04x11 - Jaggle Bells

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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04x11 - Jaggle Bells

Post by bunniefuu »

The beltway has
already been closed,

and police are
advising motorists

to stay off the interstate
until the storm has passed,

and road crews can
get things cleaned up.

I guess we'll be getting a
white Christmas after all.

And dangerous
whiteout conditions. Bud!


Lieutenant, are you all right?

It's a 20-below windchill
out there, ma'am.

I think I've frozen
some vital organs.

I'll get you some coffee.

what is all this stuff?

Harriet and I are
handing out gifts

at Children's Hospital.

Really? That's so nice.

Yeah. I know how
lonely a hospital can get.

I had an emergency operation

on Christmas Eve
when I was a kid.


Candy cane stuck
up my nose, ma'am.

Listen up, people.

Weather's getting pretty
nasty out there, so as

acting department head of JAG,
I'm going to secure everyone,

except the duty.

So, go on, get out of here.

Have a safe, happy holiday.

I always thought
you were a Scrooge

this time of year.

Happy holidays.

Here you go, sweetie.

Oh, thank you.

So, what did we
get? See ya, guys.


Drive safe.

Mm, mistletoe...


Come on. Just one little kiss.

Excuse me.

Are you lost?

Uh, no. Actually, I'm
looking for my mom.

Does your mom work here at JAG?

Yeah. Her name's
Sarah MacKenzie.

So, what are you
going to be doing

this holiday season?

A little bit of this,
a little bit of that.

Nothing definite yet.

"Yet"? Don't you
think you're leaving it

to the last minute?

I thought you were going to go

sailing in the Bahamas.

Oh, I had to put that
off until the spring.

What are you doing?

Oh, nothing.

This time of year is so crazy.

Everybody's rushing
across the country

to be with their families.

Yeah. Kind of makes
you glad you're single.


You're not going to
go see your mom?

She's on a cruise.

You okay?

I don't know.

Things have been
pretty messed up lately,

and with my Article
32 hearing coming up,

it's only going to get
worse in the new year.

You're going to make it.

You're a lean,
mean, fighting marine,

and you have me backing you up.

Now, what could be better?

Would you like some hot
chocolate, or something?


There's a little girl here.

She claims she's your daughter.

Wow, and I thought
getting a pony for Christmas

was a lot to ask for.


What are you doing here?

I came to see you.

Well, does your father
know you're here?

My stepfather is probably
drinking with all his friends.

Um, Chloe's my little sister.

We spend a few days
together a month as part of

a mentoring program
for young girls.

My real mother was
k*lled by t*rrorists.


You poor thing. That's terrible.

It's also not true.

Chloe's mother died

four years ago
from breast cancer.

This is Ensign Sims.

Hi. Hi.

Lieutenant J.G. Roberts.

You can call me Bud.

Your name's "Butt"?

What's that short for,


Okay, Chloe, that's enough.

Come on. It's just a joke.

I'm trying to break
the ice here, people.

Yeah, well, you broke
it, and now you're sinking,

so apologize to the Lieutenant
and show some respect,


I'm sorry, Lieutenant.

Apology accepted.

This is...

Is Commander Rabb.

Mac's told me all about you.

In fact, you're all
she ever talks about.



Although, sometimes
it's hard to tell

what parts are true,

and what parts are just...
you know, her fantasies?

Chloe, what have I told you

about lying?

You said that a woman never
lies unless it's about her age,

her weight, or her
best friend's husband.

You're quite a
role model, Major.

I never told her that.

I never told you that.

Maybe not in those words.

You need to go to
my office, young lady,

so we can call your
father. Now march.

It was nice meeting you.

You, too.

What a cute kid.


As you were, Ensign.

Where the hell is everybody?

They went home, sir.

It's only 1520. Yes, sir.

Commander Rabb secured
everyone except for...

He what?

Well, sir, on account of

the inclement weather...
I leave you in charge

and less than three hours, you
have a mutiny on your hands?

I thought you were supposed
to be on your way to Italy, sir.

They closed the damn airport.

I'm sorry, Admiral.

Anything I can do?

Can you fly me to
Milan in your Stearman?

Only if you want to
arrive freeze-dried.

Mr. Roberts.

Yes, sir.

I need to get to Milan tonight.

Uh, sir, the storm...

Come hell or high
water, Lieutenant.

Aye, aye, sir.

