02x10 - To Thine Own Self Be True

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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02x10 - To Thine Own Self Be True

Post by bunniefuu »

Any available surgeon,
please report to ER 1.

What do we have?

60-year-old female
found unconscious in her home.

Status/post cardiac arrest.
BP is 110/70.

- Medications?
- We gave 1 milligram of epinephrine.

She's on Bactrim and Gabapentin.

- Where are you taking her?
- Wait in the lobby.

We'll find you when there's news.


- Oh, hey, I was texting you.
- Oh, good, well, me first.

I am here to rescue
your little news-broadcast thingy.

I'm gonna join.

- Naomi...
- Come on.

I just wanna pad my resume
with some extracurriculars.

No, you're gonna flake whenever
there's any actual work to do.

- Now, look, l...
- Please, I really have to get into CU.

Please? Please? Please?
Pretty, pretty please?

I'm gonna keep begging
until you say yes.

- All right. Fine.
- Yay.

I know what
my segment's gonna be called.

- You're not getting a segment.
- Clark After Dark.

- I'll give people sex advice.
- No.

Okay, listen, I'm getting
a bunch of new hi-def video mixers

- and you can help me unpack those.
- Exsqueeze me?

Well, if you're serious about the Blaze,
you can meet me here tomorrow by 6.

Can I talk now?

I have something
very important to tell you.

This better not be
some hazing ritual.

No, it's about Adrianna.
I think she's back on dr*gs.

Of course I'm not on dr*gs. Okay?

I've been clean for so long.
You know that.


Why would Navid say it
if it weren't true?

I don't know.

You know things have been pretty bad
with us lately.

Maybe he's mad because
I've moved on since the breakup.

But you have to believe me,
I'm clean.

Look, Ade, I want to believe you.
I really do.

But you've lied to me
about this before.

Yeah, well, I'm not lying now.

Hey, do you remember
what I was like when I was on coke?

Am I acting anything like that
right now?

- No, you're not.
- Exactly.

Okay, I'm gonna talk to Navid
and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.


- How is she? Is she okay?
- I don't know. I don't know.

When I woke up this morning,
she wasn't breathing so I called 911.

They said she was in cardiac arrest.

But they gave her CPR
and her heart starting beating again

in the ambulance, but
she's been in there for over an hour.

- Hey, everything's gonna be okay.
- No, it's not.

You don't know
how sick she's been.

Look, I know that she has cancer.

And it wasn't supposed to happen
like this.


Thank you for being so patient.

- Are you a relative?
- Yeah, we're her daughters.

Well, your mother suffered
a cardiac arrest.

And I'm afraid
with the chemotherapy treatments,

she's too weak to fight much longer.

She's conscious now.
It would be a good time to see her.

Aren't you coming?

- No, I can't.
- Kelly...

Just go.
I'm sure she'll be happy to see you.

Is anybody coming?

Yeah, I am.

Plural... We need an S.
Yeah, I think so.

- Morning, Dixon.
- I'm getting a ride from Liam.

Do you want any breakfast?

Hey, he'll get over it sooner or later.

- Morning.
- Morning.

- Wow, you're in a good mood.
- Things are good.

- Well, can we get some details?
- "Dirty deets," as the kids say?

- Seriously, Dad?
- Regular details will be just fine.

Well, actually, I've kind of been
seeing someone.

- Who's the lucky guy?
- His name's Jasper.

- Does he go to West Bev?
- Yes.

- What's he like?
- He's amazing.

He's a filmmaker,
but more like a genius.

I will check his transcripts
just to be sure.

- Yeah.
- So can we meet him sometime?

Yeah, actually, I was hoping that
maybe he could come over for dinner?

Sure, that's a great idea.

- How about tomorrow night?
- Perfect.

- Shouldn't you be getting to school?
- First period study hall.

It's Friday, remember?

- "Dirty deets"?
- What? That's what they say.

