06x20 - The Cybertron Warrior: Sixknight?!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x20 - The Cybertron Warrior: Sixknight?!

Post by bunniefuu »



doesn't anymore








thank you








this is the number four pound Master his

name is slap Dash 19 years old he's a

top-class race driver from England


finally paid off huh so the fourth pound

Masters in Europe

so now we're getting a stronger team

now racing driver slap Dash has become

the fourth power Master together with

the other three Optimus Prime getaway

and Joyride they form a strong force

a new friend six shot


who cares now

oh what bad luck but I found a friend I

guess that's lucky cheers guys good


yeah now we found the fourth pound

Master it goes for a celebration

cheers the original finish this glass


listen Optimus Prime you're getting a

new post

you see we need a leader for the power

Masters and I suggest you um team leader

you must be kidding we've discussed this

we think it's a good idea hey wait a

minute hang on I can't do it I can't

come on you're the best man for the job

yeah that's right we need a smart guy to

lead the power Masters don't we besides

the decision g*ns are not easy to deal

with and you have more experience in

dealing with them than the other is

Optimus Prime


hey it's an ace you're the one who

located all the other pal Masters they

all trust you you're the best man to do

this job oh look think of this as God's

will this mission is sacred you mustn't

turn it down


let's have another toast to our future

captain now cheers

oh no



it's still not too late now leave the

evil Decepticons and come up to join us

squeeze clay come and help us to fight

for justice hey you

what's the matter Squeeze Play huh

nothing are you thinking about a girl

I know you that must be it I know what

he's thinking about our opposition

Knight beat hi that's not true

come on you've been absent-minded the

whole day it must be a girl hey Squeeze

Play have you become friends when I

speak tell me what happened during that

time you were captured

nothing happened okay hmm he's lying but

we don't believe you but you must



here turn this up


don't worry about us we won't stop you

what do you mean

if you like the enemy so much why don't

you go to them and look up to her why

don't you I'll never go to the enemy

side let me go

look how excited he gets when we mention

her name the girl's got you Charmed stop

nobody will ever charm me nobody ever

will don't deny it believe me leave him


leaving you know he's arguing with him

let's go

let's go go where to the HQ we have an

appointment with Chief Giga remember



Masters should be sitting together with

us at this table today

but unfortunately they've gone over to

our enemy side instead

Sarah that doesn't mean that we're

defeated instead the w*r has just begun

now to win the Battle of course we must

be strong

but strength is not the only key point

to success but we also need is wit we

must use our brains as well as our


I suggest you study the human beings

more learn their weak points and their

strong points do you agree skull green

yeah yeah

I never believed that strength alone

could beat our enemies in fact I think

our brains are more effective weapons

so I want you to remember that use your

brains as well as your strength Squeeze


I'm sorry what's the matter

sit down now

tell me what is bothering you you can

trust me Squeeze Play it's nothing I

hope that you're not thinking of going

over to work for our enemy Squeeze Play

No never but you're not your normal self

Squeeze Play Listen we're like a family

here we share everything if you have any

trouble tell me I treat you like a son

don't I I don't want to see you unhappy

you understand I'll never betray you and

go over to the enemy side I just feel a

bit listen I have something for you huh

I hope that this will make you cheer up

a little bit

his name's BM he's your pet now

PM's a pet hello or you can talk of

course I can and I can do tricks as well

what see


you seem to like it very much are you

sure this robot is mine now of course


oh gosh


last time of course


whose head do you agree with me slap

Dash seems to be a nice guy yes and he's

very talented but he had a hard life

didn't he that's what makes me admire

him even more he didn't give in to

hardship he persisted till the end

I want to drive to be like him to be a

fighter for justice hey I wonder how

squeeze Place doing

why do you talk about him well the

horse's eyes just reminded me of him

squeeze plays eyes very kind too we

mustn't blame him for working for the

Decepticons he's still just a kid he

doesn't know but the Decepticons have

trained him to k*ll that's right don't

beat he's carrying out the devil's work

for the Decepticons oh my feet run

the Decepticons

Junior Hitman

is on

hold it I didn't come here to fight you

please don't worry siren don't believe

him please don't doubt my sincere I came

here to see Optimus Prime will you

please take me to him

please I need to say merchantly

forget it

oh all right we'll inform hooking the

others at once

come on

six shot yeah the animal robot you

fought with do you remember I see

so where is he and what's he doing this

time no he hasn't done anything in fact

he said he came here just to see you so

do you want to see him or not

