06x10 - A Hero is Chosen - His Name is Ginrai

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x10 - A Hero is Chosen - His Name is Ginrai

Post by bunniefuu »


mou dare ni mo tomerarenai
No one can stop us now

inochi kaketa TRANSFORM
We transform and risk our lives

kizu tsuite mo yaru shika nai
Even if we get hurt, it has to be done

aoi chikyuu mamoru no wa dare da
Who else will protect the blue Earth?

shounen wa ima senshi ni kawaru
Boys will change into warriors

GO AND FIGHT tachi agaru n da
Go and fight, stand up

MASTERFORCE! tatakau tabi ni
Masterforce! Everytime we fight,

MASTERFORCE! tsuyoku naru no sa
Masterforce! We grow stronger

MASTERFORCE! ima koso susume
Masterforce! Now is
the time to push on

Get on, God on, Head on

Super-God Masterforce


There are more Godmasters...

...is what you're saying?

We know that you are
not the only ones.

And that the others must be
living somewhere on Earth.

Godmasters are different from
Pretenders or Headmaster Juniors,

they are offspring of myself and Mega.


However, these Godmasters
are not complete.

When they unite with a lifeform,
a human host like yourselves,

they finally gain a soul and
become a complete lifeform.

After gaining a soul and
reaching maturation,

they become a totally new lifeform.

A being surpassing even gods!

Surpassing gods...

Which is why...

...I am afraid.

Lord Giga...!

There might be incomplete
Godmasters somewhere,

and it is entirely conceivable
that they might choose a human
host that is not to our liking.

Meaning a human host that would
sympathize with the Autobots.

It is not an impossibility.

We must not permit our offspring
to be born into such forms.

At any cost.

To think what form the
other Godmasters would

change into when taking a host,

or to think that they have
already taken a host...

It pains my heart.

We understand.

The two of us will use all of our
power to search for our brothers!

That which I have just spoken was

a warning given to me by
the god of the Decepticons!

You must find them in time.


A Hero is Chosen, and
his Name is Ginrai!

Ocean Research Institute of California

I've been waiting, but
he hasn't arrived yet.

That's strange.

It should have already been
delivered into your care by now.

I'll wait a little longer.

As for the dolphin you're
sending, you want me to look
into the cause of its illness?

Yes, please do. If even
a single dolphin dies,

I hate to think of the poor children
who come to the aquarium.

Understood. I will look into it
and inform you of the results.

Well, until then.

Mr. Diver?. There is an
outside call for you, Mr. Diver.

Connect me.

Mr. Diver?.

And you are...?

I'm from the shipping company

hired to deliver a sick dolphin
from Baney Aquarium to you.

Was there an accident or something?

Was there an accident or something?

I'm really sorry...

My engine went.

But I'm at a rental shop now.

I'll change the cab and
deliver the dolphin soon.

I'll be waiting.

I'll be waiting.
-See you!

This truck is pretty run down.

Tell me something I don't know.

I was just thinking it was
about time to replace it.

I'm all out of ones that could
pull something like this.

Can you wait two or three days?

I need it right away!

As long as it runs,
any old junker will do.

You've got at least one around
here somewhere, right?

Well there is one, but-

Well there is one, but-
-Then I'll take it!

Obviously it runs, right?

The exterior and performance
are guaranteed, but...

So let me borrow it, I'm in a hurry here!

I just don't want you
complaining about it later on.


A guy who borrowed it
planned to have it for a week,

but he returned it after a day or two.


Said something about eerie,
strange phenomena happening.

Some history that truck has.

Wow, sounds interesting.

You serious?

Nothing wrong with
finding out for myself

what kinds of strange
phenomena happen, is there?

Never met a guy like you before.

If you buy it from me, I'll
give you a good deal.

Only after I've tried it
and if it works good.

That's fine.

You'd be doing me a favour
if you take it off my hands.

Hey, seems pretty good.

It'd be a good buy if it's cheap.


OK! Go ahead, take her back!

This is a sick patient, so treat him well!

Yes sir, we know!

This sure was unexpected.

It's not that different from a new truck.

I know, I'll tell the old guy
at the rental shop that

the occult phenomena isn't
too bad, but I can't buy it.

