03x30 - Shells

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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03x30 - Shells

Post by bunniefuu »

Hooble doop Tiddlie Peeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland

and I am about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to

find out all about

you from my great Hoobopedia.

Here they come.

(playful music)

You know who the Hoobs are

Iva, Groove and

Tula, we're Hoobs

and they're ready to go.

Now the wheels are turning

we can all get learning all

the things we want to know.


Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland

and Roam is somewhere far away.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

The motorics are singing.

We keep the engine spinning.

Hoob Hoob hooray!

(upbeat playful music)

The Hoob (inaudible)

is coming your way.

Here we come.



The Hoobs are here

so what do you say.


(seagulls squawking)

- Aaaaah.

Oh yes!


- Oh. This seaside is

just so hooblie grooblie.

- I know all that

hoobacious white sand.

- Yeah and all that hoobie

groovy pure blue sea.


- Yes, still it's

time to move on now.

We've got things to do.

Tiddlie Peeps to see.

Questions to answer

the Hoob News.

- Ooh, how about

can we stay by the

seaside forever and ever

listening to the

sea going whoosh.

- Groove I do wish you'd

think up sensible questions.

- Sorry.

- We'll just have to find a way

to remember the

seaside, that's all.

- I'm going to draw a picture.

- That's a hoobacious idea Tula.

And while you do

that I'm going to

write down the

questions we might ask.

Sensible questions.

- Yeah yeah yeah.

Whoosh. Whoosh.

Right. Here goes.

- Um, where's Groove?


- Have you seen my

Hoobie pen anywhere Tula?

- No Iva. Sorry.

- That's funny 'cause

I had it earlier.

- I will start by

drawing the sea.

- The sea? Whoosh.

- It was in here.

I'm sure it was.

Unless I left it ...

- And I will draw a shell

- Oooh a shell. That's

what we can have

to remind us of the seaside.

And I bet a shell would

come in really useful.

- Useful?

- Yeah, I bet we

could use a shell for

Uh ... for um...

- For what?

- What. What. What.


- I don't know what but I'm sure

we'll think of something.

- I can't find it.

- Now then, what sort of shell

would we all find useful?

- Hubba. Hubba.

- Oh it's Hubba.

- What sort of shell

would we all find useful?

Now that is a Hooble dooble

duper question Groove.

- Thanks Hubba Hubba.

I hope it's sensible enough.

- Oh it is Groove!

Or Hubba Hubba wouldn't

have picked it.

- I'll get on to Roma right away

to see whether she can

find any uses for shells.

But in the meantime

why don't you

go and ask the Tiddlie Peeps.

- Yes! The Tiddlie

Peeps are sure to help.

- I'll go. Oh and

I'll drive you there

quicker than you can say

She sells seashells

on the seashore.

(Hoobs laughing)

Come on.

- She sells seashells

on the seash ...

What's Iva's pen doing

in the Hoobofridge?

That's not a very

sensible place for it.

- Seatbelt.

- We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps!

(ringing bell)

(rock music)

- We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

On the road we go.

We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

They're smart, they're

fun, they know.

The Tiddlie Peeps!

If we need to know

who, what, where,

why, when and how.

We'll ask them. Off we go!

We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

On the road we go.

We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

They're smart, they're

fun, they know!

- Hooble doop Tiddlie Peeps.

- It's Tula!

- What are you doing?

- We're sorting out our shells.

- Those are hooblie grooblie.

- We collected

them at the beach.

- We saw shells at the beach,

too, but they were white.

- They start off

white but then you can

paint them any color you like.

- [Groove] I didn't know that.

- They're so pretty.

I like the blue ones best.

They remind me of the sea.

Iva, Groove.

- [Iva] Yes.

- [Groove] Yes.

- Can you see these blue shells?

Aren't they hooblie grooblie!

- Yes. Oh yes they are.

- There's a tiny hole

in each of the shells.

- That's right. My Mum put

the holes in them for us.

- It's so we can do

something special with them.

- Oh. What's that?

- We put them on the string

to make a shell necklace.

You can have this one

if you like, Tula.

- Oh! Thank you.

It's beautiful.

I better get back

to the Hoomobile now,

but thanks again.

Hooble tudle doo.

- Hooble tudle doo.

(cheerful intro music)

- Well, I think seashells

are really hoobie groovy.

- Yes they are. Groovy.

No. It's not in there.

- Whatcha looking for?

- Look at this! Look!

- Oh it's hoobacious Tula.

- Yeah, but is it useful?

- Of course it is, Groove!

