01x13 - Revenge of the Alien: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x13 - Revenge of the Alien: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[tires screeching]


[music continues]

[tires screeching]

[music continues]

(alien) I've traversed

the cosmos searching

for the mightiest beings.

Each one I conquered

was stronger than the last.

Now the ultimate

is within my grasp.


[evil laughter]


What do you want from me?

When you are

in danger, he comes.


[wild grunting]

Go away from me.

[intense music]

It's no life form

we've ever encountered.

You are the one I came for.

No! Don't hurt her!

I'll do what you want.



Give her up, Superboy.

It's only a matter of time.

[sucking air]

[air hissing]

(Lana) What happened

to that monster?

Stay cool, man.

[intense music]



[music continues]

[alarm ringing]


[ringing continues]

(male on radio)

Attention all cars

in the Shuster

University area.

Break-in recorded at

Ellsworth's Cryogenic Centre.

Be on the lookout

for un--

Give me slot duty any day.

We deliver this major link

hardware to the armory

and I'll be back in front

of the TV tomorrow morning.

- You want a cup?

- No.

I don't wanna miss the shortcut

to the turnpike.

[intense music]



[g*nshots continues]

[intriguing music]


[ominous music]

[music continues]

I'll call this in.

No, you won't.


You're next, Superboy.



I tried to tell you, professor.

It's the way I am.

The term is invulnerable.

But if I don't get

some kind of sample

we'll never determine

what you're made of.

Do you remember those meteor

fragments, I had a while back?

The ones you threw

into outer space?

How could I forget?

Every time I got near them,

I felt like I was dying.

Well, before we disposed off

them, I managed to isolate

some of the unique radiation

that proved to be so

so deadly to you.

Hold it right there.

[machine humming]

This is going to hurt, isn't it?

It might.

[electric humming]

[intense music]

- Nothing.

- Just wait.

[music continues]

- A-a-a-h!

- Ah, don't move.


don't touch it.

I guess, it worked.


I think that's

a fair assumption.

I want to thank you, professor.

There aren't many people,

someone like me can turn to.

There aren't any people

like you, Superboy. Period.

I think I'll have a result

for you by tomorrow.


Thanks, professor.


[phone rings]

Professor Peterson.

What? Is there

anything missing?

At last report,

Lieutenant Williams

was still in critical condition.

The b*ll*ts removed

from him were

from Sergeant Johnson's g*n.

Given the firepower

of the high-tech weapons

aboard the Swat van..

we must consider Johnson

armed and extremely dangerous.

I repeat, Johnson is armed

and extremely dangerous.

[intense music]

[phone ringing]

I'm not here.

(Dean Lockhardt)

WhiteT.J. White.

Where are those

contact sheets I asked for?

Get it together, kiddo.

We've got a paper

to put to bed.

You wanted me to get

photos of that robbery

down at the science laboratory.

I'd like to see them.

Well, I don't have 'em.

Before I got started

on that, you wanted

a checklist of all the camera

and dark room equipment.

So, where are those

contact sheets I asked for?

Get it together, kiddo.

We've got a paper

to put to bed.

I'm doing the best

I can, Dean Lockhardt.

Do better.


Should have stayed with my first

ambition, standup comedian.

(Dean Lockhardt) Did you

say something, T.J. White?

No, well, yeah, I mean,

I just, I-I-I just said that

I'll get everything

back on track

as soon as Clark shows up.


Clark Kent?

Did you need to see me,

Dean Lockhardt?

Mr. Kent, the alumni board

has brought me

into run The Shuster Herald

as if that were

a real newspaper.

That means

that we show up on time.

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

Editorially speaking,

on the other hand.

I was quite impressed

with the work

that the two of you

turned out on the paper.

Particularly your

reporting, Clark.

Thank you, ma'am.

Now, you two are due at the

Agricultural Research Centre.

I know that doesn't sound

like much of an assignment.

But a good reporter will always

come up with a good angle.

So, get going.

Just once, I wanna hear you

come up with one of your

one liners when

it's needed.

Come on.

[intense music]

[radio static]

I told you I can..


