01x13 - Losing Things

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x13 - Losing Things

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba,

talking to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite

Hoobs down to Earth to

find out all about you

for my great Hoobapaedia.

Here they come!

♪You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪Iver, Groove, and Tula ♪

♪We're Hoobs ♪

♪And they're ready to go ♪

♪Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪We can all get learning ♪

♪All the things

we want to know ♪

♪Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪And Roma's somewhere far away ♪

♪Ooh, Ooh, Ooh ♪

♪The Motorette's are singing ♪

♪We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪Hoob Hoob Horray! ♪

♪The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪The Hoobs are here ♪

♪So why don't you stay! ♪


- How bout this for a

question for Hoobnews,

Why do twizzletufts

grow out of our heads,

and not out of our elbows?

- My Auntie Woola

has twizzletufts

growing out of her elbows.

- She does?

Oh okay,


here's another one,

what can jump higher

than a HoobMobile?

- Anything can.

The Hoobmobile can't jump.

That's not a question,


It's a peep joke!

(both laugh)

- I know


(both sigh)

- Iver,

Do you have any ideas

for a question for Hoobnews?

- Has anybody seen my Hoobtube?

- Has anyone seen my Hoobtube?

- Isn't anybody

going to help me?

Can't you think of

a better question

than that,


- I'm not suggesting

questions for Hoobnews.

I've lost my Hoobtube.

- Oh Iver,

why didn't you say?

- Groove!

- Relax,


It's got to be somewhere.

- I know that.

But where?

♪Where, where, where♪


- Groove,

- Yeah?

- Are you sitting on something

- Yeah.

- It could be my Hoobtube!


What is this?

- That is my Hoobitape.

I've been looking

for that for ages.

- Look,

I desperately need my Hoobtube

it's got all my pencils,

my rulers,

my pens,

my sticky stars.

Everything in it.

- Why don't you just

wait for it to turn up?

- Because I need it


Please help me look for it.

- All right Iver.

- And I'll help as well.


Where are you?

Come here Hooby Wooby Tubey!

Come to Grovey!

- Grove,

My Hoobtube isn't alive.

You can't call it and

expect it to come running.

You have to get up.

You have to look for it.

- (groans)

There must be another way

to find lost Hoobtubes.

I mean,

how do you find lost things?

♪Hubba Hubba ♪

Hubba Hubba♪

- That's Hubba Hubba!

- How do you find lost things?

Now that's the perfect

question for Hoobnews!

- (laughs) do you know

I knew we'd

come up with a

question eventually.

- I'm always losing my

HoobTube as well Iver.

So I know just how you feel.

Hoobs everywhere

will want to know

how to find lost things.

- And when we find the answer,

we'll be able to

find my Hoobtube!

- Do peeps ever lose things?

Maybe if we knew

what peeps lose,

we can work out

how they find them.

- Good thinking,


- I've been having a

little look on Hoobnet

to see whether I

can come up with

anythings that peeps often lose.

Ha ha,

and believe you me,

there are a fair

old number of them.

Take a look,

Oh now there's a

Tiddlypeep's shoe

lost in a bush.

What's this?

Oh a Tiddlypeep toy

lost behind something.

And there's a bag.

Was lost behind a door.

No wonder they can't find it!

Oh someone's lost their watch.

Oh and they're

always losing keys,

the peeps.

There's a glove.

lost on some peeps stairs.

Oh there's another

Tiddlypeep shoe!

What's that?

Looks like a Hoobycontroller,

lost under a cushion.

Looks like a Hoobytie.

- Hubba Hubba was right.


Peeps do lose lots of things.

- My blue twizzletuft ribbon.

- What?

- Those pictures reminded me,

I've lost my blue ribbon.

Has anybody seen it 'round here?

- Hmm,

It's blue you say?

- Yes,

And about this long.

And it's got little

patterns all over it-

- Hang on,

hang on,

we're supposed to be working out

how to find lost things.

