07x05 - Mixed Messages

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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07x05 - Mixed Messages

Post by bunniefuu »

Commander Pagano,
I've identified the encryption

on the North Korean
submarine's message.

It's translating.

How vital is it,
Senior Chief?


The sub's CO is sending

birthday greetings
to his wife.

( both chuckle )

( steady beeping )

( computers trilling )

( steady beeping )

Commander Stoechler.

Senior Chief.

How was your meeting,

Could have been handled
on the STU-three.

I think Captain Reeves
makes me drive out

to Group Command just
to remind me who's boss.

Anything I should be
aware of, sir?

No. What's
happening here?

System maintenance.

SAT relays should
be coming down.

I'll get them, sir.

( keypad beeping )

( steady beeping )

( computers trilling )

Base security, sir?

Maybe, Senior Chief.

Go ahead and secure the vault.

( g*nsh*t, grunt )

( g*nsh*t, grunts )

( g*nsh*t, grunt )

( g*nsh*t )

Commander, what the...?

( g*nsh*t echoes )

( low, indistinct
conversations )

( steady beeping )

( keypad beeping )

This is a classified crime
scene, Commander Rabb.

I was read-in
this morning, Agent Holland.

I'm through in back.
Let's wrap up.


Someone pulling strings
for you, Commander?

Admiral Danaco wants the navy's
interests represented here.

These were his people

he wants to know
why they were k*lled.

Well, you won't find
that out here.

Naval Security Group removed
all classified materials

before we got
the bodies out.

They provide you with
a list of the files taken?

Ever deal with
NSG, Commander?

Then you know Captain Reeves'
favorite toy

is the "top secret" stamp.

Well, I'll have a word
with the captain.

He'll recognize
our need to know.

That wasn't his attitude
when we got here last night.

Three of the navy's top
cryptanalysts have been shot.

He's going to have
to talk to us

whether he likes
it or not.


And I want a copy
of the security tape.

I'll make you one as soon
as we get ours from NSG.


How'd the sh**t get in?

Uh, still running
that down.

You want to take me
through it?

Professional job.

Senior Chief Trujillo
was a clean k*ll.

Still, it took him three sh*ts
to get Commander Stoechler.

Rick Stoechler?

You knew him?

We served together
on the Midway.

They said there were
three down, they didn't...

they didn't give names.

Has his wife been notified?

Captain Reeves told her
this morning.


Well, uh...

what about the third victim,
where was he k*lled?

Who said he was k*lled?

I stepped back,

hit the panic button
on the keypad and dove.

He shot me twice.

He would've finished the job
if the vault door hadn't closed.

How did you get out?

I used the vault phone
to call base security.

When they turned off
the secure warning,

I just opened the door.

Did you get a good
look at the sh**t?

No, sir, he was
wearing a ball cap.

It happened
pretty quickly.

Well, Commander Stoechler's
area of expertise

was Asian languages.

He had also recently
spent time in New London

working on counter-
intelligence programs.

Uh, your last billet
before this was Beijing,

which leads me to believe
that your intel unit's

area of concern is
the Pan Pacific.

Yes, sir.

What were you
working on?

The exact nature

of the intel is classified,

I'm cleared for this, Captain.

Only at level one, not higher.
Respectfully, sir,

you cannot determine the
level to which I'm cleared.

Classified material
is classified

by the classifying authority.

Meaning you, Captain?

Admiral Danaco
has asked me

to conduct a JAGMAN
investigation, Captain.

He wants to know why
these people were k*lled.

What they were working on
may be key to that, sir.

I'd like for Jay
to get some rest.

We're done talking.

You used your engagement ring

to bail out a marine?

It wasn't an engagement ring
anymore, sir.

And you knew the child

who may have been injured
during the evacuation?

Her name was Lylyana.

She was a dependent
of a consulate worker.

She lead us to the LZ, sir.

When the shelling started,
we left her there.

We don't know what happened
to her, Admiral.

Well, I know you, Mac.

