01x10 - Games People Play

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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01x10 - Games People Play

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 90210:

We have a son together.

I wanna hire a private investigator
to find him.

- If we're gonna be together...
- Wait.

- You wanna be with me?
- You're kind of an amazing kisser.

I'm a cop, you dumb-ass.

I want back on the lacrosse team,
Mr. Matthews.

I'm gonna have to ask you
to take a paid leave of absence.

This is my job.
What are the students gonna think?

Jason broke up with me.
My boyfriend from back home.

I don't think we can be friends
if you're with Ethan.

I don't wanna keep us a secret.

It's wrong to lie to Naomi
over and over again.

He's not that cute.

- I knew that.
- All right.

Hey, check it out.

He traded up.

- Come here, come here.
- You gotta hear this. Check it out.

You see it too?

Oh, my God. Are you serious?

Guys, guys,
I heard they met over the summer.

Yeah, she's hot.
I would definitely hit that.

Her? What about him?

He's actually cute in a
just-walked-off-a-catalog kind of way.

They know? How do they all know?

Didn't you get the text blast
from George?

George? I blocked his number
in the eighth grade.

Look at this.

What's up, everybody?

Dude, that's nuts.

- When did this happen?
- After Silver's party.

- How much did you see?
- I want details.

You dorks can't handle the details.

Oh, my God, George,
you are so pathetic.

Why don't you go back to rehab?

All right. People, let's settle.

Everybody take their seats.

- So Mr. Matthews has taken a...
- Student's virginity.

- Leave of absence.

Until we find a suitable substitute,
I am your new teacher.

I understand we are working
on "Madame Bovary. "

Has she tried to k*ll herself yet?

- Oh, my God.
- What?

- Are you serious? Come on.
- Oh, wonderful.

When did this become
the new principal's office?

Annie, thank you for joining us.

You wanna take your seat
so we can get started?

- Annie.
- Yeah?

You and me have to chat
after school.

- Okay.
- Okay, then, "Madame Bovary. "

All right, it looks like
we are on part three.

- Kel.
- Hey.

- Thought you were coming tomorrow?
- I took an earlier flight.

- How are you?
- Good.

- Aren't you supposed to be in class?
- Last-period study hall.

And you're studying?

The hallway architecture.
Thought it'd be a great art piece.

You know, the labyrinthine nature
of the high school experience.

- So how was it? How's Dylan?
- Here, hold this for me.

Well, Dylan is Dylan.
You know, nothing's changed.

Same cheekbones, same sideburns,
same perfectly messy hairdo.

- Same commitment issues.
- I'm sorry.

- How you doing?
- Actually, really good.

I'm okay with him being there
and me being here.

Just gonna leave myself open
to all possibilities, you know?

Well, look at you, with your
advanced self-understanding.

- I'm impressed.
- Don't be. I'm still a work in progress.

Hey, I saw that Harry was teaching
Ryan's class.

- Is he out sick or something?
- Yeah.

You missed some stuff
when you were gone.

Mr. Matthews.

What do you say
about the allegations?

- No comment.
- Sir, I'd just like to hear your side, sir.

Navid, I respect your perseverance,
okay? I really do.

But I said no comment,
and I meant it.

Now, go back to class
before I break your camera.

I'm sure that's not the best way
to rehabilitate your image, sir.

Navid, you wanna give me a break?

Turn that thing off.


It isn't true, is it?

- It's complicated.
- No, it either is true or it isn't.

The guy I knew before I left
wouldn't do something like this.

I want you to tell me the truth.
I don't wanna believe the rumors.

- Why are you running away like this?
- I don't know what else I can say.

I'm sorry.

So Dixon tells me you were rocking
the karaoke at your birthday party.

Yeah, I'm so gonna make him sing.

Cool. Whatever.

- What's your deal?
- Nothing, nothing.

I'm just...
I'm supposed to meet Naomi, so...

Chill. She doesn't know anything
about you and Ethan.

You know? How do you know?

I saw you guys at my party.

Naomi was gonna walk in on you
and the jockstrap, but I distracted her.

You're welcome, by the way.

Wait. How do you know
that she didn't see?

