01x08 - Double Jeopardy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x08 - Double Jeopardy

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( ominous theme playing )

( beeping )

( wind blowing )

( groans )

( shudders )


My serval fluids are within two degrees of crystallization.

Yeah. Base camp, confirm our position.

Are we near the stasis pod?

Well, if it was a snake it'd bite you.

You should be within a few feet of it.



We're within a few feet of it. Horizontally.

Vertically is another story.

( Terrorsaur laughs )

Some intrepid explorers

seem to have stumbled into a box canyon.

Let's close the lid, shall we?

We are betrayed.

( both grunt )

( suspenseful theme playing )

And surrounded.


Terrorsaur, terrorize!

Our strategic disadvantage is considerable.

Work with it. Unh!


( laughing )

Ah. They're trapped.

The pod is my trophy.

( grunts )

The pod.

( laughing )

( Dinobot snarling )

( yells )

( groaning )

That pod's Maximal property.

( yells )

( grunts )

Which the Predacons will gladly steal.

( laughing )

( groaning )

Well, that's just prime.

( ominous theme playing )

( grunts )

This makes three straight operations ambushed.

Hm, sounds mighty suspicious.

Like some rat slipping info. Hey.

Speaking metaphorically, that is.


Hm. It was Rattrap who led us into the box canyon

and nearly to termination.

What are you trying to say, you big lizard head?

That's ridiculous.

Rattrap wouldn't do that.

Well, I'm not so sure.


( tense theme playing )

Rattrap, I wanna have a word with you.

In private.

Tarantulas, have you identified a suitable life form?

Yes, I have indeed. Heh, heh.

Then began scanning and replication.

Hm, lovely.

Scanning, replication and programming complete.

The new Predacon form is everything we could desire.

Meet Blackarachnia.

Blackarachnia, terrorize!

Oh, be still my spinnerets.

Tarantulas, I suspect an ulterior motive

behind your beast form selection.

However, I'm sure that Miss Arachnia

shall make an excellent Predacon.

Yes. Thank you, Maximals, for the protoform gift.

You don't really think

Rattrap is hacking with the Predacons, do you?

Not a chance.

Get scrapped, Optimus.

You think I was working for the Preds?

Ooh, you got a whole other program to run,

you oversized buffoon.

Maximals, Rattrap's loyalty to us

has been brought into serious question.

Oh, come on, Optimus, he's no spy.

The repeated ambush of Maximal operations suggest otherwise.

We'll see.

Rattrap, I'm ordering you on a solo mission.

You're to search for energon in Sector .

The lava pits! That's a death sentence, Optimus.

Twelve's one big energon storm.

And within w*apon's range of the Predacon ship.

Think of it as a test of loyalty.

Eh, thanks for nothing, comrades.

I'm blowing this taco stand.

Beast mode.

I know you're hot about losing the pod,

but you don't really think...?

This mission should answer that question.

Once and for all.

( ominous theme playing )

Maximal command, this is Rattrap.

My recon mission indicates nothing here but mountain rock.

You happy?

One more sweep, Rattrap.

Then bring it in.

Check Sector . by -.

Ah, the simple pleasures of code-breaking.

Yes. Terrorsaur, would you pay our Maximal friend a visit?

Nope, no activity here.

Energon or otherwise.

( grunts )

Oh! Whoa! Hey, scrap that last report.

Engaging Terrorsaur.

Terrorsaur, terrorize!

Rattrap, maximize!

His comm-link's still open, and he's under attack.

Told you he was no Predacon clone.

( screeching, laughing )

Your marksmanship is unimpressive.

( screeches )

( grunts )

Oh, no!

( grunts )

( grunts )

Prepare to terminate, Maximal!


I beg for mercy.


Mercy? At what price?

You name it.

I got no links with the Maximals anymore.

I'm a free agent.

Well, well, finally a Maximal with logic circuits.

Very well, I will spare you

in exchange for certain considerations.

All right, what have I got to lose?

I'll do whatever you say.

I'll even become a Predacon.

Rattrap? No, he couldn't.

Will you still defend your friend?

Or will you see him for what he is, a traitor?

You're a fine one to talk.

Rattrap wouldn't...

( laughing )

( Terrorsaur laughing over radio )

( growling )

Hear me, Predacons.

I present you with that which will tip the balance of power

in the battle against the Maximals.

I present you my lieutenant, Rattrap.

With the added power of Blackarachnia,

who was retrieved by my skill,

and Rattrap, who has sworn personal fealty to me,

we shall defeat the Maximals.

But my gifts to you do not come free.

In return, I shall become your leader.

MEGATRON: You sniveling toady.

This Maximal isn't your lieutenant.

No. He must be a spy.

Yes. He can't be trusted.