I'm sure you wanted
to go back for her,

but you did do the right thing.

You got your people to safety.

Well, Colonel,

you had an eventful T-A-D.

We've got a new JAG in house.

If you want to take some leave,
now is a good time.

Oh, I'd like to get back
to work, Admiral.

You must be tired, Colonel.

We're a long way
from the Indian Ocean.

Why don't you start
fresh tomorrow?

Aye, aye, sir.

NSG was here this morning.

They took everything out
of Rick's office.

Were the boys
at home?

At school.

They don't even know yet.

You know what
Captain Reeves told me?

He said that Rick
had a "work-related mishap."

Like I'm stupid,
and I don't know

that when you work
in intelligence

mishap means m*rder.

Were they looking
for anything specific?

( sighs ):
I don't know.

Well, do you know
what programs Rick
was working on?

Harm, we was a nut
about security.

Eleven years of marriage,

and he never talked
to me about his work.

You know when he was
deployed on foreign soil,

I worried.

I knew he was a target.

But he was on a secure base
in Washington.

How could this happen?

A lot of people want to know

the answer to that
question, Michelle.

He handled security
for the Jimmy Carter program.

I can't believe
it was just yesterday

that Rick
and Captain Reeves were...


They had a phone conversation
about the Jimmy Carter.

Rick had sent him
some kind of report.

Look, that's all I know.

I heard a few words,

and then Rick closed
the office door.

( vehicle approaching )

( horn honking )

I don't know
what I'm going to tell them.

You want me to stay?

There's nothing you can do.

this tape came for you.

It's from Agent Holland.

Thanks, Gunny.

Yes, sir.




you got a minute?

Huh, for you?
I got all day.

What do you know
about the Jimmy Carter?

Oh, Carter's
a one of a kind.

She's a modified Seawolf,
all top secret,

still in the testing stage.

When you were a force judge
advocate for ComSubPac,

you ever come across
any cases of espionage

dealing with our
submarine fleet

in the Pacific?

Yeah, two or three times.

What can you tell me about them?

Uh, this have something
to do with your murders?

How'd you know about that?

Word gets out.

Harm, there's, uh...

six or seven countries
that would give a lot

to know the specs
on the Jimmy Carter.

Well, do you know anybody
I can talk to?

I know someone at Norfolk.

I'll contact them for you.

( distant shouting )

( woman screams )

( expl*si*n )

( distant shouting )

( expl*si*n, woman screams )

( people shouting, g*nf*re )

( expl*si*n )


you forgot your picture!

Get in! We've got to get
these people out, now!


Go back! Go back!

( expl*si*n )

( gasping )

( helicopter blades whirring )

( whirring fades )

( sighs )

MacKENZIE (distant):

( knocking on door )

Come in.


( g*nsh*t, commander grunts )

( two g*nshots )

( steady beeping )

Rick was already dead.

That third shot
was just for spite.

Seen this thing twice...

k*ller had this thing timed
down to the second.

The only reason that he missed

Lieutenant Commander

was because
Commander Stoechler

didn't go down
with the first shot.

He was trying
to secure the vault.

What did you get,

It's been determined
the sh**t entered

the Naval Annex

posing as a driver for
a commissary delivery.

There was no delivery
that night, sir.

What did the
cypherlock memory tell us?

The last code entered
was Commander Stoechler's,


Well, the k*ller must have
gained entry some other way.

( knocking on door )

Hello, Harm.

What brings you here, Webb?

Helping a friend
in the building.

I didn't know you had
a friend in the building.

I hear you're on
the NSG murders.

Well, I can neither
confirm nor deny that.

You're busy.

We'll talk later.

It's good seeing you, Harm.

It's an internal NSG report.

There was a mole
in the intel unit

who was passing information
to the Chinese.

Does it say who, sir?

Commander Rick Stoechler.

( elevator bell dings )

( elevator bell dings )




Good morning, Harm.


Good morning.

This is, uh,
Lieutenant Colonel MacKenzie.

Commander Turner.

