01x07 - S.O.S. Dinobots

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x07 - S.O.S. Dinobots

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons.

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

IRONHIDE: If you ask me,
the Decepticons are

behind these shake-ups, Optimus Prime.

You know how that junk-punk
Rumble likes to make earthquakes.

-The tremors are strongest
over here, Ironhide.

-Let me check it out, Spike.

If Decepticons are
burrowin' behind that rock,

my sonadar sensors will sniff 'em out.

No Decepti-creeps, but there
is somethin' weird in there.

-Get your pistons pumping, Sideswipe!

Let's clean up this mess.

Hey, there's a cavern in there!

SIDESWIPE: Well, I'll be a
cybertronic boltbat!

-What are they?

-Feels like stone, but they look
like the bones of some giant creature.

-They're the fossilized
bones of dinosaurs,

animals that ruled Earth
millions of years ago.

-Mmm. Dinosaurs, eh?

They must have
been ugly suckers.

-I'd sure like to know
more about 'em.

-As would I.

Perhaps Spike would be willing
to continue our dinosaur education.

-As long as the water goes
over the great falls,

the generators will keep
producing electrical energy.

-Data gathering complete, Reflector.

-Then let's go, Soundwave.
Megatron awaits our report.

HOUND: This is exciting, Spike.

I've never been to a museum.

SPIKE: Careful, don't bump your head.

-Wow, man. That's what I
call heavy metal!

-There. Why don't you get some
holograms of those babies?

The Brontosaurus, then the Triceratops,
and finally the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

-That one's a walking fang factory.

-Very impressive.

SPIKE: There they are, guys. Dinosaurs.

Not very intelligent, because
of their tiny brains,

but extremely powerful.

-If only we had some
dinosaurs working for us.

They'd really shake up
the Decepticons. Hmm.

-I'm with you, Wheeljack.

We could build robot versions
of those oversized iguanas,

if it was okay with Optimus Prime.

-Robot dinosaurs might be useful.

You have my authorization.

-It'll never work. Big waste of time.

MEGATRON: The data collected by Reflector,
Soundwave, and Laserbeak,

leads to only one conclusion,

A perpetual power source
exists which can provide us,

with enough energy to
vanquish the Autobots,

and control the universe forever.

-I suppose you've devised a brilliant
plan for seizing it, eh, leader?

-Affirmative, Starscream. We
attack the falls at once.

Decepticons, prepare for conquest!

WHEELJACK And now, fellow Autobots,
and especially Optimus Prime,

it gives me great pleasure to present--

-Will you get to the point?

-Autobots, meet Dinobots.

-Look at the size of those things.

Great Cybertron.

Holy hetrodyne.

-Allow me to introduce
Grimlock, Slag, and Sludge.

-Dinobots, huh? I thought you were
supposed to make dinosaurs!

[ laughs mockingly ]

-Dinobots, transform.

OPTIMUS PRIME: Interesting.

But what else can they do?

-Dinobots, clear this rubble.

-And be quick about it!

-Of course, the Dinobots have simple
brains, just like real dinosaurs,

but nobody's perfect.

However, we're working
on improving their -- huh?

-They've gone haywire!

-We have to stop these Dinobots
before they create a catastrophe!

-Watch Grimlock! He's headed
for the control room!

Maybe I can slow him down!

-You'll need help!

SPIKE: Oh, no, not Teletraan I!

Roll us out of here, Bumblebee!
Teletraan's going to...

Oh, no! Poor Teletraan I.

-[ dinobot growls ]

SPIKE: Ratchet, over here!

-You okay, little buddy?

Any major damage?

-Uh, I just popped a few gaskets, Ratchet.

Come on, Grimlock! Try steppin' on a bug!

-[ dinobot growls again ]

-There goes an Autobot with guts.

RATCHET: Stand back, kid.

I've got work to do.

-That smarts!

-[ laughs ]

Must be getting old, Ironhide.

What you need is a force field!

SUNSTREAKER: Hey, not the face, okay?

Just had it chromed!

-Doesn't anything get to this guy?

-[ dinobots growling ]


The Dinobots must be destroyed!

-Wait! Maybe my magnetic
inducer can stop them!


But I beg you, Optimus.

Please don't make me pull the plug on 'em.

-I'm sorry, Wheeljack. The Dinobots
must never be activated again.

They're too dangerous.

-You wanna fight us, you germs?

-No way!
-Let's get outta here!

-I'm history!

-They're shutting down the generators.

We need help... in a big way.

Calling Teletraan I!

Teletraan I?

