Across the spiderverse

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

Moderator: Maskath3

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Across the spiderverse

Post by Maskath3 »

( narrating)
Gwen; Let’s do this differently, way differently, his name was Miles Morales, he was bitten by a radioactive spider, he’s not the only one, he hasn’t always had it easy, he’s not the only one , you think you know the rest , you don’t
You’re not the only one, i didn’t want to hurt him, i did

Hey def leopard
Gwen: Song over? Seems over
What is with you? You never hang out
Gwen: I didn’t join a band to talk about my feelings
I did
Gwen: I joined a band so i could hit my feelings with sticks

Gwen: I’m fine!
Someone who was fine wouldn’t say it like that, they’d say I’m great, thanks, how bout you?
Gwen: I’m great, thanks

( narrating)
Gwen; I never wanted to be in a band, you wind up a solo act

Gwen: Is that, that dangerous meta?
Peter: She seems like a good person
Captain stacy: Why hide your face?

( narrating)
Gwen: They didn’t really know me, i didn’t really know him until it was too late

Gwen: No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
What did you do?
Peter: I wanted to be special like you

( narrating)
He was my first friend since Peter, i can’t go there

J Jonah Jameson: Captain stacy leads a man hunt for Spider woman , why won’t she show her face?

Captain stacy: He sat at my table, he was my daughter’s best friend

How’s it going?
Gwen: I quit the band so great
Captain stacy: We got a break in the spider woman case
She m*rder*d your friend
Gwen: You don’t know that
Captain stacy: I do, i was there, she ran from the scene of the crime
Gwen: Maybe she didn’t have a choice
Captain Stacy: I’ve got a job to do
Gwen: It won’t bring him back

Cop on Radio: Keep an eye out for our girl, tonight’s the night we’re going to arrest Spider woman

Captain Stacy: How does a guy with a forty foot wingspan walk into the Guggenheim unnoticed

I’m an Irish cop , keep an eye out for Spider woman
Found her

Ghost spider: Hey captain, how’s the man hunt for me going?

Ghost spider: Vulture, calling their name usually works

Vulture, you’re not my vulture

What are you? Made of parchment?
Vulture: What world have you brought me to?
Ghost spider: You’re glitching, been there?
Let me guess, you were having Espresso in an old timey Leonardo world and a portal opened up

Vulture: I’m an artist, an inventor
Gwen: Great, a renaissance man

Ghost spider: Who are you?
Blue panther? Caped blusader? Dark garfield?

Spider man 2099: My name is miguel o’hara, I’m from another dimension
Ghost spider: You are? Actually I’m not surprised
Spider man 2099: I lead an elite strike force dedicated to the security of the multiverse
You created a hole wide enough to sh**t anyone in the wrong dimension
Ghost spider: We saved the multiverse
And don’t get me started on Dr Strange that little nerd on Earth 9999999
Ghost Spider: Who’s Dr Strange? Sounds like he shouldn’t be practising medicine

Jessica Drew: Spider woman
Ghost spider: Me too , are you?
Jessica drew: We don’t know the sex, my husband wants it to be a surprise, he’s corny
Ghost spider: Will you adopt me?

Vulture: What are you two talking about?
Jess: Be quiet
Spiderman 2099: Will you shut up?

Jess: Is it because she called you dark garfield?
Spider-Man 2099: No
Jess: Do you say anything other than No?
Spider-Man 2099: No, i mean yes
Jess: Then why not?
You know why

Spider-Man 2099: Call for backup
Lyla: What? Can’t hear you
Call for back up please
Lyla: I already called her

Spider man 2099: I’m a good guy
You don’t look like a good guy

Captain stacy: Arms in the air
Ghost spider: I just saved all those people
Captain Stacy: Suspect is armed
Ghost spider: With what? I’m out of webs
On the ground
Ghost spider: Which is it? Arms in the air or on the ground?

I didn’t know it was him
Captain stacy: How long have you been lying to me?
Gwen: Can you stop being a cop for one second and be my Dad and listen to me?
You’re in this to help people so am I
Captain stacy: You have the right to remain silent
Gwen: Dad seriously?
Captain stacy: You have the right to an attorney
Gwen: Are you that scared of me?
Don’t come any closer!

