06x38 - The Ultimate Combination! New Lifeform Black Zarak

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x38 - The Ultimate Combination! New Lifeform Black Zarak

Post by bunniefuu »



starting people



















that's the famous Angkor Wat

I heard that was built by the premier

Kings is that right

I have a good feeling about this perhaps

seeing this Monument will bring us good


finally Optimus Prime in the Autobots

have managed to locate the Decepticon

space they plan to launch an attack on

the base so all the autobots are meeting

up in Cambodia which is near the base

are you sure you want to go yeah I have

to you know I'm still worried about

fangry and horrible

I understand but don't worry I just hope

that nothing will happen to the two of


I'll go with someone who can control a

radar detector and knows the terrain

Squeeze Play

thank you for coming to help us but you

know the Decepticons they'll take

revenge on you I don't think you should

join us in combat you know

promise me or I won't take you with us


you promise


oh they're here

after the raid we'll meet up back here I

hope this time we can stop the

Decepticons once and for all

okay keep your positions everyone

contact your backup support team if

you're in trouble Captain everything is

ready right

let's go Fortress Maximus





that new scorpino


great Lord It's Scorpio knock on the

screen and he's coming in

I ordered him to come back the auto

parts have discovered our headquarters

and that means they'll soon mount an

attack this will give us a chance to

wipe them out

once and for all

but if we wait for them to come we'll be

put in a defensive position why don't we

go and attack them don't worry chica

even if they take the new base it's not

much use to them but I have a plan which

will hit them very hard

but what is your plan send out an

emergency alert yes


you see that huge rock over there in the

right if we go around that rock to the

rear we can evade their radar


so let's use the big rock as a shield

shall we okay but the headquarters is

underwater we have to try and pinpoint

it quickly

all right


strange where do all these radar come


it doesn't make sense unless they knew

about them right and so we're in trouble


Oh Daddy

wasted the entire trip


but now we're here so let's go in

God bummer



sequence Warriors we've been surrounded


oh no they were expecting us





Optimus Prime you won't live here alive

go get him

I'll destroy you today



listen to Santa cons I'm not gonna leave

here until your face is destroyed




you're only asking to be k*lled

what's up



oh no there seems to be more coming



we have to somehow find a way to get out

of here


okay boys let's go for it


oh no they're coming towards us




thank you




what's wrong with them the dark powers

all right this is my chance not dead

Okay transformed Godfather hey


come on


the superpowers






so you think you're gonna k*ll us try it

come on do you still think of us as your


shut up okay

all right


you bought squeeze

the time comforters Maximus give us

cover right content


this is our chance let's break into that

face you're not going anywhere

five minutes or no use I guess I have to

do the job myself I shall wipe them all





hey Wade

oh no

the entrance is blocked Captain squeeze

Place said to me that there's a tunnel

from Myan Island which leads into the


okay you keep watch here will do




get back everyone



where are we it looks like you're

Landing look it's cool

you won't leave here you're going to be

buried alive

look the great Lord that's right I shall

now let you see my true face


are you ready for this now what














this will be our last



is everyone okay where are we

underground I think we're trapped

so what do you think about this new

scavenot any idea

it's incredible he could merge with

scorpionak I would never have imagined

that there are powerful mix

we have to try and stop them now or the

worst could happen

that's lava it's coming from around the

water volcano all right the first thing

we must do is to get out of here siren

hoe's head you come with me now yes sir

what about the others then don't worry

we'll be all right you just go ahead now

go on we'll be back very soon

watch that you want us to plan a time

b*mb in the base that's right that way

they'll be blown up together with the

base do it now but what about horrible

and fangry they're still in there they

are expendable very well my Lord I'll do

as you say you mustn't be sentimental

when it comes to our survival

you're right

I shall go ahead and do what you say


do it at once don't give them time to

escape after you've planted the b*mb

gather at location three the meeting



then we'll leave together

yes sir

from what I've seen I suspect they may

give up this base what do you mean

they've probably locked us in here in

order to blow up the whole place are you

sure siren informed Fortress Maximus

tell him to wait for us outside the exit

of the base okay I will anything else

Captain I have an idea use getaway's

shuttle car that'll be much quicker yes

what's going on angry and horrible are

in there

come out it's dangerous in there I get

it we're not coming out

but this place May blow up at any time

Captain let me try and talk to those two

can you go and give slapdash a hand sir


they're going to be blown up with the


said I'm lucky but it's the great game's

order well the nationalists they

shouldn't have had Squeeze Play betray

us oh let's hurry we've only got 20

minutes so what the captain thought is

right that means we won't have time to

get the shuttle right we'd better inform

Fortress Maximus about this

this is it Captain what's up

you're right they're gonna blow this

place up we only have about 17

what's up

a new M4 Fortress Maximus we have but we

won't have time to get the shuttle car

leave them we'll think of another way



I'll get these to the captain trust me

come out now the base is gonna blow up

in a short time got that rubbish out I

don't believe you they know we're still

in here they wouldn't try to blow this

place up I'm telling you the truth the

Decepticons have given up this base and

they'll sacrifice you off angry if you

don't come out now

then I'll have to go and get you out by




what's he doing in there it's only nine

minutes left


hey Captain uh

double dealer

where's the captain they're in an

underground tunnel I think the captain's

in there hurry up double dealer rescue

him right


come on


come on don't be so stubborn be

Decepticons think you're expandable

I won't allow you to stay here and die

just shut up we won't listen to you


you fool you shouldn't dress them

what's going on it's the whole dealer

who are they

that's very angry and horrible but

trying to get them out of here the place

is gonna be blown up honorable listen

it's true this place will be going up in

five minutes you don't want to be buried

alive there's no you're saying that to

us we won't believe you don't be so

stubborn you gotta get out of here

hey double dealer time's running out go

and get away the cooking what about you

I must then get these two idiots out you

better go inform Zion and ho said to

evacuate now

don't hesitate do as I say let's go

there's not much time

all right

hungry what shall we do

one minute left




let's go even if it's true we don't need

your help Autobots huh

coming with me



the captain shouldn't stay behind for

those two we just wanted to help he's a

good man





Decepticons underwater base has been

destroyed and Captain Optimus Prime is

sick the great Lord and chief jiga have

once again failed not only had they

failed to beat the Autobots they've also

lost their base







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