perhaps she's unhappy you defeated him

last time so he wants revenge that's

right but it could also be some

important information hey wait you're

not going are you well he is the team

leader but he wants to go then he will

go he is the captain after all right

yeah you're quite right

well take Kevin hmm

six shot we just got news

Optimus Prime is a great to see you

that's good

you people have courage I like that


hey what's up place

oh it's Japan

squeeze blade we've arrived in Japan now

yo coward I know what you wanted to see

Knight beat but you're too scared to

come alone so you dragged us with you is

that true Squeeze Play huh

you mustn't move about in a helicopter

well you've no right to speak here your

nosy bracket lost I have a name and it's

BM remember that

hey squeeze blade do you really need us

to go with you you shut up will you

I'm going to show you people I didn't

come here to see night Beast you got


don't be upset you know horrible he's

always like that

do you know something what is it I don't

like them they have bad mouths but I

like you you can be my master oh


he's here why do you want to see me for

do you understand you're the only one

who has ever defeated me

is that what you're here for Revenge no

that's not why I'm here Optimus Prime

listen I used to think that all human

beings were weakly I could easily crush

them with one hand

but none of you people could ever

compare to Superior beings like us if I

was wrong

because you defeated me well you were

good I nearly didn't make


thank you

I didn't come here to ask you to comfort

my ego how'd you defeat me

angry horrible let's get moving now I'll

leave you in charge of BM thank you






that's right so let's destroy this place

I'm gonna capture knife beat I'll prove

to you that I've not fallen in love with


excuse me I can't handle this thing

alone what am I gonna do

only one of those please play come on


I don't know how to explain it the only

difference I can think of is that the

human beings are more Superior yes our

body is vulnerable and often we like

determination but still when we see

someone we love is in danger we'll give

it our best even though the chances may

be nil

I suppose that's a hidden strength

that's not good enough how can you

sacrifice your own life for something

called love

I still don't understand how a human

being can defeat me well combat is not

just a competition of physical power

there are other things involved in it as


when the situation does look good one

must have determination and most

importantly persistence if one is

persistent enough no one can turn the

situation to one's Advantage you'll see

persistence that's right Optimus Prime

Decepticons have been spotted in the

36th District and they're creating


okay we'll get there right now come on

let's go yes

what's happening your people are

rampaging through our cities again you

must know about that wait I didn't know

about it

let me help you all prove to you I'm not

one of them transformed


this is good exercise



six shot long time no see

we don't need your help you can go away

you should go away who do you think you

are to talk to me like that what's that

you say that again and we'll make you

swallow every word oh yeah I think you



stay true



the Decepticons are fighting among

themselves but now Optimus Prime Let

Them Fight It Out do you believe what

six shot told you


but he seems to be quite genuine

okay I've had enough

I'm born


we can't go in like this let's use our

battle plan battle plan you know the one

I mean the one we always use okay but I

don't think we have much choice now

let's do it

please stop we surrender I beg you let

us go please we surrender please let us


all right then get down thank you thank


very well

I hope you realize that what you have

done is wrong and that you will change

from now on

you liar get up

come on we must help him wait we mustn't

interfere now

otherwise we will hurt his pride

you traitor oh

now it's my turn

when the situation doesn't look good one

must have determination and persistence

play you're not a cruel man you mustn't

hurt him be quiet I know deep down

inside your heart is good but I tell you

you're wrong I'm not the kind of person

you're thinking about I am a bad man

forget it I'll never go over to your

side and work for you no I won't I won't

be a traitor I'm only loyal to the


enough Squeeze Play Let's Get rid of

them now

listen I don't want to hear things like

that again

you weave older



stay out of this night dude

please help my master

I have an idea I'll change into a guy

you can fire me at six shot

what's this

from Master thank you very much

you know something

maybe it's better that they're gone I

only wanted to prove I'm not evil I do

have a good heart good sick shot you did

the right thing we believe you now thank

you all of you for believing me I'm glad

my trip has not been wasted goodbye for

now Optimus Prime goodbye we'll meet

again one day but for now goodbye

both Decepticons Squeeze Play and six

shot have started to feel remorse for

what they did perhaps it was just a

temporary thing but it has certainly

lifted the Autobots morale and

strengthened their belief in their

battle for justice









give me



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