He's our new, uh,
Staff Judge Advocate.

Hi. It's Mac.


Harm, doesn't the colonel look
an awful lot like... Diane?

Yes, Diane? Yes.
She knows.

She knows
what happened, too.

Uh, nice to meet you.

Welcome aboard.

Well, thank you, Colonel.

I understand
you took fire in Aceh.

Yeah, we did.

I have to, uh,
see the admiral.

All right. Um...
Stop by later.


Morning, Colonel.


Webb's file seems

What's your
problem with it?

His motive for giving it
to me, sir.

Webb never does anything

that doesn't serve
his own agenda.

Makes a damning case

Commander Stoechler.

Yes, sir, it does.

Admiral, I'm having a hard time
believing that Rick Stoechler

is a spy.

'Cause he was your friend?

That, and...

there's something that Captain
Reeves isn't telling us, sir.

I'm going to need time
to figure out what that is.

Well, hell,
I never knew anybody at NSG

to be forthcoming
about anything.

Admiral Danaco called me
last night.

I don't like to get calls
at home

from Three Stars, Commander.

the moment I have answers

so will Admiral Danaco.

Thank you, Mr. Dart.

Uh, anything State can do
to help find Lylyana

would be appreciated.

Thank you.


Yeah, a little girl
from the consulate.

Uh, when the situation degraded,

she helped us get to a school
where we were evac'd safely.

Sounds like a brave little girl.

Yeah. The rebels were
shelling the school

as we lifted off.

I don't know
what happened to her.

I'm sorry.

( knocking on door )

Sorry to interrupt.

Harm, if you can make Norfolk
by noon...?

I can do that.

Let me know
if I can do anything.

( whispering ):

Uh, I got to go.


The Jimmy Carter
is a faster, better-armed

nuclear-powered attack sub.

Her prime mission--


What's that, sir?

Oh, strike, tactical,
surveillance, special weapons.

She's our next generation
of undersea warfare.

Have you run tests on
her recently, Captain?

Why do you ask that?

It's classified, sir.

I'm not at
liberty to say.

Is there something I should
be aware of here, Commander?

There's no evidence
to suggest that

at the moment, sir, no.

Well, that's not
very comforting.

No, sir,

but if I do find reason
for concern, sir,

you'll be the first to know.

Now, about the tests,


We did tonal signature tests
two weeks ago.

Blade noise,
generator slip rate.

Are these important, sir?

Damn important.

They're the noises
that we worry about.

They're the ones
used to track our subs.

( elevator bell dings )

Hey, stranger.

Renee... wh-when
did you get back?

Just about an hour ago.

Sorry I didn't call.

Just grabbed a flight
this morning.

You okay?

Can we talk?

Yeah, sure, let's,
uh, go to my office.

Well, actually, maybe

somewhere more private?

Try the courtroom.


So... what's on your mind?

I'm engaged...

to Cyrus.


( laughing ):

Shocked me, too,
when I told him yes.

Cyrus, the mortician.

Now, I-I really wish
you wouldn't say it

quite like that.

Well, it's, a...

pretty big surprise.

When did it happen?

Well, um... we were
having dinner at his house...

Doesn't he live in the
back of a funeral parlor?


( chuckles )

But you get used to it...

Huh. Really?

I know, I know, this all
just seems a little crazy.

I guess... I guess
my dad's dying...

I don't know.

It made me realize
the things that I really want

in my life.

You know, more than my job,
and more than...

what I've had.

Cy's it for me.

He loves me, Harm,

like I am the only living thing
in his entire world.

Well, if that's, uh,
what you want, then...

Yeah, it is.

And look, I...
I think we both know

that you and I were never going
down the aisle.

Well, it wasn't because of you.

Oh, I know that.

I'm a catch.

Colonel, there's
a Captain Jarot on the line

from Indonesia.

Oh, thank you, Harriet.

Captain Jarot?

Colonel MacKenzie.

Delightful hearing your voice
on my answering machine.

