01x20 - The Prisoner

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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01x20 - The Prisoner

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain, I am putting
you on a new prisoner.

Colonel, I am already
working a dozen cases.

Captain, for the next 5 days

He will be your only assignment.

He must be very important.

Beijing went to extraordinary
lengths to procure him.

He will know whether the
americans will intervene

If we take back
matsu and quemoy.

And that's all I need
to extract from him?


He will resist and
try to trick us.

His answer will be
yes when he means no

And no when he means yes.

Your future depends on
you getting the truth, captain.

Yes, sir.

Welcome to hong
kong, secretary bair.

I'm sure you remember lieutenant
austin from our mission in cuba?

Oh, yes I do.

I remember the entire 3-ring jag circus.
Including lieutenant commander rabb.

Where is he?

Uh, missing.


Taiwan's demanding to
know where we stand

If the chinese invade
matsu and quemoy,

And jag's maritime law
expert has gone awol?

Not awol, sir. Missing.

Since when?

I left commander
rabb saturday night.

He was supposed
to sail with a friend.

Maria elena carmelita...
Moreno gutierrez.

An iberian airline stewardess
he evidently finds attractive.

Her flight schedule changed and
harm sailed alone sunday morning.

No one's heard from
or seen him since then.

If this is another jag
game to humiliate me...

This is no game, mr. Secretary!

The sailboat he rented
was discovered this morning.

Rather what was left of it was
found floating on the south china sea.

Was his body recovered?


But I'm glad to see you're as concerned
about commander rabb as we are.

Well, of course, I'm concerned.

His opinion of our legal
position on those islands

Is a major factor

In formulating my
recommendation to the president!

That's the other reason
I'm here. Like the commander,

I, too, am an expert
in maritime law.

Good. Then you can leave the search
for commander rabb to lieutenant austin,

While you and I draw up a
position paper for the president.

I assume you've
set up an office?

I've reserved an
office with a secure line

To taiwan and washington
on the 3rd floor, sir.

Then let's get to it.

Wondering why you're here?

Wondering why I haven't seen
someone from the american embassy,

Which I've been demanding
for the past 24 hours.

Probably because you're
being accused of espionage.

That's ridiculous!

I'm an american citizen who was
pleasure sailing in international waters,

When chinese naval forces
destroyed my boat and kidnapped me.

And how do you define
"international waters?"

I don't define it. The
law of the sea does,

Which most countries
accept as customary law.

You seem to know a
lot about maritime law.

Every blue water sailor does.

Especially when
they're a jag officer,

Lieutenant commander rabb.

You were observed the
moment you arrived in hong kong.

Our intelligence people know
why you came to asia, commander.

To spend my leave sailing.

You were on your way to provide
legal advice to your state department

On upcoming talks with the
taiwanese renegade government.

Your intelligence is mistaken.

At these talks, taiwan will
learn if america will intervene,

When we reclaim
quemoy and matsu.

Something you already know.

I do?

Yes, you do.

And that's all you want from
me is an answer to that question?

That's all.

Then the answer is yes.

Prove it.

You might be interested
to know, commander,

That some of my colleagues have
been processing americans through here

Since the vietnam w*r.

Perhaps someone you
knew came through here.

Maybe even

Your father.

Would you like to know
more about your father?

Of course, I'd like to
know more about my father.

But how could I ever know if what
you were telling me was the truth?

There is a way.


Will the united states interfere
when we take back the islands?

And this time, a one word
answer will not suffice!

Harmon rabb, junior.

Lieutenant commander
in the united states navy.


October 25th, 1963.

It's too bad time will not allow
us to play our game more slowly.

I would have found that
much more pleasurable.

A fishing barge pulled
up the wreckage in its nets

And contacted the
harbor patrol immediately.

Have you been able to
determine what hit him?

Probably an oil tanker.
It happens quite often.

Really, inspector?

We're able to piece
together enough of the hull

To identify it as
commander rabb's boat.

At which point you
called off the search?

Your coast guard
would have done the same.

Not while there was any chance
someone was still alive out there.

Survival would have been highly
unlikely after a collision like this.

But possible.

The water's warm and commander
rabb was an experienced transpac sailor.

You may change your mind
after you see the wreckage.

It's been catalogued
and photographed?

It will be, commander.

I want everything released to
our custody as soon as possible.

Every nail and splinter.

I will do what I can.

Whatever collided with
this boat was painted grey.

Are oil tankers painted
grey, inspector chang?

Not that I'm aware
of, lieutenant.

