01x23 - Combs

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x23 - Combs

Post by bunniefuu »

(Introduction music)

- Hooble doop Tiddlypeeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come.

(space music)

- You know who the Hoobs are!

Iver, Groove, and Tula!

We're Hoobs!

And they're ready to go

Now the wheels are turning

we can all get learning

all the things we want to know

Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland

and Roma's somewhere far away

The Motorettes are singing,

"We keep the engines spinning"


The hoobmobile is

coming your way

Well hey!


The Hoobs are here

so what do you say?

- [Everyone] HOOBS!

- There.

Hoobly groobly.

One for Iver, one for

Groove, and one for me.

- I don't believe it.

- Hooble doop, Iver.

What's wrong?

- Well I've just had the

very last slurp of Hoobofizz

and you know what you need

after the very last slurp

of Hoobofizz, don't you?

- Mh hmm, a Hoobycookie.

- Well absolutely.

We're right out of Hoobycookies.

- Not anymore we're not!

- [Iver] You've made some more

Tula, that is truly hoobacious.

I might just have one!

It'll help me think!

I have a question for Hoob News.


- Hooby-Groovey.

- Hooble doop Groove.

- Ah, Hooble doop.

Is that an empty

Hoobofizz bottle?

Ha, it's just what

I've been looking for!

- What would you want an empty

Hoobofizz bottle for, Groove?

- Well I'm in the mood

for a bit of Hoobymusic.

You know how it is!

And I've got the urge

to play a little tune.

And this hoobofizz bottle

will make a hooble dooble doop

blowing instrument.

- Huh?

- Well you see,

I'll just give it a little

blow across the top.


- Oh yes.

That will be a

great tune Groove.

With a bit of practice.


I think we need a

question for Hoob News.

- Eh, hoobycookies.

Oh Tula, you are

my favorite Hoob!

- Help yourself.

- Eat it up quickly Groove.

We need a question.

We can't let Hubba Hubba down.

- You know Groove this peep

thing you gave me from your

collection of long spikey things

which might come in handy,

makes an excellent

hoobycookie rack.

- Tula, Tula hooba groovey.

- Peeps don't eat

hoobycookies do they?

So they wouldn't need

a hoobycookie rack?

- No Tula that is true

but can we get on now.

- So what do peeps use

hoobycookie racks for?

- [Outer Space Voice]

Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba...

What do peeps use

hoobycookie racks for?

That really is an excellent

question for Hoob News.

Its certainty a very

curious spikey thing

you've got there Tula.

I'm sure hoobs everywhere

will want to know what it is.

- Uh, you're right Hubba Hubba.

Peeps must use it for something.

The question is

- [Everyone] WHAT?

(upbeat music)

What, what, whaaaat?


- Well I've been looking on

Hooblet and I've found one

or two things about these

cookie racks already.

Now peeps call them combs.

And they seem to be rather

a lot of different sorts.

Here, I think there's

one here somewhere.

Take a look.

(upbeat music)

- [Hubba Hubba] Now here is a

peep with a dog but no comb.

Oh look not a comb there.

Ah ha!

Oh look at him!

Ahh it's here somewhere.

Umm let me see, ah.


Now I know there's a

comb, oh hoobledoop.

There's a comb here somewhere.

Ah ha!

Now here it is.

Now what is she doing to

that cat with that comb.

- Well jiggle my twisle tuff.

What was that peep doing?

- Scratching a cat with

a hoobycookie rack.

- Yes, hooby groovy.

Let me have a go.

You pretend to be a cat, go on!

- Meow, meow, meow, meow.

- Steady groove.

Oh come on be careful!

- Ohh! Ohh!

- Doesn't that hurt?

- No oh no!

Actually it's ohhhh, its

rather hoobly groobly.

Oh yes!

Well I can see why

cats might like that!

Do you want a go Iver?

- No thank you!

I'm not a cat.

- Neither am I but I liked it.

- Yeah.

- Come on!

- Oh okay.

Ohh, ahh.

Oh you're right.

Oh this really is hoobacious.


- So that's it!

Combs are for scratching cats!

- (outer space voice)

Hubba Hubba Hubba...

Yes but Hoobs seem

to like it too.

I can't wait to

try it out myself!

- Hubba Hubba, could you

order some combs from Hoobnet

and send them to us so

that we can test them out?

If there are different sorts

then they might

have different uses.