Because you're still alive.

You gotta tell her soon.
If she finds out from some random,

it ain't gonna be pretty.

Yeah. No, and I will.



- Naomi, I...
- I'm a mess.

I'm sorry. My parents.

My mom filed
the divorce papers today.

It's official,
I come from a broken home.

I'm so sorry.

My parents throw in the towel,
my relationship with Ethan is over.

I swear to God, if I get another piece
of bad news, I'm gonna lose it.

I'm gonna really lose it.

Is there anything that I can do at all?

Could use the support of my friends
right now.

Hey, you guys feel like hitting up
Robertson this afternoon?

Well, I actually have to go blog
about Professor Pervert, you know.

But maybe some other time. Later.

How about you, Annie?

Get our hair done
followed by some retail therapy?

Sure. Okay.

Thank you.
You really are a good friend.

Hey, girly.

Poker game at Megan's house tonight.
Are you in?

Oh, sounds like fun. I wish I could,

but I've got my own games to play.

Oh, well, that's cute in a
"Hannah-Montana-on-acid" kind of way.

So 16, huh?
God, you've had an intense year.

Oh, it's been a seriously crazy ride.

New world, new school, new friends...

- No boyfriend.
- Yeah.

I have to talk to you about...

It's a really hard thing.
Trust me, I know.

I mean, since I broke up with Ethan
I've been so lonely.

What were you saying?

I really don't like this dress.

So did you break up with Jason
before you left "Wizard of Oz" Land?

No, after I got here.

Oh, were you the dumper
or the dumpee?

It was mutual.

I mean, you can't fight geography,

That's too bad. Sounds like you guys
didn't really get a chance to see

what would have happened.
I mean, maybe you'd still be together

- if you hadn't moved out here.
- Maybe.

I don't know. Part of me felt like
the breakup wasn't real, you know?

When things end
because of distance

and not because of
some big relationship problem,

it's kind of hard to get closure.

It would be great if you could
get closure and maybe see him again.

Yeah, I guess.

That's the dress.

That's the dress you should wear
to the birthday you'll never forget.

Guess who.

Soft hands, velvet voice.

- Megan Fox.
- Oh, my God.


- I've been thinking.
- About?

About you and me
and the fact that we are an "us" now.

- Us? That is my new favorite word.
- Us.

We should do something together.

- Like boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.
- What'd you have in mind?

Like lunch? Maybe a movie?

I was thinking maybe
something a little bit more private.

- Yeah.
- Well, it...

- That's really not gonna work.
- Why not?

I have a lot of footage to edit,
and it's about Mr. Matthews.

It's a really, really big story.

Well, then I'll help you. That way,
we can be hanging out together.

Well, the thing is, I can't have anybody
else around when I'm doing this.

I kind of need to focus.

Okay, so I should just go then?

I'll call you later. Right?

- Okay, yeah.
- Thanks.

Have fun.

Matthews dips in the kiddie pool.

- Nice.
- I think it's my best blog yet.

And I love it when my readers
quote me back to me.

You're just biased against Matthews
because he dated your sister.

Well, yeah.

It's like, what if Ethan rebounded
with some tween from junior high?

What do I care who Ethan dates?
It's not like he's with...

- Ethan's with Annie?
- Yes, but I'm the only one that knows.

You cannot tell her that you know
or she'll think that I told you.

Besides, they haven't told Naomi yet,
and if she hears from somebody else...

Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey, Ethan.

- Yeah.
- So I was thinking,

I don't know what you're getting Annie
for her birthday,

but let's make sure
she has an amazing day, okay?

I don't wanna give her a chance
to miss Jason.

Why would she? They're broken up.

Yeah, but it sounds like Jason's
a really great guy,

and they were really close,
kind of like you and I, so...

Yeah, she seems to be doing okay.

Yeah, that's what I thought
until yesterday.

What happened yesterday?

We were shopping and
she could not stop talking about Jason.

I guess because the breakup
was long-distance.

They just didn't get closure.
I don't know.

I just don't want her to feel alone
on her 16th birthday.

So let's make it extra special. Yeah?


Yeah, you gave me the facts
this morning,

but did you really have to fire him?