Do you know
where Lylyana is, Captain?

Sadly, no.

I made some inquiries
with the local hospitals

at the military authority

but one child missing
in a country

of so many missing children...

But what about
the girl's mother?

Since the mother worked
at your consulate,

I suggest you contact
your State Department.

I tried that, but the consulate
is still closed.

You're my last hope.

I like the sound of that.

You will be in my debt.

Well, I'm fresh
out of rings, Captain.

You insult me.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.


will you continue to look?

I will do what I can, Colonel,
but it may not be much.

( sighs )

( dial tone drones )

Agent Holland just sent over
the NCIS workup

on Commander Stoechler.

He and his wife have joint
accounts in a Virginia bank.

They live in Virginia, sir.

And he has
another account

under his own name
in Maryland.

And there was
a recent deposit

of $150,000,
and Agent Holland

can't determine
where it came from.

Admiral, I-I have to believe

there's a reasonable explanation
for that.

your friend's code

was the last one used
to gain entry.

Webb's source in Beijing names
Commander Stoechler as the mole

and now we have what
looks like payoffs?

Unless you can come up
with the answers,

he looks guilty as hell.

Did Rick have a relative

anybody who might
have given him
this kind of money?

No. And if he did,
he would have told me.

Michelle, I need
to find out

how that money got
into his account.

Look, he wasn't selling

I didn't say that he was.

You were thinking it.

Look, Michelle,
there are issues

outside of this money.

What issues?

I wish I could tell you

but because of the sensitivity
of this intelligence...

Or the lack of.

I'm on my way to
pick up the suits

that Daniel and Sam
are going to wear

to their father's funeral,
and you come here with this.

Do you know how pathetic it is
for you to blame Rick

when he's not even here

to defend himself?

Michelle, I'm trying
to clear his name.

Look, I don't know where
the money came from.

If someone was
selling information

it wasn't Rick, and
if someone said it was

they are lying.

And if you don't...

Forget it.

( car door slamming )

( engine starting )

It doesn't feel right.

Look, there was a leak
in the intel unit

but it wasn't
Rick Stoechler.

Give me some help
here, Clay.

I already did.

You didn't like it.

Your source is wrong.

And that's based on what?

I know Rick Stoechler!

Harm, there's one thing
I've learned in my line of work:

you never really
know anybody

even people you think
are your friends.

The guy did it.

You keep after this,

all you're going to do is
embarrass him and his widow.

You don't want that, do you?

I'm late
for a dinner.

Look, help me find the sh**t.

And then what?

Ask who hired him?


Harm, even if I could find him,
he wouldn't know.

When you're hired
to k*ll two people,

you're not told
who's asking for the hit.

There's no trail there.

I'm sorry.

( steady beeping )

( g*nsh*t )

Webb didn't say "when you're
hired to k*ll three people"

he said "two."

Simple misstatement, sir?

Not coming from Webb.

Let's, uh, run it again

from where the sh**t
turns to Pagano.

( clicks keyboard )

What happened?

Gunny, you sure
you know how to do this?

Uh, well, I've done some editing
on my computer, sir,

and this isn't

entirely different.

( sighs )

( clicks keyboard )


( steady beeping, g*nsh*t )

Uh-uh, tighten up
on the sh**t.

Zoom in on the w*apon.

( g*nsh*t )


The cylinder didn't turn
in the revolver.

Tape's been altered.

The source of this tape
was NSG, sir.

Can't be trusted.

Can we get the
original tape?

Captain Reeves
owns it, sir.

All right.

Well, he doesn't
own the crime lab.

Let's get the ballistics
report from them.

Aye, aye, sir.

He didn't fire the w*apon
from there.

I can't talk to you, sir,

unless Captain Reeves
is present.

Oh, I don't think
you want Captain Reeves

to hear what I have
to say, Commander.

Why is that, sir?

Your unit covered naval messages

originating out of Asia,
didn't they?

You know that, sir.

Any of those messages

have to do with the
Jimmy Carter, Commander?