- I don't know.
- I can't believe she's seeing someone.

I can't believe
she's actually telling us about it.

- How did it go?
- You're coming over tomorrow night.

Hey, do you think Jasper would like
chicken tarragon

- or mahi-mahi for dinner?
- Mahi-mahi.

You got it.
I can't wait to meet him.

- Yeah. Okay.
- Mahi-mahi, eh?

Look, should I come in through
the window for dinner,

or should I use the front door?

Hey, lvy's mom has a recording studio,

Oh, you finally gonna make an album
as DJ Mr. Big Dix?

No, dude, it's D-l-X.

Anyway, all right,
what I was trying to say

was maybe we could use that studio
to bring down Naomi's sister.

- Okay...
- Well, all right, look,

all we have to do is get
lvy to say exactly what Jen said

in that recording that you deleted,

Mix it down so it sounds like Jen.

Boom, let Naomi hear it.

I know you're just trying to help
and everything but, dude...

Mix it down a little bit
so it sounds like Jen.

- What's up?
- Figure anything out yet?

We figured out DJ Mr. Big Dix
is a big moron.

Hey, you're the one who deleted
the recording in the first place.

Well, that would make you both
morons then, wouldn't it?

- DJ Mr. Big Dix, really?
- I have a better idea.

How about you guys come by
the media lab

and help me unpack
some video mixers?

Dinner on me, anytime, anywhere,

including and limited to
In-N-Out Burger. What do you say?

- Fine.
- Right?

Hey, Dixon, you in?

I don't know, man. She's been
spending a lot of time with that freak.

You gotta keep an eye on her, man.

I saw that dude dealing dr*gs.

Let's go.

Hello and welcome to
Clark After Dark.

Today we're going to talk about
all the best ways

to make a woman reach ecstasy.

Oh, we have our first caller.

Hello, you're on with Naomi.

Hi, I need some advice.

You see,
I'm dating this wonderful girl.

And I just... I wanna do filthy,
terrible things to her.

What exactly did you have in mind?

Oh, my new boss at the Blaze.

Why is he calling you
on the weekend?

Because I have to go there tomorrow
at 6 and unpack some crap.

Oh, I think Katie Couric
got her start unpacking crap.


I thought you were going
to your parents' house.

I just forgot my laptop.

- Hello, Jamie.
- Hey, Dean Carter.

This is Richard's mom.
This is Naomi Clark.

The girl who was supposed to be
Richard's date for my cocktail party?

- Kind of.
- And now you're with Jamie.


Can we go now?

So after the Bonhams & Butterfields
auction, we have a table at Entitlement.

- Is that another night club?
- The name's ironic, obviously.

We'll be sitting with
the South American coffee magnate,

Manuel Fonseco Veloso de.

- You don't speak Portuguese, do you?
- No.

And tomorrow night
is the benefit concert...

- Yeah, who does that benefit again?
- I forget.

Either a village in Africa
or a degenerative spine disease.

- Something wrong?
- No.

Everything is fine.
I'm looking forward to all of it.

- But?
- It's just that

we've been spending a lot of time
in your world, and it's been fun.

But, I just, someday,
I would like to show you my world.

Ryan, I'm a West Beverly alumni.
I know everything about your world.

I was thinking more along the lines
of planning a weekend.

You know, I mean,
maybe even this one.

- What exactly do you have in mind?
- What about camping?

We could go up to Los Padres
and we could do a little hiking.

We could sleep out under the stars.
You know, enjoy the peace,

the quiet, each other.

Well, it does sound romantic...

I'd love to.

- Really?
- Really.

Yeah, it sounds great.

What's the matter, babe?

Forget it.
Just go back to your carbo-loading.

- Naomi, what's wrong?
- You said Richard wouldn't be here.

Are you still caught up on that?

He's knows that we're dating.
We can't avoid him forever.

It's not Richard I care about.

Then who? His mom?

I just can't believe
you didn't tell me they were coming.

