01x29 - Hooting

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x29 - Hooting

Post by bunniefuu »

(soft zap)

- Hoobledook Tiddlypeeps,

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapeadia.

Here they come

(soft zap)

(upbeat music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver ♪

♪ Groove ♪

♪ And Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ [Tula] Go ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Yay ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The The Motorettes

are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

(Upbeat music)

♪ Hoob Hoob Hooray ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪


- Oh no, not again

- That hooting noise has

been going on all night, Iver

- I know, it kept me awake

- Groove's managed

to sleep through it

- Oh no I haven't, I

hardly slept all night

- (the Hoobs simultaneously)

oh shush!

- Hooby galooby, soon

it'll be morning,

and it'll be time to think of

a question for the Hoob News

- I've never heard such a noise

(Tula hooting)

- No Tula, I think you'll

find it was more of a ..

(Iver hooting)

- Well lets listen again

because I think it

was definitely a ..

(Tula hooting)

- Oh for goodness sake you two,

we've just stopped the

thing that goes woo-woo

from woo-wooing and

now you're woo-wooing

- Who d'you think woo-wooer is?

- The Hooty Monster

(Tula gasps)

- What's a Hooty Monster?

- I don't know,

I just made it up

- Oh Groove, how could you?

I was really frightened

for a moment.

All I'm trying to do is

find out who the hooter is

and why he's keeping us

awake at night hooting.

- Well why don't

you go out there,

find the hooter and ask him

'Oi what's all this

hooting at night?"

(soft pop)

(Hubba Hubba echoing)

(soft zap)

- Oi, what's all this

hooting at night?

Now that is a Hoobledoobledooper

question for Hoob News.

I can't wait to put all your

answers into my Hoobapeadia,

and I'm sure Hoobs

everywhere will want to know

all about hooting.

- Well, we certainly

want to know

because its keeping us awake

(Groove yawns)

- Funny enough, I've

just been in touch

with some Hoobs on

the planet Pragle,

and they're all being kept

awake by something going

"gurgle gurgle

groo groo walumpha"

(Groove laughs)

- That's Hooby

groovy Hubba Hubba,

I especially liked

the "walumpha" bit.

I wouldn't mind being kept

awake by a Walumpha, would you?

- All right, Groove, all right.

Hubba Hubba, please

will you let Roma know

we need to find out

all about hooting

- Yeah

- Certainly, Iver.

Roma will enjoy a good hoot.

Now then, I think the

first thing you need to do

is find out who might

be going woo-woo.

Let me see what I

can find on HoobNet

to get you started

on your hoot hunt.

(Hubba Hubba laughs)

(soft zap)

- Ah, here we are

(soft zap)

(cars hooting)

Here's lots of hooting now.

Ooh, listen to all that hooting

There's a big, low hoot

ooh, look, there's

some high hooting

(cars hooting)

there's some more there

(cars hooting)

I can't hear anything

that sounds like

the hooting that

woke you up, though.

(soft zap)

- Well, there were all

sorts of hoots there

- Yes, but none of them

sounded like the one

that kept us awake, though.

- No, and all those hoots

were happening in the day,

not at night.

- You're right, Tula, but

somebody must be able to help us

to find out who out hooter is.

But who?

♪ Who ♪

(Hubba Hubba echoing)

- I know who, Hoobs,

the Tiddlypeeps.

I'm sure if you go and find

some and make the hooty noise,

they'll be able to tell

you who the hooter is.

- Hoobacious idea, Hubba Hubba

- I'll go and see

the Tiddlypeeps

because I make the

best hooty noise

(Tula hooting)

(Iver laughs)

- All right, Tula,

I'll drive you there

(Groove snoring)

(upbeat music)

I'm coming

(upbeat music)

- I'll just stay here and

catch up on some sleep

(Groove snoring)

- Seatbelt?

- Seatbelt

- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps

(soft twinkle)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ Yee hoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

(soft pop)

- Hoobledook Tiddlypeeps

- Hoobledook, Tula

(loud kissing)

- What's your name?

- Isha

- And yours?

- Megan

- Would you like to

do a Hooby hello?

- Yes!

Hoobledook, hoobledook

whoop whoop whoop

- Now, I need to know something.

We've been kept awake at

night by this funny noise,

it goes like this

(Tula hooting)

Do you know what

makes that sound?

- An owl!

- An Owl?

What's an owl?

- An owl is as bird that goes..

(Isha hooting)

at night

- Sometimes owls even coo..

(Megan hooting)

- How Hoobilygroobily is that!

