01x11 - Two Brain Highway

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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01x11 - Two Brain Highway

Post by bunniefuu »

Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children.

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

on a beautiful morning
in front of city hall...

As the local
district attorney,

I say that these fresh baked
muffins are guilty...

Of being delicious!

Um, mom, what is
this bake sale
for again?

The d.a.'S office is
all out of pens, hon.

We can't put bad guys
in jail without pens.


Here we go!
Ok, step right up.


Is it my prices?

Uh, mom, I think
I'll go get

Some more...
Baking supplies.

Crusher! Crusher!

Or maybe I'll just go
get into my wordgirl


Word up!

Attention, citizens!

It's me, chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy!

I like sandwiches.

No, I don't make them
for you.

I'm evil!

City hall is right underneath
my giant sandwich press!

Unless you meet my demands,
city hall is--uh...

You know...
What's the word?

Wordgirl: doomed!

Which is what your plan
is about to be!

How did you find me?

Oh, oh, right.
I'm not hiding.

Ha ha ha! Silly.

Save yourself the trouble,
chuck, and give up!


Oh, yeah,
well, you--what?

I said ok.

Go ahead, wordgirl.
Take me in.

Wow. I didn't expect this
to be that easy.

Oh, it isn't.

Taking me in won't
do you any good.

This baby's
on a timer!

that's pretty smart.
Chuck: I know, right?

The press will keep
dropping slowly

As the timer
counts down.

When it gets to zero,

It smashes
to the ground,

And city hall is--
oh, um...


Doomed. City hall is doomed.

City hall is doomed!

Ha ha ha!


Ha ha!

I don't think so,
weird hairy guy!

I built it out
of super-strong steel!

Heh heh!

There must be some way
to stop it.

Oh, there is!

But I'm not telling you
about the secret code!

I didn't say
"secret code"
out loud, did i?


Oh! Well,
it doesn't matter,

'Cause you'll never
guess what it is!


Ok, not anymore!

Ok, well, then
I'll just have to take
your sandwich press apart!

[Crowd gasping]

Ok, huggy, just like
we've been practicing!


Oh. Then there's
always plan "b."


Plan "c"?


Chuck: you're running out
of time, wordgirl,

And plans
with letters in them!

Ha ha ha!

Clock is ticking!

You'd better, um...

One more, please.
One more time?

I'd better hustle.


Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy,
signing off!

Oh, yeah!

That's the way
you do it,

Ooh, now who's
that handsome guy
in the mirror?

Excuse me,
mr. Handsome.

I would just love
to go out to dinner
with you--

You left the p.a. On.

All: hi, mr. Handsome!

That's it!
Either meet my demands

Or city hall is--
uh, what was
that word again?

Oh, yeah.

City hall is doomed!

Doomed means
something bad, right?

Yeah, it means something
that's going to end
in disaster.


For example,
your chances

Of actually succeeding
with this evil plot
are doomed.

Oh, I get it--hey!

What? It's the first thing
I thought of.

Well, the first thing
I think of is how doomed
your attempts were

At destroying my
giant sandwich press!

he got you there.

Face it, wordgirl.

The only way you're
going to stop me

Is by meeting
my demands!

What are they?

Well, yeah, um, i...

To be honest, you've
usually stopped me
by this point.

That's true.
Well, listen,

Why don't you go
for a walk and think
about it?

It'll come to you.

Yeah, yeah,
that might work.

Uh, you'll be here
when I get back?

Oh, yeah.

I have to figure out
the secret code!

Let's see. "Sandwich"?

Ha ha ha ha!
Uh..."Bread. "

Ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, no! City hall!

This isn't working!

We have to try
something else.


Great idea, huggy!

My mom does have a file
on chuck in her office.

Maybe it'll have a clue.

I'll stay here
and keep trying.

You go get
that file!

Go, huggy! Dash!


You know, dash.

It means to hurry,
move quickly, hustle.


Go! Dash!

Ha ha ha ha!

Uh, "bologna."
Ha ha ha ha!

"Grilled cheese--"
chuck: hey.

Oh! Hi!

Yeah, hi. Could you
do me a favor?

Promise you won't
try to put in
the secret code?


Great. Thanks!

Narrator: meanwhile...

Hey, a real live

How exciting!
What's your name again?

Oh, well, hi,
mr. Wristwatch!

You want me
to follow you?

Ok. Where would you
like to go?


The zoo?

No. Um--
I know!

The tuscaloola county
asparagus festival!

No? Oh.