Necklaces are very useful.

- There we are then.

We've answered the

question already.

Now I must get on

and look for my ...

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

My sensible question was

what sort of shell would

we all find useful?

That necklace has

more than one shell

and Tula is not all of us.

- Oh yes, but ... Oh yes.

Oh you're right of course.

We need to find one shell

that we can all use.

- Exactly.

- Well, that's fine because

I get to keep the necklace.

- Right. Well there must be

a useful shell somewhere.

- But where?

- Where, where, where, where?


- Roma

- Maybe Roma knows where.

- Hooble doop Hoobs.

- Hooble doop Roma.

- I've been shell collecting

here on the beach.

Take a look at this one.

- What sort of

shell is that, Roma?

- It's a sea urchin

shell, Groove.

That's what. Round with

a tiny hole on the top.

- I've never seen one

like that before, Roma.

- The really

interesting thing is

when there's a creature

living inside it,

it's all covered with prickles.

But when it gets

washed up on the shore

and the creature has left

the prickles all drop off.

- Hoobie galoobie.

- But you are left with this

very pretty little shell

with a hole in the middle.

I'm definitely going to keep

it to remind me of the sea.

- But is it useful, Roma?

- Oh I'm sure you'd

find a use for it, Iva

because you're so clever.

- Well, thank you.

- But remember this Hoobs,

you must be careful

when you handle one

because sea urchin

shells are very fragile.

- Should they break

really easily then, Roma?

- Oh yes, Groove. In fact

you only have to

drop it like this

(shattering shell)

and it breaks.

I didn't mean to do that.

- Poor Roma.

- Nevermind Groove.

I'll just have to search

the beach for another one.

- Good luck, Roma.

- Oh thank you, Iva.

This is Roma Hoob bringing

you the news as it breaks

and the sea urchin

shell as it's broken.

Hooba doodle doo.

- Hooba doodle doo.

- Roma's right. I'm

sure I could find a use

for that sea urchin.

- But Iva ...

- I'm going out to hunt

for one on the beach.

You never know. It might be

the answer to the question.

- I don't think it is the

answer to the question

do you Groove?

- Nope. I think it's

far too breakable

for three Hoobs to use.

- Maybe we should carry on

looking for shells then.

Just in case Iva's ...

- Wrong! Yes. But how?

- How, how, how, how,

how, how, how, how, how.

- How, how, how, how,

how, how, how, how, how.

- Hubba. Hubba.

- Perhaps Hubba Hubba knows how.

- I just might, Tula.

I found a fantabby

Hoopie story on Hoopnet

all about another kind of shell.

And I've a feeling

in my twizzle tuft

that it may give you an idea.

Take a look.

(happy xylophone music)

- Kevin the clam lived

at the bottom of the sea

next to some seaweed.

All the fish would

swim in and out

of the seaweed saying ...

- Hello Kevin.

How are you today?

- And Kevin would reply ...

- Very well and

thank you for asking.

- But not everyone

was that friendly.

Take Eric the eel for instance.

Eric was always

very bad tempered.

- Go away!

Or I'll gobble you up.

- The fish were too scared to

swim past him on their own.

They swam in schools to

look after one another.

But one day, Amy the

angelfish, got left behind.

Eric started to chase her.

- Help!

- She cried as she swam

as fast as she could.

- [Groove] Oh no!

- Eric wriggled

after her singing ...

- I'm going to get you.

- Quick! Hide inside me.

- Said Kevin the

clam and he opened

the two halves of

his shell wide.

Amy disappeared from sight.

At that moment Eric

swam around the corner

with jaws open wide

ready to swallow Amy.

But instead he slammed

his jaws down on

Kevin's hard shell.

- Oooooww!

- He screeched and he swam off

to an underwater dentist.

Kevin opened himself up and

let Amy swim out safely.

- Thanks for keeping

me safe, Kevin.

- She said.

- No problem

- He replied.

- That's what friends

and clams are for.

- A clam shell. Now how

hoobie groovy is that?

- Very hoobie groovy, Groove.

- And even more hoobie groovy

is the fact that I think

I might just have one in

my collection of things

that come in two pieces.

Ah ha! Here we are. Look!

A teapot that comes

in two pieces.

- Oh yes.

- And what else have we got?

Some Tiddlie Peep pajamas

that come in two pieces.

And, look!

And, look! A clam shell

that comes in two pieces.

A clam shell that

comes in two pieces.

Only I didn't know what

it was until today.

Wouldn't that be useful, eh.

- Well, I'm not sure.

