01x13 - Tobey or Consequences

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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01x13 - Tobey or Consequences

Post by bunniefuu »

"Wordgirl" was made possible
by contributions

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from viewers like you.

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw
some mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: claire macallister is
about to go on a business trip

And leave a babysitter
in charge of her son,

The mischievous
boy genius tobey.

Ok. Just a few more
things before I go.


Here's the homing device
for tobey's tracking

The button to short out
his electrical
defense shield,

The nullifier
to neutralize his
giant, attacking robots.

What else?
What else?
What else?

Wait. Giant,
attacking robots?

Ok. Got to go. Bye.

[Door closes]


Oh. Hee hee!

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: meanwhile
in the botsford's front yard...

Hmm, "enormo-grow,
for truly enormous plants."



Whoa. Hey there,
big fella.

Hmm, seems to be
heading downtown.

I better
follow it.

Oh, uhh...
School project?

Hmm, ok. Have fun.

Thanks, dad.

Aww, big lug knocked over
my watering can.

Oh. Thank you.

[All screaming]

Ok. Now, who wants to compete
in the long jump?

Excellent. Step up, boys.

Ready, number ?

Ooh, good distance,
but I have to take points off
for the landing.

Ok. Ready, number ?

tobey, tobey.



Um, what
are you doing?

You know,
just hangin'.

Any chance
you can "hang"

Without crashing
your enormous robots
into buildings?

Of course not.

Well, have fun
rebuilding them.

wordgirl, wordgirl,

Did you really think
I'd make a special trip

To the city
with just robots?

Oh, boy.

How many do you think
you can take?



So, wordgirl, what would
you like to see next,

A relay race
or robot hopscotch?

Neither, tobey,
because I happen

To know your weakness,
and her name is mommy.

Prepare to go
to your room.

You have me
on speed dial?

That's cool.

Hey, if you ever
want to go out
for ice cream or--

It's strictly
for business purposes.

Right. Right.


Hi, uh...
Mrs. Macallister?

She's away on business.
Can I take a message?

Actually tobey is
wrecking the city with
a bunch of robots, so--

Uh, sure, he is.

How can he be
wrecking the city

When he's sitting
right here?

I don't the answer
to that, but---
wait. What?

He's only, like,
the best kid I ever baby-sat.

No. He's
destroying the city.

Talk to you later.
No, no, no,
no, no, no, no.


Oh, do you believe
the weirdos in this world?

Now, where were we?
Oh, right.

Kayla called zach,
even though I told her
I totally like him,

And, like, kayla is supposed
to be my best friend,

And she totally
went behind my back.

I told her we are
so not friends anymore.

Do you think I did
the right thing?

Oh, thank you.
You are such a good listener.

So, did you have a nice,
little conversation

With the babysitter?
Ha ha ha!

Huggy, activate
emergency plan
number .

I'll stall
for time.
Oo oo oo.

No. That's .
Oo oo.

That's .

No. Tha--
just go talk
to the babysitter.

So, wordgirl,
what now, hmm?

I'm not sure.

I've never faced an enormous
army of robots before.

Ohh, "enormous."

What a painfully
ordinary word.

I mean, you are
wordgirl, aren't you?

Couldn't you come up
with a better word
for "big,"

Like "massive"
or "gigantic"

Or, ooh, "gargantuan."

Listen. I'm not
going to stand here

And bicker with you
about words.

"Bicker," hmm?
What about "tussle"?

"Tussle" is good.
I like "brawl."

Stop. Stop. Stop!

"Stop" is such
an easy word.

What about "cease"?

Ok. Cease...

Or the rest of my robots
will tear this city
apart, hmm?

Fine. I halted.

You think you're
so smart, don't you,

With your super powers,
and your vocabulary,

And your luminous smile?

But you can be beaten,
just like everyone else.

I'm going to prove that
I'm smarter than you,

And then you'll
be mine, all mine.

What do you mean
by I'll be all yours?

Oh, uh, nothing.
Never mind.

Have you ever seen
the game show
"cash or pie"?

Well, now it's time
to play "crash or pie."

Hee hee hee!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

[Robots laugh]
yes. Thank you.
I know.

If I win, you have
to sit and watch

As my robots
destroy the city.

Also, I promised
a friend that I'd get

A photo of you signed,
"tobey, all my love,

Uh, his name
is tobey, too.

Anyway, if I lose,
which isn't likely,

I'll shut down
my robots,

But I still need
the photo. Deal?

Do I have choice?
Not really.

Hurry up, huggy.


[Doorbell rings]

Hello? Oh, wow!
An aardvark in tights.


Are you trying to
tell me something?

Oh. Maybe tobey
is good at charades.

He is such
a good listener.