[ominous music]


[music continues]


Clark Kent?

I know him, officer, but--

Where iswhere is Clark Kent?

Over there.

His dorm's over there.




You okay?

[upbeat music on tape recorder]

Clark would have been here

himself, Mr. Kent.

But he's on an assignment

over at the Agricultural Centre.

And he thought you

might wanna meet him there.

Oh, I'd like that.

That'll give me

a chance to look around.

You know, they're doing some

interesting experimental work

with that frost resistant grain.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

How's everyone in Smallville?

Well, everybody's

just fine and they

and they all

send their love.

I hope, I can

get back there soon.

I hope you can, too.

I'm gonna go

gas up the jeep.

I'll meet you in the parking lot

in ten minutes?

- Okay.

- Great.


[knock on the door]

[dramatic music]


[intense music]

Clark Kent. I must find him.

Where is he?

Is he in some sort

of trouble, officer?

I must find him.

Where is he?

Well, he's not here.

I'll be seeing him

in a little bit.

Is there something

you'd like me to pass on?

I'll pass it on personally.

Where is he?

I don't like the tone

of your voice, mister.

If you've got a legal paper,

I'll co-operate.

If not,

then you back off!

Oh boy, city cops.

They're something. Phew!

[indistinct chatter on radio]

[intense music]

[radio static]

[engine revving]

(male #1 on radio) Units three and

seven, proceed to Tenth Street Bridge.

Set up road block.

Units nine and twelve,

are you in position?

Repeat, units nine and twelve,

report your position.

Sighting reported south of..

[engine revving]

All units proceed

with extreme caution.

The man carries

a full compliment

of heavy weapons

and expl*sives.

[engine revving]


[tires screeching]

(woman on PA system) Professor

Peterson, please report

to exhibit number seven.

Professor Peterson,

exhibit number seven, please.

All these jerks are taking

and me stuck

with only one roll

of film, huh?

What a dig.

Oh ho, Clark.

I'm the comedian, remember?

[engine revving]

[intense music]

[music continues]



(Jonathan) 'Oh, you

look so good, don't you?'

Ah, I like

that, beef man.

God, nice to see you.

- You must be J.T.?

- T.J.

Oh, T.J., I'm sorry.

It's a real pleasure

there, Mr. Kent.

- Ah, T.J.

- Just a minute, please.

There's Professor Peterson.

How about us trying to charm

him into upping our grades?

So Mr. Kent and company

could be rid of us for a while?

You're so quick, T.J.


Come on.

Looks like college

agrees with you, son.

- How's mom?

- She took a nasty fall.

She didn't break

any bones or anything.

But it sure slows

her down quite a bit.

She wouldn't hear

of me staying over.

Now, she said I've been

looking forward

to this trip too long.

She's not in any

pain, is she?

The only pain is that

she can't be here with us.

I miss her.

I miss both of you.

Hey, stop that kind of talk

or I'll start blubbering

like a newborn calf.

Pa, since when do

newborn calves, blubber?

Well, I don't something I

just made up. That's all.

[intense music]


[crowd screaming]

[intense music]

It's a sn*per!

Everybody, get down!

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[intense music]

[police siren blaring]

[tires screeching]

Drop it,

sergeant. Now!

[music continues]

Drop it!






(alien) Why can't I get

inside you! Let me in!

Oh, my God!

- No.

- Get away!

I said, get away!

I'm a doctor.

Let me help.

[mellow music]


Feel you could stand up?

[music continues]

Mr. Kent,

Mr. Kent, where's Clark?

I haven't seen him

since the sh**ting started.

Not to worry, T.J.

I saw him. He'll be alright.

[ambient music]

[intense music]


[ominous music]

Glad to see you on your feet.

A few questions?

I don't want to delay getting

him to my office to check him.

You kidding?

Check out Superboy?

He was unconscious,

lieutenant. Why take chances?

I'm sure your

questions can wait.

[ominous music]

Mr. Kent, do you think

he's gonna be alright?

Superboy can

take care of himself.

Why don't you let me

take care of you?

[intense music]

["Adventures of Superman"

theme by Leon Klatzkin]
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