Whoa. MacKENZIE: Hello, Brian.

It's Sarah MacKenzie.

Chloe showed up at
my office here at JAG.

If you'd like, I can drop her
off on my way home from work,

so give me a call and let me
know what you want me to do.


Told you. He's
probably out drinking

with his creepy girlfriend.

No, he's probably
out looking for you.

Chloe, you are old enough now

to realize that what you
do affects other people.

That's what
responsibility is all about.

Are you mad at me?

No. Maybe a little disappointed.

Um, hey, you
know, I was thinking.

Maybe I could come
and live with you.

I wouldn't be any
trouble, you know?

I could clean your house
and cook your dinner and...

oh, and I could
even do your nails.

We could spend
Christmas together.

It'd be fun.

I would love to spend
Christmas with you,

but you've got a family.

No, I've got a stepfather
who could care less.

That's not true.

Major MacKenzie, there's
a Sergeant Turner for you.

Major McKenzie.

Oh, hello, Sergeant.

Um, how can I help you?

Uh, yeah, Orman v.
Katz, I remember that case.

Darryl, hey, it's Harm.

How are you?

Good, good.

Hey, what do you say
to New Year's in Vegas?


No, stop it.

You got to do
what you got to do.

All right.

Say hello to your
parents for me.

MacKENZIE: Okay, I got the file.

What do you need?

Gordo, Harm.

Hey, what do you say
to a Christmas road trip?

Engaged? To who?

I'm trying to find a flight

to Rome, preferably today.

No, I'm not kidding.
Have a good holiday. Bye.

Hello? Hello?

Bud, what do we
got on the blotter?

Nothing much.

We have a Lieutenant
Commander brought in on a DUI

in the interview room.

I'll take it.

Other than that...

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Where's Major MacKenzie?

She's in her office
on the phone.

Does she have any
idea that you're in here?

I don't know.

Do you have any kids?

Not yet.

But I'm going to
have a baby in May.

Boy or girl?

I don't know yet.

Most people want boys.

I don't know about that.

I'd love to have a little girl.

Then adopt me.

Can I get you something to eat?

Lieutenant Commander Parker.

That would be me.

You're a doctor

at the Bethesda Naval Hospital.

I'm a psychiatrist.

Have a seat, Doc.

Thank you.

Seems like you had
some car trouble.

Yeah, yeah, me
and half the city.

Hit an icy patch going
out the main gate,

went off the road.

Some MPs show up

and instead of pushing
me out, they arrest me.

What's that all about?

Well, you failed your
breathalyzer, Doctor.

I wasn't drunk.

I had an eggnog at lunch.

Just one? Yes.

They must have made a mistake.

You lost control of your car.

Have you looked outside today?

It's a skating rink out there.

Well, you're just lucky
nobody was hurt, Doctor.

Mm, unless you count
Melchoir and Balthazar.


When I spun off the road, I
wiped out a Nativity scene.

Miraculously, I managed
to avoid Baby Jesus, but, uh,

I decapitated two
wise men and a donkey.

Hopefully, God has
a sense of humor,

and Mary and Joseph
won't press charges.

MacKENZIE: There you are.

Major MacKenzie, I was
just about to bring her to you.

Still haven't heard
from your stepfather,

but I think we should
take you home anyway,

before it gets any worse out.

I don't want to go.

Chloe, you have to go home.


Okay. Ow!

What's going on?

Nothing. Nothing.

happened to your arm, Chloe?

I don't want to talk about it.

Well, you have to.


Because if somebody
hurt you, I need to know

so I can stop it from
ever happening again.

It would stop if
I lived with you.

That's not a solution.

You don't want
me to live with you?

No, it's not about what I want.

The courts would never allow it.

But you're a lawyer.
You could convince them.

We could take
care of each other.

You always said you wanted
children of your own one day.

Who did this to you, Chloe?

What will happen if I tell you?

I'll notify the authorities,

and they'll make sure
it doesn't happen again.

Will they take me away
from my stepfather?

That depends. Did
he do this to you?

If they take me away from him,
can I come and stay with you?

We'll see.

Did your stepfather hurt you?


Alvin! Alvin!


♪ Christmas,
Christmas time is near ♪

♪ Time for toys and time... ♪

Ow! Bud!

I'm sorry.

This thing is so cool!

I would have k*lled to have
one of these when I was a kid.