- I had no choice.
- Okay. Did he admit anything?

No. It doesn't matter what he said.

How could it not matter?
It's his reputation on the line.

Kelly, allegations were made.
As principal, I had to act on them.


You're telling me that you believe
that Ryan slept with a student?

Look, I can't get into this right now,

You have to trust me.

Is this a bad time?
I can come back later.

No, Kimberly, I was just leaving.

Hi, Kimberly, nice to meet you.
Please sit down.

Apparently I'm not allowed back into
any more classes until you sign this.

Yes, I wanted to talk to you.

Please, sit down.

If this is about Mr. Matthews, I'm fine.
Everything's fine.

- An aura of fineness surrounds me.
- I'm glad to hear that.

But given the situation,

I have trouble believing
that you're really okay.

That's your problem, not mine.

Are you angry at Mr. Matthews?

Did he give you a bad grade,
maybe fail you on some tests?

- No.
- Were you in a relationship with him?

Why are you asking me?
I had nothing to do with this.

Maybe you expressed some feelings
that he didn't return.

Sounds like you're speaking
from your own experience.

I mean, it would be understandable.
Everybody in your class loves him.

He's young, dynamic, not unattractive.

I don't wanna talk about this anymore.

Can I go?

If I'm late for Mr. Hunt's class one
more time I'll be in detention for life.

Come back
if you wanna talk some more.




Boy, do we have a surprise for you.

Hey, guys.

Annie, you will never guess
who's here.

- Jason.
- Hi, Annie.

- Hey.
- You could crush mint on those abs.

Happy birthday.

Jason, in California.
Right here in our pool.

What are you doing here?

I was hoping to meet Lauren Conrad.
Are these the right hills?

I would hug you,
but I wouldn't wanna get you all wet.

- I wouldn't mind.
- Tabitha.


What a surprise it is.

Do you like your birthday present?

He's from you? You're from her?

No, I'm from Kansas,
but Naomi paid for the shipping labels.

Your sweet 16 birthday
is the most important day of your life,

second only to your wedding day,
of course.

And no girl should spend that day
without a man by her side.

- Yeah, but...
- I told her that we weren't together,

but when she called,

I just couldn't resist a chance
to be with you on your big day.

- It's very good to see you.
- All right, well, I'm gonna get going.

You guys must have a ton
to catch up on before dinner.


Yeah, I figured you'd want Jason
to meet all of your friends.

You know,
before the big day and everything.

You and Silver are in, right? I have to
call Ethan. I think that's about it.

I'll take care of everything.
Don't you worry about a thing.

You are so lucky
to have met such great friends here.

Yeah. So lucky.

Adrianna. Hi.

Hello, half of Navid's face.

- Is the other half home?
- It's not a good time.

Well, then when is?

I've called you a couple times,
I've texted you,

tried to hook up at school.

You've gone Woodward and Bernstein
because of this whole Matthew story.

- Could we talk later?
- We can't.

You've been acting
really weird lately.


Is there someone there?


My baby sister, Iman.


- Hey, Iman, this is Adrianna.
- Hi, sweetie.

Navid. Is this the young lady
you've told us about?

- Welcome, Adrianna.
- Yeah.

We've heard wonderful things
about you.

- Come on in. Please, please.
- Thank you.

Dad, no Farsi, okay?

She's pretty, Navid.
Way too pretty for you.

Please don't embarrass me.
Keep your voice down.

It's so wonderful to meet you.

Come in. Will you join us for dinner?

Oh, Mom,
I think Adrianna already has plans.

I wouldn't wanna impose.

Oh, nonsense.
You have to meet Atoosa's family.

- This is Sha-rah and Massood.
- Hi, nice to meet you.

My cousin Alex,
my beautiful daughter Sahi-joon.

- Hello.
- Hey, I'm Adrianna.

- Anoosh, my cousin.
- Hi, nice to meet you.

Oh, just sh**t me now.

My brother-in-law Eliz,
his wife, Rosa.

- Hey.
- You hanging in there?

Oh, you know, just walking Roxy.

Nobody else wants to be around me
right now, so...

