07x25 - Awaken, Victory Leo!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x25 - Awaken, Victory Leo!

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Awaken, Victory Leo!

After learning that the Decepticons
had been appearing in the Far East,

the Autobots moved their base
to Japan and launched patrols.

Victory Leo!

Training is fine, so long as
you don't destroy the base.


He's still the same.

He barely acknowledges us. I just can't
think of him as God Ginrai reborn.

He barely acknowledges us. I just can't
think of him as God Ginrai reborn.

Hey Holi, is Victory Leo
really God Ginrai reborn?



What's wrong, Machtackle?

A strange signal just...


What could this possibly...!?

The only place we can implant the
unification circuit is in the head.

Emergency communiqué,
Supreme Commander!

We've detected a coded
Decepticon signal!

When decoded, it says
"target the Asama"...

"Asama"... Then that means...

It probably means Mount Asama.

That's where Japan's largest
geothermal power plant is located.

That must be their target!

We'll head out to defend it!


I'll have Victory Leo head out.

Victory Leo?

What happened,
Supreme Commander?

Ah, Victory Leo.

Head out immediately to the
geothermal power plant at
the foot of Mount Asama.

And take Jan and Holi with you.

-Huh!? Us, go with Victory Leo!?

-Huh!? Us, go with Victory Leo!?

Get to it, Victory Leo.

Understood. Leave it to me.



Why did he have Victory Leo
head out instead of us!?

Yeah! We can't trust that jerk yet!

What could the Supreme
Commander possibly be thinking!?


The Lieutenant Commander
and the others sure are late!
I sent the code a while ago!

We've come this far,
there's no need to panic!

We've come this far,
there's no need to panic!
-So we wait?

-So we wait?
-Yeah. What's that?

It's Victory Leo! What
is he doing here!?

That's him? All right,
I'll turn him into scrap!

I'll cover you!

I don't need any cover!


No need for cover, eh?
Hah! I wasn't really going to
cover you in the first place!

Victory Leo! I'm your opponent!!

Being gung-ho will get you hurt!


You see what you get for acting tough?

Don't blame me! Bye-bye!

The geothermal power plant at
the foot of this active volcano
generates electricity from

the turbines driven by steam
rising from the ground.

All of its operations are
controlled by computer,

so it is unmanned.


Where could Victory Leo be?

I thought he would have
been here by now...

I thought he would have
been here by now...
-This is strange...




Well, if it isn't the runts!

What lacking opponents.

This is some comedy!


Victory Leo!

Jan! We'll head to the
building entrance!



Leave him to me!

Drillhorn and Killbison,
hurry and take the energy!



Victory Leo! Come quickly, Holi's...!


Are you okay?

It just grazed me.

Never mind me, the
energy must be protected!

I can't do it by myself!

Just turn off the main switch
in the computer room and
shut the power plant down!

Huh? Wait, Holi!

Stubborn fool!

Where's Gaihawk!?

He was seriously
wounded by Victory Leo!

Hellbat! You join up with Drillhorn
and Killbison and take the energy!


Where could the computer room be?


The sight of you lurking
around makes me sick!!


Hey boy, let's be friends.

Wait, boy!

And I thought we were
going to be friends!


Oh no!

Hellbat locked me in here!





It's no use, I can't move.

Holi, let's use your communicator
to contact the base!

My right arm is pinned under
the concrete and won't move!

It's no use, it's broken!

Supreme Commander. We will now
begin the unification circuit procedure.

Even if I make a complete
recovery, if Ginrai's mind doesn't
awaken within Victory Leo...

Is that the reason you sent
Jan and Holi along with him?


Supreme Commander.

There's no response from Jan and Holi.

No response?

No response?
-No sir.

Nothing for three hours.

Jan! Holi!

Come in!

Where are you?

Could something have
happened to them?

Supreme Commander...

Victory Leo!

Victory Leo!

This is Star Saber!

Come in!

Victory Leo!

Are Jan and Holi okay!?


This is strange...

Supreme Commander!

Let me go and investigate!

Victory Leo is with them.

But even if you call him,
he doesn't respond!

He doesn't have a kind heart, Victory
Leo won't save his comrades!

No, his kind heart will surely revive.


-Don't worry.

If something happened to Jan and Holi,

the sensors that all Transformers
are equipped with will tell him.

Supreme Commander, do you
really think that Victory Leo can be-

Supreme Commander, do you
really think that Victory Leo can be-
-I trust him.

God Ginrai is alive within him.

Supreme Commander, we're
beginning the procedure. You,
return to the waiting area.


Move and I'll blow your head off!


Lieutenant Commander!

It would be best for his health
if you gave up! Yours, too!


I can't do anything in this situation!

Victory Leo! Help!


I see, so that's it...

Hey, wasn't that the
voice of your comrade?

So what if it was!?

Your comrade is asking
for help! Go to him!

Why should I care!?

Aren't you an Autobot!?

Shut up!!

Victory Leo!


Victory Leo! It's me!


Victory Leo!

Save me and Holi!

Can you hear me?

That voice...

Victory Leo!


Don't move!

Victory Leo! Help!

Me and Holi are trapped
in the power plant!

We can't get out!

The turbines exploded...

We're suffering...

Please, save us!

Help, Ginrai!!

Mr. Ginraiii!

Jan... Jan! I'm coming!

Time to pay you back!!

You punk!


Let's move it out!

Okay, let's hurry!

Damn, something has
gotten in our way!


Victory Leo!

Everything's fine now.

Hurry and get Holi!

Holi! You okay?

You won't get away!



Victory Leo!

This is great, Jan.

Supreme Commander! Victory
Leo is Commander God
Ginrai reborn after all!

Jan, it's all because of you.

Thank you.

No, that's not...

What are you being so bashful about?

Okay, turn off the a*t*matic
treatment machine.

Supreme Commander! The unification
circuit procedure is complete!

Supreme Commander?

I worried you, didn't I.

I'm fine now.


I'm so glad!

Victory Leo.

From now on, we will be
able to fight together.

After being revived as a
unrelenting, justice-loving hero,

an intense fighting spirit to defeat
the Decepticons was burning like an
inferno within Victory Leo's heart.

Preview for the Next Episode

Deszaras boldly delivers an ultimatum.

If we stop the Decepticons' attempt
to steal energy, giant missiles
will thr*aten the Earth.

Victory Leo! The time
to unite has come!

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate
w*apon, The Victory Unification"

Now, you together with us,

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