( electricity crackling )

( gasping )

( laughing )

Shouldn't have turned your back, big mouth.

Now you'll find your servo circuits scrapped.

( grunts )

Transformation has been disabled as well.

The better for you to worship your new leader.

And his lieutenant.

( laughing )

Megatron is obsolete.

All Predacons will swear fealty to me.

Not Scorponok.

Scorponok loyal to Megatron.

Then you are an even bigger fool than you look.

Direct as well as lovely.

( groans )

But we should debate this in private.

Not in front of the Maximal.

Very well.

Remove him and the deposed Megatron

to the lower chamber.

( ominous theme playing )

What do you mean go after Rattrap?

You mean rescue him?

Why? Let him go.

He's too dangerous a w*apon to fall into Predacon hands.


He should be neutralized and returned here

to answer for his treachery.

And to be brought to justice.

( dramatic theme playing )

A Maximal traitor and a deposed Megatron.

Yes, we are an unlikely pair.

I will consider your fate after my restoration.

Computer, process voice recognition command.

COMPUTER: Megatron confirmed.

Open cell, summon platform.

( beeping )

The wise tyrant always ensures his prisons are designed

for his personal escape.

And the wise Maximal traitor

always makes sure he's carrying a handy infiltration kit.

Rattrap, maximize.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( growling )

TERRORSAUR: You fools.

With the Maximal spy and Blackarachnia,

we could destroy the Maximals once and for all.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( grunts )

( grunting )

( grunts )

( g*n cocks )

SCORPONOK: I will not follow you.

Megatron is our true leader.

TERRORSAUR: Enough. I am your new leader.

( dramatic theme playing )

( squeaking )

( dramatic theme playing )

Well, what are we waiting for?

Yes, why do we not attack

and draw out the traitor Rattrap?

We attack on my command.

COMPUTER: Scanning for Maximal frequencies.

Scanning frequencies.

None detected.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( grunts )

A Maximal chip. Huh. No wonder.



( suspenseful theme playing )

COMPUTER: Unauthorized access. Whoa. What in the galaxy...?


Unauthorized access to restricted zone.

( Rattrap squeaking )

Unauthorized access to restricted zone.


Unauthorized access to restricted zone.

( grunting )

( tense theme playing )


( grunting )

So the juicy rat has been running his maze.

( laughs )

But not for long.

Tarantulas, ter--

( yells )

Time to join the party, you big ape.

( gasping )

( beeping ) Hey, what's that?

We attack now.


( growls )

( yells ) Maximal attack!

Why were we not warned by the code breaker?

Where's Tarantulas?

Maximal code-breaking deactivated.

Shields damaged.

( yelling )

Well, leader, how shall we respond?

Megatron, you-- You will allow me to lead?

( laughing )

A wise tyrant always allows a fool

to take the lead in a crisis.

Uh, release my lieutenant

and prepare to counter-attack.

TERRORSAUR: Predacons, terrorize!

( dramatic rock theme playing )

We're outnumbered.

OPTIMUS: Then transform the proto-Maximal.

We have a secret w*apon. Fight on!

( yells )

It's time to prove your loyalty to the Predacons in battle.

Fire on Optimus!

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( yells )

Rattrap! It's true!

( growls )

( grunts )

( shrieking )

( grunts )

( growls )

( grunts )

Another time.

( grunts )

Oh, no.

I have awaited this meeting, traitor.

Prepare to terminate.


Time for the final test, Maximal.

Yes. Predacon hero or Maximal spy?

Destroy the traitor Dinobot.

( growls )

( growls )

TERRORSAUR: He is my lieutenant.

Destroy him. I command you.

( screeches )

( growls )

( grunts )

( groaning )

Now! Get Rattrap out of there!

( roars )

( dramatic rock theme playing )

( Waspinator and Scorponok groan )

RHINOX: Let's go!

Mission accomplished. Return to base.

( Terrorsaur gasping )

MEGATRON: Hm. Now, which of you glorious victors

would still follow this fool's lead?

Yes. So I calculated.

And thus ends the glorious reign of Terrorsaur.

A lost battle, a missing Blackarachnia,

and who knows what damage inflicted by the Maximal spy.

Oh, my aching head.

( suspenseful theme playing )

Now I will terminate the traitor myself.

( gasps )

No. Allow me...

To congratulate him.

Well done, Rattrap.

You have the chip?

Eh, it's a Maximal decoder.

They must've recovered it from a wreckage crash.

No wonder they hacked our communications.

They were using our decoder.

You mean, his capture, his betrayal...

were all a setup?


Why didn't you tell us?

We had to keep it a secret. To keep his cover safe.

Especially during the battle.

Although you didn't need to make it that believable.

Hey, what can I say?

I was trying to miss.



( soft theme playing )

( bird squawks )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic theme playing )
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