06x08 - The Super Warriors: The Godmaster Brothers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x08 - The Super Warriors: The Godmaster Brothers

Post by bunniefuu »


mou dare ni mo tomerarenai
No one can stop us now

inochi kaketa TRANSFORM
We transform and risk our lives

kizu tsuite mo yaru shika nai
Even if we get hurt, it has to be done

aoi chikyuu mamoru no wa dare da
Who else will protect the blue Earth?

shounen wa ima senshi ni kawaru
Boys will change into warriors

GO AND FIGHT tachi agaru n da
Go and fight, stand up

MASTERFORCE! tatakau tabi ni
Masterforce! Everytime we fight,

MASTERFORCE! tsuyoku naru no sa
Masterforce! We grow stronger

MASTERFORCE! ima koso susume
Masterforce! Now is
the time to push on

Get on, God on, Head on

Super-God Masterforce

l can't be late! Gotta hurry!

Sorry we're late!

We were waiting for him.

I'm always in bed at this time...

l understand that you're tired, but
this is neither the time nor the place.

We must bend to authority.

Something bad happen
or something...?

Eminent superiors have summoned us.

We're in trouble if they want
to check on our progress.

In trouble...?

We're not gonna get fired, are we?

You think we'll get fired?! l
don't like this kind of suspense!

That's why we're in a hurry. We
might still make it in time somehow.

The Super Warriors: The
Godmaster Brothers

Whoa, awesome!

Finally, the hang gliding
tournament is tomorrow!


We've all been through
special training together,

and Minerva's gotten good, too. l
can't wait for the team competition!

Our team will be the champions!

Let's give it our best, Cab!

Leave it to me!

And don't you mess up, Shuta!

And don't you mess up, Shuta!

You two seem really excited.

We sure are!

Wait until you see the techniques
l learned when we were
training in the jungle!

So we're going to be practicing
hang gliding today as well?

Of course! Gotta perfect
the final techniques!

Okay, see you after school!



Meanwhile, a small submarine carrying
the Decepticon Pretenders and

the Headmaster Juniors
arrives at a secret base.

w*apon , confirmation OK.

Passage granted.

Huh? It's a dead end!

We've been expecting you,

Decepticon comrades.


It's just like a palace!

There's some knights over there!

It seems no one is around.

We came all the way here, and there's
not even anyone here to greet us?

Keep quiet, all of you!

The walls have ears.
We're being watched.

What the-?!

That was close!

We are not suspicious intruders!

We were summoned here, we
are the Decepticon Pretenders
and Headmasters Juniors!


He said we're not suspicious intruders!

Back off!

What are these guys?!

You wanna go!?

Wait! They might just be testing us...

Did you witness the
power of Ten-Chi-Jin?

Now it's my turn! No mercy!

Most amusing.

Damn you...


You can stop.

Lord Giga!

Lady Mega!

l am pleased with you two.
Everyone come with me.

You Headmaster Junior boys
don't have anything to fear.


l think l did better yesterday...

But the timing of your
take-offs is much better!

Just don't get all nervous and stiff
when it's time for the real show.

Want to give it another shot?

But of course!

How beautiful! Okay, I'm
going to give it my best!

Meanwhile, the Autobot
Pretenders were...

This is Hawk. How are
things over there, Diver?.

It's quiet and peaceful,
like I'm on vacation.

Even so, I'll be worried if it stays
quiet like this much longer.

I'm concerned about
Decepticon activity.

Don't worry, my antenna's up.

Keep in close contact.


Myself and Mega have remained
silent until now because

we have been studying a special
Master technique at this location.

Awesome! It's like a
super scientist's lab!

Oh, you say such cute things, boy.

And now, the technique has
been successfully developed.

What are those two beings?

Oh, yes.

We shall give you a
formal introduction.

The elder brother Hydra,

and the younger brother Buster.

How dare they have such
an arrogant attitude.

Indeed! I don't like it!