Military fleets are grey.

Civilian ships stay away from
that color just for that reason.

Military ships have even
more sophisticated radar

And men on watch than
commercial vessels.

It is highly unlikely they would
be involved in such an accident.

Unless it wasn't an accident.

Commander rabb,
how are you feeling?


"Commander" sounds so formal.

What do your friends call you?

Harm. Rabb. Pain in the butt.

Let's talk about why
you were in hong kong.

Maria elena carmelita
moreno gutierrez.

A lover?

Yeah, sometimes.


Whenever we can get together.

Do you get together often?

Not often enough.

So, after you met with maria...

Elena carmelita
moreno gutierrez.

You were to go on to taiwan.

Tell me about matsu
and quemoy, harm.

Very difficult position.

Both china and taiwan
have valid claims to them.

How will the united
states respond

If china takes
them back by force?

Right now the navy has
6 carrier groups at sea.

2 In this region.

The independence
at yokosuka, japan,

And the nimitz in
the western pacific.

Will they use them to defend
matsu and quemoy for taiwan?

Well, they also have
27 attack subs at sea,

Representing 33...
34% Of the fleet.

You are not
answering my question.

They're all los angeles
class submarines,

360 Feet in length,
33... Enough!

Come on! We go!

He was resisting the drug.

I disagree, captain.

He was giving information.
You stopped too soon.

Information I can get in
5 minutes on the internet.

The navy teaches them to give information
like that in their p.o.w. Training.

Increase the dosage.

I have to be careful.
It could k*ll him.

If you do not get the correct
answer, captain, it could k*ll us.

Morse code?



Are you american?



Prove it.

Well, how you doing, pilgrim?

There're some things a man
just can't run away from.

They outnumber us 4 to 1.

Do we talk or fight?

I'm not going to hit you.

The hell I ain't.

I'm losing it.

That'll be the day.

Every time you turn
around, expect to see me.

Because one time you'll turn

And I'll be there.

Ready to set them up, barkeep?

Who are you?

Who are you?

Forensic studies confirm
the paint scrapings recovered

From the sailboat's hull
were from a military vessel.

Whose military vessel?

That's difficult to
say, mr. Secretary.

China supplies
its maritime paint

To a number of countries in
the area. Vietnam, cambodia...

So the paint's chinese?

Yes, commander.

The chemical signature
is quite specific.

Well, how will you proceed?

We will have to contact beijing.

In time, they may or may
not give us an answer.

Then your investigation is over?

Officially. But I am
making other inquiries.


That's all I can
say at this time.

Thank you, inspector.

Mr. Secretary, good
evening. Commander.



Well what, commander?

You heard him. The chinese
rammed commander rabb's sailboat.

No, no. That's not quite right.

A ship with chinese paint
evidently rammed his sailboat.

I don't think the vietnamese or the
cambodians would have any warships

In the waters
off hong kong, sir.

All right. Probably not.

I'll see what I can do to
expedite chinese answers

To the inspector's questions
on this unfortunate accident.

This may not have been
an accident, mr. Secretary.

If the chinese knew commander
rabb was on that boat,

They could have abducted him and
made the sinking look like an accident.

To what end?

To interrogate him, hoping to learn
our position on matsu and quemoy.

You people are trained
to resist interrogation.

Resist, yes. But no one
can hold out for long

Against the dr*gs
that are available today.

So what do we do?

You inform china that
we know they have him.

But, we don't know!

This is just a theory based
on a... A few chips of paint!

It's all we have.
We must act on it.

Commander, my job is to
avoid international incidents,

Not... Not to create them.

Then you won't help us?

Not without more evidence.

Are you hurt, pilgrim?

Come on, son. Are you hurt?


Not so loud.

If they hear us talking,
they'll move you.

And you don't want
that to happen.

Why not?

I'm going to keep you sane.

One step ahead of the mind
games they'll play on you.

Mind games? Like this one?

No. No, but keep
thinking like that.

Don't trust
anyone, including me.

Where are you?

Obviously, somewhere below you.

Are you a prisoner?

No. I'm here on vacation.

I wanted something dank
and dark for a change.

Of course I'm a prisoner.
U.s. Navy, just like you.

How'd you know I was navy?

I heard the guards talking.

You speak chinese?

When you've been here as long
as I have, you'll pick it up, too.

You don't believe me?


Oh, hell, I don't blame you.

My first thought was that
you were another mind game

Colonel hahn was playing on me.

Then I realized I've been here too
long for him to bother anymore.

How long? I don't know.