Like MY Hoobtube.

- Well,

My ribbon is lost.

So we can try to

find that as well.

- Well the only way I

know to find something

is to look for it.

- Hmm,

I think it's very important,

that we look in the Hubbafridge.

- My Hoobtube isn't

likely to be in there,

is it Grove?

- Well you never know,




Here's the cheese

I thought I'd lost.


- And my Hoobtube is

obviously not in there either,

is it,


- Well,

I thought maybe,

- Why do I get the feeling

nobody is helping me?

- We're trying,


We've looked everywhere.

What else can we

do besides looking?

♪Hubba Hubba♪

That's Hubba Hubba

- [Iver] Hubba Hubba,

we've tried looking.

What else can we do?

- I've found something,


It's a story on

Hoobnet that I think

might just help you.

- [Woman] Friendly Frog

was having a party.

All his friends came to

the pond to play games.

First they played

"who can stay under

water the longest?"

Friendly Frog always wore his

swimming goggles for this game.

Then they played Pin

the Tail on the Tadpole.

Then they played

Pass the Pond Weed.

It was a great party.

The next morning,

Friendly Frog

discovered that something

terrible had happened.

His swimming goggles

had disappeared!

He went to see Know-it-all Newt.

- Have you seen my

swimming goggles?

- No,

Friendly Frog.

You're always looking

for your goggles.

Why don't you keep them

in a special place?

- But I haven't got

a special place.

- [Woman] Friendly Frog replied.

He went to see Teasing Toad.

- I haven't seen

your goggles either.

You should be called

Forgetful Frog instead!


- [Woman] Friendly

Frog was very upset.

He hated going under the water

without wearing his goggles.

His friends helped

him search the pond.

But they had no luck.

- I'll just have to paddle

my toes in the water.

- [Woman] Sighed Friendly Frog.

He climbed up the rocky steps,

and sat on top of the waterfall.

And there,

on a rock,

next to the Pin the Tail

on the Tadpole game,

were his goggles!

This gave Friendly

Frog a great idea.

- From now on,

this rock

will be my special

place for my goggles.

I shall always put them there

when I finish with them.

And then I will always,


know where to find them.

- That's what you should

do with you Hoobtube,


put it in a special place.

- Well I will.

When I find it.

- I'm,


I'm just gonna check

the Hubbafridge.

- From now on,

I'm going to have

a special place

for all my things.



this reel of Hoobitape!

I'm going to put it in



- I don't think I'm ever

going to find my Hoobtube.

What else can we do?

♪Hubba Hubba ♪

Hubba Hubba♪

- Any luck,


- No.

- [Hubba Hubba] Oh

don't be a gloomy Hoob.

I've got an idea.

Why don't you ask

some Tiddlypeeps

how they find lost things?

- That's a great Hooble

Dooble Duper idea!

I'll Drive.

- Yes um let's go.


- Oh now see this

could get lost.

I best put it in

a special place.

But where?


I know.

In the Hoobafridge.

- Seatbelts.

- Mhmhm

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!

(whimsical noises)

♪We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪On the road we go ♪

♪We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪They're smart, ♪

they're fun

♪They know ♪

♪Tiddlypeeps, ♪

the tiddlypeeps

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who what where ♪

why when and how

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ Yee Hoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart, ♪

they're fun

♪ They know!♪

- [All Kids] It's Iver!

- Hello,


- [All] Hello,


- Want to do a Hoobyhello?

- [All] Yes!

Hooble Doop,

Hooble Doop

Woop Woop Woop!

- Now I can't tell you how

happy I am to see you today.

Because I need to know

about lost things.

For example,

if you've lost your dog,

I need to know how you

might go about finding it.

- Call the police.

- Oh,

The police.

- Call the dogs home.

- I know,

make a poster.

- A poster of what?

- (gasps)

- A poster of a

picture of a dog on it.

- Did you hear that,



- Yeah!

