01x14 - Revenge of the Alien: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x14 - Revenge of the Alien: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[tires screeching]

[music continues]

[tires screeching]

[music continues]


[evil laughter]

It's no life form

we're ever encountered.

[alien grunting]


Give up, Superboy.

[sucking air]

[blowing air]

Stay cool, man.

[alarm ringing]




(Clark) It's a sn*per.

Everybody get down!



Why can't I get inside you!

Let me in!

[alien growling]

I don't want to delay getting

him to my office to check him.

Superboy can take

care of himself.

Why don't you let me

take care of you?

[theme music]

(male #1)


I mean there were

enough expl*sives in that van

to topple a building.

But you seem

to check out just fine.

I mean, from what I can tell.

I mean, even x-rays

can't penetrate your skin.

I feel fine, professor, really.

There's nothing to worry about.

You may be feeling

no ill-effects now

but you did black out.

- Yes, for a second or two.

- More like a minute.

The point is, you're not

completely impervious

to physical trauma.

Now, take this laser.

It's powered

by green space rocks

that emit a radiation harmless

to us, but deadly to you.

Now, why?

I mean, what is the link..

between you

and an unknown green element?

And this morning,

you survived the immense heat

of a major expl*si*n, unscathed.

Now, what if

it had been the heat

of aof a 15 megaton

hydrogen b*mb?

And then there is cold.

Could you withstand temperatures

approaching absolute-zero?

Beats me, professor.

I'm sorry.

Well, these are areas

we need to explore.

So, I thought we

might go down to the lab.

I'm sorry, professor. I'm gonna

have to take a rain check.



There's still no answer.

I can't imagine where he is.


Can I help you?

Oh, Mrs. Lockhardt, this is

Mr. Kent, Clark's father.

Mrs. Lockhardt, Clark has

told me a lot about you.

Your son is one of our most

promising students, Mr. Kent.

With the proper

training and guidance

he'll have

a very bright future

ahead of him in journalism.

I don't give a damn

what kind of training he gets.

His ma and I,

we've been trying to talk

that bum into working the farm.

Well, building character

is a big part

of what these four years

are supposed to be all about.

I hope, one day, your

expectations of your son

will match ours.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Clark! Clark,

where have you been?

Where have you been? I've been

looking for you guys all day.

Your dad has been

worried sick about you.

- Lana, come on.

- I'm telling you.

He hasn't been himself.


Hey, Pa.


Oh, Clark,

I'll expect that write-up

on Superboy and the sn*per

by tomorrow.


Superboy ought to turn

in his cape.

What do you mean, Pa?

He survived the expl*si*n,

the policemen didn't.

But the policemen

were sh**ting at him.

He blew himself up

when he blew up the van.

- Everyone saw that.

- That doesn't matter.

Though it seems to me

that Superboy is supposed

to preserve human life

at all cost.

Isn't that the way

you always heard it was, Clark?

Anything you say, Pa.

[intense music]

Well, then..

write the damn thing up

any way you want, son.

I mean, these days,

people only believe

half of what

they read anyway.

[ominous music]

(Lana) Are you feeling

alright, Mr. Kent?

I've got a headache that seems

to be encroaching on me slowly.

Let me take

you back to the dorm.

That's not necessary.

Lana got me here,

she can take me back.

If that's what

you want, it's fine.

It's really no problem.

It's on my way.


And, uh, I'll see you later.


I hear you talk to Superboy

now and then.

Yeah, I do.

What's up?

Police business.

If you see him tell him to get

in touch with me, okay?


Nice office you got here.

[theme music]

Lieutenant Harris,

I wanted to talk to you

about this morning.

Me too.

I was just looking for you.

Look, Sergeant Johnson,

the SWAT officer who tore up

the agriculture show..

any reason why he tried

to blow you to bits?

- I haven't got a clue.

- That makes two of us.

I can't get any of this,

tied up. I knew Johnson.

He was straight as an arrow,

not a head case.

I must be missing something.

Something must

have happened last night

when Johnson and his

partner came across

a break-in

at the cryogenics lab.

Cryogenics lab?

There was a break-in?

- Yeah.

- Do you know what was taken?

Some vials, box of hypos,

different things.

[intense music]

(Lieutenant Harris)

What is it? What's wrong?

I hope it's not what I think.

[theme music]

[ominous music]

It's gone!

You can turn right up here.

That's just a service road.

Just goes into the woods.

I've got a surprise for Clark..

and you.


What is it?

I was just thinking

how terrible it would be

if something awful

happened to you.

Break my boy up something

fierce, don't you think?

Don't talk like that.

Nothing's gonna happen to me.


Mr. Kent! Mr. Kent, stop!

[thrilling music]


[Lana screaming]




Stop it!

[music continues]

What do you want?

(as alien)


[dramatic music]

A major section of downtown

from Fourth to Central

has been sealed off.

Now, what caused

the unidentified man

to start this rampage

is unclear.

The police are preparing

to move up to the roof..

What's going on?

(male reporter) where the gunman

is still holding his hostage.

