02x16 - Theme Park Wham-Page / Chuck Makes a Buck

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x16 - Theme Park Wham-Page / Chuck Makes a Buck

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: hey, kids,

Listen for the words "patience"
and "enthusiastic."

Down at the local theme park,

Eager kids bake
in the sweltering heat

Waiting to ride the park's
newest roller coaster.

Doesn't seem worth it to me, but
I'm more of a bumper car guy.



Don't worry, bob.

We'll be at the front of
the line before you know it.


"Wait time
from this point--

If I told you,
you'd cry."

Huh, well, that's
not really helpful.

I know it's hard, but if
you have a little patience,

The time will fly by
faster than you think.

All this waiting
will be worth it

When we finally get
to ride the coaster.

Of course
it'll be good.

A lot of people
just came off the ride.

That means we're closer
to the front of the line.


Oh, well, I guess
we'll just have to have
some more patience.

Yes, and more lemonade, too.
Got to have more lemonade.


What was that?

Whoo! Yeah!

What did
the whammer win?

This stuffed doe.

A stuffed doe?
That's totally whammer.

Wham! Yeah!

Thank you very much.

Wham! Yeah!

What's up,
little doe?

I'm your new whammy.


You think I should
go talk to him?

Uh, yeah, sure.

You're right.
I'll go talk to him.

Let me just step out of line
here and go talk to him.

Narrator: um, you're
still standing there.

I know. I know.

That's because,
um, you know,

I don't know if this is
really a wordgirl thing.

I mean, the whammer is not
really committing a crime.

Narrator: he destroyed
a game booth.

Well, yes,
but not on purpose.

His excitement just
got the best of him.

It's not a crime to be
enthusiastic, right?

Wordgirl doesn't have to do
everything, you know?

I think if we just
have a little patience,

This whole situation
will work itself out.

A largemouth wham!


Whoa, where'd
everybody go?


You're right.

I should go
talk to him,

And it's ok
if I lose my turn.

I mean, the coaster probably
isn't that great, anyway.

Wow, that was the
most amazing thing

I've ever done
in my entire life.

Me, too.

I'm so glad I waited
in that really long
line for that.

Boy, I sure hope
our positive comments

Don't affect
someone's decision to do
something right now.

Oh, that helps.

Narrator: why don't you just go
and leave bob here

To save your place in line?

Great idea.

Narrator: hey, I'm not just
a handsome voice.

Sure, I'll get you

Mom said
no more donuts.

Hey, whammer, you have to
stop destroying the park.

You're making it
hard for people
to enjoy themselves,

So just please be
a little more careful

And please stop
breaking things right now,

Especially before
that line over there
moves any further, ok?

Are you whamming
to me?

Oh, brother.
Ok, listen.

I know you're happy
to be at the park,

But you have to contain your
enthusiasm just a little bit.

But why? Yeah!

Oh, this is going
to be tough.

Well, look at
what you've done.


Whammer: oh,
that's not whammer.

No. It is not
whammer at all.

I'm whammy.
Does that mean

Means the whammer
is sorry, wham.

Did that "wham"
mean yes?

Ok. I'm just going to stop
asking questions.

Just please try to be
a little less enthusiastic

So everyone
can have fun.


It means having or showing
great excitement and interest,

Like how excited
you were about winning
that stuffed doe...

Stuffed doe.

Or how enthusiastic
those kids are to be riding

What "theme park
rides weekly" calls

"The best roller coaster
ever created anywhere
in the entire world."

Narrator: [clears throat]

What? Right.

So, just be
careful, ok?

The whammer just got
a bit carried away.

I'll be more wham.
Great. Thank you.

Now the whammer needs to
find the bounce house.

Oh, the bounce
house, huh?

That could get messy.

I don't know if you
should go there.

Um, just promise me
you won't break anything.

It's a wham. Yeah!

I'll take that
as a promise.

Great. Thanks.

Yay! We can see
the front of the line.

