoa!

Huggy, do you see
that alarm clock?


It has a snooze button
just like ours.

Maybe if we hit the button
it'll temporarily

Shut down the robot
the same way

Our snooze button
temporarily shuts down

Our alarm
in the morning.


It worked!

The robot's


Now where's tobey?

This is obviously
his work.

Tobey, what are you--

What are you

Oh, this outfit?
It's cruise-wear.

Pretty spiffy, huh?

Heh. Uh, well,
it's--it's something.

Is that your robot?


You were going
to be my first mate!

Your robot almost
destroyed the whole city!

That's it!
You're grounded
for a week!

A week?!

You know, for someone
who calls himself

"The world's most
formidable boy genius,"

Your plans seem to
go awry a lot.

Fine. I admit,
the robot didn't
quite work

As expected.

I programmed him
to stop time,

But there must have
been some glitch.

All I wanted was to
prolong summer,

You know, forever.

Prolong summer?

If you don't know
what prolong means,

I would happily
define it for--

Prolong means to
increase or extend.

So if you tried to
prolong summer vacation

It means you wanted
it to last longer,

And I can't blame
you for that.

You can't?

You mean, you understand
what I'm feeling?

I-i guess I do.

Since we're getting
along so well,

Perhaps you'd
like to come by

For a little game
of shuffleboard.

Wow, that sounds
like a great time,

But we've really
got a lot to do.

See you!

Call me!

Narrator: later that evening,
becky struggles to complete

Her checklist of summer fun.

Come on, come on.
There's still time.

Ok, bob. You're up.

All right, g*ng.
Time to call it a night.

You've got a big
day tomorrow!

First day of school!


Huh. I really need
to figure out

How to use this thing.

[Feedback squawks]

Narrator: the next day,
becky goes to school,

Wondering where
the summer went.

Oh, where did
the summer go?


Great to see you!


Oh. Ff, ff,
ff, ff.

How was art camp?

It was great!

Did you know if you
mix red and yellow

You get orange?

No way!

And purple?

That's just a mix
of red and blue.

Wow! I love purple.
Me, too!

How do you make pink?

Well, uh...

Narrator: and so summer
officially comes to a end

For becky botsford,

But with that ending
comes a new school year,

A great chance to
enjoy time with friends

And expand her already
formidable brain power.

Well, friends, here's
hoping your aggravation

Isn't prolonged as you
anxiously await

The next exciting episode
of "word girl"!

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's

Featured word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is collection.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, phil?

Collection means a group
of objects gathered
by a person?


Whatever. None
of those collections

Is anywhere near as cool

As my collection
of hand-drawn
"word girl" comics.


Uh, is that you
dressed as huggy?

Sure is.

Ok. I'm not going to
ask any more questions!

Phil, you are
today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official "word girl"
super-charged trampoline!

Uh, huggy?

Well, I'm sure he's fine.

That's it
for today's episode.


[Laughter and applause]

Are you ok?

Oh, good to hear.

Ok, then.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl

Narrator: today's
featured words are

Extraordinary and fortunately.

Just another typical afternoon
at the botsford house.

Dad, I'm home!

And I'm a winner!

What's this
about my daughter
being a winner?!

Check it out!
I got straight as
on my report card,

I won a blue ribbon
at the science fair.

I'm the tri-city
vocab bee champion,

And that's not all!

That's not all?!

Tj, did you win
something too?!

No. This...is...

Hmm. "This award-award is
presented to the student

Who wins
the most awards."

Well, becky, if there's
one thing you're good at,

It's being good
at everything.

Way to go!

Yeah, becky's
amazing at everything.

Oh! By the way, becky,
you have extraordinary
posture today.

Aw, thanks, dad.

Argh! That is it!

Why does becky always
get to be the best?!

It's totally unfair!

It's like
I don't even exist!

What about me, dad?!
What am I the best at?!

Now, tj, you're
the best at lots of things.

Name one.

Um, you're pretty
good at arguing?

I am not!

I'm going
to my baseball game.