- You see Tiddlypeeps,

I have lost my Hoobtube.

- Your Hoobtube?

- Yes my Hoobtube.

It's where I keep

all my pencils.

Do you think a poster of

my Hoobtube might help?

- [All] Yes.

- We'll make one for you.

- Oh would you really?

Oh that's just

Hooble Dooble Duper!

Now let me tell

you what it's like.

It's sort of like a tube

that holds the pencils.

And my paintbrushes.

And my ruler.

And it's on a big base,

a round base.

And on the base,

on the bottom of it,

lots of little red dots

all the way around.

They're like little balls.

- [Tula] (gasps) Ah!

- [Grove] Hubby Groovy!

- Well thank you so much,


I'm going to hang

these posters up

all over the Hoobmobile


Hooble Toodle Doo!

- [All] Hooble Toodle Doo!

- Thank you!

Thank you!

(whimsical music)

- Perhaps I should make

some posters of my ribbon.

- Yeah,

good idea!

- (laughs)

Now we're getting somewhere!

I am going to put these

"Have you seen this Hoobtube?"

posters up everywhere.




You've put your Hoobitape

somewhere haven't you?

- Yes.

I put it in a special place.


- Oh yes,

that's right.

But I mean the special place,

you see,

I thought it was there.


- It was!

Now my special place is lost.

- Aww!

- Grove,

- Hmm?

- Have you seen

my special place?

- No,

I don't think so.

- I don't understand it.

- Now I can't even

put my posters up.

- Oh sorry,


- We must be able

to find my Hoobtube.

But how?

♪How how how ♪

♪ How how how ♪

♪ How how how ♪

how how

♪ How how!♪

- I know how.

We'll ask Roma.


are you there?


I can't find her.

- Don't say we've lost Roma,


♪Roma Roma Roma Roma♪

- Oh there she is.

Hooble Doob,


- Hooble Doob,


Hubba Hubba's asked

me to find out

what I can about

finding lost things.

So I've come here to a

lost and found department.

This is the place where peeps

bring things that are lost,

so that other peeps

can find them again.

Today I'm trying to help

get some lost things

back to their owners.


In this box are some things

that are lost.

- Is my Hoobtube in that box,


- Um well,

It's not here.

- Oh

- Oh but I do have

a mud sandwich.


Lucky there's a label on it.

And it tells me that

this mud sandwich

belongs to a hippopotamus.


Thanks to the label

we can take the

mud sandwich back

to the hippopotamus who lost it.

- What else is in the box?

- Oh,


I'm trying to give my report.

Now, here we are.

- That's it!

That's my Hoobtube!

- Hang on a minute,

was your Hoobtube labeled?

- Well,

No it wasn't.

- Well,

This one is.

This Hoobtube belongs to


Roma Hoob!

That's me!

I didn't even know I'd lost it.

So remember,

If you put a label

on your things,

you'll easily find them again.

This is Roma Hoob,

off to put some things

in her Hoobtube.

Hooble Doodle Doo!

- [All] Hooble Doodle Doo!

- That's it,


I'm going to make

you an enormous label

with a picture of you on it.

You can tie it

onto you Hoobtube,

so when someone finds it,

they'll know it's yours.

- But the problems is,


my Hoobtube is already lost.

- Okay,

So I'll make the label,

and you can put it on your

Hoobtube when you find it.

- Thanks,


That's very kind.

- I'm going to make us a

lost and found department.

So that if we find

your Hoobtube,

we can take it there.

- Good idea,



♪A Hoob is not a happy Hoob ♪

♪ When a Hoob has lost

his precious tube. ♪

♪ We'll be sure to mind it ♪

♪ But first he has to find it! ♪

♪ A Hoob is not a happy Hoob ♪

♪ When a Hoob has lost

his precious tube. ♪

♪ I'll be sure to mind it, ♪

♪ But first I have to find it. ♪

♪ We're going to put

some posters up, ♪

♪ To remind us of it's shape. ♪

♪ But we can't do that

until I've found ♪

♪ My roll of Hubbitape! ♪

♪ You put it in a

special place, ♪

♪ But know we're at a loss. ♪

♪ For the special place

has disappeared, ♪

♪ Oh dear, ♪

I'm feeling cross!