No response... Teletraan !
Come in, please!

-I, Megatron, declare this
facility... Decepticon domain!

-Until Teletraan I's operational again,

it's up to us to check on
Decepticon activity, Hound.

-I enjoy it, Spike.

It gives me an excuse to do
a little earth-style sightseeing.

Hold it.

I'm picking up electronic signals.

Could be Decepticons.

I'll zero in on those signals and
try to hologram their source.

Decepticons, all right, at the great falls.

Hound calling Optimus
Prime. Enemy sighted.

OPTIMUS PRIME: Acknowledged, Hound.

We'll meet you at the falls
in , astroseconds.

Autobots, transform!

Not you, Bumblebee.

Stay here and guard headquarters.

Roll out!

-Endless energy, Starscream.

-Unless we're interrupted by the Autobots.

-As usual, you underestimate
me, Starscream.

I have already devised a warm
reception for our foes,

if they should be foolish
enough to... interfere.

-Is it much farther, Hound?

-Just up ahead, Spike, and
it's magna-spectacular.

-I don't detect any Decepticons.

-Maybe Hound's got glitch-mice
in his data banks again.

[ laughs ]

-No, we're in the right place. Those
electronic signals are stronger than ever.

Right you are, Autobot!

Forward, warriors! Take them!

-Autobots! Fight back!

-You're too slow, rusty pants!

-Aw, shut up and fight!

-Nice sh**t', if you
were aimin' for the sky!

MEGATRON: Now you will witness the
power of my fusion cannon!

Ready, Rumble?

-Ready to shake, ready to quake!

Bumblebee! Optimus ordered you
to stay at headquarters!

-I don't like to disobey, but
I had to do something.

I hope Optimus won't be mad.

-He won't be anything unless
we can get some help fast!

-What now, Megatron?

Surely a little bath hasn't ended
our Autobot problem.

-We shall retrieve their
short-circuited carcasses,

and prepare them for
permanent disfunction.

-Bumblebee, I can't interface
with Optimus Prime!

-He, uh, may already
have been... terminated.

SPIKE: Or maybe he just can't respond!

We've gotta try to save
him and our friends!

-But we don't have enough Autobots
to fight all those Decepti-rats.

-But we do have something else.

I've been working on a
little research project.

I designed these new memory components
to upgrade the Dinobots' brains.

They'll make them smarter
and easier to control. I hope.

-But Optimus Prime decreed
that the Dinobots,

must never be activated again!

-Any better ideas?

We have to do this quickly before
the Decepticons get wind of it!

-Okay, guys. Cross your
transistors, or something.

WHEELJACK: Dinobots, awaken!

Go. Save Autobot friends.

Save our leader, Optimus
Prime. Do you understand?

-Uhh, save friends? Huhh...

-Save leader?

-Uhh, um, maybe we should.

-We do... as told... for now.

-Don't stress your circuitry.

You'll never break those energon chains
in your weakened condition.

-[ everyone stuggles ]

Prepare for terminal meltdown.

Decepticons: ready, aim...

What are those?!

-Which ones friends?

-Uh, ones with face like this.

Uh, I think.

-That good enough for Slag!

-[ dinobot growls ]

-You're supposed to know
everything! What are those?

-Scrap metal. Once we've
finished with them!

-Speaking of scrap, Megatron,
try this on for size!

-Gyro inhibitor shells!

My equilibrium, destabilized!

[ groaning ]

-Megatron has fallen!

I, Starscream, am now your leader!

Decepticons, follow me!

-I don't know what you are, but
I hope this burns you up!

- [ dinoboat growls angrily ]

-If on Decepticon turf you
happen to tumble,

look out, robot, 'cause
here comes Rumble!

Hey! No fair!

-Heat-seeking missiles, seek heat!


keep fighting at all costs!

I will lead us to victory yet!

-What's this?

My friends' weapons!

Let's see. Sideswipe's flare
g*n should dry off your circuits,

and Bluestreak's bolts will give
you all an instant recharge!

-Enough! We must retreat! Retreat!

-Okay, Optimus Prime, we admit
we disobeyed your orders.

-And whatever punishment you
have in mind we deserve.

-But face it, Optimus Prime,

If they obeyed your orders,
you'd all be goners by now.

-Indeed. Sometimes even the wisest
of men and machines can be in error.

I have no reprimand for
Wheeljack or Bumblebee.

But as for the Dinobots, they
have proven their value.

The Dinobots shall remain among us!

-[ everyone cheers ]

-[ dinobots roar happily ]
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