You're our family's
best door slammer? No?

Someday, I'll be
the best at something,

And then everybody will say
how extraordinary I am.



Narrator: meanwhile,
in front of the jewelry store...

Somebody stop him!

He's stealing
all my diamonds!

Stop! Thievery!

I'll be taking
these back, thank you.

Whoa! That baseball
came out of nowhere!

Who could have
hit it this far?

Anybody see
a baseball
laying around?

Young man,
did you just hit

This small white ball?

Yeah. Why? Did I
break something?

Break something? No.

This criminal was
about to get away

With my diamonds,
but fortunately,

Your white ball
with red seams stopped him.

You are a hero!

I'm a hero.


You did it!

Hmm. Dull...

Knew that already.

Holy extraordinary

What's it say, dad?

"Home run king
foils robbery!"

"Tj botsford is
the city's newest

Citizens are calling
him the home run king!"

Citizens are calling
me the home run king!

"Move over, word girl,
and make way

For an extraordinary
new superhero"?

I'm proud of you, tj.

See, there's something
you're the best at--

Fighting crime!

Oh, come on!

Tj's not
a real superhero!

How do you know,

Maybe I am
a superhero.

Ah. I'm finally
the best
at something,

And nobody can take
that away from me!

I'll be right back!

Dad, this is ridiculous.

Sounds like somebody
is a little jealous

Of her
younger brother.

But tj doesn't
have extraordinary
super powers.

I mean, he was
just fortunate.


Yeah, he was just lucky.

Tj's home run just
happened to stop
the diamond thief.

He didn't plan
it ahead of time.

Well, I think it's
good that tj has

An after-school activity
he excels at.

Crime fighting is not
an after-school activity!

Tj: this I solemnly vow--
from this moment forward,

I shall be known
as the home run king!

Oh, please.

Bob, would you like
to be my sidekick?


Of course
we could call you
captain extraordinary.

Good idea!

Bob! You wouldn't!

Why not, becky?

Word girl has
captain huggy face.

I can have captain

No, you can't because
bob is really c--


Ok. Just forget it.

Narrator: later that day,
at city hall...

But fortunately,
the home run king

Was there to stop
the criminal
in his tracks.

And so,
home run king,

In honor of
your extraordinary
crime-fighting abilities--

Uh, wait a second!

What does
"extraordinary" mean?

Huh. I have no idea.

I know the definition.

If something is

It is very, very special
and goes

Beyond what is normal.

For example, word girl
has an extraordinary

Thank you, little girl,
but we're here today

To celebrate
the home run king,
not word girl.

And now, I give you
the home run king!

[Cheering and applause]

Thank you, mayor,
and thank you,
grateful citizens.

With my trusty baseball bat
and my sidekick

Captain extraordinary
I promise to protect you

From all evildoers
and villains.

Whenever crime strikes,
the home run king will be
sure they're out of luck!

But protecting
the city is
word girl's job!

Well, i-i think it's time
for a new super hero

To protect the city,

Whenever we need
the home run king's help,
we'll turn on...

The bat signal!

Isn't there already
one of those

For a different

[Crowd gasps]

Oh, I get it.
Baseball bat.

Narrator: what, were you
thinking of the flying mammal?


Moving on. The next day
after school...

Dad: ok, becky!

Today's the third tuesday
of a month

With an "r" in it,
and that means it's time

For you and me
to clean the garage!

Just me?

Doesn't tj have
to help, too?

Becky, the home run
king is the protector
of the city.

He needs to be ready
to fight crime

At a moment's notice.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Yeah, I need to sit
near the window
and watch

For the bat signal
and play video games.

Bob, donut me!

And since when does
tj get to eat nothing
but donuts?

Donuts give me
my extraordinary
super strength.

Argh! Dad, tj doesn't
have extraordinary
super strength,

And he's not
really a superhero!

Maybe someday if you
become a superhero,

You can eat all
the donuts you want,

But until then,
you have to help
around the house.

But unfortunately
you're not
a superhero.