- Of couse I can Iver.

They'll take a moment to

arrive and while you're waiting

perhaps you'd like to look at

this story that a Tiddlypeep

sent in to Hoobnet.

I think its rather

Hoobly Groobly.

(medieval music)

- Hey it's Wally whose

about to be crowned.

He was about to swap

his little Princes crown

for a really big and

sparkly kings crown.

He put on his royal vest.

Then his royal shirt.

Then his royal jumper.

Finally, he put on

his royal waist coat.

Then he turned to his

wife, Princess Dolly,

To see what she thought.

"You look very handsome

my dear" she said.

"and extremely fashionable"

All of a sudden Prince

Wally sprang up in the air.

Ohhh wow, I've got an itch!

Right in the middle of my back.

"OH" "what should

I do?", he cried.

I can't get crowned with

an itch, it's making me

wiggle and jiggle.

If I wiggle and jiggle with

a big sparkly kings crown

on my head, it'll

fall right off.

Princess Dolly had an idea.

"Perhaps I could scratch the

itch through all the layers

of clothes with one of my

pointy royal high

heels", she said.

"oh no, I think that pointy

royal high heel would

tear my royal jacket",

said the Prince.

Then Princess Dolly

had another idea.

She picked up a long tail comb.

Slowly she slid it down the

back of the Prince's neck,

underneath all his clothes,

and scratched the itch

without him having to

take off one royal thing.

So Prince Wally was crowned

and became King Wally.

And from that day on he

always kept a long tail comb

in the pocket of

his royal jacket,

just in case of

another awkward itch.

- Princess Dolly used a comb

to scratch Prince Wally,

but he's not a cat he's a peep.

- So peeps don't just use

combs to scratch their cats.

- They scratch themselves too.

- Hey the combs have arrived!

- The combs have arrived!

Here, ah.

(upbeat music)

- Oh have a look!

A tail comb just like

the one in the story.

- Did Princess

Dolly have a tail?

- No Groove!

- Hey look at this, haha!

Because I'm in the musical

mood and I've got my hoobofizz

bottle to blow, I thought

I'd trace these blowy

instruments and stick

them up in the hoobmobile.

- Very nice Groove,

but nothing to do with combs.

(outer space voice) Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba...

- Hoobadoop Hubba Hubba.

- Now I've been thinking

that it might be a good idea

to go and visit

some Tiddlypeeps.

They might have special

combs you never know.

- Hey that's a really

hoobacious idea Hubba Hubba.


- Thank you Iver.

- I'll go!

Groove you good to drive?

- No if it's okay with you

I'm going to stay and trace

my blowy instruments.

- Right I'll do the

driving then come on!

(high pitch music whistle)

- Seatbelt?

- Seatbelt!

- [Everyone] We're off

to see the Tiddlypeeps!

(introduction music)

We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps,

on the road we go

we're off to see the Tiddlypeeps

They're smart!

They're fun!

They know!

The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps,

help us find things out.

They give us clues,

they tell us news

that's what they're all about.

(instrumental music)

yee hoo!

The Tiddlypeeps, the Tiddlepeeps

if we need to know,

who, what, where,

when, why and how

well ask them, off we go.

Yee hoo! We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps

on the road we go

We're off to see the Tiddlypeeps

They're smart!

They're fun!

They know!

- Hoobledoop Tiddlypeeps.

- [Kids Together] It's Tula!

- Would you like to

give a Hooby hello?

- [Kids Together] Yes!

Hoobledoop hoobledoop,

whoot whoot whoot.

- What you both up to?

- We're going to

plant some flowers.

- Hoobyglooby.

What is that?

It looks like a big comb!

And so does that.

Whys the ground need scratching?

- We're not scratching it.

We're raking and digging it.

- Why?

- Because this rake and this

fork break up all the big

clumps of dirt.

- Ohhh I see.

Do the plants like the

earth to be nice and smooth?

- Yes!

- That is so cleaver.

You Tiddlypeeps

really are smart.

Groove, Iver please can you

order a rake and fork off

the Hoobnet.

Thank you so much Tiddlypeeps.

- Tula, will you come and see

us again when we've planted

our flowers?

- Oh I'd love to!

But I must dash back

to the Hoobmobile now.

Hooble toodle too!

- Hooble toodle too!

(upbeat music)

- I knew the Tiddlypeeps

would have some more answers.

