06x14 - Eliminate the Godmaster Ginrai

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x14 - Eliminate the Godmaster Ginrai

Post by bunniefuu »




I don't know


thank you









thank you


the sudden surfacing of another Power

Master Optimus Prime has shocked the

Decepticons and they consider him a

threat I feel my brother and I are

responsible for Optimus Prime's

defecting to the enemy

we take full responsibility I find

something strange in all this oh

according to our information powermaster

is an entity that was derived from the

Decepticons so why would it betray its

own and help an enemy instead and it was

able to evolve into a complete being too

that's no use asking that now

your highness

all power Masters are derived from my

body and soul I won't allow them to

become entangled with weaklings like

Autobots they are my Offspring they must

carry on my spirit

I'm sorry sir we shall carry out your



listen all of you it is imperative that

we find Optimus Prime we must get rid of


the hunt has begun


Optimus Prime whose truck was

transformed after the last encounter

with the Decepticons has returned to the

states while I'm back again Wave Rider

will be surprised to see this new truck

this truck seems to have a life of its

own it changes when it wants to

thank you

I can understand how shocked you were

because this looks just like any other

truck on the road there seems nothing

unusual about it if you tell people this

truck can run itself it has a mind of

its own nobody would believe you you're

right what you say there's an invisible

force around you and this Force helps

you it's your friend well in that case I

shall get to the brain of this truck

what do you mean well I have to find out

why it's chosen me to be its pilot I

mean there's so many other people why

did it pick me

it'll be interesting if we find out and

there's something else too

so far we know the three other pairs of

these bracelets

that means there's three other people

who have the same fate as meat you agree

I'd like very much to meet these other

three men do you know where they are I

think if I expose my identity they may

come to me but how would you do that

just what do you have in mind

I think I got an idea

well I wonder what is up to this time

I'll get some Dolphins now hey hey wait

a minute Optimus

let's go

to me where are you going

oh no come on this machine is useless


that was our opportunity and we messed

it up

if we had defeated Optimus Prime in

Japan we'd be regarded as Heroes and

they'd think differently about us

really makes me angry stop throwing

things what's the use in moaning about

it now it's too late

hey take it easy let go let him go

I feel Restless me too let's go out and

check what's going on you want to go out

why don't you just go ahead

huh you're a real boar

here is unused Flash

oh no I think he's a real idiot

and welcome to the show every week we'll

invite someone and it could be you to

tell us anything about themselves and

their friends anything that's unusual or

funny it's all up to you right so let's

start huh yeah first we had a gentleman

who claims that he has a truck that

drives itself I wonder if it can talk


okay then let's talk to this gentleman

and see how specialist truck is that

rubbish turn it off I like to cover your

ears if you don't like it now here I am

at the place where we're supposed to

meet this gentleman with his truck I

hope he'll show up very soon

we're anxious to see this very special


hey hey look that's him dear luck and I

think this is him now

oh look yeah that's him Optimus Prime

huh what's that oh


hi I'm sorry I'm late

please don't be scared by what you see

I'm totally harmless what you're looking

at is a magic truck that has a mind of

its own and can transform itself into a

giant robot


oh I'm very sorry I was just making a

joke I don't mean any harm now I'd like

to know of any one of you has

experienced a similar thing to this

where you have a vehicle which seems to

have a mind of its own or there seems to

be an invisible force around you or

restrained things have happened to you

if so please contact me by the station I

look forward to hearing from you bye



he's got a nerve to do that that's right

but what's he after let's inform

Darkwing about this but we can take care

of him wait a minute

think about the consequences if we fail

again they'll really think we're useless

don't you agree fangry is quite right

why don't we leave this to Darkwing and

his brother after all they're all power

Masters that's right that way even if we

fail we won't be the ones to blame you

see and we'll see if they're any good







what do you mean TV

just what's going on you have no idea at

all what Optimus Prime is up to

what he appeared on television and

publicly demonstrated the transformation

what's that he made an announcement on

television asking other power Masters to

come forward although he didn't actually

mention the name power Master on TV he

once said that he'd come up with an idea

so this is it huh he should think of the

consequences he could be in danger now

okay I must go bye