That way he might give it to
me for practically nothing.

Hey, look out!

Hey, look out!

Ah, sorry, sorry!


Is there supposed to be a clue
for us to find in America?

If there was, Lord Giga and Lady
Mega would have already found it.

If there was, Lord Giga and Lady
Mega would have already found it.
-Then why...?!

The place where we
met our Godmasters...

...was here in America.

Which means that...

Then more of our brothers are...!

Our forms changed into jets.

So I figured that it wouldn't be unusual
if the others changed into vehicles.


But aren't you rather
enthusiastic about this, brother?

Indeed, even more so after
what Lord Giga told us.

About us eventually becoming
beings that surpass gods?


We will be reborn as the most
powerful beings on Earth!!

So that's why!

We'll start by gathering information.


The interior's perfect too!

What's this?


What are these?

Bracelets, huh?

Must be something the
previous borrower forgot.

Damn. Don't look
good on me, do they?

Huh? Wha- what the...?

What's going on?

I put them on my wrists so
why can't I get them off!?

You're taking the t*nk back with
you, right? We're loading it now.


What are you doing?

I can't get these things off!

Let me see those!

Wh- where did you get these!?


They were in there.

Where was it?

Like I said, in there!

Not those!

You said you had engine trouble
and borrowed this truck, right?

Where was this place?

From a place about
two hours from here.

Take me there.


I'm going out for awhile!

You handle things here!


What are Decepticons?

You should know about
them from the news!

The guys with animal forms
that appear in various
cities and wreak havoc!

Oh, I know them.

They're called Decepticons, huh.


When I was driving in my truck on a
job, I saw a buffalo raging in the city.

I thought I should stop it, but
no matter what they did even
the police were no match.

If I had tried to show off then, I
would be gone from this world.

With the bracelets you're
wearing and with a Transtector,

you too can change
into a form like that.


...he's OK.
Stop kidding around!

No one tells me what to
do, I make contracts with
transportation companies.

I'm a lone wolf that
prefers driving a truck.

Wreaking havoc in a
city isn't my idea of fun.

You really can't get those bracelets off?

No matter how many times I try.

I'll cut them off later with a file.

You probably won't
be able to cut them.

Don't scare me like that!

Meanwhile, the Decepticon
Godmasters Hydra and Buster

had met with their
Headmaster Junior comrades

and were gathering information
on the other Godmasters.

A dented truck fixed itself?

Is that true?

I don't know if it's a Godmaster,

but so far that's the only strange
rumour about cars. Right?

but so far that's the only strange
rumour about cars. Right?

I heard the same rumour
about a truck driver!

Whatever it is, looks like the
truck is from a rental shop.

A rental shop?

Tell us more.

Hey, Mr. Diver.

You seem to know a lot about these
bracelets, so how do I get them off?

They feel kinda weird.

The ones I know about are similar
bracelets, but a different type.

I've never seen those kind before.

So you don't know
how to take them off?


Hey, so I wonder if the strange
phenomena wasn't about the truck,

but these bracelets.

Strange phenomena?

That's what the old guy
at the rental shop said.

But unfortunately he only
mentioned the truck.

If the strange phenomena
was about the bracelets,

then the person who borrowed
the truck before you would
have met the same fate.


And I guess the old guy
would have known about

the bracelets if that was the case.

I'm starting to get a
bad feeling about this.

Brother, do you think that
the tractor-trailer borrowed

from the rental shop is a Godmaster?

I can't say.

We'll just have to take
it one step at a time.

They said he was
headed in this direction.

If we find him then we'll have our prize.

If we look into how this truck
came to be at that rental shop,

then we'll be able to learn of
the true nature of the bracelets.

You'll have to keep
wearing them until then.

That's just great...




What's going on!?


Look out! Turn the wheel!

It's not responding!


What's going on?!

Some performance guarantee!

Another curve!

The brakes aren't working!




Hey! You alright?

Hey, say something!

Brother, over there!

That's an Autobot Pretender!

Look at the truck!

Fancy meeting you here!

You two...!




What business do you
have with that truck?

That's what I want to ask you!

As you can see, that
is no ordinary truck.

Wait, I'll get you out.

Don't touch that truck!