Did you hear that, Iver,

Groove, its an owl.

- [Iver] I see

- Can you all do twit-twoos?

(Isha and Megan hooting)

- Stop, stop, what a noise.

Thank goodness we've

only got one owl

outside our Hoobmobile.

So, do all owls go..

(Tula hooting)

- No, some owls go ..

(Isha screeching)

- Hooby galooby, that's noisy

- They're called Screech owls.

- I'm quite pleased we've

got the woo-woo kind of owl

outside our Hoobmobile

and not the Screech kind.

Thank you Tiddlypeeps,

you've been really helpful.

I must be getting back

to the Hoobmobile now

Hooble Toodle doo

- Hooble Toodle doo

(soft pop)

(upbeat music)

- Well, we've found

our hooter, Groove

oh, Groove

(Tula hooting)

- Where am I?

- You're in the

Hoobmobile, Groove

- And we found out that

our hooter is an owl

- Oh, good


Do the Hoobs on the

planet Pragle know who

the walumpha is yet?

- Oh, will you please

stop going on about

that Walumpha, Groove.

- Can you believe

that some animals go..

(Tula screeching)

(Iver and Groove yelling)

(Tula laughs)

- Don't worry, Groove, we're

not parch-nosed screechers

- Oh, good

- Now I've just

thought of something,

we know that our

hooter is an owl, right

- Right

- But we don't know why

he's hooting, do we?

- No we don't, but we do

know he stays awake all night

- But why?

♪ Why ♪

- No idea

- No, neither have I,

but what I do know is,

I'm no good at staying

awake all night.

(upbeat music)

♪ This little Hoob is

getting quite uptight ♪

♪ Cause his sleep is being

disturbed by all this ♪

♪ hooting at night ♪

♪ I've tossed and

turned in my Hooby pod ♪

♪ But I just couldn't make

it to the land of nod ♪

♪ Oh why do those owls

stay up at night ♪

♪ They should be fast asleep ♪

♪ Its just not right ♪

♪ All I can do is yawn ♪

♪ From dust till dawn ♪

♪ Thing should only be

awake when its light ♪

♪ I've tried all I can ♪

♪ To shut out that noisy sound ♪

♪ But to get rid

of that hooting ♪

♪ I should sleep under ground ♪

♪ I wish they'd

stop that noise ♪

♪ And stop it really soon ♪

♪ When the sun is up, be noisy ♪

♪ But hush up for the moon ♪

♪ Oh why do those owls

stay up at night ♪

♪ They should be fast asleep ♪

♪ Its just not right ♪

♪ All I can do is yawn ♪

♪ From dust till dawn ♪

♪ Thing should only be

awake when its light ♪

(Groove yawns)

- Well, there must be

something the owls do at night

that makes them want to hoot

(Roma echoing)

- Hoobledook Roma

- Oh Hoobledook Hoobs

I got a strange message

from Hubba Hubba earlier,

all about hooting at night.

Well as you can see,

its the middle of the

night here in this wood.

You see all kinds

of things at night,

if you can stay awake that is.

Well some animals stay awake

all night, unlike Hoobs.

Oh, what I wouldn't do for my

own little Hooby pod right now

- [Tula] Its an owl

- Of course its an owls, Tula.

Owls stay awake at night so

that they can go hunting.

They have sharp claws and they

catch all kinds of things,

but mostly mice.

- But Roma, why do

they go woo-woo?

(flashlight clicks)

- Oh Hooby bother, my

torch has gone out.

I must find a little place

to lie down and have a sleep.

oh, under this tree

will have to do.

Hooble Toodle doo

(soft zap)

(Groove yawns)

- Hooble Toodle doo, Roma

- Did you see that owls wings?

They were Hoobilygroobily!

I'm going to make us

some for Hoob News.

I'll need my Hoobybits box.

- No wonder owls

stay awake at night,

if that's when they hunt mice.

- I suppose we'd

stay awake as night

if that's when we

ate our Hoobychips

- Hoobychips, did

someone say Hoobychips?

- Oh yes Groove, owls

hunt for mice at night,

that's when they

have their dinner.

- Oh right, so that

probably why they go ..

(Groove hooting)

- Ay?

- They must be calling

to their dinner.

The owls go woo-woo,

and the mice hear and they say

"hey, I'm off to make an

owl a really good dinner."

- Oh Groove, that is

a Hoobilygroobily idea

- The question now is,

how do the owls see

the mice in the dark?

- Yes, we couldn't

see our Hoobychips in

the dark, could we?

- Well we don't know,

we've never tried it

- You're right, Groove!