I didn't know.

Why do you care
what she thinks anyways?

I don't.

- What do you think she thinks?
- She probably hates you.

Oh, great, that's awesome.

Why is this such a big deal?
You didn't even like Richard anyways.

She's the fricking Dean
of Admissions, Jamie.

Is that why you were dating Richard?

- To get to his mom?
- Of course not...

Then why were you dating him?

Wait, so you were just using him?

How could you treat
someone like that?

Like you're so noble. You stole me
away from your roommate.

At least that was based
on something honest.

Look, Jamie, I'm sorry.

I just wanted to give myself
the best possible shot

of getting into this school.

Because my dream was
always to meet someone like you.

But now I have,

I realize I made a mistake.

Can we just move on?

- Please?
- I don't think you even get it, do you?

Richard has been beating himself up
for weeks

wondering what he did
to screw things up with you.

You're a user.

And I don't wanna see you anymore.

This week on the Blaze,
we'll have an exclusive interview

with Mr. Lichtenstein about
his lifelong battle with hypoglycemia.

God, even I'm bored by that promo.

Maybe I should let Naomi
do the sex show.

- What?
- No, I mean...

Why did you tell Naomi I was using?

I'm gonna go away from here.

I saw you, Ade.
I saw you buying dr*gs from Jasper.

I wasn't buying dr*gs.

What was he doing walking out
of your car with cash?

- Why are you doing this?
- Because I care about you.

- Okay, well, I'm not using.
- No, you clearly are.

When we broke up,
you were devastated.

You were sleeping in all day,

singing me love songs.

Then I see you walking around school

- and you're perfectly fine?
- Yeah, I am. You know why?

Because you really weren't that hard
to get over.

I'm sorry, but it's true.

The more I thought about things,

the more I realized that we were
only together because I needed you.

And that's not love.

So, yeah,
I do feel completely different.

It has nothing to do with dr*gs.

I guess
I was never really in love with you.

Wow, what is all this?

I stopped at the Beverly Center
for some wilderness accoutrements.

Be warned though, I bought a knife

so powerful that I could butterfly you
in 15 minutes.


That is an air mattress,
king size when inflated.

But don't worry, I bought a pump.

- What else do you have in here?
- Just a few small necessities.

A portable GPS,
a Burberry raincoat...

Jen, we can't bring all this stuff.
All right?

The beauty of camping is
that we don't need much. All right?

Listen, you don't have to worry
because you're gonna be comfortable.

- Trust me.
- But what about the fondue set?

I think we can manage without it.

Do you wanna help me
bring this stuff inside?



Just the way you like it,
no cream, no sugar.

Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

For staying late at the hospital
and driving me home.

I'm just glad you decided to stay here.

Are you hungry? You want me to make
you some eggs or something?

You always take such good care
of me, Kelly.

Sometimes, l...

I worry that no one's
looking after you.

I can take care of myself.

See, one cream, two sugars,
just the way I like it.

I really think
that you should go see Mom.

You're gonna regret it
if you don't say goodbye.

Silver, no.

Mom and I really don't have
a relationship anymore.

- And I'm okay with that.
- That's what I used to think too.

I can't tell you how much better
I felt since we reconnected.

And I'm glad you did.

But it's different with her and me.

How is it different?

Because I have 20 more years
of bad memories than you.

And I'm not talking about

just your run-of-the-mill
falling-down-drunk memories.

I'm talking about a lifetime
of never being good enough.

She's different now.

I mean, she's sober...

Well, her sober
wasn't much better for me.

When she was sober, she'd remember
to give me my diet pills

and make my nose-job appointment.

And remind me of what
a colossal disappointment I was.

So you know what? I got the message
loud and clear.

Kelly, you have to forgive her,
for your own sake.

No, I don't.

Look, I'm happy to pick you up
at the hospital, drop you off.

Whatever you need. But that's it.

Jamie's at football practice.

I came to see you.