Jess: It’s okay, she can’t stay here

Spot: Excuse me sir, do you have an ATM
Around back
Spot: Preferably one that’s not card

This should be simple, make a hole, grab the money

Don’t bring wood into this

I used to be a scientist, had an accident

: You’re robbing me

Spot: I’ve never robbed anyone in my life, don’t make this a bad experience for me

I can’t get a job anywhere else

Spot: This ATM machine doesn’t belong to you , it belongs to the bank

Spiderman: Why do people think ATM machine? The M stands for machine

What are you? A cow? A dalmation?
Spot: This is funny to you?
I’m the spot , this is my skin
I’m from your past, a year ago today

Spider-Man: Sometimes this job is so dumb

( narrating)
Miles: Let’s do this one more time, my name is miles morales, i was bitten by a radioactive spider , for the past year and four months, i’ve been the one and only spider man , Aunt may moved to Florida, i guest hosted Jeopardy, i endorsed baby powder , apologised for endorsing baby powder, my moustache came in and out
Would they get it if i told them?
Ria: That spiderman is puerto rican
Miles: Seems dominican to me

Ria, Jeff: We love you and accept you even though you’ve been lying to us for a year
( narrating)
Miles: Sometimes I wish I wasn’t the only one

Spiderman: Can you act like a normal villain so i can catch you?
Spot: I am your nemesis

Ria: We know he’s a sophomore but we wanted to get a jump on the college conversation

Don’t try to escape

Miles: Badguy on the roof of the peterson building , can you call the police?
Gange: Seems like a slippery slope , now it’s call the police then synchronised watches, in a month a spider signal , i am not your guy in the chair
Miles: Are those my Jordans?
Gange: I can’t help it if we’re the same size

: I don’t know who this kid is, i don’t think he knows
Is he committed to his future or whatever he’s doing instead of being here?
Can’t have your cake and eat it too
Miles: Unless you make two cakes

I need to go back to being a great student

What’s your story?
Miles: Having a story sounds gross
: You’re an immigrant from a struggling country
Ria: I’m from Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico is part of America
Jeff: On the floor at the station
You’re all struggling
Jeff: Make captain next week

An A in AB physics
An A in studio art
Jeff: Takes after his uncle
A b in spanish
Ria: What?
Jeff: Are you trying to k*ll your mother?
Miles: I missed a few classes
How many
Miles: Five
Jeff: Takes after his uncle

Miles: New york is too far from new jersey?
They have the best quantum researchers in the country
Electrons across dimensional threads
Jeff: Electrons
Miles: Dark matter
Jeff: I don’t know what any of that means
Ria: That sounds like a great made up job

Miles: You went out on your own , started a business with uncle Aaron

Gange; Guy got away
Miles: I’m on it
Gange: Seen stressed, you’re stretched way too thin

Jeff: I’m on the PTA, you know how many lemon laws i had to break for that

You know you’re meant to catch the bad guy
Spiderman; This guy he’s barely villain of the week
Spot: You know I can hear you

Jeff; You’re just like my son
Spiderman: I am? I mean that’s silly, imagine that

Spot: I worked at Alchemax, the collider, i brought a spider from another dimension, it bit you, you ran through the cafeteria, hit me with your bagel
Spiderman: Hit a lot of different badguys with a lot of different foods

Spot: I made you, you , you made me this, i lost my face, my life, my family won’t even look at me

I am your nemesis

Jeff: What happened?
Spider-Man: He kicked his own butt

Spiderman: Men of your generation don’t like to talk about their mental health
Jeff: No matter what I do, people think I’m blowing it
Spiderman: Your son,

Jeff: He’s so smart but he does such dumb things

Spiderman: Maybe he’s scared to talk to you
Jeff: Who would be scared to talk to me!
Spiderman: I, I don’t know

Spiderman: As an objective observer without skin in the game

Spot: I kicked myself into myself , hello? Echo, echo, echo, no echo, hypothesis, I’m going to stick my head through this hole

I know it’s weird, i came out of nowhere
Mrs Chen: What do you want?
Spot: I’m becoming a transdimensional super being, i’m splitting the fabric of time and space and you’re acting like this is just another Tuesday night

Jeff: You used to run us out of your store now we have to look out for you guys

To my brother, He’s up there laughing at me right now
To my wife, I will never stop cause you will never stop , ain’t taking this mike from me

Spiderman: I know we’ve had our ups and downs parenthesis lol
: Spiderman it won’t all fit on one cake
Spiderman: Can’t you write shorter?
Can’t you talk shorter?

Your parents are looking for you
Miles: I’ve been here the whole time
Ria: You were supposed to be here at five, you missed your dad’s toast
He studied for eight months
Jeff: Nine, it was like giving birth

Miles: There was an emergency
Jeff: Graffiti emergency? Friends i’ve never met emergency , explain yourself
Miles: Sounds like you’re explaining it pretty well

I’m fifteen
Jeff: You don’t even have a drivers license
Miles: Neither does mum
Jeff: Because we live in New York and don’t plan on leaving

Jeff: Is it Gange? I never liked him
Miles: Yes you did
Jeff: Calls me by my first name
Miles: I have friends other than Gange, there’s Peter who left town, there’s Gwanda who also left town

Miles: Did you think i’m doing benign unremarkable things?
Jeff; No because it’s you
Miles: Will you just listen?
Jeff: What is it you want to say! What do you have to tell me!