- [Iva] I'm back.

Stand clear. Hoob with very

breakable but not broken yet

sea urchin approaching.

- Hoobie galoobie

Iva. It's beautiful!

- Yes. And just imagine

how useful it would be.

- Useful?

- Oh yes!

- Not as useful as this.

- What's that?

- It's a clam shell.

- Wow. It's very nice Groove

but I'm not sure

it's very useful.

- It is.

- I don't think so.

- It is.

- Well Groove I don't

think you're right.

- I am.

- No you're not.

- Am.

- Not.

- Am.

- I think I'm going to

get on with my picture.

- I don't think that

clam shell's as useful

as my sea urchin.

- Oh, so what's so useful

about the sea urchin then?

- It's the hole of course.

- The hole?

- Yes the hole.

- How can a hole be useful?

- You can put things in it.

- Not as many things as I

can put in my clam shell.

I'm going to use it

to store my collection

of very small things.

- Well I'm going to

use my sea urchin shell

to keep my Hoobie pen

in when I've found it.

- It's in the Hoobofridge.

- You see there's a little

hole in the top and that ...

What did you just say?

In the Hoobofridge?

- Yeah, your Hoobie pen

is in the Hoobofridge.

- Well what's it doing in there?

That's not a very

sensible place for it.

- Well that's what

I said and ...

Ooooh let's have that

little thing there.

(happy music)

- There. Look at this.

Watch that. How

hoobacious is that?

We have the answer

for Hoob News.

A sea urchin shell.

- No. A clam shell full

of very small things.

- No. A sea urchin shell.

- A clam shell.

- Stop having a hoobie squabble.

The question is, if I remember,

what sort of shell would

we all find useful?

- Sorry.

- I'm sorry, Tula.

And I'm sorry, Groove.

- No, I'm sorry, Iva.

- No, I'm sorry, Groove.

- I'm sorry, Iva.

Hubba. Hubba.

- Hubba Hubba are

we glad to see you.

- Thank you, Tula.

I'm always very

glad to see you too.

What a hoobacious little

hoobie pen holder.

- It is isn't it.

- Yes. And what a splendid

shell to put your

very small things in.

- I think so, Hubba Hubba.

- Now, I've had

a look on Hoobnet

and I do believe we may be

getting closer to the answer.

See what you make of this.

Aren't they fantabby

hoobie hoops?

These are called conch shells.

They come in all sorts of

shapes and sizes and colors.

You see these bigger ones

are all pink and white

and the smaller ones

are all sorts of

different colors.

But they're absolutely

fantabby hoobie.

- Now a conch shell really

does look hooblie groobilie.

It would definitely

remind us of the seaside.

- Yeah.

- But would it be

useful for all of us?

- There's only one

way to find out, Iva.

And that's to test one out.

Now the thing about a sea shell

is that it's a creature's home.

So you can only pick

one up on the beach

if no one is living inside.

- Ooooh.

- Oh, but the good

news is I have managed

to track down an empty

conch shell on Hoobnet

and it's on its way.

- Hoop hoop hooray!

- We're gonna get a conch

shell to remind us of the sea.

- Oh, do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle.

- Tula's got a necklace.

- A clam's the shell for me.

- Let's do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle.

- Iva has a sea urchin

right here in the bus.

- We're hoping that a

conch shell will please

the three of us.

- Absolutely, Iva! Two three!

- Let's shuffle.

- Shuffle shuffle.

- And scuffle.

- Scuffle scuffle.

- We'll do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle.

- She sells sea

shells all alone.

Never forget a sea shell

is someone else's home.

- Let's shuffle and scuffle

- We'll do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle.

- So only pick up empty shells

when you're on the beach.

- And do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle.

- 'cause if someone is inside it

then it must stay out of reach.

- We'll do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle.

- I have put an order in

and soon it will appear.

A conch shell that will prove

to be the perfect souvenir.

- Let's shuffle and scuffle.

- We'll do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle.

- We'll do the seashell

soft shoe shuffle. Yeah!


- I'll get it.

- Let's hope this gives

us the answer, Tula.

(up tempo guitar)

- Hoobie groovy or what?!

- It's hoobacious!

Now all you have to do, Hoobs

is find something you

can all use it for.

- Not sure.

- You could always go and

ask the Tiddlie Peeps.

- Great idea Hubba Hubba.

I'll take it with me

and see if the Tiddlie Peeps

can show me how to use it.

- And I'll drive.

- Show me. Show me.

- And I'll finish my picture.

(bell rings)

(rock music)

- We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

On the road we go.