Can I come in?

I need to apologize to you

- for a lot.
- It's fine.

You like Jamie more. It happens.

I was surprised.
I thought you and I were connecting.

Richard, I was dishonest with you
from the start.

I'm not really
into the whole environment thing.

Watching that movie
on industrial meat production

just gave me a craving
for Kobe sliders.

- Why didn't you say something?
- Because

I wanted to date you.

But the whole reason
I wanted to date you,

the reason I hired you
as my tutor even,

was so I could meet your mom.

I'm sorry, what?

I've always wanted to go to CU.

And I guess I thought
if I dated the Dean's son

then that would guarantee
that I'd get in. I'm really sorry.

- I realize how awful that is.
- What were you planning to do?

Just lead me on
until you got your acceptance letter?

- I would take it all back if I could.
- Stop.

Just stop.

Okay, so, Dad, you are not gonna tell
any stupid jokes during dinner.

When you say "stupid"
you mean "hilarious," right?

I mean no telling Jasper you're gonna
check his transcript or whatever.

Don't worry. I already checked it.

Okay, crudit?s and my famous dip.

So you guys know that Jasper's
the one wanting to set all this up.

He's been wanting
to meet you guys real bad.

You may have mentioned that.

Yeah, and you're gonna love him.
He's so sweet and sensitive.

You know, not like all those
typical high-school boys.

Well, we look forward
to meeting him.

Is that what you're wearing
to dinner?

No, this is what I'm wearing to help
Navid move some stuff.

Can that wait until later?
I was hoping you could join us.

This dinner's important
to your sister.

- Whatever.
- What's your problem?

Nothing. I just don't wanna have
dinner with your weirdo boyfriend.

Yeah, at least he's not
some 40-year-old psycho.

Well, at least Sasha
wasn't a drug dealer.

- Jasper is not a drug dealer.
- Well, that's what Navid told me.

No, look, Navid doesn't know
what he's talking about. Okay?

- Enjoy your dinner.
- Hey, Dixon.

Mom, Dad, this is Jasper.

Isn't it nice to get out of Beverly Hills
for a change?

I'm just glad your idea of roughing it
includes a bottle of Pinot Grigio.

What'd you expect?
A jar of moonshine?

We're campers not savages.

What are you doing
with my New York Times?

Starting a fire.

Don't worry,
I didn't touch the Style section.

- Ryan, did you check the weather?
- Not exactly.

- Well, it never rains in L.A.
- Yeah, apparently, it does.

I'm so happy I wore my suede boots.

What do you want me to do?

Obviously, there's nothing
you can do.


Pull the... Give it a...
Yeah, that's... Okay.

This is going well.

Okay, what about this?

All you have to do is get
Naomi's sister alone in the bedroom.

Seduce her.

Get her to admit
that she slept with you.

Meanwhile, you hide Naomi behind
a curtain until she hears everything.

Just like Polonius in Hamlet,
my friend.

- Doesn't Polonius get stabbed?
- Spoiler.

I haven't started my homework.

Guys, I am not seducing Jen.

That is the worst idea we've had yet.

It's a brilliant idea.

We should forget
about the whole thing.

- You're not giving up?
- I don't know, maybe.

Come on, Hamlet,
we'll figure something out.

- Yeah, we'll figure something out.
- Yeah, we'll figure something out.

The dip,
it was excellent, Mrs. Wilson.



I haven't told you guys, I don't think,

but Jasper and I
are working on a film together.

Wow, that's great.

- Sweetie, can you hand me a napkin?
- Yeah, there you go.

Yeah, I've seen some of the footage
and it's gorgeous.

He's a genius.

Annie's my inspiration.

Jasper, what else do you do
besides filmmaking?

Not a whole lot.

And who are your friends
at West Bev?

Well, it's pretty much just Annie.

Yeah, because
the kids at West Bev suck.

They're all lemmings and spoiled brats.
We don't wanna be friends with them.