he's too impulsive now his identities

exposed he's in danger


last night a man asked people to write

to him about their strange encounters

the telephone at the TV station has not

stopped ringing so it's got a lot of

response from the public right we have

another caller on the line hello yes

you're on the air you said he was joking

that he wasn't a robot but I think he is

after all I'm a robot too I'm from Mars

we landed in this part about three days

ago and I'm separated from my crew I'm

walking everywhere for them looks like

I've wasted my time people think that

was just a prank


spotted the target he's now on Highway

A36 heading east

thank you submaroder we'll let you know

if we need your assistance but in the

meantime please keep out and let us

handle this


there he is

let me go wait why don't we k*ll two

birds with one stone what do you mean

let's wait until he gets to the city

then we attack him

that way we can impair Optimus Prime's

fighting Power will cause a lot of

Destruction to the city as well so save

your Firearms they'll do bigger damage

in the city

you're a clever brother it'll save us

time and we'll inflict the bigger

casualties than a human race


if Optimus Prime dares fight us in a

crowded City that people are cursing


thank you

who do they think they are huh I won't

allow two young rookies to take over my



you're a hard-working fella so are you

we need to make a living

hey there's still a lot to do 10 minutes

of break is all you got how about it

okay Sam

thank you

I heard your son is sick only flew it's

nothing serious thanks for your concern


what's up


are you okay Sam

my shoulder

it's those two again

they sent us let's go


get up I'll try you keep an eye on him


power master



okay you wanna fight here come on you're

gonna die




I see that's happening Optimus there

yeah no you're right so Optimus is a

robot look they're wrecking the whole

place what are they after I think

they're here because of optimists they

want to hurt them or something

we're okay Optimus look after us oh

right drink win

let's get rid of him


won't get up you're no good

you come on fight me go away

get away Optimus go up to his primary

wrecking the place many people will die


just as I expected all his friends have

turned their back on him he's losing the

battle now

you just watched me

thank you

I don't run



this is wonderful a lot bigger audience

the more there is the better


oh no







you should blame the thought about

Soldier he bought this onto you

he challenges us to a fight so in turn

you have to suffer it's him who is to

blame yeah that's double maker

no no

it's Optimus you brought this on it's

all his fault

so we should keep away from him from now

on don't be silly you people

you don't know the whole story you


it's not his fault Optimus there's no

choice he fights him because he wants to

protect us he himself is a victim

you've seen it yourself he's just trying

to protect us from those Bandits


still some people are hurt but it's not

his doing


my God


I'll start it just worked well brother

strategy now everybody knows that you're

their enemy not us yeah

yeah that's right everybody now thinks

that you're the culprit that you're the

one who started the w*r what's that we

wanted to go somewhere else and fight

but you insisted on remaining no that's

all nonsense and now your so-called

friends have left you they don't trust

you anymore

you Liars

let's get another later to k*ll him



it's the Autobots Optimus you okay Wave

Rider I'm fine please can you protect

the citizens now

you won't Escape



fight them

so what else can you do now

come on brother


wake up


just watch this





get away from us

go away


oh no

Optimus you're right uh Wave Rider it's

my turn now

I'm gonna make you pay for this one day

samets will be my fault no don't say

that I know you very well Optimus it's

not your fault

but whoever bestowed you without

superpower is not one of us only God can

do that God

yes it must be God who sent you here

when you first told me that you detected

this superpower in you I thought oh yes

it could only be God's wish don't worry

Optimus I've explained to everyone yeah

I'm sorry Optimus I misunderstood you

please forgive me I'm a jerk yeah I

shouldn't have shouted at you either

that's right we're all friends now let's

celebrate huh where did you get that

this is my superpower see


that's too impulsive I shouldn't have

let them lure me into the city to fight

are you worried that people here are

still mad at you why'd you say that

don't worry about it landmines already

explained everything to the public and

the fact that you do care about the

people has qualified you to be the

captain the captain no I can't

but why not

we can't let them beat us again Snapchat

it's your turn to go into battle now yes



ha ha ha

Chief Giga and chief Mega realized that

Darkwing and dragon have failed in their

mission so they turned a Snapchat for

help Snapchat is a powerful k*lling


its prime is going to have more tough

times ahead


thank you


changing things





what's up



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