19x13 - The Master Returns

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x13 - The Master Returns

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai

was decker right about me


you rely on teammates to fight your

battles now have you become that weak

Red Ranger what

the lone Warrior is the strongest

dude lost your Edge


I'll prove him wrong




come at me






dude it's only practice sorry practice

is over Mike come on

let's go inside hey am I late

did I miss something

we were just headed inside join us


what was that about

Mentor I didn't mean to hit them so hard

what's wrong with me

come on let's go for a ride

I can't stand listening to these pests

trying to imitate tayo's music so

annoying definitely they don't cure my

headaches they give me headaches


made a mistake when she left us if her

music is what you need boss her music is

what you'll get oh this medicine isn't


right now

so without my music to soothe his pain

Master xandred's headaches are making

him miserable

that's music to my ears

fool he never should have destroyed my


were you trying to prove something

I don't know

it's thicker isn't it

he says I've become weaker

have I


the team has only made you stronger

but I feel different like

like I've lost my Edge

I think that's why I went a little crazy

on the team today

it's not like it was when it was just

the two of us

maybe Decker has a point

what's that that I've lost my Warrior's

Edge I've relied too much on the team


it's because you are a strong team

leader that you've been able to defeat

do not look up to now

but you bring honor

to all the red rangers who have come

before you

never doubt that Jaden

boss I got this thinking suspicion that

Serato knows something about the

harmonium hmm die use harmonium you say

you do know don't you give it up smiley

I might know something about it why are

you bringing us up so suddenly Masters

Android wants it where is it does he now

then I will go bring it back

I hid it far from here oh I don't trust

you I'm coming along to see that you

hand it over

and hurry it up this medicine

now that I think about it this is the

longest I've ever been without my music

it's time we demand serrator to pay up

he's taking too long to fix my harmonium

and your sword I'm willing to wait a bit


as long as he does what he promised but





it seems that without the comfort of

daryu's Music Master's Android's

headaches are crippling him the only

reason she was on this ship was to pluck

at that stupid harmonium and play his

worries away like all nylon he's

attracted to the human misery and

daiyu's human half cries out in her

music Master Xander thrives on it as do

I but the boss is in pain yes but take

away the headache and the master and I

are not so different you're nothing like

him now where is the harmonium it's

hidden in this Chris allow me to

retrieve it for you

what's he up to

why are we stopping

I've been away from the kitchen

it's probably preparing dinner oh

yeah I'm gonna grab some snacks


I feel different


maybe Decker has a point

I've lost my Edge

hey why'd you bring so many shopping

bags with you why didn't you it's half

rice donut day


hey get that guy from Miss Dojo oh

weren't you two supposed to come back oh

my drill sergeant has been waiting to

give you a real workout ah yo you know

we're really busy we have to you know

shop it's very important yeah


what was that just some friends of


octaru this is taking longer than I


I'll never forget how master xandred was

before he met dayu

the master has always had a stormy

personality but before guyu came along

it was even worse

it's relentless

but then one day he heard daiyu's sad


her harmonium soothed The Savage Beast

inside him her music was filled with

hundreds of years of misery

listening to it cured his pain more than

any medicine ever could the master was

determined to find the source of the

music and capture it it was an offer

that dayu couldn't refuse so you are the

maker of this music

it is my song from now on you will serve

only me and in return I will spare your

life I shall make you my minion

In the Netherworld your music will serve

a higher purpose than self-pity

I accept


nah but this is none of your business

serator hand over the harmonium now

that's that story just shows how feeble

your master is you serve a weakling how

dare you say that you backstabber


must realize that I will never give up

this harmonium it is key to my plans

I was hoping to wait until it was too

late for you to interfere but my

deception of Master xandred is clearly

over I know you were a lion cheating

Fancy Pants wearing snake when Master

standard hears about this your dog food


there's a disturbance at the coastline


sorry we're late

Jaden we can handle this if you're not


and I'm sorry

I had a lot of things on my mind earlier

I was wrong to act the way I did

Jaden it's okay

I just want you all to know how proud I

am to fight alongside you

dude really it's okay just glad to have

you back

but can you stop the proud stuff you're

freaking me out

excuse me shouldn't we all be

hightailing out to the coastline

let's go


my harmonium I can feel its presence

oh serrator


it must be here if I follow these

readings I'll locate the final spot that

I need to complete my plan

ah yes here it is

now play your song of Woe and create a

crevice of misery so deep that I'll be

able to slice this world into Serena


what are you up to now well well well

welcome as you can see I'm not doing

anything I'm as innocent as a doll

you're right give us a break this time

you're going down Samuraizer


but we're still gonna stop you that's

right whatever you're up to

you should give up on it now

yeah it's gonna take more than cougars

to slow us down yeah you got that right

what more moogers all right team round


now let's play your song


serrator what's your game you've never

intended to fix my harmonium did you to

be honest all I really wanted was Decker

powerful sad music this makes you've

been nothing but upon in my plan

and it only took you 200 years to figure

that out put my harmonium down so I can

take you down

they are

serrator give it back you two bit con

man it's mine stop these futile att*cks

die you you're a frustration tastes like

the sweetest candy on my tongue

I can only hope that your wickedness

will come back on you tenfold

ER has been deceiving me this whole time

I'll go to Earth and Destroyer I know

you're angry with him but you can't go

there the moment you leave you'll dry


what's with the sky

it's darkening like an eclipse

day shall become night as I escape the

narrow world to face my enemies xandrid

what it can't be

it can be and it shall be


Jade is that

oh no

master xandred

Red Ranger


spells already losing power

xandred his spell is fading so his visit

here will be short


it's your turn I will not be found

I never thought the adventure into this

realm well you try out I'll take my lead

you will not Escape me scream sword

amazing strike

ah yes the red ranger


you red face creep


time to team up huh


he's more powerful than I imagined

clock box

Super Samurai mode

bazooka disc


Red Ranger I owe your family some

payback and you are the one who's going

to pay

Jaden hold on Jaden don't do it Emily's

right I have to try


get off playing around

it's the end of the line Red Ranger


no Jaden come on Bud he's gonna be hurt

Jayden wake up wake up

harmonium I must hear its music oh

Master you dry out you need water

what are you doing are you I will fix

your harmonium but you must return to

the ship and swear Allegiance only to me

I've wandered long enough I swear can we

have a deal


it's fixed yes but you better never dare

defy me again I won't I promise


now you will play it again for me


hurry Master you must immerse yourself

in send you water quickly I'll handle

those rangers they'll be utterly


colossal mooger Cannon company Advance

Emily take care of Jaden okay


Samurai combination kits Super Samurai





to help us out great idea



oh Megazord armed for battle

shoulder blaster




let's finish this




power of the ancestors



United States

hang on Jaden

bring him here he'll be fine

I'll grab us some water okay

Master Xander is so dried out there's no

telling how long you'll have to soak in

the sanzu river oh what a shame it's a

Raider review is useless as you are and

your master in limbo now no one can stop

my plans no soon both the Netherworld

and Earth will be mines



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