Mm-hmm, you've not
supposed to be playing with it.

You're supposed to
be helping me wrap it.

I'm testing it.

There's nothing worse than
getting a toy for Christmas

without any batteries.

Well, now you know it works,
so how about wrapping it up?

Can't we keep just this one?

Bud J. Roberts, you
are a grown man.

But I love robots. Please.

You are starting
to try my patience.

Where is your Christmas spirit?

My Christmas spirit is going
to kick you right in the pants,

unless you start
helping me with this stuff.

Oh, my gosh!

The navy's top secret
combat drone is on a rampage!

Ahh... ahh...

Is this your robot,

Lieutenant? No, sir.

Not really. It's a
Christmas present

for one of the kids at
the Children's Hospital.

I guess it, uh...
uh... wandered...

off, sir. ♪ Christmas,
don't be late ♪

What the hell is that sound?


Their Christmas album, sir.

♪ Please, Christmas,
don't be late ♪

Lieutenant, this building
is the JAG headquarters

for the United States Navy.

We don't allow chipmunks,
squirrels, gophers,

any other type
of singing vermin,

in JAG. Understood?

Yes, sir.


♪ Please, Christmas ♪

♪ Don't be late ♪

You found me a flight to Italy?

Actually, I'm waiting
on a few phone calls, sir,

but I am working on it.

♪ Don't be late. ♪

Work harder.

Very good, boys. Yes, sir.

Let's sing it again.

Yeah, let's sing it
again. No, that's enough.

Let's not overdo it. What
do you mean, over do it?

What if I waive my
right to an attorney?

I wouldn't recommend
that, Commander.

I don't think you understand
the severity of this situation.

A charge like this
could ruin your career,

not to mention put
you behind bars.

This is insane!

However, if you agree to undergo

some substance abuse counseling

at the arraignment...

Counseling for what?

I told you... I had one drink.

I'm trying to help you, Doctor.

You want to help, get me
out of here and call me a cab.

I don't think that's the
kind of help you need.

This afternoon's
accident could be the sign

of a much deeper problem.

Oh, you've got to be kidding.

You're trying to analyze me?

You want to talk about
problems, Commander Rabb,

take a look in the mirror.

I don't even know where
to start with you... Harmon.

Where'd you get that handle?

You must have been
named after your father.


Cherished family pet?

I bet you have a heck
of a bedside manner.

And I bet you've got

a family history
of naval service,

which means
there's a good chance

you've been trying to live
up to past expectations, right?

I think you're confusing
expectations with aspirations.

Gold wings are interesting.

Nobody goes from pilot to
lawyer without some baggage,

but that's a whole other story.

Am I going to be
billed for this, or...?

You're single.

That's painfully obvious
without looking at your hand.

Relationships are
few and far between...

Too busy, too picky.

You sure you're not describing
yourself, Commander?

I can see you in a relationship
with a single mother.

A ready-made family is
appealing to someone your age,

who's afraid he's
running out of time.

Huh? Am I close?

Let's just say

the amazing Kreskin has
nothing to worry about.

Ooh! Classic defense response.

I-I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to hit a nerve.

Your... personal problems
are none of my business.

I'm not the one
with the problems.

Then why are you
down here with me?

It's my job.


This entire city's a ghost
town this time of year,

but you're still
down here with me,

'cause you've got
nothing better to do.

Well, that's where you're wrong.

Hey. You got a minute?

What's up?

In your office.

Uh... it's about Chloe.

If this is to ask me to babysit,

the answer is a big no.

I think she's being abused.

Hey, Chloe.

You like ships? Not really.

My real father died at
sea the day I was born.

Oh, he did, did he?


They got hit with a m*ssile.

What was the name of the ship?

I don't remember.

Chloe... what do you
want for Christmas?

Nothing. Come on.

Don't you want Santa Claus
to bring you something?

Santa Claus?

I think I need a drink.

As in soda. I'm thirsty.

Oh... there's milk and
juice in the kitchen.

You want me to go
get you something?

No. I'll get it.

Hey, Chloe, when's
your birthday?

May 17. I'm a Taurus.

Abuse is a serious
allegation, Mac.

It can ruin people's
lives if it's unfounded.

And bruises on a ten-year-old's
arm is not uncommon.

She's a kid.

I had bruises all over
my body until I was 13.

