01x20 - Dark Voyage

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x20 - Dark Voyage

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( mysterious theme playing )

( grunting )

Hey, pussycat. Over here.

Whoa, way to go, RT.

A few more chunks like that

and we'll have enough to power the quantum scanners.

Eh, I got a nose for energon, kid.

Used to be the best miner in the Vespa system.

Not to mention that this whole area's reading

large energon deposits.

Eh, you're so funny.

( whirring )

So now I'm nothing more

than an energon miner.

What a waste of my talents.

( beeping )

Ah! I found some! Here!

Nice find, Dino-miner.

You're even better at this than Rattrap.

( growls )

I'm better at everything than Rattrap.


( chuckling )

Head's up. Incoming.

( dramatic theme playing )

You missed.

Did I? Look again, you fool.

( growls )

Rhinox, maximize!

( yells )

( grunts )

Nice try, but you're too late.

Goodbye, stupid Maximals.

( rumbling )

( gasps )

Whoa. Ha!

Nothing could've survived that blast.

Oh, Waspinator thinks Megatron

will be pleased with us.

Yes. We must report to him at once.

Beast mode!

( ominous theme playing )

( groaning )

I feel like I got hit by a whole Pred fleet.


The expl*si*n must've knocked out my internal systems.

( grunts )

Including my optic sensors.

I'm blind.

My eyes. My eyes!


RATTRAP: Rhinox?

Where are you, buddy?

It's darker than the inferno out here.

Rhinox, Rattrap, help me! I can't see!

DINOBOT: What have they done to my eyes?

CHEETOR: Rhinox, help me. What happened? Where are we?

Listen to me! You've all got to calm down.

Calm down?

We can't see!

The energon expl*si*n contaminated our systems.

Our optical sensors, and just about everything else,

are offline.

So, uh, so what do we do?

We've got to transform.

It'll slow down the contamination.

Possibly regenerate our systems.

Beast mode.

( grunting )

Eh, beast mode.

Beast mode.

Beast mode.

( all grunting )

Oh, slag. That was weird.

And I still can't see.

Me neither.

I'll tear Scorponok's processor out for this.

And Waspinator's too.

It's worse than I thought.

Our only chance is to make it back to the base.

( grunts )

Are you insane?

How can we get to the base when we can't see?

There's more than one way to see, Dinobot.

Besides, we don't have a choice.

If we don't reach an R chamber in about cycles,

the contamination will put our sparks out.

For good.

( dramatic theme playing )

You didn't salvage the remains?

( gasps )

MEGATRON: Then how can you be sure you destroyed them?

Go back there now and make certain.

SCORPONOK: Yes, yes, of course, Megatron.

I told Waspinator we should've done that.

( grunting )

( Dinobot sniffing )

Mm, what a lovely smell.

We could only be in a swamp.

You're catching on, Dinobot.

We just follow our noses and--

( crashing )

Why are you stopping?

( grunts )

( Rattrap yelling ) Hm?

Hey, look out, will you? That's my foot, moron.

Quiet! Something's near us.

( birds chirping )

( monkeys gibbering )

( branches rustling )


( suspenseful theme playing )

( yells )

Help me.

Hey, Cheetor. Cheetor.

Where are you, kiddo?

What's happening? Are we under attack?

Don't panic.

You won't get me.

( growling )

( crashing ) DINOBOT: Oh!

( grunting )

Rhinox, Rattrap.

Can't breathe.

I hear you, pussycat. Hang on.

( panting )

Yeah? Well, right back at you, pal.

( grunts )

( hisses )

( yelling )

( twig snaps )

Where is it? Where is it?

( gasps )

Got you now.

( grunts )

( thuds ) ( elephant trumpets )

Cheetor, you all right?

Oh. My shoulder's pretty torn up.

And I feel kind of cold.

Leave him. He'll only slow us down.

Maximals don't abandon their own kind.

On my back, Cheetor.

Yeah, let's go, kiddo.

( static over comm link )

Optimus to Tigatron.

Tigatron, do you copy?

Tigatron here.

Any sign of Rhinox and the others yet?


They're not in grid Orion.

Move to grid Alpha.