We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

They're smart, they're

fun, they know!

The Tiddlie Peeps.

The Tiddlie Peeps.

If we need to know

who, what, where,

why, when and how

we'll ask them. Off we go.

We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

On the road we go.

We're off to see

the Tiddlie Peeps.

They're smart, they're

fun, they know.

- Hooble doop Tiddlie Peep.

- Hooble doop, Iva.

- What's your name?

- I'm Rachel.

- And what's that

book about, Rachel?

- It's all about

sea shells, Iva.

- [Groove] That's lucky.

- I've got a shell. Look!

- It's a conch shell.

- A conch shell.

- That's a really nice one.

- Yes, it is hoobacious.

We wanted a shell to

remind us of the seaside.

- [Groove] Yeah.

- Do you know what you

can do with a conch shell?

- [Tula] No.

- Not really, no.

- Listen.

(horn sounds)

(Hoobs laughing)

- Hoobie galoobie.

That shell made a noise

when you blew into

it. That's amazing.

But, um ...

- What's the matter, Iva?

- Well, that noise was

hoobacious but it didn't really

remind me of the seaside.

- Well, there's something else

you can do with a conch shell.

- What's that?

- Listen.

- [Tula] Listen?

- [Groove] Listen?

- [Tula] Well, what?

- Wait a minute.

- [Tula] What can you hear?

- [Groove] Well tell us. Iva.

- Hoobie galoobie.

I can hear the sea,

but we're nowhere

near the seaside.

- Yes, but wherever you are

you can listen to

the sound of the sea

when you listen

to a conch shell.

- Oh Rachel!

That is the most

hoobacious way to

remember the seaside ever.

- Tula! Groove!

- Yes Iva.

- Did you hear that?

If you hold a conch

shell up to your ear

you can hear the sea.

- [Groove] That's right.

- I'd better get back

to the Hoobmobile now.

It's nearly time for Hoob News.

Thanks again!

Hooble tudle doo.

- Tadah!

- Tula you are so clever.

- Well I thought we

could look at the picture

and listen to the conch

shell at the same time.

- Yeah, and then

we can imagine that

we're really back

at the seaside.

- I can't wait to

listen to that conch.

- And I can't wait to blow it.

- Here it is.

Come on then. Listen.

(waves crashing)

- Whoosh.

- This is the answer.

We can all listen to

the sound of the sea.

And nothing will remind

us of the seaside

better than the whoosh.

- Can I blow it now, Iva?

- After Hoob news, Groove.

Come on.

Quickly into the Hoobie studio.

(upbeat music)

- In Dublin's fair city

where the girls are so pretty.

I first set my eyes on

sweet Molly Malone

as she wheeled her wheelbarrow

through the streets

broad and narrow crying

- Cockles and muscles

alive, alive, oh.

- Alive, alive, oh.

Alive, alive, oh.

- Crying cockles and muscles

- Alive, alive, oh.

- Now Tula, she's small

Groove's clam holds it all.

And with a sea urchin

the Hoobs are impressed.

- To be sure.

- But the conch shell is bigger

and that's why we figure

for memories of seaside

the conch shell is best.

- A conch shell is best

twice as big as the rest.

- Who needs cockles or muscles

a conch shell is best.

- Hubba. Hubba.

- Well Hoobs. Are you ready

to give me your Hoob news for my

great Hoobopedia?

- We're ready, Hubba Hubba.

- Then take it away.

(drum beat)

- Hoople doop whoop to all

of you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News.

The news show for

Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iva.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question

- What sort of shell

would we all find useful?

- First of all, I went

to see the Tiddlie Peeps.

And they gave me a

beautiful shell necklace.

- But we knew that only

Tula would use that

so it wasn't the answer.

- Then Roma showed

us a sea urchin shell

that makes a hoobacious

hoobie pen holder.

- But only Iva could use

that so it wasn't the answer.

- We learned about clam

shells from the story

and Groove found one in

his clutter cupboard.

- But only Groove could use

that so it wasn't the answer.

- Then Hubba Hubba

found out about

conch shells on Hoobnet.

And they looked

really hoobie groovy.

- I took our conch shell

to the Tiddlie Peeps

and they knew exactly

what to do with it.

Hold it up to your ear and

- You can hear the sea.


- So now we've got a shell

to remind us of the seaside

and we can all use it.

- So it's thanks once again to

Iva, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs everywhere

a little peep into

the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever you are

have a nice day and

hooble tudle doo.

- Hooble tudle doo.

(theme song)
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