01x05 - Countdown to Nowhere

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x05 - Countdown to Nowhere

Post by bunniefuu »

No lasers. No lasers.

No lasers. No lasers.

No lasers. No lasers.

Hey, thanks a lot

for helping us out.

[chanting continues]

Hey, Clark. You'll never get

interviews over all this noise.

Oh, yeah? Watch me.

A good reporter

hears everything.

[chanting continues]

Hey, T.J., nobody's

allowed on the steps.

Come on.

You're not telling me

that the campus security

is against freedom of the press?

Your own college newspaper,

The Shuster Herald?

- Not you, Mr. Miller.

- Back off, kid.

That will be such

a good angle.

Come on.

Okay. Well, you can't

sh**t 'em all, huh?

Hey, Lana. Looks like

you're in the march again.

Hi, Clark. Why don't you help

us out and get involved here?

I don't get involved in the

issues. I only report them.

Well, then report this.

They're experimenting

with engines of death

in that building.

Say that again. Punch him

in the nose and do it.

I can see the caption. "Irate

Picket Belt School Reporter."

- Ready?

- Cut the clowning, T.J.

Why don't you drop your

camera and pick up a sign?

Hey, like Clark said,

I'm the media, not the message.

What happened to,

"One for all and all for one?"


That's why we're here.

It's rumored you're

gonna stage a sit-in.


Everybody knows the sixties.

Try taking over that building,

you'll be in jail.

- Your dad's gonna be proud.

- They can't put us in jail.

We're exercising our

democratic right to protest.

Like my dad did in the sixties

and he would be proud.

Look, even the football jocks

are concerned with the issue.

You two mashed potato brains

should be ashamed of yourselves.

Keep it up.

Hey, way to go, fellas.

So, uh, do we

sign in or what?

Yeah, just follow me.

To the end of time.

The name's Roscoe.

Hi, mine's Lana.

So, Lana..

Nobody ever got anywhere

by just marching up and down.

Well, we've been thinking

about a sit-in.

How about if we actually planted

one of those picket signs

on that experimental

laser of yours?

It's a great gesture.

What's that gonna prove?

- No one's gonna see it.

- You kidding?

'Do you know how many cameras

are gonna be clicking tomorrow'

when they unveil that g*n

at the press conference?

How do we do it?

Theodore here is the fastest

running back in the country.

You distract that guard up there

for two seconds, he'll get in

plant the picket,

and he'll be back out

before you can bat those

pretty little eyes of yours.

It's a k*ller idea.

Let's go.

You're our lead.

[theme music]

[music continues]


No lasers! No lasers!

Restricted area, Lana.

Mr. Miller,

this is a school building.

Can't deny students

entry to it.

I'm sorry.

Those are my orders.

Just back off

and shut up.

[dramatic music]

[chanting continues]

[Lana screams]


Come on.


No lasers! No lasers!


Let's go. Gas 'em.

Gas her? What a waste.

Move it! We got about 90 minutes

to get to the main event.

(Theodore) Otherwise,

we blow all of this.

[dramatic music]


Stop it!

Why don't you unload her?

When we get the payoff, you can

have 100 broads if you want.

- Sex has nothing to do with it.

- You got another word?

Two words. Bargaining chip.

If we happen to need one.

[tires screeching]


No lasers! No lasers!

Hey, uh, Clark. Clark!

- You know that cop?

- Who? Miller?

- He's not at his post.

- Wait a minute.

He wouldn't leave the entrance

while the demonstration is on.


No way.

[shrill squeal]

Why don't you go tell security.

I mean, it's probably nothing.

- I'll check it out.

- Okay.

[dramatic music]


They went back.

They took the laser g*n.

Who, Mr. Miller?

The football players.

They took Lana.


Whoa! Why are you so mad?

We're on the same side.

You just k*lled two men

like it was nothing.

How can you guys

be so callous?

We both wanna make sure

Uncle Sam doesn't end up

with a death dealing w*apon,

don't we?

If you think the army's

gonna let you

waltz in with their laser g*n,

you guys are bunch of idiots.

Why don't you shut her up?

I'll handle her.

You just do what I tell you.

It was four of them.

They-they took the laser g*n.

Were they students?

I figured they were,

with the uniforms and all.

But now that you mention it,

they did look a little old.

What're we gonna

do about Lana?

We're gonna find her.

That's what we're gonna do.

- How do you feel, Mr. Miller?

- Terrible about the girl.

- She put up a hell of a fight.

- Well, did they hurt her?

Yeah, one of 'em

belted her pretty good.

Did they say anything

about where they were headed?

Think, Mr. Miller.

They must've said something.

Uh, look, kid.

Get off my back.

I-I'm g-grateful you saved my

life, but my head's k*lling me.

Sorry, Mr. Miller.