We're getting closer.


Oh, no.
I forgot your lemonade.


But I did talk
to the whammer.

He promised to be
less enthusiastic,

So there shouldn't be
any more problems.


Man: aah!


That might not be
the whammer.

Whammer: bouncing
is totally whammer.

Yeah! Ha ha ha! Wham!
Wham! Wham! Wham!

My timing is
really off today.


The whammer is really
enjoying himself. Yeah!


Well, that's not
a crime, is it,

And I'm sure some of those
people are having fun.

That looks
like fun, right?



Yes. You mentioned before
you want lemonade.

I remember.

Whammer! Ha ha ha!

Oh, ho ho ho!

Ha ha ha!


All right, whammer.
That's enough.

Hey, I was
having fun.

not helping.

So, you remember
that talk we had earlier

About you being
less enthusiastic
and not hurting anyone?

Boy, I am really
running out of patience.

The whammer is
totally confused

By what you
just whammed. Yeah.

Having patience means
not getting upset

When something is taking
a very long time,

Like I have to be be patient
when I'm constantly
explaining to you

That you should be careful
around other people

Or I'd have to be patient
to wait in a very long line

Which, of course,
is now moving much faster.

Well, that's just--
that's perfect.

You have to be careful.
You're scaring people.

Yeah. Wham.

Yes, just like that.
Oh, no!

The line is really
moving now.

Glow necklaces.

Those are
so whammer.

Man: whoa!

Patience, wordgirl,

[Bob screeches]

Ok. Um...
Hey, you look hungry.

Have you had
a hot dog yet?

The whammer has not
whammed one yet, no.

Well, you haven't had
the whole park experience

Until you've
had the hot dogs,

So go order or

And sit there and eat them
for a few hours, ok?

That sounds pretty
whammer to me. Yeah!

And remember, don't be
so enthusiastic.




All right.
It's almost our turn.

We're finally gonna
ride this thing. Let's go!


No. No lemonade.

You can get lemonade
after the ride.

I am not going to lose
my spot in this line

Because you can't wait
seconds for some lemonade.

I do not have
the patience to sit
through this line again!

are you all right?

I'm fine.
Everything is fine.

Just excited
to ride the best coaster
in the entire world.

Man, why is it
taking those people

So long to ride
this thing? Go!

There's a girl
and a monkey over here

Who want
to have some fun!

Whammer: now just a momentito,
ke-mo sah-bee.

This is so not whammer.

Hear what?
I didn't hear anything.

Whammer: listen to me.

If the whammer wants a hot dog,
the whammer will get a hot dog.

I have waited
my entire summer

To ride this
roller coaster,

And no one is going
to take this away from me.

Whammer: I guarantee you,

I will wham down
this entire park

If I do not get a hot dog
right whammer now!

Oh, he's going to
hurt someone, isn't he?

Narrator: probably.

Yeah. Well, I guess
that's how it goes.

Come on, bob.
Duty calls.

Good-bye, old friend.
May we meet again some day.


But, sir, we don't make
chocolate-covered hot dogs.

That's just

The whammer thinks
they're delicious.

Hey, we do have
chocolate-covered hot dogs.


The only hot dog
you're going to eat

Any time soon will be
covered in justice...

And ketchup...
But mostly justice.

It's for dramatic effect.
It doesn't have to make sense.

you've gone too far.

We're going to stop you
once and for all.

Oh, yeah?

Well, let's see
if you can stop this.


Huggy, move!


Huh, that's
the first time

Those have ever been
knocked over.

The whammer
wins again. Yeah!

nice sh**ting, huggy.

Whammer: ungh!


Ferris wheel. Yeah!

Invented by
a guy named ferris.


That was
the best ride ever.

Man, he's strong...

Excuse me.

Whammer would
like to know

If you're a really big
hot dog or a guy
in a hot dog suit?

But he's not
that smart.

That's it.
Come on, huggy.
I have an idea.