I lost track of time, long ago.

Yeah, don't tell me what
year it is. I don't want to know.

Either way, it'd
be too depressing.

I can tell you I
was captured in '69.


No. Kansas city.

Uh, wait!

I hear footsteps.
Someone's coming for you!

Taiwan's held matsu
and quemoy for 47 years,

Which gives them a
firm territorial claim

And makes a u.s. Action in
their defense highly justifiable.

The grey area would be chinese
actions in quemoy's coastal waters.


Well, the islands are
close to the mainland,

Well within the
12 mile sea limit

Most nations claim
as their waters.

This can't be a
unique occurrence.

No, it isn't.

In any other case, when one country's
sea limit ran into another's land limit,

They would simply acknowledge
a mean line in between.

But, uh, china isn't
any other case.

All right.

Make up a list of
examples and precedents,

Where the land limit
has uncontested domain.

Assistant secretary bair?
I've got your wife on the line.


Hello? Hi, honey...

I can't talk now, ethel.
I'm, uh, in a meeting.

You, too. I'll call
you tonight. Bye.

All right, taking that as a point of
departure, commander krennick...

They're doing it to me again!

Inspector chang?

What have you learned?

Please, let's walk.

For the last year, we've been
working under the assumption

The mainland has all police
stations under surveillance.

And no one wants to
upset the new bosses?


The mainland has promised to give
hong kong autonomy for 50 years,

But no one believes that.

You were correct. It
was not an accident.

Commander rabb is being held
in the local chinese garrison.

How accurate is your source?

Impossible to know.

They say commander rabb
will soon be shipped to beijing.

But there is a possibility he can
be returned to us before then.

For a price. Of course.

Who is this source?

Since china began to tolerate
capitalism in its free economic zones,

A network of people have
emerged who buy and sell anything.

Black marketeers?
Free marketeers.

Men and women who deal in
information, not $100 blue jeans.

May I assume with
secretary bair's help,

You can raise
whatever is needed?

The navy takes care of its own.

They will contact you directly
within the next few hours.

Please understand, I will
now have to close the case.

Because the free
marketeers are involved?

The hong kong government tacitly
acknowledges they provide a service.

No one expects mainland to
have such lenient impulses.

Good luck.

Can you speak?

Tell me, commander,

This is not an interrogation.

We just want to know if
your memory was affected.

Harmon rabb, junior.

You were administered dr*gs
incorrectly and overdosed.

You've been in a coma 27 days.

The doctor responsible
is in a cell near yours.

You were shaved daily.
Even given a haircut.

But some bedsores
were unavoidable.

Does my mother know I'm ok?

Your mother thinks you're dead.

Commander, it was assumed
you were lost at sea.

You're lying.

To what point?

To break me down.

It's no longer necessary. We successfully
reclaimed matsu and quemoy from taiwan.

Your government protested,
but did not respond with force.

You're both so obvious.

I can assure you, commander,

It is the truth.

Then I can be released.

Unfortunately, your
release at this time

Would prove most embarrassing.

Are you going to keep me?

Would you prefer to be shot?

Take solace in
knowing, commander,

You're not the first,
nor will you be the last.

Where you been?

I missed you.

How long have I been gone?

Oh, there's no way to keep
track of time down here.

A couple of days, a
couple of weeks, a month.

God, it's true.


I've been in a coma for a month.

No, uh, no, that's
another mind game.

Like you?

You got bed sores?


Yeah, well, look
at 'em. They're fake.

And you're not weak
because you were in any coma.

They've drugged you.

How do you know?

Colonel hahn did it to me.

Only I didn't have anyone
to tell me it was a trick.

God, i... I can't think!

Well, it's the dr*gs.

How do I know you're
not part of the mind game?

If I were, why would
I be telling you this?

I don't know. I don't know.

My finger's cut!

What? My finger!

The cut is still fresh.

Can't be more than
a couple of days old.

I couldn't have been
in a coma for a month.

Well, whatever you do, don't
let them know you're on to them.

Start doing some push ups.

You've got to get those
dr*gs out of your system.

Good idea.

All right.

Now, don't you think it's time
we got to know each other?

Harm! Harmon rabb.

I'm a lieutenant commander
in the united states navy.

What's so funny?

You tell colonel hahn,

I've been here too long to
play a game like this anymore.

Why are you saying that?

Because I'm lieutenant commander
harmon rabb of the u.s. Navy.


I thought we were meeting your
free marketeer contact, inspector.

You are.