- Two more hooble dooble combs

arrived from Hubba Hubba.

A rake and a fork to get

the lumps out of the soil.

- Not nearly as good a use

for combs as scratching.

Scratching is the

thing if you ask me.

(introduction music)

Cause combs are

great for scratching,

you can't deny its true.

They may be meant

for something else

but that's not all they do.

Check this one out

you're sure to shout

that's gentle on my tum.

Oh you could be right,

I ought to fight but

was looks of fun ah.

Now have a go with this one,

it's spikes are tight and set

it'll reach in all those areas

We've not quiet

scratched just yet

Under your arms

"Oh that's nice"

Its scratching charms will

show themselves to you.

Now that is fun

do the other one!

Ohh that's really

quiet nice too.

There's just this

one comb left now

it's use has been made clear

if you've got an itch

you want to scratch just

pop it over here.

To get a scratch upon your back

its very hard indeed

sometimes it's hard to

reach that itch another

Hoob you'll need.

Other combs won't

beat that itch,

you can't scratch it all alone.

But if you've got a tail comb

you can do it on your own!

- (outer space voice)

Roma, Roma, Roma...

- Hey, here comes Roma!

- Hooble doop hoops.

As you can see I've

come here to a farmyard.

And these chickens have things

that look like big red combs

right on the top of their heads.

- Chickens? With

combs on their heads?

Are you sure Roma?

- Well actually I

forgot to mention,

that its only one

particular type of chicken

that has a comb on its head.

Its called a Cockerel.

As you can see these cockerels

have a large impressive

comb like things on their heads.

They certainty look

like combs anyway.

- Roma could you ask the

cockerel if he uses his comb

to scratch the other chickens?

- Certainly Iver.

Excuse me Mr. Cockerel,

do you use your comb to

scratch other chickens?

That could be a yes Iver.

But it could be a no too.

This is Roma Hoob

reporting from a farmyard

where the handsome cockerel

with the comb on his head.

Come here boy,

say hello.

Cluck cluck, cluck cluck.

- Well just when we thought

we were getting close to

finding out what combs are for,

up pops a cockerel

with one on his head.

- What do you think Groove?

(piano music)

- Groove will you stop

playing with that paper and

pay attention.

- Weren't you watching

Roma's report.

- Yes of course I wa..

No, sort of, but then I was

looking at these bit of papers

for a moment and got distracted.

- Oh Groove.

Do you think the combs might

have something to do with

heads Iver?

- Maybe I'm..

I'm all confused now.

I'm sure there's

something else about combs

we need to know.

- But what?

(music starting)


what, what, what

what, what, what

what, what, what, what, what.

- I have no idea what.

[Outer Space Voice]

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba,

- Do you know what Hubba Hubba?

- I'm afraid I don't Iver.

But the Tiddlypeeps may.

Why don't you go and ask them

some more questions about combs.

- Of course the Tiddlypeeps

will know if combs are used

for anything else.

Lets go and see them right away.

Come on!

(horn sound)

- Hey check this out!

I've discovered something

really hoobygroovy.

- About combs?

- No about blow instruments.

If you blow in here, a

noise comes out this end.

- Well its great Groove but

I don't think we have time

to listen to musical paper.

Were off to see the Tiddlypeeps.

I think you should

go and talk to them.

- Yes its about time you

did something useful today.

- Can I take my new

blowy instrument?

- No you can't Groove.

You can take these combs

and ask the Tiddlypeeps

what they're for.

- Oh I might get one

of them to scratch me.

- Haha come on then

I'll drive you.

- Oh okay.

(upbeat music)

We're off to see the Tiddlypeeps

on the road we go,

we're off to see the Tiddlypeeps

They're smart!

They're fun!

They know.

The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps,

if we need to know,

who, what, where,

when, why and how

we'll ask them, off we go.

Ohh yee hoo.

We're off to see the Tiddlypeeps

on the road we go

We're off to see the Tiddlypeeps

They're smart!

They're fun!

They know.

- Hoobledoop Tiddlypeeps.

- Hoobledoop Groove.

- Hey I wonder if

you can help me.

- We'll try.

- We've been trying to work

out what combs are for.

Are they used for anything

other than scratching?

- Scratching?

- Yeah you can have a

hoobygroove scratch with a comb.

- You don't use

combs to scratch you.

- You don't?

Are you sure?