That's classified, sir.

Let's talk about Beijing.

You make any friends
while you were in China?

Friends you sold
secrets to?

Where are you getting this, sir?

The original ballistics report
from the crime lab

says that you had soot
in your wounds.

Soot indicates point-blank shot

fired from less than
eight inches.

You weren't shot
from across the room,
were you, Commander?

But the ballistics report
and the security tape

were altered to support
your story, weren't they?

Now, you are going
to tell me why.

I think I need a lawyer, sir.

Yes, you do.

Oh, sir, I've been meaning
to talk to you

about Lieutenant Commander
Jay Pagano.

He's my client now, sir,

and I'd appreciate it
if you'd refrain

from any further contact
with my client

unless I was present.

Believe me, Lieutenant,
next time I see your client,

I fully plan on
you being present.

Tiner, I need to see
the admiral.

Yes, sir.

Admiral, Commander Rabb
would like to see you, sir.

CHEGWIDDEN ( over intercom ):
I'd like to see him, too.


Captain Reeves called.

He was not in
a friendly mood.

He believes that you're
going after Commander Pagano

to move the investigation
off your friend.

I'm just following
the evidence, sir.

Commander Pagano
lied about how he was shot.

Ballistics report does not
support his story, sir.

It looks as though the report,
and the security tape

have both been altered, sir.

By whom?

Yet to be determined, Admiral.

So, a m*rder, espionage,
and now a cover-up.

You plan on proving
any of this, Commander?

Yes I do, sir, with
an Article 32 hearing.

I'll start by charging
Commander Pagano

with making a false
official statement.

And that's a major
fishing expedition.

It's a legal one,

All I need now
is a convening authority, sir.

I don't know yet how, or if,
Captain Reeves is involved, sir,

so we'll need to go over him.

Do you know what the hell
you're asking?

Yes I do, sir.

( sighs )

Tiner, get me Admiral Danaco.

I know it's late,
just find him.

TINER ( over intercom ):
Aye, aye, sir.

Well, it's going to have to be
a Grunden.

Closed secured,
all parties cleared.

I'll have navy technicians

secure the court
with jamming devices.

TINER ( over intercom ):
Sir, Admiral Danaco on four.

This better be damn good,

( monitor trilling )

( steady beeping )

( beeping )

( electric feedback )

Commander Rabb, start us off.

Your Honor,
before we begin,

the court should know
that my client is willing

to waive this Article 32
and plead guilty

to the charge of making
a false official statement.

Your Honor,
while the government appreciates

the accused's attempt

to streamline
these proceedings, sir,

we have both a right
and the desire

to see where this evidence
leads us.

Then my client, who
is still convalescing,

requests that these
proceedings be postponed

until he is
fully recovered, sir.

Unless a certification
of Commander Pagano's

treating navy physician
is presented today, Lieutenant,

we're having this hearing.

Do you have one?

No, sir.

Then sit down.

( distant, indistinct
conversations )

Who are you?

Clayton Webb, sir.

Here to monitor
the proceedings.

I'm read-in
for this program.

Very well.

Be seated, Mr. Webb.

The government calls
Captain Perry Reeves.

Objection, Your Honor.

Captain Reeves was not present
at the incident in question.

He has no relevance
to this charge.

Goes to motive for
Lieutenant Commander Pagano

giving a false statement
about the murders, sir.

Your Honor, since the government
didn't accept our offer

to accept the plea,
shouldn't the burden be

that they first have to

establish factually
that there was

a false statement given
before they move on

to matters of motive?

No, it's his case.

He can present it
anyway he wants.

Captain Reeves,
what is the SSN-23?

The Jimmy Carter, our
special operations sub.

Captain, did Commander
Rick Stoechler

ever send you reports
concerning the Jimmy Carter?

You don't know
what you're doing, Commander.

Your Honor, the government
believes that any reports

sent to Captain Reeves
concerning the Jimmy Carter

are vital to our

why the accused
lied in his st...


It's not been proven that my
client lied about anything.