♪ Oh, whammer


Oh, wham!

Ooh! Oh! Oh!

Huggy, now!

Wham, wham, wham, wham...

Wait, wait, wait!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, wow!


Whammer has never
wanted a hot dog less.

Uh, yeah.

Well, whammer,
maybe now you'll
listen when someone

Tells you to not
wham everything
around you.

It's hard to say.
My tummy hurts.

I feel like
I might wham. Yeah.

Got to go.

Narrator: well, it looks like
things worked out all right

For good, old becky botsford

And her hairy monkey friend,
after all.

It just goes to show you,

A little patience
always pays off.

Tune in next time for another
enthusiastic adventure

Of wordgirl and
the scared little monkey.


Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have
a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have
a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "stench."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that show
the meaning of the word.


A stench is
a dangerous gas,

Like they showed
in the clips.

I'm sorry.

That is incorrect.
Anyone else?


Clearly a stench
is a sidekick, like huggy.

Huggy is a stench.

I'm sorry. That, too,
is incorrect.

yes, phil?

I know the definition
of "stench."

That's great.
What is it?

A stench is a strong
and disgusting smell,

Like rotten eggs or garbage
or my baby brother's diapers.


That is correct,

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won--

An official wordgirl
hugegantic fan,

Perfect to blow away
even the worst of stenches.

That's it for today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have
a word?"

Narrator: psst, listen for the
words "stupendous" and "edible."

Just another stupendous day
in the city,

And chuck the evil
sandwich making guy

Is pumping himself up
for another day

Of villainous

I am the most evil
of all the villains,

So I guess that
makes me the, um--

Oh, I'm not sure.

Narrator: the evilest?

Yes. The evilest.

I guess I'm the evilest
sandwich making guy.

Yeah. That's right.

Why am I the evilest,
you ask?

Narrator: uh...
I'll tell you.

Because I will stop at nothing
to convince everyone

That I am the greatest
sandwich maker in the world...

Or the country or
at least the city, right,

And I must be careful
not to get caught

By that tricky wordgirl,
so I will lurk in the shadows.

I lurk. I lurk like crazy.

Woman: chucky boo,
mommy needs a favor.

Ma, I'm lurk--i mean,
I'm working down here.

But there's
nothing edible
in this whole house.

Go get your mother
something to eat.

When I'm finished here.
Where was i? Oh, yes.

I was lurking
in the shadows.

Maybe I should
wear a cape.

Chucky, I'm hungry!

I'll be right there.

I wonder if they
come in sizes, though.

Coming, ma.

Narrator: later at
edible edibles sandwich shop...

You call what you make
here sandwiches?

You afraid to answer me?

Well, a little.

This is my first robbery,
but please continue.

I'm listening.

I could make
better sandwiches

With both my hands
tied behind my back.

Well, I might
need my hands

To make
the sandwiches.

give it up, chuck.

Oh, thank you,

You're welcome,
sandwich shop boss.

Oh, sweetheart,
call me reuben.

Wordgirl: reuben.
You're welcome, reuben.

You can't stop me,

Oh, yeah? Watch me.

You wouldn't.


No sandwich,
not even these horrible ones,

Should touch the floor.

Wordgirl, my name
is reuben grinder,

And I own this place,
and I want to say thank you.

Here's a coupon
for a free drink
when you buy a combo meal.

Hey, thanks.
Oh, sure.

Now come on, chuck.

There's a jail cell downtown
with your name on it.

Really? I must be
pretty dangerous.

I hope they
spelled it right.

Excuse me, mr. Evil
sandwich making guy.

Just chuck.

Well, I found myself staring
at that gorgeous face of yours

Thinking it's a shame
you're so evil

Because your
sandwich-shaped face

Could sell
a lot sandwiches.

It's an advertising
gold mine.
Hey, yeah.

Chuck would make a great
spokesperson for your store.

He sure would.

Hey, I have
a stupendous idea.