No, these aren't
bruises that one gets

from climbing
trees or playing tag.

They're from an adult
hand grabbing her.

Besides, I asked her

if her stepfather hurt her.

She said yes?

Well, from what I've seen,

she seems like the kind of kid
who's been known to cry wolf.

No, this is different.

Well, she said she wanted

to spend Christmas
with you, right?

What better way to
make that happen?

But what if she really
is being abused?

Then you need to do
whatever, whatever it takes

to make sure she's protected.

Just be sure.


I just talked to Chloe.

She said her biological
father died at sea

the day she was born.

The only reason she
says things like that

is because she's
starving for attention.

Do you know her
father's name, Major?

No, not her real father. Why?

Well, she was born
May 17, 1987, right?

Yeah? That's the day

the USS Stark was
att*cked by an Iraqi MiG.

It fired two Exocet missiles.

37 crewmen were k*lled.

I didn't think

she even knew her real father.

She's been living
with her stepfather

ever since she was born.

Maybe it's worth looking into.

She could be eligible
for survivor's benefits.

Nice work, Bud.

Right about now,
that little girl needs

all the help she can get.



it's me, your father.

I'm, uh, supposed to be getting
on my plane right about now,

but we're in the
middle of snowstorm.


this is the first time

I was looking forward to
Christmas in a long time.

I'm sorry. I'll,
uh... I'll call you.

Ow! Harriet, that hurts!

Hold still. I can put it in.

Just squeeze
it. It's not fitting.

Twist it. It's too big.

No... It won't...

Ow! Oh, don't be such a baby.

You're pounding on my...

Sir, I realize this is not
the uniform of the day,

but Harriet and I...
Ensign Sims and I...

I-I don't want to hear it.

All I want to hear

is that you found a
way for me to get to Italy

without resorting to
eight tiny reindeer.

Sir, JFK, Baltimore,
Chicago... They're all snowed in.

I will find you a flight.
I promise you, sir.

Nice shoes, Ensign.

Thank you, sir.


Bud, have you seen Chloe?

I think she went to the kitchen

to find something to drink.

Thanks anyway. Could
someone tell me why there is

a chocolate-covered
elf in my office?

Chloe, what are you doing here?

Jerry Springer's coming on.

This is not your office.

You have no
business being in here.

I am sorry, Admiral.

Oh, so you're the sexy admiral?

I thought you'd have more hair.

Excuse me?

Okay, time to go.

I can explain, sir.

I've heard so much about you.

Why don't you ever ask Mac out?

Huh! Kids.

Okay, march, young lady.

What are you trying to
do, get me court-martialed?

I wasn't hurting anything.

Chloe, what was
your father's name?

Kyle Anderson.

My mom told me about
him before she died.

I told you to
stay in this office.

I'm sorry.

No, you're not.

Every time I turn around,
you're insulting someone,

or you're being
rude or disrespectful.

I'm trying to help you,

but you're making it
hard for me to believe you.

I knew you wouldn't.

Well, give me a
reason to, Chloe.

Look, I know that life
hasn't been easy for you.

I know what that's like,

but that does not
give you a right

to be rude or to lie
about everything.

Haven't you ever lied?

We're not talking about me.

I'm not lying.

All right, then prove it to me.

Tell me the truth.

Not now, Lieutenant.

Uh, Major,

you might want to see this.

It's a list of sailors k*lled
onboard the USS Stark.

Is Chloe's father one of them?

No, ma'am,

but I checked the crew manifest,

and there was a Petty Officer
Third Class Kyle Anderson

on board the Stark

when she was att*cked.

He survived, ma'am.

Does this mean
my real dad's alive?


But why would my
mom tell me he died?

I don't know.

Maybe she didn't know
what happened to him.

I guess I'm not the only one

in this family who lies.

I thought my mom and dad were

in heaven together...

if you believe in
that sort of thing.

Heaven's a nice
thing to believe in.

Maybe my real dad owns a farm,
and I could go and live with him

and he'd get me a dog.

Chloe, don't get
your hopes up, okay?

Look, you can believe in heaven,

and I'm going to believe
that my real dad owns a farm.

Well, we're not even
sure this is your real father.

But what if it is?

I could go live
with him, couldn't I?

I don't know.

But I'm his daughter.

Why wouldn't he want me
to come and live with him?

Oh... he might not want me, huh?

We don't know that.