Look take hold of this

one here, there we go,

and give my back a

jolly good scratch.

Oh yes!



Ahh, hah!

- But Groove you use combs to

get tangles out of your hair.

- Your hair?

- Yes, like this!

- Oh look!

(upbeat music)

Hooby glooby.

So when you've combed your

hair, its all nice and

smooth and has no knots

and tangles in it.

- Yep!

- Yeah, did you see

that Tula, Iver?

Combs are for getting the

tangles out of peoples hair

so its all smooth and beautiful.

Thank you so much Tiddlypeeps.

I've got to go now.

Hooble tootle too!

- Hooble tootle too!

(upbeat music)

- So peeps don't use combs

for scratching at all.

- They use them to get all

the little tangles out of

their hair.

- Yeah haha can

you believe it ay.

- We must test this out.

- But we don't have hair!

We have fur!

- Yes but Grooves twisle tuff

is quiet like hair isn't it

since he's letting

it grow so long.

- Dear you're right.

- So we better make sure

there are no knots in it.

- Oh yes.

We better comb it!

(gentle music)

- Ouch ouch!

No no no get off!

- Come on Groove.

Look, why don't you play

with some of your paper

to take your mind

off the combing.

Its taken your mind off

everything else today.

(trumpet playing)

- I say Iver its

going awfully well.

I'm getting hoobloobs

of knots out.

(instrument playing)

- What was that?

- It was me!

- Oh do it again!

(instrument playing)

- Well combs might be

good for getting the knots

out of your hair but this

is the hoobiest grooviest

use for a comb yet.

I'm gonna play my blow

instrument on Hoob News.

- Yes, Hoob News!

I forgot all about it.

(introductory music)

this is the way we

comb our hair

this is the way we whoa,

comb our hair,

because we've got no hair,

no, whoa, whoa,

come on girl,

Here we go round

the engine room,

engine room,

here we go round

the engine room,

while we make the engine go,

go, say it sista,


this is the way

to get knots out,

get knots out,

this is the way

to get knots out,

but our hair will never grow, no

no, no, no, no, no, no

no, no, no, no, no

whoa, all right, yeah

- Are you ready to give

me your Hoob News for my

Hoobopedia hoobs?

- We certainty are Hubba Hubba.

- Hoobledoop hoob to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob news,

the news show for

Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question..

- What do peeps use

hoobycookie racks for?

- The first thing we found

out was that they call

hoobycookie racks, combs.

- At first, we thought

that peeps used combs to

scratch their cats.

- And I found out that having

your back scratched was

quite nice.

- Doesn't that hurt?

- Oh no!

It's actually, rather

hoobly groobly.

- [Iver] But there are lots

of different types of combs

and we didn't know why.

- [Groove] So we

watched a story that the

Tiddlypeeps had sent in.

And it looked like peeps

scratched themselves

with combs too.

- [Tula] I went to

visit some Tiddlypeeps.

They had things called

rakes and forks that look

like big combs on sticks that

they use to get the lumps

out of the dirt.

- [Iver] Then Roma showed us

an animal called a cockerel

that had something that looks

like a comb on its head.

- [Tula] So then we thought

that maybe combs had something

to do with heads.

- [Groove] Then I discovered

that you could make music with


- [Iver] But that had

nothing to do with combs.

- [ Groove] So I went

to visit the Tiddlypeeps

again and they showed me that

combs aren't for scratching

at all.

They're for getting knots

and tangles out of your hair.

- [Iver] And once we knew

that, we thought we'd better

get the tangles out of

Groove's twisle tuff.

- And that's when I made

the most amazing discovery

about combs of all.

You can make music with them.

(playing instrument)

- So the answer to what do

peeps use hoobycookie racks for


- To get the knots

out of their hair.

- And sometimes to make music.

(playing instrument)

- So its thanks once again,

to Iver, Tula, Groove,

and Roma for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep into

the world of peeps.

And remember wherever,

whatever, whoever you are,

have a lovely day and

hooble tootle too!

- [Everyone] Hooble tootle too

(playing music)

- I say Groove what a hooble

dooble doo blowy instrument

that comb is!

- Thanks Hubba Hubba!

(ending music)

Hubba Hubba in Hoobland

and Romas somewhere far away

the motorettes are singing

we keep the engine spinning

hoob hoob hooray

The hoobmobile is

coming your way

Hey hey

The hoobs are here

so what do you say

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