But Lana's life could

depend on your remembering.

Your thing for her

can cost us 30 years in the can

if she identifies us.

I told you I have

everything under control.


She knows she's not gonna

be around to identify anybody.

- Don't you, sweetheart?

- Don't you touch me.

Oh, ho, hoo!

Mr. Miller, come on. Think

about it. What did they say?

Uh, yeah, the-the first guy,

he-he said, um, um..

they have ninety minutes

to get some place.

Like a, like the main event..

or they would blow

the whole thing.

- Ooh.

- Thanks, Mr. Miller.

Ninety minutes.

Ninety minutes.

T.J., what do you think

that van could average?

Uh, bottlenecks and traffic,

maybe 50-55 at the most.

That's what I'm figuring.

So let's say, what, 90 minutes

that would put

their destination

somewhere in that

circumference, right?

Now what we have to do

is find the main event.

[telephone ringing]

- Herald.

- Hi, Clark.

Oh, hi, Ma.

Clark, how's everything

at school?

Um, everything's fine.

We didn't get your

weekly call this morning.

Is everything alright?

Yeah, everything's okay, Ma.

Can I call you back later?

I don't like the sound of your

voice. Are you in trouble?

Not me. Lana.

Lana? Clark, are you thinking

of becoming Superboy?

I'm not sure that

I have a choice.

I understand.

You can't talk now.

Just know that

your Pa and I are sure

you'll do the right thing.

Thanks, Ma. I miss you guys.

Okay. So I can

call you tomorrow?

- Of course. And son?

- Uh-huh.

- Be careful.

- I will.

- Goodbye now.

- Okay, goodbye. I love you.


It's the middle of the week.

There's no football game,

no baseball game.

I-I looked up boxing and

wrestling. There's nothing.

What main event could

they be talking about?

(man on TV) T-minus 20

minutes to shuttle launch.

Coming up on

auto sequence start.

The main event.

Kennedy Space Center.

Clark, they're

after this shuttle.

[dramatic music]

(male #1) Coming up on

auto sequence start..

Move it. That van

won't do more than 80.

Go ahead. I'll call the highway

patrol and get on a chopper.

What about me?

I'll meet you at the

Beach Cafe, Canaveral.

- And look out for Lana.

- What are you, crazy?

T.J., I don't have time to argue

with you. Lana's in trouble.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[plane droning]

Right on schedule.

(Theodore) Let's hope that

sub we're supposed to meet

is on schedule too.

He'll be where

he's supposed to be.

With that arms dealer

and our 20 million dollars.

(Roscoe) You were wondering

how we'd get away with this?

The answer to that

question just landed.

Every eye in the country is

gonna be glued on that channel.

No civilian will be allowed

within five miles

of that launch pad.

But who's gonna

challenge the chopper

of a four-star general if it

takes off and skims the gulf?


Theodore, what do you say we

test the army's newest w*apon?

- Let's do it.

- Hold on.

What do you know?

It works.


Come on, get this thing off me

and get out of here.


What the hell?

Get me security.

Unidentified flying object

coming in from the west.

I'm not here to hurt you and

your weapons can't harm me.

Who are you?

I'm called Superboy.

I fight for truth, justice

and the American way.



[Lana screaming]

Good luck with the shuttle.

Hey! Hey, he's getting away.

I sure hope he's one of us.


Hey, what is that?

I don't know but let's

get out of here.

Move it. Move it!

We're full throttle.

He's after us!

No. He's after you.

Not anymore.

[Lana screaming]

[screaming continues]

Hey, Roscoe. You were right.

Whatever it is, he's going

after her instead of us.


You didn't want me

to bring her along.


Easy now.

Whoever you are, wherever

you came from, thank you.

- I'm so scared.

- That makes two of us.



- Lana?

- Up here, T.J.

You're alright.

You can let go now.

Hello, T.J. White.

Shuster University,

secret department of journalism.

Can I get an interview, sir?

Nice to see you there, Lana.

Who are you?

How do you fly?

- Are there others like you?

- Excuse me will you?

Hey, wait. They're murderers

and they got the laser g*n.


Lana, w-where is it

he comes from?

Up there.

Isn't he wonderful?

Who-who is he? I mean,

d-does he have a name?

He said he's

called Superboy.

Yeah, he reminds me

of somebody.

He's back!


I don't believe this guy!


Give it full throttle!

Get us outta here!

[siren wailing]



- Here you go.

- Thanks.

- Hey, guys.

- Hey, Clark. Look!

Lana. She's okay.

You would not believe

what happened to me.

- Sure, I will.

- You wouldn't.

You missed the whole thing.

There's this guy, and he flies.

- No kidding.

- Yeah.

And he's so incredible

and amazing andso unreal.

- I'm sure he is.

- I think you forgot awesome.

I did.


[theme music]
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