I'll understand the term "lie"
to include "allegedly."

Your Honor, I would request

that you order
the Naval Security Group

to release these reports
for our inspection, sir.


Sir, it's obvious

that Commander Rabb is
using these proceedings

as a means
to cast a wide net

to see what
he can pull in.

He's allowed to do that.

One of intents of this hearing

is to facilitate
broad fact-finding.

Therefore, objection overruled.

I'll order access
to documents

generated one month
prior to the incident.

Thank you, sir.

That'll be all.

Your CO on the Guadalcanal

was impressed with your actions
in Aceh.

He recommended you
for a personal award

and asked for special
rapid handling...

and he got it.

A Meritorious
Service Medal, sir?

Admiral, I left
a little girl behind

who may have been k*lled
because she was helping me.

Could have ordered the helo
to wait so I could get to her.

I didn't even consider
going back.

Your actions helped save
the lives of 22 people.

You were a damn fine marine
officer out there.

I wasn't a damn fine
human being, sir.

When you're under fire,

you don't have
the luxury of both.

Does the feeling that you've
done something terrible

ever go away?


Counsel, please approach.

Is this the only report
on the Jimmy Carter

that went to
Captain Reeves

in the last month?

Yes. It was hand-carried
by Commander Stoechler

to Captain Reeves directly.

It's dated the day
of the murders.

What am I looking at here?

An American reconnaissance
aircraft had intercepted

a message between two admirals
in the Chinese navy.

What was it about?

An American naval officer
had sold the Chinese

a copy of the tonal signature
tests on the Jimmy Carter.

The intercepted message
included what appeared to be

those tonal signatures.

Commander, if I allow this in,
what do you intend to argue?

Sir, I believe that
Commander Stoechler

knew that the naval officer

who sold the tonal signatures
to the Chinese

was in his own unit.

That's why
he hand-delivered

this intelligence
to Captain Reeves--

to keep it confidential.

Why were our cryptanalysts
k*lled, and who k*lled them?

The same naval officer

who sold the tonal signatures
to the Chinese, sir,

must have also intercepted
the air recon message

and informed the Chinese.

And what does that
lead you to conclude?

Sir, the Chinese
could not have known

that Captain Reeves was alerted,

so they sent an assassin
that very day

in hope that this new intel
would die in the room

with the m*rder*d

And yet,
Commander Pagano survives.

Sir, soul survivor of this intel
unit would be the Chinese mole.

The Chinese tried to
k*ll Commander Pagano.

Well, they had to make it
look good, Lieutenant.

He'd be an obvious suspect.

But if they let him
survive, sir,

kept their mole in place,
he'd be invaluable to them.

That's a serious accusation,

Which you've presented
no evidence of, sir.

I haven't finished presenting
my case, Lieutenant.

( phone ringing )

Lieutenant Colonel MacKenzie.

Good evening, Colonel.

Captain Jarot,
have you found her?

There's a hospital
south of the city.

They tell me they have a little
girl suffering a concussion.

What makes you think
she's Lylyana?

When they brought her in,

she had an interesting artifact
with her.

I believe you call it, uh,

an eagle, globe,
and anchor emblem.

I gave her mine.

Um, I was offered some leave,
I'm going to take it.

I'll be on the first plane out.

I love how impulsive
Americans are.

I'll be delighted to pick you up
at the airport.

I'll call you when I know
what time my plane lands.

Captain, you are an expert
on submarine tonal signatures

is that correct?

Yes. I am Director
of Special Operations

and a signature analyst.

Is hard to track
a submarine, Captain?

Especially ours.

We build them to run silent,
and they do.

Of course at some point you have
to move, that means the screws.

At some point
you need electricity,

that means you have to run
the generator.

All of that makes noise

and each sub has it's own,
significant signature pattern.

Captain, is it easy to identify
noises coming from a submarine?

Mm, very difficult.

You have to
use a computer

to separate the
sound patterns.

Then, of course, you
have to have the skills

to know what you
are looking at.

