06x12 - A Strange Friendship: Cancer and Minerva

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x12 - A Strange Friendship: Cancer and Minerva

Post by bunniefuu »



without me










hot tornado






come on




what a terrifying dream that was





whoa bracelets


a friendship is born


you found another three pairs of

bracelets here they are what on Earth's

going on I don't know either that's why

we contacted you immediately to see what

you want to do about this I have a

feeling that something's going to happen

very soon

Optimus yes I think you better come to


to Japan

it'll be a chance for you to see how we

operate here what do you say to that hmm

I don't know why it is but I've always

had a fear of going to headquarters

I see but it's no coincidence that you

found those bracelets I'm sure there's

something more to it and you may be able

to lead us to something very important I

hope you will come here

all right how about this let me go back

and think about it I'll let you know






we must get Optimus Prime we must get

rid of him as soon as possible of course

and next we must find the other four

power Masters don't you agree


Zuna we find the four power Masters the

better for us it'll make our job much

easier if we can have them on our side

Darkwing treadwind

I rely on the two of you to find the

four power Masters yes

we've managed to pick up some useful

information what is it we found that a

man who looks like Optimus Prime is now

leaving the United States he's heading

for Japan on a passenger liner

we cannot allow Optimus Prime to land in



go and check this out Squeeze Play




ah there he is

Optimus Prime

hey did they send you here to meet me

huh yes

I've been away for two years


quite a muscular man

I'm gonna get him you just watch yeah I

can't wait




whose head slow down and wait for me but

why I'll explain later okay


I think the Decepticons are following us

so be careful

don't tell Optimus Prime about it yet we

can handle them ourselves

so we're here now what do you want

just die let's get them transform






hey I wonder where siren and hers had

have gone to well let me go and find



oh who's there huh

I see there's a party here


what's that



come on right all right you're asking

for this


next God




oh oh

horrible get up oh look Squeeze Play is

gone what

squeeze pie

where could he be

he's a member of the Decepticons

that's good maybe he'll be able to tell

us something



hey he's quite stubborn let's leave him

for now

I used to think that Optimus Prime was a

kind man obviously I'm wrong look

how could he treat a child like this oh

let me out of here what's that you can't

let him go Knight Pete how

but I wasn't gonna let him go



does that still hurt

yes you were right they're the same

bracelets as the ones you have

I wonder how they got here let's have a



what's going on

come on you must be very thirsty hmm

and from the Decepticons you know I know

that you're a human being too

here drink this up come on

I'll never accept help from our enemies



are you okay


oh you're bleeding no it's nothing at


how dare you leave him alone

judging by the three pairs of bracelets

I'm not the only one there must be three

others like me do you agree or not

yes you're right all these bracelets

possess special powers when combined

with a Transformer Warrior the result is

a power Master which is a super powerful

being but where can we find them there's

three more


I went to the states in the hopes of

finding my own life but now I've ended

up trapped inside a being I don't want

to be

I can't believe it this must be a joke

calm down

look hmm I agree to come to Japan

because I wanted to find out about

myself about the power Masters and


I have a feeling that something is

controlling me influencing me I don't

know what to do you know these days I

have to look over my shoulder all the

time it's so frustrating

thank you


huh all right boy you better tell us all

you know about the power Masters come on

I want to know the truth



come on

keep out of this leave him alone you're

an animal


you want a drink huh


the three of you can you excuse us for a

while huh


don't you worry

as a matter of fact I never intended to

hurt you or anything like that



they gave us the idea that they're very

powerful well they talk about the power

Masters all the time but they don't seem

to be a threat to the Decepticons


what's up

I've only heard Chief Giga and chief

make a talk about them

our master was a different life form to

us it was called God of the universe it

was like a guardian angel to the



this Guardian Angel arrived on Earth

millions of years ago even before

mankind evolved

and as soon as it arrived it underwent a

division it was split into seven


these seven divisions have scattered all

over the land but the main body fell

into the depths of the ocean

after being in the depths of the ocean

for centuries it is


but it's been transformed into a machine

and is now waiting to merge with a human

and this human will be chief Mega and I

also the seven divisions from its main

body have all been transformed into

machines up to now we have found two of

them they are Darkwing and his brother

dreadwinged but now one of the remaining

five is turned against us it's Optimus


and we're still he's gone over to the

auto parts

therefore the only thing we can do now

is to eliminate him plus we have to find

the other four as soon as

puff again they'll change back into the

power Master they used to be when that

time comes the Decepticons will finally

have control not only of the Earth but

of the whole universe


that's all I know about the power


so there's still four more of us

the Decepticons will find the other four

then we'll win go on let me go now

you lied to me you said you let me go


you were so my truck is part of the

original Power Master hmm now I think I

understand what it is a power Master is

an entity which when combined with a

human it can develop the human mind and

combine it with its indestructible body

which is what a Transformer Warrior was


but this one has a human mind an

indestructible body plus the superpowers

of the power Master which is the essence

of Heaven Earth Soul energy

so these four power Masters are an

important link

we can't let the Decepticons find them

hey I've got a wonderful idea why don't

we use that boy

yeah but how

will know that every move through him

that's a good idea

okay you can go now are you sure you

won't regret this don't be so suspicious

hey look I do understand how you feel

being a prisoner but let me tell you

this I'm not any special being I don't

possess any special powers

listen whether we're powerful or not

doesn't matter we're human beings and we

mustn't hurt each other am I right huh

well why don't you think about this okay

you can go

uh nagging me




where on Earth is he where did he go to

I wonder if he's okay we've looked

everywhere for him shut up let me think

will ya

what can he be


what are you doing here oh we Hey look

you'll pay for this one day just watch

I'm Gonna Get You


oh good job you're back

you can't fool us with this you still

have a lot to learn

huh what's happened to the Tracer





so you want to fight transform

our master





one more move and then she dies

no it's my turn


what are you doing let her go please

please don't hurt her don't don't hurt





and you you want to fight oh thanks a


it's me who should thank you


hey wait for me

hey YouTube get up now the enemy's gone

oh where are they where oh

you're all a bunch of useless fools how

could you fail such a simple task

luckily you're not hurt oh thank God

The Mystery of the power master has

slowly been revealed and finally Optimus

Prime has changed his mind he's decided

to use the powers he's been given to

help the Autobots of cybertone to fight

the Decepticons







know that I'm simple

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