Uh, wordgirl, if you
have a stupid idea,

Why would we
want to hear it?

No, not a stupid idea,
a stupendous idea.

See, "stupendous" means
something that's huge

And exciting and marvelous,
like my stupendous idea,

Which is, if I promise
to watch chuck

And make sure
he behaves,

Would you let him
be your spokesperson?

I don't know.

He did try
to rob me,

And he insulted
my sandwich making,

But that
sandwich-shaped face,
it looks edible.

And it would
really boost sales.

What the heck?
I'll hire him.

Congratulations, chuck.

You're the new spokesperson
for edible edibles.

Well, it sounds
a little too much
like a job to me.

A job could be the thing
that puts you on
the straight and narrow.

Just think of it
like community service...

I don't
think so.

And if you refuse,
I'm taking you to jail.

When you put it
that way, this job
could be my chance

To show the world
my sandwich making

I'll be your new
sandwich maker.

Sandwich making?
No, absolutely not.

With that face, you were
born to sell sandwiches.

Now go stand
outside the shop

And point people in
the right direction.

Oh, darn
this gorgeous
face of mine.


We love you,

you're awesome!

I can't believe it!


Of all the sandwich

the dreamiest!

Oops, sorry,
sammy sub.

Follow me, chuck.


Come on.

Hey, you ok,

I don't know
about this job.

Oh, come on.
You should be happy.

You're always talking
about how you want people
to notice you.

Yeah, but I want
to be known for my
sandwich making skills,

Not for my
stunning good looks.

It's still better than
being in jail, isn't it?

Isn't it? Isn't it?

Narrator: later
at edible edibles,

Reuben grinder is up to
his elbows in finger sandwiches.

Oh, chuck,
I need your help.

I have to make hundreds
of sandwiches

For the fancy people's
annual awards dinner.

I finally get
to make sandwiches. Yes!

Hey, I'll be at
that fancy people's

awards dinner.

They're giving me
an award.

In fact, I need
to get ready.

Hey, chuck,
if I leave, will you
behave yourself?

Of course.
What could go wrong?

I'll be doing what I love--
making sandwiches.

Yeah. Don't worry,

He'll be fine
here with me.

Oh, all right.
I guess it'll be ok.

Come on,
captain huggy face.

I have to go
practice my speech.

This is gonna
be great--

Chuck the evil
sandwich making guy

Actually making

Who would have ever
believed it?

Ok, chuck.
Put on this apron.

An apron?

Put it on, and I'll show you
how to make a sandwich.

Show me how
to make a sandwich?

Do you have any idea
who you're talking to?

I am an artiste.

I do things my way,
and I don't do aprons.

Listen. I don't have
time to argue.

If you don't
want to wear the apron,
then don't wear it.

Now help me make more of
these tiny, teeny sandwiches.

But those sandwiches,
they're so, so, small.

They're supposed
to be that size.

Ha ha ha! What?
Come on.

Let's make
big sandwiches.
Oh, no.

Nothing offends the fancy
more than a big sandwich.

but no buts and
no crusts, either.

No crusts? Reuben?

it's mr. Grinder.

I can't make
these teeny things.

They don't even
look edible.

Let me show
those fancy people

What a real
sandwich is.

Chuck, make the sandwiches
the way I ask you to.

That is an order.
No. I refuse.

If I don't make
the sandwiches,

Are you gonna
fire me?

Oh, goodness no.
I've never fired anyone.

I hate confrontation.

Good, because I quit.
I don't need you.

I'm chuck the evil
sandwich making guy,

Not chuck the teeny
sandwich making
and promoting guy.

I'm off to lurk
in the shadows.

Darn. I really do
need to get a cape.

It would help.

Narrator: meanwhile
at the annual fancy people's
awards dinner...

Mm, stupendous.

I haven't seen
sandwiches this tiny

Since I was a lad
in short pants.

You should have seen my
wonderful little legs.

Mm, yum.

What a stupendously
edible treat.

