07x12 - Rescue Jan!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x12 - Rescue Jan!

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Rescue Jan!!

The escort ships have been blown up!


With this, the first phase
of the plan is a success.

But where is that blasted Hellbat!?

He's the only one who knows
which tanker has the energy!

The Decepticons' attack on the tankers
was soon reported to the Autobots.

The att*cked tankers are...!

Help us! The Decepticons...!

Damn Decepticons!

Location of that transmission?

Yes sir! It's been confirmed!

Very well! Autobots, move out!

Yes sir!

Yes sir!
-Wait! The Multiforce
will remain behind.

-Wait! The Multiforce
will remain behind.

Huh? Why?

Someone has to stay and
guard the base, right?

Looks like we got the
short end of the stick.

Galaxy Shuttle, launch!

Yes sir!

Soon it'll be summer vacation!

Soon it'll be homework season!

Don't say bad things!

Don't say bad things!
-Why not?

-Why not?
-Homework is never fun!

If I use the computer, I'll be able
to do my homework real fast!

If you keep doing that, you'll never
grow up to be like Star Saber!

I wanna have fun!

Even the computer can't do everything!

Those who live by the computer
will die by the computer!

Who said that?

I did!



There's no energy in this ship, either!

Hey, Leozack! I can't
find Hellbat anywhere!

Are you looking hard enough!?

I'm not the one you
should be yelling at!

That damn Hellbat!

He's the one who came up with
this plan, so why isn't he here!?

Damn it!

Recover the tankers
from the Decepticons!

Yes sir!


Galaxy Shuttle, your fighting
potential over water is limited.

Head back and protect the
base with the Multiforce!

Yes sir!

So you've come, Autobots!

Hii-YAH! How's this!?

Hellbat! What are you doing!? Come in!


Star Saber! I am your opponent!

That very moment, another danger
was approaching the Autobot base...

Now then, I suppose I'll
steal the Autobots' secrets!

I'm such a genius!

Well, should we clean our g*ns?

Yeah, I guess.

It's not like Jan can mess with the
computer to do his homework.


That's it!

Now I'll be able to learn the
secrets of the Brainmasters!

Computer access.
Opening databanks.

Access all data relating to Star Saber.

Top level access,
please enter your code.

Code unknown. Require assistance.




Hey, what happened?


Big trouble, Galaxy!

That dirty Hellbat has
snuck into the base!



If Jan and Holi come back,

warn them not to enter the base!


...b- big!!

Nyah-hah! If you can't fit, go on a diet!

Damn it!


Huh? I wonder what he's doing?

Let's go see!

Jan! Get away from here, quickly!

Huh? Why?

Behave, now!

Or the brats will have
to deal with some pain!

Damn it! Let me go!



You're too late!

Whoa there! Don't move!

Release Jan and Holi!

What kind of idiot would do that?

Now then, Autobot gentlemen.

I thank you for this
enjoyable visit to your base,

as well as these gifts.

Don't act like we're souvenirs!

You know what will happen to
them if you follow me, right!?

Well then, farewell!




Damn! All units retreat!



Supreme Commander!
Please come in!

What is it?

Jan... Jan and Holi were
kidnapped by Hellbat!


This is Hellbat's secret
base deep inside a cave.

Jan was forcibly brought
here along with Holi.

Hellbat! Why does the great
Dinosaur Force have to
come to a place like this!?

Just be patient, Goryu.
Leozack is always taking
credit for your glory, isn't he?

That's right!

I should be the Emperor's
right hand man!

That damn Leozack can't
do anything without me!

Well, that's just it.

I thought I'd show you how
you can get your glory!

Did you say glory?

Yes. If things go well, the Emperor
will be quite pleased with you.

Y- yeah?

I hear that Leozack failed in
his attack on the tankers,

and was forced to retreat
when Star Saber arrived!

That's because you ran without
participating in the attack,
you cowardly worm!

But I had a back-up
plan for glory, right?

Think about it! See what happens
when you return empty-handed
with a stupid look on your face!

How angry do you think
the Emperor will be?

If you take this glory, then Leozack
will no longer be a problem!

Uh... okay. I'll give you a hand I guess.

Very well, then.

Kakuryu! Bring those little weeds out!

Yeah! As you're commanding!

Hey! Don't be ordering around my
troops without my permission!

Go on, go on!

Well, it's all for glory,
right? To get Leozack?