Uh...the dunbar deli
for a sandwich?

Oh, my.


I guess we're going.


Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!


So I think
I finally
figured out--hey!

Were you trying
to guess
the secret code?

Me? No. I was...

Uh, ordering lunch!

Oh. Ok.

So I think I finally know
what I want as a demand.

Are you ready?

I want...

A foot-long sandwich!

Yeah! Take that!

What? You're not
writing this down.

Really? That's all
you want?

Well, no, but I don't
want to be greedy.

Uh, that's kind of
the whole point
of this.

Oh, yeah, I guess.

Look, I'm not sure
I should be helping you
with this part,

But since you're doomed
anyway, why not?

Try to think
of something you've
always wanted.

Hmm. Should it be

I don't think
it has to be.

Oh...that kind of
makes it harder.

ask for a speedboat.

Did--did he say

Narrator: yeah,
they're really fun!

They make them
in all colors now.

All right!
I want a speedboat!

Narrator: attaboy!
W-w-wait, though.

I--i need to know,
can these be used
on land?

I'm a little scared
of the water part.

Narrator: oh, boy.

It doesn't have
to be a speedboat,

Just something
that big. Get it?

I think so.

Go for another walk
and figure it out.

Good idea! Thanks!

Forgot my lucky
bottle cap! Yeah.

Ok! Bye!

Yikes! Huggy!
You'd better hustle!

Mrs. Botsford:
well, here we are!

It's kind of funny
that you want a tour
now, but ok.

You know, we're a part
of the same system,
you and i.

You catch 'em
and I put 'em away.

oh, ok.

Calm down.
I'll start the tour.

This is my desk.

That's my favorite pen--
oh, yes.

Chuck the evil
something something.

What a nasty fellow.

Can you believe him,
trying to crush
city hall?

You know, it's that kind
of--yeah, I know.

I'd like to file him
away, too,

But we've got
to catch him first.


Draw me next!

I've got it!

You want to sh**t arrows
into a file folder

And give it to chuck!

You know, I have
a file on chuck.

You want to see it?


So, should we continue
the tou--aah!

But I didn't get
to show you
my favorite mug!

Wordgirl: "pickles."

Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: you're
running out of time.

I know!
You should hustle.

I am!
You should hustle

You're not helping!

"Potato chips."

Ha ha ha ha!

I got it!

This time I know
what I wa--hey!

You were trying
to guess the code!

No, no.

I can't believe
you lied to me!

Uh, well--

If you can't trust
a superhero,
who can you trust?

And I was all excited
to tell you,

I was going to ask
for $ million.

You were?
Narrator: impressive.

Thanks! But since you
couldn't wait, wordgirl,

I'm not going to ask
for anything!

I'm going to crush
city hall right now!

You are all doomed!

Ha ha ha!

Uh-uh! No dice, chuck!
You're not getting past me!

I don't have to.

Ta da.

Remote control?
No fair.

[Car lock chirps]

Wrong button.

There we go!

You lost, wordgirl!

City hall is doomed!

Ha ha ha!

I love this.

I mean,


Chuck: hey!

That's my file!
You're not supposed
to have that!


Huh. Chuck's first pet was
a little bunny named fluffy.



Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.

Well, chuck,
looks like
the only demands

You'll be able
to make will be
in prison!

I can take it
from here.

Oh, goody!

Now we can continue
our tour. Come on!

Narrator: and so city hall
is saved from doom

By the swift thinking
and expl*sive kung fu

Of wordgirl
and captain huggy face.

Tune in next time
for another thrill-packed
episode of "wordgirl."


Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word!"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word!"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "pounce."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that show
the meaning of the word.

[Huggy screeching]


What is going on
with you, emily?

Ha ha ha!
It's just so cute

The way huggy
pounces on people!

Ok, but can anyone--

I'll define it,

But can huggy
pretty-please pounce
on something first?

I really don't think

thanks, huggy.

To pounce is
to spring
on something

Or someone

That is correct!

Congratulations, emily,
you are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official wordgirl
hot air dr. Two brains

All: ooh!

Nice pouncing, huggy!

Ha ha!
He's so cute!

All right,
well, that's it
for today's show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: outside the city
maximum security prison,

Warden chalmers is holding
a press conference.

Today is
an historic day
in history.

For on this
historic day,

History will show

That we have indeed
made history!

I give you
the newest innovation

In prison security,
the giant maze!

It is absolutely

And that's a guarantee!

Hey, what does
"guarantee" mean again?

It's a promise
that what he says
is true.