Why do you
call them edible?

Because they're ok
to be eaten.

That is the definition of
"edible," correct, wordgirl?

Yes. You're right.

"Edible" can be used to describe
anything that's ok to eat.

Why, I'd love to share an
edible treat with you right now,

But I have to practice
my speech.

That's a usage
of the word "edible."

Oh, ho ho ho!

Mm, what a delight.

"I'd like to thank
all the fancy people
who voted for me."

Man on p.a.:
Excuse me, everyone.


Let's salute the gentleman who
brought us these tiny treats.

Oh, no.
It's nothing.

fancy people.

You and reuben grinder don't
know anything about sandwiches.

They're supposed to be
stupendous works of art

Loaded with condiments.

Oh, no.

Don't you see
that there are--
oh, dreadful.

Oh, my.

Why, this whole time,
we've been part

Of a giant
open-faced sandwich.


Oh, dear, I'm up to my
sock garters in mayonnaise.

Your love of tiny sandwiches
is a crime

Against sandwiches
and sandwich makers,

And I'm the best darn
sandwich maker in the world...

Or at least in the city.

No. I'm sticking
to in the world.

Is that ok with everyone?
Not with me, chuck.

Hi, wordgirl.
I quit my job,
you know?

Yeah. I kind of figured that
when you broke in here

And covered everyone
in mayonnaise.

Why did you quit?
I'm an artiste.

I can't be told
what to do.

But sometimes artistes
have to compromise.

Not sandwich

This is really
embarrassing, chuck.

I'm supposed to be
responsible for you,

And you crash a party
where I'm getting an award.

I'm sorry.

I guess I didn't
think about your award.

So, why don't you
leave now,

And we'll forget
this whole thing
ever happened, ok?


Are you crazy?

Do you know how hard
it is to change a floor

Into a giant
piece of bread?

You people don't
know sandwiches,

But maybe
if you spend
some time being one,

You'll know what
a real sandwich is.

For the love of
all things fancy,

The upper crust is going
to crush the upper crust.

[All screaming]

Narrator: the fancy people
are in quite a pickle.

Oh, the humanity.

Chuck, you've
made your point.

Please stop it now.
Are you kidding?

I'm about to make
sandwich history.

Then I'm about to rewrite
your sandwich history.

Hiyah! Hah!
Hah! Brr-yaah!

Oh, thanks
to wordgirl,

We don't have to
experience the horror

Of being a stupendously
large sandwich.

Oh, and the tiny
sandwiches are saved.

I really thought
I'd helped you find

The path to the
straight and narrow.

You can't change me,

It will be only
a matter of time

Before I'll be back
lurking in the shadows.

I really need
to get a cape.

Come on, huggy.

Let's go help clean up
this sandwich mess.

I hope you brought
your appetite.

Narrator: another stupendous job

By wordgirl
and captain huggy face.

And, please,
for all your edible needs,

Go to edible edibles and stop by

And say hello
to the new spokesperson--

Yours truly.

Tune in next time
for another stupendous
adventure of wordgirl.

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have
a word?"

Our returning champion will have
a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly defined
the word "stench."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I guess so.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "stench."

Any guesses, phil?

T.j. Is definitely
running from a skunk,

And skunks are known
for their stench,

So number .

That's correct, phil.
You're our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy--

A year's supply
of stench-be-gone perfume.

See you next time on...

"May I have
a word?"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library,

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is "creme brulee."

I like that word because

It sounds really fancy
and I just love saying it.

I've never tried it before, but
I'm sure it tastes really good.

Creme brulee.
Creme brulee.

My favorite word is "fabulous"
because that's what I am.

I'm pretty.
I have good grades.

My friends tell me I'm fabulous.

My teachers and my parents

Are, like, the number-one people
that tell me that I'm fabulous.

Captain huggy face,

Show us what
lackadaisical means.

That's right! Lackadaisical
means to feel bored

Like you don't care
about something.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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