- I'd be there if I could.
- Roxy, come here.

But I guess I screwed that up
for both of us for a while.

I really didn't think
it was gonna turn out like this.

I mean, I didn't... I didn't think.

- Maybe I deserve it.
- No, you don't.

In a moment of extreme masochism,
I decided to read Silver's blog.

You wanna know the worst part,
aside from the grammar?

These kids,

they think I'm a sleazeball,
they really do.

But you know the truth,
and that's what matters.

I don't know how you do it.
How do you spend your life

letting people think
you're something you're not?

Look, Ryan,
I know you've risked a lot for me.

I swear to you I'm gonna
close this case as fast as I can.

And everything
will be back to normal.

I'll be around.

Do you guys always eat dinner
like this?

No. Not usually this small.

Can I tempt you
with some more "khoresht?"

- Dad, please. She's had enough.
- No, thanks.

I couldn't possibly eat any more.
I'm stuffed.

Oh, but you're so small.

You need to put some meat
on your bones.

Thank you. So, Navid, why didn't you
tell me you played the drums?

Or the "doumbek," right?

- Oh, and he sings too.
- What?

- Oh, yes.
- Really?

When he was little,
he'd sing all day long.

- Please tell me you have pictures.
- Better.

- We have video.
- You wouldn't wanna see them,

because they're poorly edited
and you'd be wasting your time.

Honey, he's right.
What are we thinking?

Talking about movies
in front of such a talented actress.

We should be asking you
for details of your exciting childhood.

More importantly, Adrianna,

how are you doing
since leaving rehab?


It's fine.

I know that must have been
very difficult for you.

I'm great. I'm fine, really.

Thank you.

Mom, do you happen to have any
dessert, something to tempt Ade with?

Of course, of course.
Lillia, bring the desserts please.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

I will have an iced tea

and the Japanese pear salad
with tiger prawns and...

And dressing on the side.

- Always.
- Absolutely.

Those little details
that you never seem to forget, do you?

I still remember the way
Ethan takes his coffee.

- You guys dated?
- Yeah, for a long time.

We managed to stay friends
like you and Annie.

Of course
I stayed friends with Annie.

It's not just any girl
whose idea of having a good time

is sneaking into a Jayhawks game.

L... Just that once.

I thought security was gonna
throw us out on our asses,

but she managed to sweet talk
the guard into letting us stay by saying

that I was a foreign-exchange student
that was leaving in the morning.

True story.

Seems the silliest moments
between couples

are the ones that linger the longest.

So, Jason,
is this your first time to California?

Yes, but hopefully not the last.
I'm thinking about going to UCLA.

Then you would be in L.A.

Yeah, I'm gonna check out the campus
while I'm here.

Just like we talked about.

That was a long time ago.

Don't you have two more years
before college? What's the rush?

I thought I told you I'm a senior.
I need to decide soon.

Yeah, UCLA is almost impossible
to get into though, dude.

I mean, you have some
backup schools lined up?

Jason is top of the class,
all-state football.

UCLA is his...

Backup school.

You're smart,
handsome and athletic.

Distance wouldn't be enough
for me to let go of this one.

I'm parched.

I'm just gonna go
check on that iced tea.

So more details.

- How long have you known Annie?
- Since grade school.

We lived right around the block
from each other.

It seems like our lives
always seem to cross.

That is so sweet.

I gotta go to the bathroom.
Excuse me, please.

So anything new back home?

I know. I'm sorry.

Naomi planned this whole dinner
before I knew anything about it.

I thought you weren't
in contact with Jason.

I haven't since we broke up.

Did you guys actually break up
or just take a break?

We broke up, cross my heart.
I was there.

Then why is he considering colleges
based on where you live?

Look, we started dating
in junior high.

Jason probably just assumed
that we'd always be together.

And maybe because of the fact
that we broke up on the phone,

- he didn't get enough closure.
- So I've heard.

Did you get enough closure?

Ethan, I wanna be with you.
Nobody else.

Then I think
you should tell him about us.

I don't wanna hurt him.
And he's only here for a couple of days

and then he's gone.
Why make him feel bad?

I want him to know we're together.

