01x09 - Earth Day Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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01x09 - Earth Day Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: "word girl" was
made possible by contributions
to your pbs station from...

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: today's featured words
are "recycle" and "excess."

Just another sunny day
at the botsfords',

And look--there's becky
doing the one thing
all children love--

Waiting patiently.

Where is he? Where is he?
Where is he? Where is he?

The mail is usually
here by now.

Bob! He's here!
He's here!


Hey, what have you
got there, word girl
super speed?

Heh heh!
Sorry to scare you.

Hmm. Got word girl
super strength, too.

Heh heh heh!
Well, I'm just
a letter carrier,

So I won't give it
another thought.

No, sir.
Not another thought.

It finally
arrived, bob!

My pretty princess
magic pony
power hour

Castle-like fortress
is really here!


It's beautiful!

But look at all this
excess packaging.

We'll have to
discuss ways to get
their toy division

To cut back
at the next meeting
of the ppmpphfc...


Pretty princess
magic pony power
hour fan club.

it's not a great

I mean, seriously,
seems kind
of excessive.

I'm glad someone
is getting use out

Of all
the excess

Mr. Botsford:
becky botsford!
What is that sound?

bubble wrap!

[Popping continues]

Well, I've got
to go work on
my earth day project,

Which reminds me, dad,
when you're done,

Don't forget
to recycle all
the packaging.

Oh, here. Give me that.

So, if you two
could keep it down?

I love bubble wrap!

Narrator: the next day,
at the park...

Welcome, everyone,

To the city's annual
clown appreciation day!

Ha ha ha ha!

What? Well,
I didn't--you...

I mean, earth day fair!

Hey, hey!

Ok, then.

This year marks a particularly
important earth day

Because our town dump
is overflowing

With excess waste
that could have
been recycled,

Like some of these items
we dug up there.

Isn't that right,

Becky botsford
of school street?

[Chuckles nervously]

Oh. Dad,

I thought you were going
to recycle all
that packaging.

when would I
have done it?

You saw how busy I was.
Popping bubbles?

Well, everyone, be sure to visit
all our wonderful exhibits,
like the wind energy booth.

His hot air is powering
this windmill.

Comes in black.
Everyone looks thin in black.

Hey, you like these loafers?
They cost more than your house.

See this necklace?
It's got more carats
than an obese rabbit.

Zing! See what I did there?

And fear not,
alternative fuel enthusiasts!

Have we got a booth for you!


And, of course, what would
an earth day fair be

Without a booth
celebrating recycling?

These reusable containers
are designed

To reduce excess waste,

Meaning waste that's
unnecessary or extra.

You can replace the paper
and plastic bags

And disposable bottles
you carry to lunch.

For example, if you drink
a bottle of water a day
for a month,

Look how much plastic
you waste.

Uh, bob? Bottle?

You see,
by using a--
man: hey!

Isn't that the girl
who ruined our dump?
It is? Thank you.

Ahem! Ok! So I'm going
to give stuff away!

Please take out
your raffle tickets.
It's time for the drawing!

The winner gets a free set
of reusable containers
as a special earth day gift.

did you say "birthday gift"?

Because today's my birthday!

The birthday girl?

What's she doing here?

Yeah, she is known
for her excessively
bad behavior,

But maybe she'll
behave today.

Ok. Who's got
ticket number ?

I won!
I'm the winner!

Ooh! Me! Me, me!
Me, me, me!

Oh, that was
my ticket.

See?! !

The containers are
mine, mine, mine!

Eileen, the prize belongs
to the person who bought
the winning ticket,

Not the person
who stole it. Ok?

But it's my birthday
and this is my present,
beckity weckity!

Man: step right up and watch
how my solar oven bakes
a delicious earth day cake!

Ooh! Birthday cake?

Narrator: uh, you'd better
keep an eye on her.

You're right.
You know,
it would be nice

To have just one
villain-free day.

Narrator: yeah, that would be
really exciting to watch.

Uh, I mean, let's get back
to the action.

Ok. Who would like
a delicious piece
of earth day cake?

That cake must be for me!

It's my birthday!
Hold on.

Let me see.
Is your name

No? Well,
then it isn't
your cake.

Yes, it is!
It's mine, mine, mine!

Actually, it's
mine, mine, mine!

[Both grunting]

Eileen, calm down.

These people have
all been waiting

If you just wait
your turn,

I'm sure
the baker will
give you a piece.

No, I won't.

Give me
my birthday cake!

Look, eileen,
no one said anything
about your birthday.

You're only hearing
what you want to hear.

Thanks. I think
you're pretty, too.

please, forget your
birthday for once.

This fair has nothing
to do with you.

Yes, it does. This is
my birthday party.
These are my guests.

No, they're really not.
It's not your birthday.
It's earth day.

We're here to celebrate
the earth.

The earth, huh? I see.

Well...maybe I need
to teach the earth

Not to steal
all the attention
on my birthday!

Today's not your day!

It's mine! Mine! Mine!

Oh, you make me so mad!


Well, now you're
definitely not getting
a piece of cake.


[Pounding footsteps]

Uh, what's that, bob?

A group of picnickers
is using an excess
number of napkins?

We'd better go explain
how wasteful that is.



Word up!

The earth is trying
to steal my birthday!

It's giant, green,
and spoiled!

Narrator: hmm. You could
be describing yourself,
birthday girl.

I rest my case.

She's heading
for those trees!



Take that, trees!

You're like the earth's,
uh...spikey green hair!

Narrator: good one.

[Birthday girl grunting]

Stop following me!



Remind me to wash
your suit.

No, birthday girl!
Don't drink that water!

Hmm? Blecch!

That water tastes



Don't you see
what you've done?

Showed the earth
who's boss?

No. You polluted
the water.

Well, it's my birthday,
and I can pollu--

Look. It's simple.
If we pollute the earth,

We won't have
beautiful forests,
parks, or clean water.

We won't?

And if there's no earth,
then you won't have a place
to celebrate your birthday.

No more birthdays?

That's right.

Ok. Then I know
what I need to do.


We have to clean up
this mess.

Narrator: I smell
a clean-up montage!


Great work. You see
what happens when
you act unselfishly?

Yeah. And if there's
anyone who knows about
being unselfish,

It's me. It's one of
my bestest qualities.

Narrator: either that
or your humility.

Well, now that
we've replanted
the trees and bushes

And put all that
excess waste back
where it belongs--

we can go back to the fair!
Right, word girl? Come on.

Pwetty pwease?

Only if you promise
never to say "pwetty
pwease" again.

Narrator: good call.

You're my bestest
fwiend ever!

Narrator: later that day,
back at the earth day fair...

Hi, everyone. It's
really important to help
the earth and recycle.

That means making sure
that paper, cans,
and bottles go

To the recycling centers
that turn them
into new things.

Wow. I think she's
actually getting it.

Because if we don't
start taking care
of the earth,

We could all have
a big problem
on our hands--

No clean place
to celebrate
my birthday!

Oh, brother.

Narrator: and so, once again,
a villain is defeated
and order is restored.

You know, it seems
like we may be recycling
some themes around here.

Anyway, loyal viewers,
try not to use all
your excess energy

Eagerly awaiting for
the next thrilling
adventure of "word girl!"
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