Huh? Uhhh...

Hahh... Convincing an
idiot sure is tiring...


Ha ha, it's all for glory
and for getting Leozack!

Hey! Let go, damn you!


Hey! Sorry for the wait!

What are you gonna do with us!?

I thought I'd have you tell us about
the secrets to Star Saber's powers!

Uh, um... Hellbat, you wouldn't...

Shut up and back down!
Who's your leader!?

Y- yeah, yeah, yeah, it's Lord Hellbat!


IDIOT! I'm your leader!!

I'm sorry!

Now, will you tell us
Star Saber's secrets!?

Like I'd tell you!

Ooh, very brave of you!

Hellbat, stop!


Why should I stop just
because you said to!?

Stop! Stop!


Meanwhile, Star Saber and the
Autobots were desperately
searching for Hellbat's location.

Did you find any leads?

No. Supreme Commander,
do you think he could have
gone into outer space?

I was tracking Hellbat on radar,
but he didn't enter outer space.

Protecting Jan and Holi will
be an important part of this
battle. We've got to be careful!

Because of me, Jan was...

For now, we've just got to quickly find
Jan and Holi. Everyone do your best!

-Yes sir!
-Yes sir!


If you don't spill your
guts, I'll bash your head!

Captain! Um, isn't that bad?

Huh? Why!?

Damn... They still won't talk!?

Kakuryu! Lock them up!

Y- Yeah! Understood!

Damn, this isn't working!
What's wrong!?

Just wait!

We still have our trump card called
Jan, there's nothing to worry about!

And I have in my possession
one more trump card!

There you go!

This is a really bad situation...

The Supreme Commander will save us!

lt'd be impossible, Hellbat
destroyed our radio!

There has to be a way!

I don't know what way there is, we
don't even have any weapons...

This was the only thing he gave back.

We've got to get out of here somehow!

Textbooks, notebooks, picture
paint, string, and sellotape...

All stuff I used in art class, but...

I know!

I'll somehow find out the secrets to
Star Saber's powers on this disk!

Hmm... code language?

What are you doing, Hellbat?

W- w- well, I'm... Uh...

...preparing the next plan!

Really? Seems suspicious.

N- never mind! Are those two
hostages Jan and Holi behaving!?


It looks like they're painting pictures!

What stupid infants. I'll give
them something to cry about!

Okay! It's done!

Will this work?

If there's a chance, a real man like
the Supreme Commander would
bravely fight with all his might!

This doesn't seem very
brave or mighty to me...


Yeah, I'm ready!

Will this really work...?


What the-!?

Holi, this way!

Gaah, I give up!

Kakuryu, what are you doing?

l- I'm sorry, but...

Hellbat! The cheap
equipment you use is broken!

lmpossible! Kakuryu,
go check on them!

Y- y- yeah!

Holi, look! My communicator!

There! Just a little more!

B- big trouble! They both escaped!


Up there!


Hey, stop it! Don't hit
our valuable hostages!!

grrShut up! These damn...!

Fools! Did you think
you could get away?

Jan, this way! Hurry!

A garbage chute...

Jan, the communicator! Hurry!

Someone, anyone, come in!

Can anyone hear me? Come in!


Supreme Commander! I'm being
chased by the Decepticons!


Take this!

Jan! Holi!

We're saved!

We're saved!
-Thank you, Galaxy Shuttle!

Get down here! I'll beat
you into the ground!!




Damn, how dare you!


Big! Damn, don't forget this!


Thank you, Star Saber!

You had me worried.

I'm glad you're both alright!

But that weasel, Hellbat,
snuck into the base!

I wonder if he stole
anything important...

They said Jan's CD is gone.


And I worked so hard at writing
that homework program!

Well, you should use your own brain
to do your homework, not a computer!

That's true!


...so you see, the fault is with
Leozack's failed strategies
and the Dinosaur Force
allowing Jan to escape...

That wretched Hellbat!


So I desperately stole this
information for you, great Emperor.


Preview for the Next Episode

In Canada, the land of forests and
lakes, powerful earthquakes and
land collapses suddenly occur.

I send Machtackle of the
Multiforce to investigate.

Just how well will things go for him!?

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"Mach and Tackle"

Mach and
"Mach and Tackle"

Mach and

Mach and Tackle

Mach and Tackle
Now, you together with us,

Mach and Tackle

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