I wanted Naomi
to know the same thing,

but you didn't want to upset her.

- How is that different?
- Hey, is everything okay?

- Yeah, great.
- Good.

Well, your iced tea has arrived,

so you don't have to really
wait here for it anymore.


You are becoming
one of my all-time favorite customers.

Aren't you sweet?

You're under arrest
for drug possession with intent to sell.

You gotta be kidding me.

Come on,
after all those times I hooked you up?

Just can't trust anyone these days.

So do you wanna do the ten years
I can nail you on right now,

or you wanna vouch for me
to your boss?

Get me a sit-down to let him know
how I'm your newest dealer.

- Fancy meeting you here.
- I know. Nine bedrooms in the house

and I still have to share a bathroom
with Dixon.

Poor Dixon. Because as I recall,
you were never really good at sharing.

Hey, only where French fries
are concerned.

You know, this isn't how I pictured us
on the eve of your 16th birthday,

but I'm glad I'm here.

- It was nice of you to come.
- Yeah, but weird too.

- Yeah, right?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry, is that mean?

No, not at all.

Actually, it's exactly what every

wants to hear.

Well, you know,
even with all the weirdness,

I'm just glad to have someone
to hang out with

who doesn't make me feel
like I have to try so hard.

- What do you mean?
- Oh, I don't know. I mean, it's just...

I feel like I need to be
so on all the time.

I mean, if they saw me
hanging out in plaid pajamas,

they'd be like, "Social su1c1de. "

I'd forgotten how much fun
you were to be around, Annie.

You're sweet.

You know what? That's a lie.

I didn't forget. I tried.

Believe me, I tried.

But, Annie, our relationship,

it was something special.

Yo, Jason. Come on, let's go, man.

Hey, come on.
I already set the game up.

We're battling dudes from Michigan.
They're already talking trash.

Come on, man, let's do this.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Jason, can I get you anything else?
- No, ma'am. Thank you.

When you're at UCLA,
you should really come by and see us.

Absolutely. Now,
do you need any recommendations?

I'd be happy to write you one.

There is the birthday girl.

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.

I cannot believe
that you are 16 years old.

- Sixteen.
- Okay, I am late for a photo sh**t.

- Happy birthday. Goodbye, my love.
- Bye, sweetie.

- Bye, Jason.
- Got an early meeting as well.

- Happy birthday.
- Okay. I love you.

Jason, nice to see you.
Good luck on your tour.

Thank you. Thank you.

So, what are you gonna do,
one of those star-homes tours?

Campus tour, UCLA.

If we're living
close to each other again,

maybe things might work out
a little different for us.


I mean, who knows if we'd still
be together if I hadn't moved.

Maybe, sure.
But we broke up, and I moved on.

- So we're really over?
- Yeah.

- What about the kiss? L...
- You totally took me by surprise,

and I am so sorry
if I misled you in any way.

Okay. Maybe I'll just go home.

No, please, don't. Stay.
I mean, the truth is,

we were friends for a long time
before we started dating,

and I want all my friends
at my party tonight.

So come on. You can't deny
a girl's birthday wish, right?

- Hey.
- Hey.

I'm sorry I was awkward last night.

No, no. I'm sorry.

My mom had no right
to bring up that whole rehab thing.

Yeah, she did.
Your parents paid for it.

But it's bad enough that they had to
bore you with those stupid stories.

- It was cute.
- But how many servings of "khoresht"

do they expect
one person to eat, right?

See, this is exactly why
I didn't want you to meet my family,

because they can be lame at times.

Well, actually,
I thought they were lovely.

You're just saying that to be nice.

No, seriously. I wish my family
was that big and close.


Obviously I was embarrassed

when your mom brought up
the whole rehab thing,

but the fact that they knew
the entire time

and they still treated me
like a member of the family,

that was incredibly cool.

- So we're good?
- I like you, Navid. Okay?

And the more I know, the more I like.

You just have to be honest with me.

About everything?


Can you do that?

- I'm a virgin.
- What?

- What?
- See? Funny, right?

I didn't wanna disappoint you, okay?
Because I figured you'd bolt, so...

- So you've been keeping distance?
- Yeah.