Maybe that's why my
mom told me he died.

He probably got married

and has a bunch
of his own kids now.

Let's just slow down

and take this one
step at a time, okay?


All right.


Mr. Roberts, can you come here?



New Year's Resolution:
Remember to k*ll Rabb.

What's this?

I thought you might
be hungry; I was.

So I... ordered some food.

Yeah, all I've had to eat today

is half a bagel and
some throat lozenges.

Good. Well, I hope
you like Cantonese.

They're the only ones
who'd deliver in this weather.

Listen, um...

I'm sorry about earlier.

I was taking

this situation out on
you, and I apologize.

I was out of line.

Apology accepted.

It's just this time
of year, you know?

Peace on earth, good will
toward men and all that.

The truth is, it's
hard on a lot people.

I treat depression every day.

I'm still not immune.

None of us are.

As a matter of fact,
I know how you feel.

'Cause you pegged me
pretty good back there.

Oh, yeah.

Which part?

I'm single, never
been married...

I was named after my father.

He was in the military.

Ah, hell, you... pretty
much got everything right.

You know, I have no
plans for Christmas.

Do you know where I
usually spend Christmas Eve?

Playboy mansion?

At the Vietnam
Veterans' Memorial.

My father was a fighter pilot

and he went down
Christmas Eve, 1969.

Uh, so I...

I usually go to the
wall to be with him.

That is so sad.

What do you normally do?

My holidays are
spent with my friends,

Mr. TV and the
Häagen-Dazs brothers.

You're not in a relationship?

Well, every now and then

I meet a guy who's pretty hot...

only to find out he's
in love with his mother

and he still wets the bed.

What about you?

What's your problem?

What problem?

No, I mean...

why aren't you
in a relationship?

It's not because of my
mother, and I don't wet the bed.

So far, so good.

Keep talking.

Well, I guess this job
keeps me pretty busy.

What little free time I did have

has been spent
looking for my father.

He was MIA.

And ever since I was kid,

I promised myself
that I'd find him

and bring him back, you know?

I guess it became a
bit of an obsession...

but at least I had
a definite goal.

I found him a few months ago.

He's, uh... buried in Russia.

I'm sorry.

You know, I'd obviously
had hoped to find him

and bring him back...
That we'd be reunited,

but, uh... the pragmatist in me

always prepared me
for the worst, you know?

You think that I would
have closure now, but...

and I admit it, I guess I,
I do, in a way, but, uh...

it's just...

You discovered
a void in your life?


I never realized how
much of who I am

has been shaped
by my search for him.

You know? And now, it's...

it's like I'm...

I'm not driving the bus
anymore, you know?

I'm sitting in
the back, and I...

I have no idea where it's going.

Welcome to the human race.

The sad thing is...

most people spend their
whole life riding the bus

instead of driving, Commander.


Call me Harm.


The person I'm calling

may want to speak with you.

I want you to answer any
questions they ask you honestly.

Who are they?

Child welfare.

Hello, this is Major
Sarah MacKenzie.

May I speak with
someone in child welfare?

Yeah, I'll hold.


It wasn't my stepfather.

He didn't hurt me.


It wasn't him.

Well, who was it?

Mickey, his girlfriend.

Your stepfather's
girlfriend hurt you?


Because she's a jerk.

Has she hurt you before?

Not really...

but she really
lost it this time.

Lost what, her temper?

Her temper and her mind.

Well, what made her
lose her temper, Chloe?

I don't know.

I guess she didn't like
the way I did her hair.

What did you do to her hair?

I tried giving it a new style.

So what... you cut
it? You colored it?

You permed it? What?


Did she consent to this, Chloe?

Not really.

What do you mean "not really"?

She either did or she didn't.

Which is it?

Well, how should I know?

She was passed out.


She treats me like dirt.

I was just getting her back.

She hates me... they both do.

That is not true. Yes, it is.

My stepfather
doesn't even like kids.

That's why I'm an only child.

Now he just wants to
get rid of me all the time

so he can be with her.

Why do you think I ran away?

Why do you think
nobody's come to get me?!

They don't want me, you
don't want me, nobody does!

Chloe. Chloe!

Chloe, come back!

I found him, ma'am.


Chief Petty Officer
Kyle Anderson.

He's a widower from
Fletcher, Vermont.

He's stationed out of San Diego

on board the USS Cayuga.