♪ We'll make a lost

and found department, ♪

♪ Right here in the bus, ♪

♪ Then every time

we lose a thing, ♪

♪ There won't be such a fuss. ♪

♪ A Hoob is not a happy Hoob, ♪

♪ When a Hoob has lost

his precious tube, ♪

♪ He'll be sure to mind it, ♪

♪ But first he has to find it. ♪

♪ A Hoob is not a happy Hoob, ♪

♪ When a Hoob has lost

his precious tube, ♪

♪ I'll be sure to mind it, ♪

♪ But first I have to find it. ♪

♪ Put your tube on

a special lead, ♪

♪ And walk around behind it. ♪

♪ Oh yes I can do

all these things ♪

♪ But first I have to ♪

♪ Find it♪

♪Hubba Hubba♪

- Perhaps Hubba Hubba

has got another idea.

- Have you found your

Hoobtube yet Iver?

- No,

And I don't think

we're going to be able to answer

the question in

time for Hoobnews.

- Oh I'm sure you will.

I think you should go

back to the Tiddlypeeps.

They told you how

to find a lost pet,

maybe there are

other ways to find

something like a Hoobtube.

- Okay,

Hubba Hubba.

I'll give it another try.

- Iver,

Do you like your picture?

I've nearly finished it.

- Yes,

It's a nice-

Very lovely.

- Oh Iver,




- Yes?


- This is the new Hoobmobile

lost and found department.

You see bits and bobs

go on the top shelf.

Then clothes go

on the next shelf.

And see this nice empty

shelf here? (laughs)

That's for you.

If someone finds your Hoobtube,

that's where we'll put it.

What do you think?

- Um it looks great,



It looks great.

I jus-


This time,

I'm going to ask

the Tiddlypeeps a

different question.

If you had lost your Hoobtube,

how would you find it?

- Good idea,


Let's wake up those Motorettes,

and get this Hoobmobile moving.

I'll drive.

- Oh yes yes.

(whimsical music)

♪Yee haw ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart, ♪

they're fun,

♪ They Know! ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps, ♪

the Tiddlypeeps,

♪ If we need to know, ♪

♪ Who what where ♪

why when and how

♪ We'll ask them, ♪

off we go!

♪ Wah hey! ♪

♪ Yee Hoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ On the road we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, ♪

they're fun,

♪ They know!♪

- Hobble Doob,


- Hooble Doob,


- Now,

I have a really,

really important

question to ask you.

What do the peeps

you know say to you

when you've lost something?

- My mum tells me to look

where I last used it.

- My teacher says,

"Think where you left it."

- Now let me see.

Yesterday I was writing some

Hoob Do You Do's

to my friends in Hoobland.

And when you write

Hoob Do You Do's,

you need to use

pencils and crayons,

so I must've been

using my Hoobtube!


If I could just remember

where I was when I wrote them.

Well I was looking

for somewhere quiet.

Somewhere with a nice

big table to rest on.


Oh that's it!

Now I remember!

- Well done,


- Oh thank you,

so much,


thank you!

Hooble Toodle Doo!

- Hooble Toodle Doo!


- I declare the-

- Oh excuse me Grove,


- I declare the

Hoobmobile lost and found

department well and truly open!

- Hello lost and found Hoob!

- Hello there.

- Have you by any chance found a

blue twizzletuft ribbon?

- Let me see.


A blue twizzletuft ribbon

is an item of clothing,

isn't it?

- Mhm.

- Ah!



is this the item?

- Yes!

Fantabby Hooby!



- It's all right.

- Found it!

Oh it worked,

I found my Hoobtube!