You know, I've been
talking to him for
a couple of hours.

I know it's hard
to believe because
I am so shy,

But he's so easy
to talk to.

He's just, like,
one of those people.

You're just "blah, blah,
blah, blah,"
and hours later,

You realize
you've been talking
that long, you know?

Narrator: welcome, folks, to
the first-ever showing of, uh--

"Crash or pie."

Narrator: crash or pie.

Now introducing
our contestants...

From the suburbs,
he's a -year-old genius

Who enjoys wreaking havoc
with his robots,

And also has a secret crush
on wordgirl.

Let's welcome
theodore tobey macallister.

yes. Thank you.

Save it for the end.

and from the planet lexicon,

She's a pint-sized powerhouse
who enjoys reading,

Decorating her doll house,

And pulverizing those who stand
in the way of justice.

Let's welcome wordgirl.

yeah. Hello.

Uh, no
secret crushes?

as a matter of fact, she does,

But I'm not allowed to say.

But you
revealed mine.

Narrator: yeah,
but it's her show.

Just start the game.

Narrator: fine.
Here are the rules.

I'll say a word.

The first person
to hit the buzzer

And give another word
that means the same thing

As that word gets a point.


Narrator: correct.

Hey, the game
hasn't started.

Narrator: excuse me,
but I'm the host.

I'll say when
the game has started.



Narrator: ok. Wordgirl
has jumped out to an early lead.

Let's see if she can keep it.


Narrator: oh, I'm sorry tobey.
We weren't playing yet.

That's embarrassing.
Ha ha ha!

Ok. The next word
is "soggy."

Narrator: correct.

Hold on a sec.
You're cheating.

I am not.
Yes, you are.

You're using
your super speed
to buzz in before I can.

No, I'm not.
I'm just smarter
than you.

Is that so?

Well, if that's
how you want to play...

the next word is...


Tobey: ahem. "Like."

Narrator: correct.

No fair.
You cheated.

It was an accident.
My finger slipped.

next word is "finish."


Narrator: correct.

What's taking
huggy so long?

Are you having as hard
a time understanding him
as I am?

If tobey can't
understand you,
then nobody can.

He's, like, the best kid
I ever baby-sitted,

And I've baby-sitted
them all.

Wait. Is it "baby-sitted"
or "baby-sat"?
I can never remember.

Anyway, like I was saying,
I have baby-sat so many kids

Since I started doing this,
and he's the best kid ever.

He's so quiet, I don't think
he's even said two words
since I've been here.

It so funny his mom even
thinks that I need this.

I don't even know
what it does,

Something about robots,
but, I mean, how silly.

How could anyone
possibly think--hey!


Why, you little--

Narrator: well,
after a strong rally by tobey...

And a healthy dose
of cheating...

we're tied at .

Time for
the lightning round.

You each take a turn
giving me a synonym

For the lightning word.

The first person
to give a wrong word loses.

We start with wordgirl.
Are you ready?

Oh, yeah.
Bring it.

Narrator: ok. Here we go.

The lightning word
is "enormous."





Uh, "unsmall."


That's not a word.
Is too.

Is not.
Is too.

Is not.
Is too.

Is not!
whoa! Stop.

When there's an argument,

It's up to the judge
to decide who's right.

Oh, fine.

Narrator: the fate of the city
hangs in the balance.

What will the brilliant
and handsome judge decide?

Oh, brother.

Narrator: will he side
with wordgirl and save the city,

Or will he side with tobey
and watch it be destroyed?

Stay tuned and find out.

Um, what was the argument
about again?

Well, the original
word was "enormous,"

And tobey's answer
was "unsmall."

Narrator: oh, that's not a word.
Wordgirl wins.

Ha! Well, tobey,
looks like it's time

To shut down your
"unsmall" friends.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I forgot to tell you

I'm a very sore loser.

Ha ha ha!

What did you do?

I have no idea.

[Huggy whistles]

Great job, huggy.

Tobey: give me that.

Would you get--

[Beep beep]

Ohh, boy. Ahem.

Uh, hi, mom.
You look great.

Did you have
a nice trip?

What? Oh, these.

These aren't mine.

I was just out
for a walk,

my own business.

Ahem. Ok.

These are mine,
but I wasn't going to--

Oh, forget it.
Ow. Ow. Ow!

Narrator: and so,
the city is safe once again,

All thanks to wordgirl...

Oh, and captain huggy face.

I should probably mention
the baby-sitter.

She helped out, too,
and tobey's mom.

Hey, come on.
Wrap it up.

Narrator: fine. Sorry.

You, too, huggy.

join us again next time

For "the amazing colossal
adventures of wordgirl"...

Oh, and thanks for playing
"crash or pie." Good night.

♪ Wordgirl
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