Most of the police force will be
replaced by the mainland next year,

Our pensions probably dissolved.

I've begun my transition
to my next career. Please.

And you don't see any
conflict of interest?

Next year everyone will be
on the other side of the street.

Until then, I keep my
moonlighting absolutely separate.

Do you know where
commander rabb is being held?


Please understand, I do
not represent his captors.

I am the middleman. Trying to
bring the 2 parties together.

Who's the other party?

Someone serving in the local
garrison where your man is being held.

If they are to be believed,

They are in a position to break
your commander out of captivity.

Are they to be believed?

I cannot guarantee that,

But my instinct is yes.

If this were a scam, they
would have wanted money.

What do they want instead?

Asylum in the u.s.,
No questions asked.

Apparently, local garrison
duty is less than desirable.

We get commander rabb, they
get asylum. What do you get?

A phone number I can
ring up day or night

That will give me instant
sanctuary in your embassy,

Shall I ever desire it.

Do you find these
terms acceptable?

Only if we get
commander rabb back alive.


For obvious reasons, we
can never speak of this again.

Try the bao, it's excellent.



He said, "yes"!

But I'm not sure
it was the truth.

He said, "yes." We have it on
tape. That is all I need, captain.

And if he was lying?

If the americans will not interfere
and because he says they will,

We decide to take
more drastic steps?

Such as?

If the americans

Will go to w*r for the islands,

Beijing may as
well invade taiwan.

How much time do
you need, captain?

I need months.

But since I only have days,
I'll have to take some big risks.

Do what you have to do, captain.

When did you go down?

Christmas eve, 1969.

What carrier was your
squadron attached to?


Who was your wingman? Tom boone.

What's your birthday?

October 25th, 1963.

Where was I stationed
when you were born?

Fighter town, u.s.a.


So far, you haven't
told me anything

That couldn't have been
uncovered by chinese intelligence.


Then ask me something
they couldn't know.

Where did my father take me the
day before he sailed for vietnam?

Belmont park, san diego.

On mission boulevard.

I wanted to show you
the roller coaster

Before they tore down the park.

We carved our initials
in one of the cars.

This isn't possible.

Do you remember exactly
what initials we carved?

H.r. With a little 2 squared.

I... I never understood what
it meant until years later.

My god.

I must be losing
my mind. Or I am.

No, you're not. No.

I hear them coming for you.

I can't. I can't.

Now listen to me. Listen to me!

You're going to suck it up!

If I could do it all these
years, you can too, son.

It's 3.30. This is not
very promising.

I don't want to turn
back yet, commander.

This is a waste of time.

We should be at the consulate
helping bair prepare his position paper

On matsu and quemoy.

How can you say that?

I'm being realistic and not
forgetting we're here to do a job.

I don't see what's to be
gained by any other approach.

He wasn't your partner.

He served under me, lieutenant.

With all due respect,
it's not the same thing.

Excuse me, lieutenant.

Are we having a competition
over who cares more about harm?

I'm just as upset as you are.

I'm just not as good at
showing it as you are.

I never was.

I've grown to care
very much about harm.

I understand.

I'm not sure you do, meg.

I know how that sounded.


You're wondering,

If harm and I were
sleeping together?

No, ma'am.

Yes, ma'am.

Unfortunately, no.

Were you?

We never slept together.

But you thought about it?


Too bad.


For admitting to the
same desires as you?


For telling me.

You wouldn't say that if
you thought he was still alive.

Did that woman
just leave her baby?

It's harm's.

What is it now?

Commander rabb's been found
and we need your help. Is he alive?

Being held in nantou in a xi
chang army province garrison

Not far from the new territories

I know where nantou is.

Where did you get
this information?

We have someone willing
to break him out tomorrow

If you'll guarantee them asylum.

Oh, well, wait a minute!

Asylum by tomorrow
is impossible.

Why impossible?

This isn't like issuing a
driver's license, commander.

For one thing, a background
investigation has to be done.

That takes time.

Why does everyone outside of
washington think it's so simple?

Mr. Secretary,

You will guarantee this
person asylum by tomorrow or...

Or what, commander?

Or your wife will find out you've
been having an affair in hong kong.

That's a lie!

With me.

She'll never believe you.

Dear mrs. Bair, I've been
getting up the courage

To write this letter
for a long time.

I love your husband
and he loves me.

It all began in cuba.

We put a call in to her.
Would you like me to get that?

No! No!


Make a decision, mr. Secretary.

Please, sit and eat.

Is this how I am to
live from now on?

If you prove useful.