You're just
becky botsford,

A normal girl who
used to be the best.

But you're wrong!

I already am
a superhero!

I have extraordinary
super powers!


Becky, there's a big
difference between being

A talented young
person and being

An extraordinary

Now let's go
clean the garage!


Oh, no, you're not.

You can be
captain extraordinary later.

Right now your name's bob,
and you're with me.

Huh?! That's
the bat signal!

The city needs me!

Captain extraordinary!

Huh. There's no time!

I must go alone.

meanwhile, at city hall...

Two brains:
ok, mr. Mayor.

I don't want
to turn you

Into a pile of goop.

All I want
are the keys
to the city's

New cheese-eum.

Uh, what's
a cheese-eum again?

The cheese-eum is
the city's new museum

Dedicated entirely to rare
and expensive cheeses.

Oh, I get it.


Now can I finish?

Thank you. Now...
Where was i?

Pile of goop.

Pile of goop!
That's right.

If you don't give me
the keys to the cheese-eum,

I will be forced to turn
you into a pile of goop!

Not if I have
anything to say
about it!

Home run king!
You saw the bat signal!

I did and just
in time fortunately.

Now you're in trouble,
two brains.

Oy. Wait.
Who's this?

Word girl
on vacation?

Dr. Two brains,
meet the home run king,

Our city's
newest superhero.

evil villain!

I am
the home run king.

Donuts fuel my
extraordinary strength,

Which I then use to
hit crime-fighting
home runs.

Yeah, so you're telling
me your "extraordinary"
super power,

Which comes
from eating donuts,

Is the ability to
hit a baseball?

Did I stutter?

And that's supposed
to somehow stop me,
my henchmen,

And our

Goop ray?

Uh, yeah?

Yeah, I'm not convinced.

Let's see what
you've got, kid.

Give me your best shot.

Strike one.

Strike two.

Strike .
You're out!

I'm kind of having
a slump.

Ok. Take another one.

Stand back!


Well, I guess it
sort of stings a little,

But otherwise, eh.

Get him, boys!

back at the botsfords'...

I think "huggy face" is
a perfectly good name.


Uh-oh, bob.
That's the bat signal.

Tj might be
in trouble!

Got to run, dad!

There's a sale
on unicorns

At princess mart!

But we were going to
tackle the attic next! Oh.

Oh, word girl!
There you are!

I was starting to worry
the city wasn't taking me

Seriously anymore!

I know how you feel.

Now then, tell
the mayor to turn over

Those cheese-eum keys,
or he and the strikeout kid

Get gooped.

The name is
the home run king!

It's a good name.

Yeah, that's
enough out of you.

Now I am gonna start
counting backwards.

That always seems
to speed scenes up.

, , ...

cartwheel rescue, go!

, , ...

Too fast for you!

Not fast enough,
word girl!

I've got this!



Tj: my sister warned me
that I was getting

In over my head.

I should have
listened to her.

Wow! She sounds like
a wise, nice person,

And, you know, I bet
she's really pretty

And also compassionate
and sometimes insightful.

And bossy
and a know-it-all and--

And probably
a really
great sister.

I've seen better.

Yeah, well nobody's

I guess I don't
have any super powers
after all.

I'm just kind of
good at baseball.

Hey, you're not just
good at baseball.

You're really,
really good.

Extraordinarily good!

If I ever need
a star batter,
I'm asking you.


You'd ask me
for help?

You never know.

But you should be
nicer to your sister.

♪ Doopty doo de doo doo

Holy extraordinary
headline callback!

What's it say?

"Home run king

word girl to continue

Protecting city!"

Tj, why are you retiring?

I don't know.
Being a superhero is
a lot of work,

And I think I should
leave the crime fighting

To the professionals,

But I am extraordinarily
good at baseball,

And for now,
that's enough.

Narrator: and so tj finally gets
to be the best at something,

And our heroic heroine
can continue protecting

The city that
depends on her.

That's all for now,
but fortunately,

You can join us next time
for another extraordinary
episode of "word girl!"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
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Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!
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