Did you say something?

Speak if you have any objections!

N- no, it's nothing.

Hydra and Buster. I'll be sure
to remember those names.

They are neither Pretenders
nor Headmaster Juniors.

They are completely
beyond anything like you.

They are Godmasters.


But they're humans, like us.

They are beyond humans, and beyond
the super-robots of outer space.

Godmasters are a
hyper-evolved lifeform.

Forgive me for to testing you, but you
must see for yourselves the difference

in secret powers between Godmasters
and humans when they possess
the power of Ten-Chi-Jin.




They don't become the
heads, they become engines!



From now on, they shall be a
reliable and powerful fighting
force for the Decepticons.

We Decepticons must take control
of the Earth as quickly as possible.

We will use all of our
power for this purpose.

Well said!

We have great expectations of you.

-Yes sir!
-Yes sir!

Your methods have been feeble!

You must use more determination!

You must be joking!

We have our own way of doing things,
we don't need you to belittle us!

That's right!

We can crush the Autobots
without your direction!

You talk big.

Do you think that what you have
seen is the extent of our power?!

l was easy on you before since
l figured you were comrades.

No excuses! We'll show
you how it's done!

How amusing!




Their temper shows their inexperience,
but this rivalry could motivate them.

Indeed, even though their
skill levels are so far apart.

Hang Gliding Event Site

Hang Gliding Event Site
And so, despite Metalhawk's
concerns, the day of the hang
gliding tournament has finally come.

And so, despite Metalhawk's
concerns, the day of the hang
gliding tournament has finally come.

Everyone here looks really good...

Hey, you're not getting
nervous, are you?

Just the opposite! I'm ready
for some competition!

I'm not even worried
about our competition!

Don't try to look cool just
because Minerva is here!

My heart has been racing
since we got here...

Don't worry!

The wind is good, I'm sure
we'll set a new record!

You're right.

The odds seem to be in our favour.

Be careful during nosedives.

If your hand slips from the controls,
you'll be blown away by the wind!

Don't worry, I know!

Okay, let's go!

Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for waiting!

We will now begin the th
Mount Fuji Foothills Hang
Gliding Competition Tournament!

In addition to the team award,
two champions will be chosen
from the individual records set.

Please give it your
best until the very end!

This is awesome! I have
times the fighting spirit!

Contestants, please line
up at the take-off point.

That Cab. Don't get cocky
and fall. It'd be embarrassing.

This is Hawk. What is it?

This is Phoenix. The control tower
at London Airport has detected
some unidentified jets.

Unidentified jets?

Two at mach , and one at mach .

Looks like they're heading across the
Atlantic Ocean towards Washington.

At mach , we can't
track them with radar.

I've already contacted Diver.
I'll join the pursuit from here.

I'll contact you when I
get any new information.

Is it the Decepticons?

I don't know. Give me
a full radar sweep!

Unidentified aircraft,
follow our commands!

What should we do, Hydra?

This is a warning. If you do
not follow our commands,
you will be shot down!

Most amusing.

What's with those guys?


Blood, watch closely!

Witness the power of Ten-Chi-Jin!

The Chojin Godmaster Chokon b*mb!

Did you see it, Blood?

What the hell did they do?

What?! The pursuing US Air
Force squadron was annihilated?!

They're crossing the South Pacific, it
seems they're headed towards Japan.

I'll be headed that way as well.
I'll let you inform the others.

I'll get in touch with Phoenix.

Use extreme caution!


It's got to be the Decepticons.

But did they have anyone
with that kind of ability?

Watch the radar carefully in
case of an emergency situation.


Any prey hunted by us is caught.

...the greatness of we Godmasters.

sh**ting something is simple.

What? You think that
was sh**ting? Hn!

Unarmed techniques
are much more refined.

This time you will
witness my true ability.

Mr. Blood!

Well, Cancer?

I found something that'd
make a great target!