All right, Captain,

if you had a submarine's
tonal signature,

would it be easy to identify
and track that sub?

It'd be like
she was wearing a beacon.

Captain, I have here a message
that was intercepted

by one of our reconnaissance

Would you please flip
to the page with the numbers

and tell us what it says, sir?

At the top:
"U.S. SSN-23."

That's the Jimmy Carter's
hull number.

These rows of numbers
are acoustic frequencies

represented mathematically.

Captain, are you
familiar enough

with the mathematical

of the Jimmy Carter's
tonal signatures

to identify them here?

I am.

I headed the testing team.

Are these
the tonal signatures

from the Jimmy Carter, sir?

No. Absolutely not.

Are you sure, Captain?


If anyone is trying to
track the Jimmy Carter

using these numbers,

then somebody's
doing a hell of a job

giving them misinformation.

Thank you for picking me up,

I wouldn't miss
the opportunity

to spend time
with such a fascinating woman.

I'm not that

Oh, yes, you are.

You just traveled
halfway around the globe

to visit some girl
you hardly know.

You gave me
an expensive ring

to bail out a man
you never met.

I'm still interested
in that story.

You're not going
to hear it.

Was the ring from a man
you did not love?

You never give
up, do you?

A good investigator

to ask questions
until he gets answers.

There must be someone else
you care about.

For some reason
you are not with this other man.

Is he a fool?

We, uh, just can't
seem to work it out.

Love is the same everywhere--
America, Aceh--

always impossible.

I hope not.

An optimist.

Which would explain
why you have faith

that this little girl
is the Lylyana

you are searching for.

It has to be her.

May I ask why
is she so special?

Because she depended on me

and I failed her.

Adults fail children
all the time.

It's sad
but not tragic.

It merely forces them
to grow up.

No, Captain, it
crushes something

inside them forever.

I didn't want to
do that to Lylyana.

All the information
I've gotten, Bud,

has been corrupted.

I want to know
what they're covering.

I understand
that, sir,

but Captain Reeves requested
that I let him know

if we spoke to Commander
Pagano outside the courtroom.

You're required to have
him present, not me.

I only want to talk to him
for a couple of minutes.

It's not going
to take long.

( door opens )

Now is not the time, Commander.


Let's go, Lieutenant.

Sir, what about
your questions?

They've been answered.

She's right there.

( baby crying )

Am I dreaming?

You flew away.

I flew back.

My head hurts.

I bet it does.

I wanted you
to have your picture.

I'm sorry I didn't
go back for it

or for you.

You could get it now.

It's in the drawer.

The men who found me
wanted to leave it.

I wouldn't let them.

It got messed up.

It's perfect.

I have something for you, too.

Wonderful. I love gifts.

A medal?

What's it for?

It's for people
who do brave things like you did

when you took us to your school.

It honors you
for your exceptionally

meritorious conduct
and your valor.

I have valor.

Yes, you do.

What is valor?

It means that you're strong,

and that you have spirit
and bravery.

I'm like you.

You have much more valor
than I did when I was your age.

When did you put me
on your witness list?

This morning.


You know why.

I'm not getting
on that stand, Harm.

Why not?

I'm just an observer
in this proceeding, sir.

Mr. Webb, do you have
material testimony

to offer us in
this matter?

I believe he does,
Your Honor.

We don't usually issue

in Article 32 hearings,
Mr. Webb,

but if I have to bend the rules
to get you up there,

I'm not against that.

What is your position
with the CIA, Mr. Webb?

Deputy director
of counter-intelligence.

What does that term

Counter-intelligence mean,

It's a broad term.
It has a myriad of meanings.

Including running

designed to deceive an enemy?


Welcome, Admiral Danaco.

Thank you, Admiral Morris.
Carry on.

Your Honor,
let the record reflect that

the convening authority in this
matter, Admiral Danaco,

has just entered the courtroom.

Mr. Webb, part of this job
would be to feed

misinformation to an enemy,
is that correct?