Time to test it out

- Yes, but how?

♪ How ♪

- I know how!

Here's a bag of Hoobychips.

What we'll do, is turn

off all the lights,

then I'll throw the

Hoobychips into the air

and see if you can find them.


- Yeah?

- The lights.

(upbeat music)

(Groove laughs)

- Found one!

- No!

I think that's because you

can still see the light,

its coming in through

the Hoobmobile window,

Tula, have you got anything

you can cover the window with?

- Well, I suppose I can use

some half made owl wings

- Okay Tula, when I say "go",

hold your half made wings

up in front of the window,

I'll throw the

Hobbychips and Groove--

- Yeah

- You find them.


Wings Tula

(upbeat music)

And find the Hoobychips now!

(Groove laughs)

- And I'm looking for them now

(loud crash)

(Groove yells)

- Groove, where are you?

- [Groove] I don't know, do I?

I can't see

- Put down your wings Tula,

I think I might be able

to find the light, then ..

(soft pop)

- No, its no good,

Hoobs obviously can't

find their dinner

in the dark.

- Oh, this is

getting so confusing,

I'm going to ask Hubba

Hubba if he can help.

(Hubba Hubba echoing)

- Hoobledook Hoobs

how are you getting

on with your woo-woos?

- Well, we're a bit

confused Hubba Hubba.

We thought that an owl went

woo-woo to call to his dinner,

but now we're not sure.

- Have the Hoobs on

planet Pregle found out

about the Walumpha yet?

- No, not quite Groove,

but they will have in

time for Hoob News,

and then you can go on

HoobNet and find the answer.

In the mean time, why don't

you start up the Hoobmobile

and go and find some Tiddlypeeps

- You're right Hubba Hubba,

come on Iver, lets wake

up those Motorettes

- Oh yes, lets get

this Hoobmobile moving

(upbeat music)

(soft twinkle)

(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ Yee hoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

(the Hoobs laugh)

(soft pop)

- Hey, those owls are


- Oh Hoobledook, Tula

- What's your name?

- My name's Emma

- Hoobledook, Emma

- My name's Georgina

- And my name's Harry

- Hoobledook, Tiddlypeeps

(soft pop)

I am so glad you are

all drawing owls,

because there was something I

wanted to ask you about them.

You see, we don't

understands why owls

make their hooty noise

to call to their food.

- But they don't call

to their food, Tula.

- They don't?

So how do they find it?

- They have special eyes

- Why are they special?

- Owls have eyes that

can see in the dark

- Hooby galooby Iver,

did you hear that?

- Yes

- So that means they can

see their food at night

- Yes

- I see, so they aren't

calling out for their dinner

- No

- We made a bit

Hoobybooboo there, then.

Still, these pictures

are Hoobilygroobily

- Would you like to take

mine back with you, Tula?

- Oh, I'd love to,

we can hang it up in our Hooby

studio when we do Hoob News.

Thank you so much, Tiddlypeeps.

Hooble toodle doo

- Hooble toodle doo

(upbeat music)

- So an owl has special eyes,

and that how he

can see his dinner.

- Yes Tula, but it still

doesn't explain why he goes..

(Iver hoots)

(Groove yells)

- So, have we found

the answer yet, then?

- No Groove, but I had an idea.

You know how we often find

things out from stories?

Well why don't we ask Hubba

Hubba if he can find a story

on HoobNet that would help?

(Hubba Hubba echoing)

(soft zap)

- Fantabyhooby idea, Tula.

I was just about to show you

one, take a look at this.

I'm sure it will help

you answer the question.

(soft zap)

- [Narrator] It was night time

and everything in

the wood was quiet.

Then suddenly..

(Oswald hoots)

- where are you?

- [Narrator] On a branch, high

up in a tree, sat Oswald owl

he was calling across the

wood to his friend, Olly

Olly owl heard the call

- [Olly] I'm here,

what shall we do?

- [Narrator] Oswald and

Olly decided to play a game

of hide and seek.

Oswald closed his eyes,

while Olly hid behind a nest

in the big oak tree.

Oswald flew round and round

but couldn't find him anywhere

Woo-woo he cried at last,

I can't find you.

Olly called back,

woo-woo I'm here,


Olly popped his head out

from behind the nest.

Ooh cried Oswald,

it made him jump.

Then it was Oswald's

turn to hide,

and so they played all night,

calling to one another

across the wood.

(Owls hooting)

- Where are you?

- [Narrator] But soon the

night began to turn into day,

and day time means bed

time for little owls.