It's showing on TV and is perfect
for getting our names out there!

Oh? Sounds interesting.

Take us there.

How foolish! You're going to
fight such weak opponents?!

I believe I said it's the refinement
of the technique that counts.

Group number three, start!

I feel like a bird!


Oh no! It's them!

Look! The Decepticons!





An Autobot Headmaster Junior!

They're above us too!

What? Autobots?!

It appears there are casualties from

the chaos caused by the
Decepticons' sudden appearance
at the tournament site!

What are they doing there!?

Look! The new Decepticons!

The ones who took out the
Air Force jets? Well then-!

Wait! You notify Diver.
I'll notify Phoenix.

I can't believe new Decepticons
have already appeared...

We'll leave from gate to keep
the location of our base hidden!


Damn! lf that's how it's gonna be...







You think I'm gonna let
you get away with this?!




Take them down!


Mr. Hawk! Mr. Lander!

You handle rescue operations!

They've come. Watch this!


You won't steal the glory!




I can't stand to see such weakness!

Damn, how dare those
newcomers interfere!

I'm not gonna let them ridicule us!

Get out of our way!

So you're the ones who shot
down the Air Force jets!

I am the Godmaster, Hydra!

I am his younger brother, Buster!




None can challenge us.

You're finished.

Buster, merge to form Darkwings!



Stay sharp!



Get out of the way, fool!

Get away from the Autobot!


Retreat! We'll fight another day!

A perfect chance, ruined!

Everyone, fall back!


Is everything okay, Minerva?

Everything's fine. No
one's life is in danger.

That's a relief.

Those guys are real troublemakers.

Anyway, it's good
that everyone is safe.

I'll be in the next tournament, too!

What? All you ever do is
sunbathe, you can't hang glide.

Nonsense! A seaman is strong!

All you do is tan yourself!

Touché you little-!

Now that new Decepticons
have appeared, the Autobots
cannot let their guard down.

Are there indeed even more
fearsome enemies that lay ahead?

Preview for the Next Episode

A tidal power plant is
att*cked by the Decepticons.

And we Autobots head out!

But it's a hard fight against
the incredible power of
the Godmaster Brothers.

Next time on The Transformers:
Super-God Masterforce,

“A Fierce Battle!! The
Autobots are in Danger”

Now, you too use the
Masterforce to TRANSFORM!

A Fierce Battle!! The
Autobots are in Danger

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto
Hawk Katsuji Mori

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto
Hawk Katsuji Mori
CHANGING CHANGING sakebu chiheisen
Changing, changing
The horizon shouts

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto
Hawk Katsuji Mori

kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Lander Ryoichi Tanaka
Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
Phoenix Masato Hirano
Blood Koji Totani
Dauros Daisuke Gori
Gilmer Masaharu Sato
computer Hirohiko Kakegawa
pilot Yuki Sato
kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Lander Ryoichi Tanaka
Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
Phoenix Masato Hirano
Blood Koji Totani
Dauros Daisuke Gori
Gilmer Masaharu Sato
computer Hirohiko Kakegawa
pilot Yuki Sato

BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Mega Rihoko Yoshida
Hydra Ken Yamaguchi
Buster Yoku Shioya
wilder Keiichi Nanba
Bullhorn Kozo Shioya
Cancer Yoko Ogai
Narrator Keiichi Noda
BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Mega Rihoko Yoshida
Hydra Ken Yamaguchi
Buster Yoku Shioya
wilder Keiichi Nanba
Bullhorn Kozo Shioya
Cancer Yoko Ogai
Narrator Keiichi Noda

ikari o komete POWER zenkai
Focus your rage Full power

Hero (Hero), hero Blazing battle

kinou no kimi o koete
Go beyond who you were
yesterday (You are hero)

sou sa HERO (HERO)
Yes, you are a hero (hero),
hero With the Masterforce

kimi mo kimi mo TRANSFORMER
You too, you too are a Transformer
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