Did you try contacting him?

No. Cayuga's part of
a carrier battle group

deployed to West Pac
until the end of March.

Do you even think he
knows he has a daughter?

I don't know.

Boy, is he going to be
surprised when he finds out.

Chloe took off in the elevator.

Can you get her back for me?

Uh, yes, ma'am.

Great. Thank you.





it's about Chloe, um...

she's essentially an orphan.

She's got a stepfather
with an abusive girlfriend,

and I think we may have
found her real father, sir.

He's a chief aboard a destroyer.

I've got a good
feeling about him.

You never met the man, Major.

No, sir, but he's got an
impressive service record and...

But what if he was never part

of this little girl's
life on purpose?

I mean, men with great service
records can still hate kids.

I know, sir.

I also know that
sometimes great men

aren't with their children
when they're growing up,

even though they
would like to be, sir.

I-I just would hate for you

to get this little
girl's hopes up.

Yes, sir...

But if I do contact him,

and he's interested
in meeting her?

Then we'll see what we can do.

Thank you, sir.

About this afternoon,

when Chloe was in your office...

Sometimes she says things...

No need to explain.

You know, Major, uh...

there are two sides to duty.

Occasionally, we
have to do things

we don't want to do...

but sometimes, um...

duty can be about resisting
the temptation to do things

that we would, um... like to do.

You're not talking about

my Article 32 hearing
next month, are you, sir?

No, I'm not.

Understood, sir.



I run a tight ship, Major.

I'd like to keep it that way.


Aye, aye, sir.

You don't seem
like the military type.

How'd you wind up
joining the navy, anyway?

I had no choice.

I had to beg, borrow, steal,

my way through medical school.

By the time I finished,

I had the same financial
debt as some small countries.

It was a matter of survival.

The navy saved my skin.

I guess I blew it.

You really only had
one drink this afternoon?



I was so sick
yesterday, I missed work.

The only reason I had a drink

was because it was
our Christmas lunch.

I mean, look...

do you think I'd
be carrying around

half a pharmacy if I was lying?

Do you know how much
alcohol this has in it?

I had only had...
some small swigs.

Uh, the recommended
dosage is teaspoons, not swigs.

You've been taking this all
day on an empty stomach?

On top of a drink?

It was stupid.

Kind of.

When was the last
time you had a swig?

After the accident.

Before the breathalyzer?

Commander, you're a
doctor; you should know better.

Is this going to hurt
or help my case?

Well, let's just say

you're lucky you have a
good lawyer on your side.

Where's Chloe?

I don't know, ma'am.

I've searched
the whole building.

She's gone.


Chloe, are you in here?


Chloe? Chloe!

So, I went running
into my mom's room,

screaming "Mom! Mom!
Santa's stuck in the chimney."

What happened?

She called the fire department.

Took them three hours to
get Uncle Charlie unstuck.

Hey, am I interrupting anything?

No. Not at all. What's up?

Um, hi. Hi.

It's Chloe. She's missing.

She took off out of my
office, and we haven't

been able to find her anywhere.

The guards didn't see
anyone leave the building,

but I'm afraid she might

and in this weather...

Don't worry.

We'll find her. Uh,
I'll help you look.

I'll see you in a bit.

I'll be here.

Friend of yours?



You two, uh, sounded like
you'd known each other for years.

Oh, yeah?


What is it?

I think I know where Chloe is.


are you up there?

She's sitting on the hatch.

MacKENZIE: Chloe...


What are you doing up there?

You need to come down.

It's dangerous.


So, you could get k*lled.

Come down here right now.

I don't want to.

Did you find her?

You better hurry up,
Chloe. Santa Claus is here.

Yeah, right.

I'm not kidding.

I'm looking at him right now.

He's got a white
beard, twinkly eyes,

and a great big fat belly
that jiggles when he laughs,

like a bowl full of jelly.

It's a pillow, sir.

Say something, Santa.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Hello, Chloe!

Just give me a break, will ya!

Please, Chloe. We need to talk.

You're talking to me now.

Face-to-face. Lieutenant
Roberts found your father.

I don't believe you.

It's true.

He's on a ship called
the USS Cayuga.

It's a destroyer in
the Sea of Japan.

Your father's coming
home in March.

If you come down,
we can try phoning him.

Keep talking to her.

Go up there, Bud.

Get her.

Me, sir?