No demands have been made,

but it is interesting that--


[siren wailing]

[g*nf*re continues]

It's in Pa.

(male reporter) The SWAT team

has taken up strategic positions

on surrounding buildings,

as well as the roof--

Okay, guys, clear out.

Clark, I..

You were on your way

to cover the story, go ahead.

No, no way.

I'm not gonna leave you.

I'm okay. I just

I, like, need to be alone.

I'm alright.


[intense music]


Professor Peterson.

This is Superboy.

I need your help.

[siren wailing]

Take it easy, pal.

No one's gonna hurt you.

Just tell us what you want.

I don't want anything from you.

What I want will be

here soon enough.

This structure's been

secured and evacuated.

No one's getting in here unless

I personally authorize it.

No, no. There's no way to stop

the one I'm waiting for.

Who's this guy talking about?


Lieutenant Harris.

Please, let me handle this.

- Superboy!

- Careful, Lana.


You be careful, Superboy.

I know your powers.

But you can't use

your heat vision here.

It'll trigger off the detonator.

He's rigged himself with enough

C4 to blow this roof off.

You'll be the only one

here to get out alive.

It won't happen.

Look, I know who you are.

I know what you want.

Do you know that

I wanna k*ll these two?

And I want you watching?

That'll be my revenge.

My sweet revenge, indeed.

When I leave this mortal shell..

I'm gonna play you

body after body forever.

Goodbye, Superboy.

Wait! What you want

more than revenge is me.

I'll trade you my body

for theirs.

I tried to get

into your body, I couldn't.

I can let you in.

You could?


Your nobility is so silly.

I accept.

Release her.

- Don't do it.

- Now.

Not here.

My senses tell me,

the body you're in, is weak.

His heart is palpitating,

his blood pressure is high.

Yes. The human body

is so frail.

He needs medical attention.

A doctor I know

will see that he gets it.

No tricks, Superboy.

Or he dies.

I will let you in.

I give you my word.

I know you'll keep

your promise.

This fool mantake such

a pride in virtues, ideals.

[intense music]

Go! Go!

[theme music]

Professor, could you

check this man out?

He's not in good shape.

- Of course, come in.

- No.

First, we exchange bodies.

It's far too complicated

to explain, professor.

Let's get this over with.



[intense music]

[alien grunting]

(as alien)


He's even more powerful

than I ever imagined.

[alien grunting]

(as Superboy) Professor,

I've got him in me. Do it now.

Do it!

[machine beeping]

[laser humming]

[alien grunting]

[intense music]

(as alien) The laser

thing turn it off!

Turn it off, will you!

(as Superboy) No, I will not let

you. You're not gonna k*ll again.

[alien howling]


(as alien)

Turn it off!

It's k*lling me.

(as alien) Let me

out! Let me out!

You tricked me.

You broke your word.

(as Superboy) I promised

to let you in, you're in.

I too made a promise.

[thrilling music]

Clark, what--

[music continues]

You're not my son.

What did you do with my son?


[music continues]

Give me back my son.

- Pa.

- Son.


My god! What's going on

with you, son?

- I'm dying.

- Dying?

[mellow music]

Alien, it's inside me.

No, it's impossible

for you to die.

You're too important to me,

to ma, to everybody.

[laser humming]

It's the ray..

that's what's k*lling you.

And I'll shut it off.

Freezer room.

Freezer? Oh, okay.

Okay, okay.

Shut the door.

You want out? Get out.

[alien grunting]


Waitwait to freeze solid.

[alien grunting]

[victorious music]


What do you think, Doc?

Poisoning from the space rock

radiation seems to be subsiding.

We did it.

I guess I can handle those cold

temperatures after all

huh, professor?

Clark told me

about my odd behavior.

Oh, everyone knows

it wasn't you.

Hm. There's a lapse in my memory

and that's what's disturbing.

Lana, when I was alone

with you did I..

Did I do anything

that wasn't proper?

Mr. Kent, you could

never do anything

that wasn't

decent or upfront.

Pa. We better start.

- Thanks, Lana.

- Thank you.

See you soon.

- And you keep an eye on my boy.

- I will. Bye.

T.J., nice meeting you.

Yeah, we gotta stop having

these long conversations, huh?


- Have a safe trip, back.

- Thanks.


You know, when all

the action's going down

andwe're in the middle

of it wondering where Clark is.

This time I know

exactly where he was.

Safe and sound in his dorm room

worrying about his father.

I wonder if he had

a chance to thank Superboy.

You have to go so soon?

I don't think my heart

could take it any longer.

Boy, it's been one hell

of a trip I'll tell you.

I never expected

when I first got here

that I'd be accused

of being a t*rror1st.

Good thing it didn't take

Superboy long

to straighten things out

with Lieutenant Harris.

And to do the same

for Sergeant Johnson.

He's a nice fellow, that Harris.

So is Professor Peterson.

I didn't take to him,

at first..

but after a while,

he kinda grew on me.

Hey, I'm glad you were around

when I needed you.

I'm not used to others

doing the rescuing.

Yeah. Well, that's what

parents are for, son.

[engine cranking]

[theme music]
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