Jeff: You’re grounded!
Miles: Mum, seriously , for how long?
Jeff: One month!

Miles: I’m not grounded, i’m spider man

Gwen: Hey, got a minute?
Miles: What are you doing here?
Gwen: You got bigger, have a growth spurt
Miles: Your hair got pinker

Gwen; I had one , why’s it still in its packaging?

There’s so, so many, missed you too

Miles: I’m grounded
Gwen: Bummer, is spider man grounded?

Miles: There’s this secret society with only spider people
Gwen: There’s Jess, she rides motorcycles, i’ve learnt so much from her

Miguel the whole thing was his idea , he’s this spider vampire guy
Miles: Spider vampire guy, I’d pay to see that
Gwen: Look at dumb dumb

Miles: These folks you hang out with, what kind of stuff do you do?
Gwen: Save the multiverse
Miles: Didn’t we already do that?

Miles: Who’s hobie?
Gwen: He’s cool, lets me crash in his dimension sometimes
Miles: Like you stay the night?

Gwen: They’re really strict about where I can go otherwise i would have come to see you sooner

Ria: Your Dad’s ready to hear what you have to say

Jeff; Two months!

Miles: I’m emotionally mature
Gwen; It’s easy talking to you
Miles: What about Hobie?
Gwen: It’s different
Miles: Because we’re the same, in all the important ways
Gwen: In every other universe Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman, in every other universe it doesn’t work out
Miles: There’s a first time for everything

Jeff: She seems too old

Gwen: It’s a small strike force
Miles: I can make electricity, turn invisible
Gwen: There’s not a lot of spots

Ria: I’m Miles mum
Gwen: Oh Ria
Ria: Called me by my first name
Don’t take him from me
Miles: Mum
Ria: Just kidding , he’s grounded until you cramp
Miles: Mum!
Jeff: I’m Miles Dad
Gwen: Jeff
Jeff: Called me by my first name , surely you mean Lieutenant Jefferson soon to be Captain
Gwen: Captain

Ria: I’ve been trying to look after this little boy, can go to all these great places he wants to go, I’m worried they wont love him the way we do , root for him the way we do, he’ll never doubt he belongs at those places people tell him he doesn’t, promise me you’ll look after that little boy, when he comes home, you better come home

Ria: When you get back you’re grounded
Miles: A ha
Ria: I’m smiling like it’s a joke but you are
Miles: I figured

Lego Jonah: Spiderman page one with a decent picture this time
Lego spiderman: I need a raise, Miguel we’ve got an anamoly
Spiderman 2099: Thanks Peter you’re one of our best
Lego spiderman: Beep beep

Gwen: sh**t


sh**t, sh**t, sh**t, sh**t, sh**t, sh**t, sh**t

Jess: Where’s this badguy you’re supposed to monitor?
Gwen: He just stepped out
This villain of the week

Jess: Did you go see your friend?
Gwen: What? Miles? I went to see him briefly from afar
Jess: How afar?
Lyla: That’s too close
Gwen: I had to see how he was doing

Gwen: I messed up, didn’t you ever get to close to someone?
Jess: Yes but I got over it

Gwen: I’ll never see him again

Goodbye Miles

Spot: If I looked in the mirror, i couldn’t see myself but i’d be jealous

Hey gwen i’m here to help
Spot: Foot in your face, bet you didn’t see that coming

Ghost spider: Hey Pav , this is Miles and he wasn’t invited
Spider-Man india: You weren’t invited and you cane anyway? New guy must be in love with you

For the past six months
Miles: six months? And he got a watch?
Gwen: Yeah
Spiderman india: I get out of bed, skip the work out because I’m naturally buff and don’t want to get too big
My naturally great hair
Miles: You don’t put any product
Just coconut oil, prayers and genes

Being spider man is so easy, i beat up bad guys, go to school, don’t really have to try , back to have chai with my auntie
Miles: I love chai tea
What did you say bro? Chai means tea, i don’t ask for coffee coffee

Does he know about hobie?
Miles: What do i need to know about hobie?