Now, is the best way
to do that

to have someone they trust
feed them this misinformation?

A double agent?
A mole in a key position?


Was Lieutenant Commander Pagano
that mole, Mr. Webb?


Did he know?

He was unaware that
we were using him

to feed false information
to the Chinese

until yesterday
when you blew this open.

By "we," are you referring
to yourself and Captain Reeves?

It was my operation,

but I was handling him

with the full knowledge
of Captain Reeves.

Attention on deck!

As you were.

Admiral Danaco for you, sir.

Thank you, Petty Officer.

Aye, sir.

Admiral Danaco?

Commander Pagano alerted

the Chinese that we knew
they had our sub information.

When did you learn of this?

He confessed it last night.

He also told me he had no idea

that the Chinese were going
to k*ll Commander Stoechler

and Senior Chief Trujillo.

What did he think the Chinese
would do,

let the information
get out?

He was instructed by
his Chinese handlers

to destroy all evidence
of the intercept

which he thought
he'd done.

He didn't consider that the
Chinese might want anybody

with direct knowledge
secured as well.


Did Commander Pagano lie
about the events

the night of the m*rder
to cover the fact

that he was the one leaking
information to the Chinese?

He did.

Did you alter
the security tape

to support
his false testimony?

Yes. And the
ballistics report.

I'd received a
higher authority

to give you that

to do what needed
to be done.

Such as what, Mr. Webb?

Such as removing
a subsequent entry

from the cypherlock
so that Rick Stoechler's code

would be
the last recorded entry.

You wanted
to frame Commander Stoechler.


You also deposited

in a bank account

in Commander Stoechler's name,
didn't you?

Money which
his wife can now keep.

I was trying to save my
operation, Commander,

which I did.

We turned Pagano
last night.

Well, you've been
busy Mr. Webb.

The Jimmy Carter is vital
to our national interest.

We'll do whatever it takes
to protect her.

Including sacrificing the lives
of two of our cryptanalysts?

Absolutely not.

If we'd know the Chinese were
coming, we'd have stopped them.

Why should
we believe you?

I'm under oath, Commander.

Did Commander Rick Stoechler
ever leak information, Mr. Webb?

He did not.

He was an exemplary officer
in every respect.

Yes, he was.

I have no further questions
of you, Director Webb.

Your Honor,

the Government will be
amending its charge sheet

against Lieutenant
Commander Pagano

to include espionage,
attempted espionage

and two counts of m*rder.

Your witness, Lieutenant.

I'll need some more time,
Your Honor,

to confer with my client

to prepare
for these new charges.

I imagine you do.

Lieutenant Commander Pagano,

I'm recommending you be placed
in pretrial confinement

until this matter
is resolved.

This hearing
is concluded.

( gavel bangs )

You won't get him, Harm.

I already have, Webb.

Admiral Danaco
doesn't believe that

the prosecution of the
lieutenant commander

serves the best
interest of the navy.

Admiral, is it in the best
interest of the navy

to smear the good name
of an honorable man, sir,

to bury the truth
with two of its dead?

This information is
classified, Commander.

No one outside this
proceeding will ever hear it.

Sir, you and I both know
that it will leak eventually.

It's not my call.

Admiral, I want this one.

You can't have it.

You got what you wanted;
you cleared your friend.

I was about Daniel's age
when I lost my father.

I remember how devastating
it was to my mother

not to know the truth,
and what that did to me.

I'm sorry, Michelle,

I really wish I could
tell you what happened.

I know you can't.

Rick didn't do anything wrong.

And if you ever hear
even a whisper that he did,

I'm promising you now
that that is a lie.

You have no doubts?

I know what happened
to Rick's unit.

I know why he was k*lled.

And what will I tell the boys?

One day,
when the time is right,

Rick will be acknowledged
for the hero that he was--

the navy's Distinguished
Service Medal.

Admiral Danaco has
given me his word.

But in the meantime,

tell them they can be
proud of their father,

that he died honorably
in the service of his country.
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