I wanted it... I wanted it to be special.

I thought you expected
something different and you are so...

I'm not expecting anything.

- No?
- No.

Except a little less of that...

What's your mom's favorite dish?

- I can't say it.
- Back of your throat.

Yeah, you got it.

Hey, Annie.

So Jason seems
like a pretty awesome guy.

He's clearly still into you.

Maybe you guys
should give it another shot?

Yeah. Naomi, about that.

Thank you so much
for flying Jason in.

Hey, let's go out again tonight.
It was so much fun last night.

We should totally go to the beach,
maybe surfing.

Let me get back to you on that.

Are you still mad about last night?

Define mad.

Look, I know the whole
"having my current boyfriend

go to dinner with my ex-boyfriend
when my current boyfriend

isn't really a boyfriend at all" thing
is beyond-the-chart strange, but...

No, what's strange
is being in a situation

that's so complicated
that we can't tell people we're together.

- Does that make you happy?
- No.

Me neither.

I've done complicated, Annie,
and I didn't like it.

I want things between us to be simple,
you know?

- I want that too.
- Great.

Then let's clean this whole mess up
and tell Naomi and Jason the truth.

- What?
- I just... I just wanna wait

until Jason gets home to tell him.

Why? You don't
still have feelings for him?

No, no.

No, but I think he still has them
for me.

Okay, don't freak out,
but Jason kissed me last night.

- Perfect.
- Come on, Ethan, it just happened.

You know why?
Because he thinks you're available.

No, I didn't kiss him back.

That was big of you.
Have fun with Jason.

Never thought my star detention guest
would be on time for anything.

Only when it's important.

- This is important.
- You know, you seem like a good kid.

Seriously, dude, I don't wanna hear it.
All I wanna do is make some cash.

Get a job at Starbucks.

Look, if you're not sure about me
then just say it.

Eric said he'd vouch for me
and that you'd hook me up.

But if he bailed, then tell me now,
because I've got clients waiting.

You have no idea
how long I've waited for this.

It takes a special kind of sleazebag
to sell dr*gs to kids.

You're under arrest.

Hands where we can see them.

Thank you.
No, no, seriously, thank you.

Annie, happy birthday.
You're the best.

Thank you, thank you, everyone,
for being here

to celebrate my darling Annie's
sweet 16.

Annie, I know this isn't
the ordinary birthday dedication,

but you're no ordinary girl.

That's why I love you.

Well, you're a real tough cookie
With a long history

Of breaking little hearts
Like the one in me

That's okay
Let's see how you do it

Put up your dukes
Let's get down to it

Hit me with your best shot

Why don't you hit me
With your best shot?

Hit me with your best shot

Fire away

- Oh, my God, she is so amazing.
- I know, right? She's totally rocking it.

Ade, I told you
we should have gone first.

Now we're gonna get a vocal
beat down by grandma Wilson.

Let's go find a song.

We'll be back.

Darling, karaoke?
Surprising smash, Kansas.

So where's Ethan?

Must be running late, I guess.

- Should call him.
- No, don't worry about it.

Gee, you really think he'd be here.

- Where is he, anyway?
- He might not be coming.

We got in a bit of a fight.

- But it's your birthday.
- Yeah, I know.

I'm gonna go get some air.

Fire away

Don't you have a party inside?

I'm not really in the partying mood.

Listen, I'm really sorry, Annie.

You were nothing but honest with me
about that kiss,

and I was a jerk.

I would have gone with jackass,
but okay.

Truth is, I had no right
to get mad at you

when I was the one
who got us into this whole mess

by saying that we should
keep Naomi in the dark.

Yeah, well, you didn't do it alone.

I tried to tell her a bunch of times
and just totally chickened out.

And I guess
I didn't have to hook up with you

the minute you were on the rebound.

That's true. But I am glad you did.

Ethan, there is going to be
a cake soon,

and on it there'll be 16 candles
for me to blow out.

And my only wish is to be with you
without all these secrets.

That's what I want too.

Jason told Dixon
he's gonna leave on the redeye tonight

back to Kansas City,

so I kind of wanted to tell him the truth
before he's gone, and Naomi too.