Suddenly they heard

their mothers calling

(Mother owls hooting)

- Come home you two

- [Narrator] So, Oswald and

Olly flew home to their nests

and soon they were

snuggled up in their bed.

The sun rose and there was not

a single woo-woo to be heard.

But as soon as night fell,

the little owls woke up.

(owls hooting)

- what shall we do?

- [Narrator] And the

game of hide and seek

started all over again.

(upbeat music)

(soft zap)

- No wonder owls make

a hooty noise at night,

they're talking

to their friends.

- So, we've got the answer

- I mean, how

Hoobygroovy is that?

You know, we can't be

grumpy just because the owls

are talking to their friends.

If I was an owl, I'd

hoot all night too.

After all, Hoobs like

talking to their friends.

- Hoobs love talking

to their friends

- Ooh, imagine what it

would be like if we couldn't

talk to our friends.

- I wonder if the Walumpha

on the planet Pregle

is talking to his

friends when he goes

"groo groo walumpha".

- You can find out

after Hoob News, Groove,

we've got to get into the

Hooby studio, come on.

- I'll just stick the last

few bits onto my wings,

oh and I've made you both an

owly surprise to wear too.

- Be quick, Tula

♪ The owl and the p*ssy cat ♪

♪ Went to sea ♪

♪ In a beautiful

pea green boat ♪

♪ They took some honey ♪

♪ And plenty of money ♪

♪ Wrapped up in a

five pound note ♪

♪ Then owl looked up ♪

♪ At the stars above ♪

♪ And sang to a small guitar ♪

♪ Oh beautiful p*ssy ♪

♪ Oh p*ssy my love ♪

♪ What a beautiful

p*ssy you are ♪

♪ Its lovely but its

not how it goes ♪

♪ Oh how does it go then? ♪

♪ It goes like this ♪

♪ The Hoobs and the Motorettes ♪

♪ Went out today ♪

♪ In a beautiful Hoobmobile ♪

♪ Some hooting at night ♪

♪ Kept them up until light ♪

♪ Now tired is the

way they feel ♪

♪ Then Groove looked up ♪

♪ At the moon above ♪

♪ And moaned by the

light of a star ♪

♪ Oh hooty old owl ♪

♪ How loudly you hoot ♪

♪ What a hooty old owl you are ♪

- Hooby galooby Hoobs,

you look just like owls

is that a Hoobychip I can see

in your twizzle tuft, Groove?

- I hope so Hubba Hubba

- Now are you ready to

give me your Hoob News

for my Hoobapeadia?

- All ready

(Hoobs hooting)

(upbeat music)

- Hoobledoob woo-woo to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver

- I'm Tula

- And I'm Groove

- And today we've been

asking the question--

- Oi, what's all that

hooting at night?

- Lets begin at the beginning

- [Tula] The hooting noise

was keeping us awake,

so we decided to find

out who was making it.

- Not again.

- [Iver] We found out

that cars and buses

and all kinds of things

make hooting noises,

but they weren't the hooty

sound we were looking for.

- [Tula] So I went to

see the Tiddlypeeps

and the Tiddlypeeps

told me it was an owl,

but we still didn't know why

it stayed awake all night.

Then Roma told us that owls

hunt for mice at night.

- [Iver] So we thought

that owls went woo-woo

because they were

calling for their dinner.

- [Groove] But then we wondered

how they could see their

dinner in the dark.

- [Iver] So we tried to find

some Hoobychips in the dark,

but we couldn't,

and then the Tiddlypeeps told

us that owls didn't woo-woo

for their dinner because

owls have special eyes

so they can see their

dinner in the dark.

- [Tula] Hubba Hubba found

us a story on HoobNet

- [Iver] And the story

gave use the answer.

- Owls hoot at night

because that's how they talk

to their friends.

- And now we don't mind the

owls making their hooty noise,

because everyone has to

talk to their friends.

- So its thanks once again to

Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of Peeps.

And remember wherever you are,

have a nice day and Hooble

toodle doo or should I say ..

(Hubba Hubba hoots)

(Hoobs laugh)

(soft zap)

- Where's Groove gone?

- I'm just going to look on

HoobNet to find out who goes

"gurgle gurgle groo groo

walumpha" on the planet Pregle.

(upbeat music)

- And who is it, Groove?

- Its the great

Pregle Gurgle Gerbil,

how Hoobygroovy is that?

Gurgle gurgle groo

groo walumpha!

(Hoobs laugh)

(upbeat music)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The The Motorettes

are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Hoob Hoob Hooray ♪

♪ (upbeat music) ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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