And to cut
the ceremonial ribbon,

Straight from
the district attorney's office,

Sally botsford!

Oh, stop.

The giant maze is
officially open!

I have a question!

What is it?

How do you know no one
can get out of this maze?

Have you tested it?

Funny you should
mention that.
Heh heh heh.

No. But we're going
to test it right now!

Bring him out!

dr. Two brains!

[Laughing evilly]

You see?

Under control.

Ahem. Now, in order
to prove to you

That this maze is
totally escape-proof,

I will set
dr. Two brains free!

They're just about
toelease him. Get ready.

Ok, boys, put him in!

Warden: see? It works!

He's in.
Release the cheese.

Quick! Put it
in front of the exit!

And so, to sum up,

My glorious, beautiful maze
is a complete, %--

Dr. Two brains:
ha ha ha!


Ok, boys, take 'er down.

Well, that was
exciting, huh?

Uh, yeah, mom.

So, who wants lunch?

I do!

Oh, um, I can't.

Uh, I have
to take bob to, uh,

Obedience school.

Sit, bob! Roll over!

I see what you mean.

Ooh! We're late!
Come on, bob!

I'm sorry.

It was the best
I could come up

Narrator: meanwhile, in the lair
of dr. Two brains...

Excellent work,

Thanks, doc.

So, let's break
some laws, eh, boys?

It's a great big city
out there,

And it's time I get
my paws on some cheese.
Ha ha ha ha!

They got
a bunch of cheese
at the museum.

A rare cheese exhibit, eh?

And just when I was
having a craving.

What a coincidence!
Ha ha ha!


Uh, doc?

Yes, what is it?

Me and charlie
were talkin', see?

And, well, while
you were in prison,

We worked
for this other guy
for a little bit.

And we got to wear
these really nice

Yeah, well,
a little formal.

Well, not that
these jumpsuits
ain't nice,

But me and charlie thought
that maybe we could get
something new--

New uniforms, eh?
Mmm, I'll see what I can do.

No guarantees, though.

But no time
for that now, boys,

Because we have
a robbery to plan!

Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: meanwhile,
searching the city...

Still no sign
of dr. Two brains.

If only there were
some sort of big event
going on

Having to do
with cheese.

you're right.

What are
the odds of that?
A "big cheese event. "


"Rare cheese exhibit
at the museum of art
and history."

Wow. That seems like
a bit of a coincidence.

A what?
A coincidence.

It's two events
that seem unlikely
to happen

At the same time,
but do,

Almost as if
they're planned.

For example, the fact
that there's a rare
cheese exhibit

At the museum
the very same day

That dr. Two brains
escapes from prison

Is a coincidence.


Especially since,
before today,

I've never even heard
of a "rare cheese

Yeah, I was wondering
about that myself.

Word up!

Narrator, whispering:
later that night,
in the museum...


Wordgirl: nice-looking
pile of cheese,
isn't it, doc?

How did you--

Oh, come on.
A rare cheese exhibit?

Yeah, I know.
Quite a coincidence.

Did you plan this
before you escaped
from prison?

No! Sure seems
that way, though, huh?

Crazy old world.

Sure is, yeah.

Well, my backup's here.
Should we, uh,
pick this up?

Yeah, might as well.

Aha, wordgirl!

It looks like
we have you

Well, that was easy.

Narrator: psst. Wordgirl,
you can't defeat
dr. Two brains yet.

We're only halfway
through the show.

Narrator: yeah.

Well, I don't know
what to tell you.

He's out.
oh, no! Look up!


quick, huggy!

Are you kidding me?
Narrator: what?

Why'd that lighting fixture
fall out of the ceiling

At the very moment
dr. Two brains needed
to escape?

Narrator: just
a coincidence, I guess.

Come on, huggy!

We have to--have to--

what time is it?

Oh, past our bedtime.


Narrator: the next morning,
at the secret lair
of dr. Two brains...

Dr. Two brains:
♪ oh, henchmen ♪

♪ I have a surprise
for you ♪


I--i don't know
what to say.

Well, ahead,
go ahead. Open them.


You asked
for new uniforms.

Uh, yeah.

Look at the whiskers.
Aren't those a kick?

You don't like them.

No, no.

It's just that, well,

They seem a bit...

I know! You have to
be big if you want
to make an impression!

It's like pow!

Yeah, but you got
to realize that--

Look, that's
the new uniform, ok?

If you're going to work
for me, you're going
to have to wear it.

Now go put it on!

And hurry up!
We have some cheese
to steal!

Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: meanwhile,
over at the botsfords'...

Oh, man.
I'm exhausted.

I'm toast.

Mrs. Botsford:
what a coincidence!

Breakfast is ready!

Ah! Gotcha,
two brains!

Oh, heh!

I must've been
dreaming about being
wordgirl. Ha ha ha!

Speaking of wordgirl,
she's in for a busy day today.

Look at all
these cheese events!

There's the "cheese on ice" show
over at the arena,

The premiere of that new musical
"I love you but I love
your cheddar more,"

Not to mention the "days
of gorgonzola" festival
in the park.

Dr. Two brains is going
to have a field day!

There's big cheese events
going on today?

Actually, .

Warden chalmers is showing off
his -year-old limburger,

The world's rarest cheese.

How come all these
"cheese events" are
going on in one day?

Seems awfully unlikely.

Just a coincidence,
I guess.

Oh, man.
Cheese events
in one day?

How do we know where
two brains is going
to strike first,

Huh, bob? Bob!

[Alarm blaring]

Wordgirl: aah!
[Huggy screeching]

Ha ha ha ha!

[Crowd cheering]


Ha ha ha ha!

All right!
All right! Quiet down!

Quiet down! Sheesh.

Now, then,

This moment is truly
a momentous occasion!

In fact,
it's a momentous

And historical
momentous moment,

And that's a guarantee!

For what I have here
is one of only
in the whole world--

A beautiful hunk
of -year-old...

Limburger cheese!

Questions? Queries?

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Oh, that's ok.
No problem.

You didn't miss much.
I'll recap.

What newspaper
are you from?

You're probably
wondering what
newspaper I am from.

Well, I am from
the "new cheddar

Ah, excellent!
Fine, fine paper.

Aha! Look out!

He works for
dr. Two brains!

Ow! Oof! Watch it!
[Huggy screeching]

ow! My nose!

Oh, well,
that is just dandy!

Don't worry, warden!

I'll have your
limburger cheese back
to you in no time.

Come on, huggy!
Word up!

Dr. Two brains: oh!

-year-old limburger!

How I've longed
to taste you!

Put down
that limburger!

How in the world
did you find me?

You left a little
of this behind!

What's that?
It's dirt,

A very specific
kind of dirt

That can only be
found in two places
in the world--

The african congo
and right on our
city's waterfront.

Oh, boy, and how do you know
about this dirt?

I watched a special
about it on tv.

This morning.

Oh, well,
that is ridiculous!

What a coincidence!

You didn't seem
to mind when
a coincidence

Helped you escape
the other night.

Oh, you mean the whole thing
with the falling light in
the museum...

The falling light
in the museum,
Ha ha!

Helped me get out of there,
though, didn't it?

Yeah, well,
it hit me--boom--
right on my head.

That was
a good coincidence...

For me.
For you.

Not so great for you.

Yeah, yup, yup.

Oh, by the way, I have you
outnumbered again!
Ha ha ha!

you guys look so cute!

Well, are you henchmice
or henchmen? Get her!


Great job, huggy!

Dr. Two brains:
oh, wordgirl...


Was that a lighting
fixture that just
fell on him?

Narrator: do I even
have to say it?

♪ Coincidence ♪
♪ coincidence ♪

And so, with a little help
from a big coincidence,

Wordgirl and captain huggy face
once again defeat the evil
dr. Two brains.

Tune in again next time
for another exciting
episode of "wordgirl!"

Hello, I'm beau handsome

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word!"

Our returning champion,
emily, correctly defined
the word "pounce"

And will now go
for another prize.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

mr. Handsome!

Ok, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "pounce."

Ok, emily,
what's your answer?

Ha ha ha!

Oh, yeah,
I know, I know.

He's so cute
when he pounces
like that.

The answer is
number one.

You are correct,

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

Yes, it's an official
wordgirl captain
huggy face balloon!

Too cute!
Ha ha ha!

Please, no more

See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over
to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

One of my favorite words
is "adventure"

Because it makes me think
of a beginning

Of a big, long memory full
of laughter and excitement

And a great journey
to remember.

My favorite word is "pugnacious"
because it sounds really funny.

It means when someone
enjoys fighting.

I'm a little pugnacious.
Well, that's what my mom says.

And my brother is
a little pugnacious.

So is my other brother,
and kind of my sister.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

It's time for
another great moment
in wordgirl gadgetry
captain huggy face,

Show us what annoyed means.

That's right! Annoyed means to
be bothered or displeased.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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