Annie. Come on, they're not all bad.

Just because you had a falling out
with your friends doesn't...

Okay, those people
were never my friends.

Annie, look at me.

We talked about this, right?
We just gotta forget about it.

I know. I know. You're right.

- Sorry.
- It's okay.

Well, I bet dinner is almost ready.
I'm gonna check on that.

Oh, no, no, you sit.
We've got this. Thank you.

I feel like I'm totally blowing it.

- Did I do something wrong?
- No. No, you are perfect.

It's them.

Look, right before you got here,
Dixon told them that stupid rumor

about you being a drug dealer
or whatever.

Dinner's ready.

It doesn't really matter.

I hope you like mahi-mahi.

Look, I know
that you think I'm a drug dealer.

- It's not true.
- Well, obviously.

It's been hard for me to fit in
at West Bev.

I mean, people, they're always
talking about me behind my back

and I never used to care
what anyone even thought about me.

But now that I'm with Annie,
I mean, everything is changed.

Because when I'm with her
I feel like I have a place in the world.

I care about her so much
and I just know that if you

just give me a chance,

you'll see that all I want is
what's best for your daughter.

Well, I'm glad to hear you say that
because that's all that we want too.

All right. Thank you.
Jasper, try some of that. Here.

Sounds good.

- Annie?
- Yes, please.

Dig in.

Navid, I'm here to unpack your crap.

Hey, could you give me a hand?

- Please, I'm gonna drop it.
- Okay.

All right, just set it over there.

Oh, God.


I tried to find crushed ice.
All they have is cubed.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.


If I could take back
what happened last year, I would.

I think about it every single day.

Well, well, well, she finally showed up.
Oh, I'm sorry.

- L...
- Let's get back to work, huh?

Yeah, get back to work.

Hey, Silver, it's your ride calling.

I was waiting outside for you,
you never came out.

So now I'm here in the hall
outside Mom's room.

I don't see you anywhere.
So I hope everything's okay.

Call me when you get this
or just come find me. Okay.

What happened? Where is she?

I just clean the room.

- Great. So can we go home now?
- It'll let up soon.

Come on, the car's all packed up.
Let's cut our losses here.


this was clearly a huge mistake.

- What are you talking about?
- I thought

we could do
something that I wanted to do

instead of doing
what you wanna do.

But I guess I'm the one who makes
sacrifices in the relationship.

What, you don't enjoy the...?

The extravagant auctions,
the lavish night clubs,

the charities where people don't even
know what charity they're supporting?

No, actually, I don't.
But I go anyways.

You know, I let you tell me
who I have to impress.

And squeeze my elbow whenever I do
something wrong, which is all the time.

I walk around on eggshells
and it's not fun.

But I put up with it

because it's what you wanna do.

I had no idea.

- I thought you were enjoying yourself.
- Yeah, I know you did.

We can't drive down the mountain
in this weather. All right?

As soon as it lets up,
I'll take you home.


- You okay?
- You were right.

You said I should say goodbye
and I didn't.

Now it's too late.

No, it's not too late.


No, they moved her
to a private room.

You still have time to say goodbye.

Okay, so I know that the first half
of that was totally unbearable

and maybe we did need one of
dad's corny jokes to break the ice.

But I think it really turned around
when we started the fish,

which was delicious, by the way.

And I want to thank you both so much
for just listening to Jasper

and giving him a second chance.


Annie, we don't think
you should see Jasper anymore.

You don't think I should?

I know you're upset,
but we're doing what's best for you.

Is this
because of that stupid rumor?

Obviously, that concerns us.
We know Navid. We trust him.

- But it's a lie.
- No, it's more than the rumor.

Jasper is odd.

How can you say that?
You don't even know him.

He doesn't have any friends.

Yeah, because the kids
at our school suck.

Annie, you are not yourself
around him.

You're not a loner or an outcast.

You have no idea
who I am anymore!

Hi, Kel.