And it's all thanks

to the Tiddlypeeps.

I found it,

I found it,

I have found it,


Here it is.

Hoob Hoob Hooray!


I am the happiest

Hoob in the Universe.

- Where was it,


- Where I'd left it,

of course!

(all laughing)

No, no, no,

you see, you see,

I thought back to the

last time I'd used it.

I was writing some

Hoob Do You Do's,

and using my

pencils and crayons.

I just had to think hard

to remember where I was.

And I remembered I was

in the Hubbistudio!

So I rushed in there,

and there it was.

- Well,

next time when you lose it,

you'll find it in the lost and

found department right there.

- That's where I

found my ribbon.

- Yeah.

- Oh that is Hoobacious.

Well come on,

it's time for Hoobnews.

♪Timp and Tootle

lost their Foodle ♪

♪Twang, ♪

he went and found it

♪There was not a

thing inside it, ♪

♪ But a ribbon round it. ♪

♪ It doesn't go like that. ♪

♪ It doesn't? ♪

♪ No no no ♪

♪ It's not right at all, ♪

it goes like this,

♪ Me me me me ♪

♪ Lucy Locket lost her rocket, ♪

♪ Kitty Fisher found it. ♪

♪ There was not a penny in it, ♪

♪ But a ribbon round it. ♪

♪ It still doesn't sound

quite right to me. ♪

♪ It doesn't? ♪

♪ No, ♪

♪ Lucy Locket didn't

lose her rocket. ♪

♪ She lost her pocket. ♪

♪ Listen, ♪

♪ Lucy Locket lost her pocket, ♪

♪ Kitty Fisher found it. ♪

♪ There was not a penny in it, ♪

♪ But a ribbon round it.♪

♪ Hubba, Hubba ♪

Hubba Hubba♪

- So you found your

Hoobtube at last Iver?

- Yes,

it was here all the time.

All I needed to do was think

about where I'd left it.

- Good,

And now you're ready

to give me what

you've got on how

to find lost things

for my Hoobapaedia?

- Yes,

We are.

- Oh good.

I can hardly wait.

Take it away.

- Hooble Doop Whoop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoobnews,

the news show for

Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Grove.

- Today we've been

asking the question,

- "How do we find lost things?"

- It all started when

I lost my Hoobtube.

We looked everywhere.

But we couldn't find it.

- [Tula] So then Hubba Hubba

showed us some things

that peeps lose.

And it reminded me that I'd lost

my blue twizzletuft ribbon.

- [Grove] Now we had

two things to find.

- [Tula] We heard a

story about a frog,

who kept losing his goggles,

until he decided to put

them in a special place.

I put my Hoobitape

in a special place.

- [Grove] Was that

your special place?

Well now your special

place is in a,

a special place.

- [Tula] Where's that?

- [Grove] The Hubbafridge.

- [Tula] Grove!

- [Iver] We learned

from the Tiddlypeeps

that one way to find lost things

is to make a poster.

- [Grove] Then Roma told

us a thing peeps have

called a lost and

found department.

If you lose something,

it goes there.

- [Iver] I went back

to the Tiddlypeeps,

and they had a Hoobacious idea.

- My mum tells me to look

where I last used it.

- [Iver] So I thought about

when I'd last used it,

and remembered where I was,

and I found it.

So now that I found it,

I'm going to keep a label on it,

so that everyone

knows it's mine,

and I'm going to keep

it in a special place.

- The Hubbafridge?

- With a bit of luck,

you'll never lose it again.

- [Hubba Hubba] Exactly,


I'm off to look for a special

place here in Hoobland,

where I can keep my Hoobtube,


But before I go,

It's thanks once again,

to Iver,



and Roma,

for giving us all a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember,

wherever you are,

have a nice day,

and Hooble Toodle Doo!

- [All] Hooble Toodle Doo!

- Right,

I'm going to find a special

place for this right now.

- The Hoobafridge.

- What?



(Hooba theme song)
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