I'm in pain...

I can't... let myself die like this!

I didn't come to America
so I could end up like this!

Damn it!

If that should happen to be
our fellow Godmaster, then
we can't let you take him!


We're taking him!

There's a person inside!


This planet Earth is a
second home to us!

We came to know the wondrous
beings called humans and have

decided to continue
to live on this planet!

We won't let the Decepticons
take whatever they want!

What's so funny!?

Wherever you go, you're a Pretender.

You changed your form into that of
a human, yet you are not human.

You're a fake!

I can't die!

Isn't it mortifying?

We're two of the humans
you just called wondrous.

No, we have been granted an
existence greater than humans.

We Godmasters have
surpassed humans!

Surpass humans?

I'll show you!


Eat this!


Now do you understand what
happens when you oppose us?

The only thing you've
been granted is power!

But you haven't been given hearts!

As long as you are heartless...

...you cannot surpass humans!

No matter what happens to me,

I will save the wounded
young man inside this truck!

I will get out!

I will get out alive!

I will get out!

You can only dream of being human!

Remember that there are
many kinds of humans!


What the-?!

A Godmaster! It must be!



That voice...!

Who are you!?

They're Decepticons.


Then they're the ones who...!

Watch yourself!


Don't come any closer, you two!

Buster, we'll retreat for now!

We should inform Lord Giga!



Nothing wrong with your body?

Even I find it strange.

The pain and suffering from before has
disappeared like it was never there.

Well, it's good that you're alright.

By the way, what was your name?


I'm Japanese, but I live in America.

So when did you leave Japan?

Two years ago.

Japan is too cramped.

So I came here.

I wanted to see what I'm
capable of in spacious America.

Is that right.

I didn't know about any of
that until I heard it from you.


About the destinies of the
Decepticons and Autobots.

Us meeting like this might
have been destined as well.

I dunno... right now the
insides of my head are a mess.

Some weird feeling like...
I'm not really myself.

There's one thing that's clear.


The truck that you've obtained is alive.

We were completely unaware of this.

This thing is alive?

A Godmaster.

That's definitely what they said it was.

The encounter with Ginrai
was truly shocking to Diver.

A Godmaster-- a lifeform that
Diver knows nothing about has

suddenly appeared as if it were
brought about by some great force.

Preview for the Next Episode

Ginrai, the one who has
become a new Godmaster.

The Decepticons attack Ginrai's
trucker friends one by one.

What is the reason for their attack...!?

It couldn't be...!?

Next time on The Transformers:
Super-God Masterforce,

"Ginrai: God-on of Rage!!"

Now, you too use the
Masterforce to TRANSFORM!

Ginrai: God-on of Rage!!

Written by
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama
Shuta Yumi Touma
Ginrai Hiroshi Takemura

Written by
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama
Shuta Yumi Touma
Ginrai Hiroshi Takemura
CHANGING CHANGING sakebu chiheisen
Changing, changing
The horizon shouts

Written by
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama
Shuta Yumi Touma
Ginrai Hiroshi Takemura

kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
aquarium Hirohiko Kakegawa
operator Yuka Ohno
rental shop lkuya Sawaki
driver Yuki Sato
worker Michio Nakao
kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
aquarium Hirohiko Kakegawa
operator Yuka Ohno
rental shop lkuya Sawaki
driver Yuki Sato
worker Michio Nakao

BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Mega Rihoko Yoshida
Hydra Ken Yamaguchi
Buster Yoku Shioya
wilder Keiichi Nanba
Bullhorn Kozo Shioya
Cancer Yoko Ogai
Narrator Keiichi Noda
BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Mega Rihoko Yoshida
Hydra Ken Yamaguchi
Buster Yoku Shioya
wilder Keiichi Nanba
Bullhorn Kozo Shioya
Cancer Yoko Ogai
Narrator Keiichi Noda

ikari o komete POWER zenkai
Focus your rage Full power

Hero (Hero), hero Blazing battle

kinou no kimi o koete
Go beyond who you were
yesterday (You are hero)

sou sa HERO (HERO)
Yes, you are a hero (hero),
hero With the Masterforce

kimi mo kimi mo TRANSFORMER
You too, you too are a Transformer
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