- Hi, Mom.
- I'm so glad you came.

Sorry it took me so long.

You shouldn't apologize.
I'm the one who's sorry.

I've been a terrible mother.

It's just you didn't turn out
at all like I expected.

- Mom...
- And thank God for that.

Because you are so much better.

The way you have raised Silver.

I don't know how you learned
how to be such a good mother.

But you are.

You're such an amazing person,

You're so beautiful,
strong and caring.

I'm so proud of you.

And I'm so sorry

for everything that happened.

I forgive you.

Thank you

for coming.

I have been so tired.

But I knew that I just had to hang on
till you got here.

I love you, Kelly.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Did you get all that crap unpacked?

I wasn't much help.

What are you doing here?

Well, I...

I heard that you apologized
to Richard.

And I have to say I'm impressed.

Well, you were right.

- I needed to be honest with him.
- Oh, come on, you made a mistake.

So what? So did I. You know...

I totally overreacted
and I shouldn't have got so upset.

But you did the right thing
and once I heard that,

well, it was hard for me to stay mad
at the girl I'm falling for.

And I am, Naomi.

I'm falling for you.

I need to be honest with you too.

It was my dream
to meet someone like you.

But the truth is I'm still hung up
on someone else.

Someone I thought I was over.

I hope he's worth it.

You know that mahi-mahi,
it wasn't half bad, Annie.


When can I come back
and try the chicken tarragon?

Look, they said
that I can't see you anymore.

- Jasper?
- I'm here.

I mean, they still believe Navid.

Otherwise, I know
that they would have loved you.

- I know that, but...
- Look, just calm down, Annie.

There's no point in getting mad
at anyone.

It's not gonna help anything.
What's done is done. Right?

Yeah, but what are we gonna do?

We'll figure something out, okay?
I promise.


Yeah. We'll figure something out.


Hey, I know I should have called first,
but your mom let me in.

- Hey.
- I had the perfect guy, Ade.

He went to my dream school.
He plays football. He's SAE.

What is wrong with me?

- Would you mind shutting the door?
- Yeah, sure.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

- So, what happened with Jamie?
- What's in your purse?

- Stop it. Stop.
- Give it to me.

- It's private.
- Are you kidding me?

You lied to me again?

I'm sorry.

Are you ever gonna stop this?

You know what? Do what you want.
I'm over it.

How long you been out here?

Since the rain stopped.

And how did you start a fire?

The Style section.

Look, I'm sorry that I forced you
to go to all those parties.

No. I mean, you know, how'd you know
I hated them? I wasn't honest.

Well, we're in a relationship.
I wouldn't expect you to be honest.

- You don't really mean that.
- Come on, Ryan, I know the clich?.

Tell each other everything.
No secrets, blah, blah, blah.

But in the real world, it doesn't work.

- Jen, come on, that's...
- Honest.

No, it's sad.

- I mean, if you really believe that...
- Of course, I do.

I mean,

you say that you wanna know

- but you really don't.
- I do.

- Jen, I really like you.
- That's my point.

And there's nothing
that you could tell me,

short of a Charles Manson streak,
that would make me like you less.

I'm broke and living off Naomi.


What do you mean, "so"?

It's not like I'm dating you
for your money.

I mean, if anything, I'm dating you
despite your money.

How'd you lose it?

I blew it trying to land my husband.

Your husband?

Well, I'm getting a divorce,

but, yes, he is technically
still my husband.

Okay, that's...

Why didn't you tell me that?

Because then
you would ask me why

the relationship ended.


He cheated on me.

- Sorry.
- There you go.


- It happens.
- No, it doesn't happen.

I mean,

it shouldn't happen.


I, for one, would never cheat on you.

- Honestly?
- Honestly.

I got it. I know what to do.

I know exactly what we're gonna do
to take down Naomi's sister.

Somebody help. Is he okay?

- You guys, call 911.
- Somebody call 911.
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