Spider man india: It’s english for we get along great and are close friends

Spider punk: When I’m not in a band, I fight fascists
I’m not a role model, I was a runway model

I’m not a hero because being a hero makes you a self apologetic narcissist

Hi I’m Miles, we actually met before when I was invisible
Jess: I know who you are

Jess: Miguel wants you at HQ
Ghost spider: Miles was just leaving
Jess: Miguel wants you all
Spider punk: I don’t go anywhere i don’t want to and neither does he
Spider man: I’m invited to HQ?

Miles: This is unbelievable
Gwen: This is just the lobby

Miles: What happened to that small society?
Gwen; Most of these are part timers

Gwen: Hey Peter
Miles: Hey I’m Miles

Gwen: Hey Peters
Miles: I’m the new recruit

Jess: It’s a day pass, stops that

: Interesting Kraven, boring Rhino, Prowler
Miles: Prowler?
Not your Prowler
Miles: Hey
Hey, it’s rude to stare

Miguel: My name is miguel o’hara , i’m the dimension’s only spiderman, at least I was , unlike the others i don’t always like the choices i have to make

Gwen: I know it’s slow but it’s his thing
Miguel O’hara, miles morales, miles morales Miguel O’hara
Miles: I speak Spanish

Gwen: Easy

Miguel: You blew a hole in the multiverse!
Peter B parker: Go easy on the kid, he had a terrible teacher
Miles: Peter!
Peter: You got bigger, you bleeding from the armpits?
Miles: You had a baby!
Peter: I had a baby ! Keep your day pass on , you got one too, didn’t know they made those for adults

I shouldn’t have made her that web sh**t, that was a mistake, you wanna see pictures?
Gwen: She’s right -
Peter: That’s her angry face, That’s her studious face
Don’t worry about my friend Miguel, he looks scary but he’s all bark

Miguel: I am trying to hold a serious adult conversation
Peter: We’re supposed to be funny, you’re the only spiderman who’s not funny
Miguel: The fate of the universe
Peter: You say stuff like the fate of the universe and my brain dies
She took a crap, she’s a Parker

Hobie: Taking a crap on the establishment, i salute you

Miguel: You disrupted a canon event
Peter: He wasn’t thinking, it’s not his thing
Miles: That’s insulting

Miles: Not if you let me go home
Miguel: Everywhere you go , you are an anomaly, You are the original anamoly , the spider that bit you was from another dimension, that spider was never meant to bite you , you were never supposed to be spiderman !
Miles: You’re lying, i am spiderman !
Miguel: A world doesn’t have a spiderman because it bit you
If you never got bit, your Peter would have lived, none of this would have happened, spot wouldn’t exist!
You’re a mistake
Peter: This isn’t what we talked about
Miles: You talked about this? You knew
Gwen: I didn’t know how to tell you

Miles: I did draw hundreds of spider people
Peter B parker: I guess he did have a plan

Miles: Everyone keeps telling me how my story’s supposed to go, nah I’m gonna do things my own way

Gwen; You wear that badge because if you don’t, someone who shouldn’t will, this is my badge
I tried to do things the way you would but I didn’t

I’m completely on my own, i don’t know what to do!
I know i can’t lose another friend
Captain Stacy; I taught you to do it by the book

I took an oath
Gwen: Then arrest me
Captain Stacy: I can’t , i quit
Gwen; When did you quit?
About halfway through your big speech
You’re not going to be captain?
Captain Stacy: Being captain is all i know, you’re the best thing I ever did

Jeff: You unilaterally ungrounded him

Jeff: That girl, what is he thinking?
Ria: I can think of a few things
You didn’t see the way his face lit up

Jeff: Am I responsible?
Ria: You’re a great papa
Jeff: It’s like we’ve got this whole new kid who wants to grow up, we’ve got to grow up too

Where are your parents?
Gwen: My Dad
Jeff: What? Dealing dr*gs?
Gwen: No, he’s a cop
Jeff: Statement withdrawn
Gwen: He’s kind of hard to get on the horn
Jeff: I’m calling the station
Gwen: He’s not there
Where’s Miles?
Gwen: I don’t know
That’s his jacket, where is he?
Gwen; I’m going to go
Ria: Where do you think you’re going young lady?
Gwen: I don’t know but i know where to start
, one thing i learnt from Miles is anything is possible, he loves you more than you know
Ria: If you find him, tell him five months and we love him

Miles: I met amazing people, saw amazing places, I beat them all, I know how strong I am, it’s because of you, it’s because of Dad, it’s because of us

I know you know I’ve been lying to you, something is coming
I’m spider man
Ria: Who’s spiderman?
Miles: The superhero

( narrating)
Gwen; I never found a band so i made my own with a few old friends

Across the Spiderverse Merchandise - Amazon
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