I thought my cooperation
was no longer needed?

I'm sure there will be
other opportunities

For beijing to use
your naval knowledge.

I'm not a traitor.

Maybe not today. But,
in time, who knows?

The rewards may
prove too tempting.

Blunt and to the point.

I arranged for a guard to short
the electricity to these cells

So the colonel
cannot monitor us.

We only have a minute.

What is this? The
game within the game?

You were never in a
coma, you were drugged.

They still need to know the
american position on matsu and quemoy.

Now do you believe
this is not a game?

I already figured the coma
was a lie and you knew it.

Commander, I can get
the 3 of us out of here.

The 3 of us?

You, me and your father.

Did you think it was just a
coincidence you were brought here?


That doesn't make sense.

Nothing will. You still have
too many dr*gs in your system.

Tonight, I was supposed
to give you more.

Tomorrow, we'll cross
the border into hong kong.

Why are you doing this?

If you were me, would you rather
spend the rest of your life here,

Or in america?

What can she gain if
her offer's a trick?

It sounds like you
don't believe her.

I want to,

But it's getting hard to
separate reality from fantasy.

Remember what I used to
tell you when you were little?

Always address adults as sir or
ma'am and never play with matches.

And that our instincts
are always right.

We just learn to ignore them.

And that deep down, if you
know something's not right...

It isn't.

But I don't know what my
instincts are telling me.

It may be a chance for
us to get out of here.

Now I'm not sure,

But right now, it's the
only chance we've got!

Maybe you're the one

Who can't believe this is
real after all this time.

It's possible.

The fantasy is completely
logical within its own rules.

He has created his
father in his mind,

Just like you said he would.

And now we shall use
it to learn the truth.

Dad? Dad?

Dad, it's harm.


He's on his way to the border.

Why isn't he coming with us?

Moving you together
would be too dangerous.

Would you lower the g*n, please?

He told me not to trust
you. He said it wouldn't happen.

It won't happen if
we don't leave now!

How are we getting out of here?

Through the front gate.

I have papers authorizing
your transfer to beijing.

Let me see 'em.

Do you read chinese?

sh**t him! sh**t him now!

You fool! He'd have
given the alarm!

So would my g*nsh*t.

I didn't think of
using a pillow.

Next time I tell you to
do something, you do it!

Now move!

Why would china keep my
dad a p.o.w. All this time?

After all these years,

It would be too
embarrassing to release him.

Are there others?

Yes. How many?

Only beijing knows.

If we make it to hong kong,
the world will demand to know.

Which is why they won't
hesitate to k*ll both of us.

This doesn't feel right.

Are you going to doubt me
all the way to hong kong?

Wouldn't you in my shoes?

I suppose so.


You think that's them?

We'll have to wait and see.

You know, I knew
you were lying, harm.

You resisted well, but, no one can
hide the truth from me and my dr*gs.

Your navy will not interfere
if we take matsu and quemoy.

Did you tell the colonel?

No. He would have
sent you on to beijing

And I wouldn't have anyone
to trade for my freedom.

Well, at least I tried.

Is my father in that van?

You're free to see.

There he is!

Stay put, lieutenant!
But it's harm!

He's still on the other
side of the border!

You really didn't expect
to find him there, did you?

Drop the p*stol, commander,
before they sh**t you.

It's only loaded
with blanks, anyway.

There are times when
I do tell the truth.

Where is he?

In your mind.

I talked to him!

It was the dr*gs you talked to.

He knew things only he
could know! He was in that cell!


Once I planted the thought in
your head, the dr*gs did the rest.

He was lying, colonel.

The americans will not interfere
if we take back the islands.

Your w*apon, captain.


What is going on, sir?

You made a deal
with the americans.

What are you talking about?

You were trying to escape to hong
kong with the american commander.

I was following our plan!

What plan?

You are under arrest, captain.

Colonel, why are you doing this?

We no longer need to continue
the charade. I know the truth!

Come, commander. Now!

Come on!

Here we go!

Keep moving if you
want to get home!

Oh, uh, thank you, commander!

Who was she?

I never knew her name.

Captain lishi.

She was my interrogator.

The best we had!

Did you...

Tell her? No.

She was certain
she knew the truth.

She couldn't have, colonel
hahn. I didn't know yet myself.

I still hadn't formulated my
recommendation when you picked me up.

I am not hahn. My name
is colonel yang-chi.

I replaced colonel
hahn 10 years ago!

10 Years ago? Yes.

Who told you about colonel hahn?

My father.
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