I'm going to put Sentinel on a*t*matic

and search from the air.

If you spot them, relay a message to Airazor.

I've centered us scout grid Delta.

Will do. Good hunting.

Tigatron out.

( hawk screaming distantly )

( coughing )

Waspinator thinks Maximals were vaporized.

There should be some wreckage.

Fly higher. Scan for energon traces.

Oh. Waspinator sees trail of energon.

Maybe Maximals did survive.

Oh, follow it. We have to find them and finish them

or Megatron will scrap us.

( sniffing )

I smell water. Fresh water.

And I can hear it falling.

Is it the base, Rhinox?

No, but it should be one of the falls

which feeds the base.

If we get to it we can follow it.

Hang on, Cheetor.

We're gonna make it.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Gonna-- Gonna make it.

Just so tired.

( ominous theme playing )


I'm getting an odd reading at coordinates .

It looks like walking energon.

Hm, obviously one or more of the Maximals

survived Scorponok's inept ambush

and is now contaminated.

Send Terrorsaur to those coordinates.

Seek and destroy.

( birds chirping )

Oh, we made it.

What did you say?

I said we made it to the waterfall.

What a startling revelation.

RATTRAP: Hey, guys, over here.

( sniffing )

What is it?

I think we can cross.

Just give me a cycle.

I'm gonna check it out.

( grunts )

( sniffing )

( grunts )

It's good. Come on.

( suspenseful theme playing )

There you are.

Oh, is something wrong with Maximals?

( laughing )

Oh, they can't see.

This will be easy.

Wait a minute. I hear some--

( suspenseful theme playing )

( all yelling )

Waspinator must find wreckage of Maximals

to take back to Megatron.


Megatron sent me to aid your search.

Not necessary.

Waspinator has already found and destroyed Maximals.

Show me.

( bird caws )

( gasps )

( panting )

( all coughing )

Oh, I've had enough water

to last me a stellar lifetime.

Hey, you and me both, pussycat.

What irony.

For a warrior like me

to go out blind, wet and helpless.

( grunts )

We're-- We're not finished yet.

Spare me your eternal optimism.

Waspinator will be back this time.

( action theme playing )

Ha, ha, destroy them, did you?

Waspinator is sick of stupid Maximals.

This time we'll make sure of their destruction.

What do we do, Rhinox?

Nowhere to run, so we fight.

Transform, now!

Are you insane? We can't.

For once, just do what Rhinox says, will you, chopper face?

Where are they?

Oh, we're scrap, man, we're scrap.

How can we hit what we cannot see?

Maximals, listen to me.

Picture a targeting grid in your head.

Like the one we used in practice simulations.

Do you see it?

( growls )

This is absurd.

Concentrate. You can do it.

( suspenseful theme playing )

CHEETOR: I-- I can see it.


Yeah. Yeah, me too. But--

RHINOX: They're coming in.

Stand your ground and listen for my instructions.

Get ready.

Cheetor, vector --.

Rattrap, vector --.

Dinobot, vector --.

On my mark.


( shrieking )

( yells )

Not possible.

( growling softly )

Tigatron, maximize!

Tigatron to Optimus Primal. Can you read me?

Rattrap, vector --, quick!

( Waspinator yelling )

All right, we-- Oh.

( grunting )


What's happen--

Hey, what's--

Transforming speeded the contamination.

They're all in stasis lock.

( dramatic theme playing )

Rhinox, maximize!

( grunting )

OPTIMUS: Rhinox!


I knew you'd--

Optimus to Tigatron.

Code X.

( suspenseful theme playing )

RATTRAP: Hey, buddy.

Hey, good to see you.

And thanks.

Goes double for me, big guy.

( growls )

I suppose you did do a commendable job out there.

If Rhinox hadn't gotten you as far as he did,

we'd have never gotten you back to the R chamber in time.

We're just lucky you arrived when you did.

But all in all I'd say it was a good experience for us.


What in the infernal was good about it?

We never really appreciated what we're capable of in beast form.

Now we know.

I'm gonna go smell some flowers.

( dramatic theme playing )

Eh, you know,

you gotta love the big lug nut.

( dramatic theme playing )
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