Happy birthday.

Is it the pentapus?

So much for the element of surprise.

Well, you know what?
I'm kind of over surprises, so...

Well, then I should probably
just tell you that I'm about to kiss you.

- Jason.
- Naomi.

You have to see this.

Come here.

She really has moved on.

Annie swore to me
they weren't together.

I can't believe she would lie like that.
I just... I can't believe it. I'm sorry.


Looks like I caught you
on your way out of town.

What are you doing here?

Harry called me.

So you know I'm not the devil.

I never thought that.

You sure? Because most people did.

- So where are you headed?
- Honestly, I don't know.

I'm just gonna go to LAX
and let the fates decide.

Ryan, this'll all blow over.
You know that, right?

Your story will be in the paper,
all over the news,

and you can go back to teaching.

I just need to get away, you know?
Take some time and clear my head.

You know, get out of town
and figure out what I'm doing.

Thanks for stopping by.

It was good seeing you.


Maybe when you get back,
we can get together.

- Kimberly, hi.
- Hey, Kelly.

- I can call you Kelly, right?
- Yeah, of course.

- Am I interrupting something?
- No. No, I was just leaving.

- Have a nice trip.
- Thanks.

- How are you doing?
- I'm good.

- Do you think Naomi's up here?
- Max saw her go upstairs, so...

Oh, my God.

I can't believe this.
How could you do this to me?

"How could you do it to me"
is the question, Annie.

I saw you making out with Ethan
at school.

Wait. You knew they were together?

So I just figured, hey,
if my good friend Annie,

who I specifically asked
not to date Ethan,

could make out with my ex,

what's stopping me
from fooling around with hers?

Payback's a real bitch, isn't it?

Annie, wait.

You pathetic bitch.

- Oh, when the saints
- Oh, when the saints

- Go marching in
- Go marching in

- Oh, when the saints go marching in
- Saints go, go, go

- Go marching in
- Oh, Lord, I...

After this, my mother's gonna do
her big closing number.

I think we should pull the plug
on karaoke and get out the cake.

But the kids really seem
to be enjoying her.

- I mean, how bad could it be?
- I think that it involves pasties.

- I'll get the birthday girl.
- Okay.

I'm sorry, but I saw you and Ethan
outside kissing.

It just freaked me out a little bit.

You could have told me
you guys were together.

- Why'd you hide that?
- L...

I didn't wanna hurt you.

So instead
you played Naomi's game?

The girl that I knew back in Kansas
was above that.

You don't understand, okay?
The rules are different here.

But that doesn't mean
you have to be.

I gotta get to the airport.

I'm sorry if I ruined your birthday.

When the saints go marching in

All right, everybody. Nicely done.

Time to sing to the birthday girl.

Sweetie, are you okay?

You, outside, now.

Any requests?

Just so I am clear,
everything you have done,

the whole shopping trip,
flying Jason out here,

all of that was just to set me up
to ruin my birthday?

If you want Ethan, you can have him.

I wanted to see you miserable
and I got my wish.

That's sick.

Don't give me that holier-than-thou
routine. You're no innocent.

Okay, I should have told you
about Ethan. I will grant you that.

- I wanted to tell you...
- But you didn't, did you?

Instead you tried to play me for a fool,
you backstabbing, duplicitous bitch.

I was trying to spare your feelings.

I knew you would be upset
so I was trying to find the right time.

But you didn't even like Jason.
You just went after him to hurt me.

You deserved it.
I am so sick and tired of all you people

who won't tell me the truth.

First with my dad and his mistress,
and then my mother with her son...

None of that was my fault.

All I know is that
before you moved here,

my life was perfectly fine.

No, before I moved here,
you were just lying to yourself

and getting away with it.

You'd rather have people fear you
than be honest with you.

You are manipulative and cruel,

and the only person
that you should be blaming

for feeling so alone right now is you.

Is that all you got, Kansas?

Listen to me.

- Being your friend, I'm over it.
- I already beat you to it.

Excuse me.
Sorry to bother you ladies.

- Who are you?
- Who are you?

My name's Sean,
son of Harry Wilson and Tracy Clark.
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