Yeah. Pretend it's a chimney.

Oh, very funny, sir.

Hey, Chloe, if you come down,

I'll give you 20 bucks.

This is Major MacKenzie at JAG.

I'd like to place a
shore-to-ship call

to chief Kyle Anderson
aboard the USS Cayuga.

Thank you.

Okay, if you come down,

I'll give you 20
bucks, a pizza...

a French manicure...

And, uh, two front row seats

to the next Spice Girls concert.

I hate the Spice Girls.

The Spice Girls broke up!

No. Ginger left, that's all.

Did you find Chloe?

You guys talk to her.


Well, yeah.

Look at it like practice
for when you have your kid

and... he climbs up
in an elevator shaft.

All right?

Hey, I was beginning to
think you'd forgotten about me.

How are you with children?

Don't you think you're
rushing things a bit?

You spoke to this man?

Sir, he didn't even
know Chloe existed,

but when I told him
he had a daughter,

he was thrilled. His
own wife and son

were k*lled in an automobile
accident two years ago.

It's like he's been given a
second chance at a family.

What about the stepfather?

Most of what Chloe says is true.

He's not abusive,
but he is indifferent.

She is so lonely, sir.

All she ever wanted
was to be part of a family.

If she could just
see her father,

I know it would be

the greatest gift
we could give her.

You realize that between
man-hours and satellite time,

we're talking about
a $4,000 phone call.

How can I justify that, Major?

It's Christmas, sir.

Lieutenant Commander Parker,
I'm sure you know the Kringles.

Hello. Hi.

Any luck?

No, sir.

Chloe, it's Lieutenant
Commander Rabb again.

I, uh... I brought a
friend to see you.

She wants to talk to you.

Her name is Lieutenant
Commander Parker.

Hi, Chloe.

You know, I always wondered
what was on the other side

of those little
elevator trap doors.

What's it like up there?


Is there room for me to
come up there with you?


You know, when I was your age,

and things started
getting confusing,

I'd climb up into
my parents' garage

and stay there by
myself for hours.

But I didn't really
want to be up there

with the spiders and
the bugs and the bats.

What I really needed
was somebody to talk to.

Would you like to come down
here and talk to me, Chloe?

No. You talk like a shrink.

I'm a psychiatrist.

I don't like shrinks.

Have you tried ice cream?

We even threw in 20 bucks
and a French manicure.

Chloe, I spoke with your father.

Would you like to
come talk to him?

We could use the video phone.


What if he doesn't like me?

He's going to like you, Chloe.

But what if he doesn't?

I can be pretty
bratty sometimes.

Yeah, but you don't have to be.

Well, why don't you come down

and at least try talking to him?

Could I at least put
on some makeup first?

Hello... hello.

Chief Anderson, I'd like you
to meet your daughter, Chloe.



You look like your mom.

Why did you leave us?

I didn't know you
existed until today.

Your mother never told me.


I don't know.


she was young and confused

and... maybe a little scared.

Parents make mistakes, too.

I'm sorry, Chloe. I
wasn't there for you.

I'd like a chance
to make it up to you.

I don't suppose
you live on a farm?


But my parents do.

They do? Really?


My grandparents live on a farm!

Do they have horses?

Oh, yeah.

At least a dozen.

Can you ride them?

All day long.

Do you like horses, Chloe?

I love horses.

Me, too.

I have a pinto pony named Scout

that would be perfect for you.


You like to ride?

I love to ride.

I haven't done it in a while.

Oh, well, we got plenty of time.

We'll get you lots
of practice then.

Yes, sir. Thank you.


I got bad news.

Judge is stuck on the beltway.

Won't be able to
hear your case tonight.

So I have to stay locked up?

No. I got you released
on your own recognizance.

Oh... thank you.

Can you call me a cab?

I can give you a
ride, if you want.

Oh, even better.


Hey. Hey.

How's it going?

Chloe's going back
to her stepfather

till her father returns.

What about the girlfriend?

We had a little talk,
girlfriend to marine.

I don't think there'll
be any more trouble.

You're a good friend, Mac.

I'm hungry.



Why don't I buy everybody
Christmas dinner?

Yeah. All right. Yeah.

Hold the elevator, sir!

Thank you, sir.


I almost forgot!

I got you a
flight to Italy, sir.

Merry Christmas, Admiral!

Merry Christmas!
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