01x05 - Déjà Vu

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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01x05 - Déjà Vu

Post by bunniefuu »





♪ [Violin playing]

You look like you've
seen a ghost, lieutenant.

Or do you stare at
all women like that?

I... N-no. Actually, i,
uh... (Angelique) good.

Want a chocolate?

Uh, uh, no, thank you.

[Chuckling] I am addicted.

[People chattering]

What are you doing back here?

I... I was looking for my coat.

Trying to sneak out before
the entertainment starts, huh?


Me, too. I just called a cab.

I could give you a lift.


I'd like that.

(Meg) there you are, sir.

L-lieutenant austin.


And a pleasure to meet
you, too, lieutenant.

Sorry I broke up the party.

We were just talking.


You and I are just talking.

You and she were tangoing
across the dance floor half-naked,

One foot in the nearest bedroom.

And you got all that from

"And a pleasure to meet
you, too, lieutenant." Amazing.

I saw the way you looked at her.

She reminded me of someone.

You mean the thai
ambassador's wife?

She's the... Uh-huh.

♪ [Playing fanfare]

Come on, you two! The
entertainment's about to start!

[Women chattering]

Yes, sir.

♪ [Saxophone playing]


[Birds chirping]

♪ [Bugle playing]

[Soldier calling out orders]


[Woman on radio chattering]

[Camera shutter clicking]

Mortal wound to the chest.

Minor cuts on the hand and arms.

It wasn't a surprise attack.
Harbin even tried to fight back.

Looks like it, but he
was overwhelmed.

(Axelrad) hey, just a minute.

What the hell do
you think you're doin'?

I'm lieutenant rabb. This
is lieutenant austin from...

Jag, right?

Yeah, well, I'm
detective axelrad.

This is a civilian
investigation, lieutenants.

Taking place in a
military cemetery, sir.

Oh, give me a break.

You know your jurisdiction is
restricted to active installations.

The last time I looked,

Uh-ah, what do you
know? Arlington's not.

It's my crime
scene. My evidence.

My dead guy. Goodbye.

(Meg) 3 m*rder*d navy lieutenants
in and around the d.c. Area

In the last 11 months. All
knife att*cks, all at night.

(Harm) we're working a
possible fringe militia activity,

Or a lone assassin with a
grudge against the navy, or a...

Statistics. Statistics?

D.c. Has got more
murders than most cities,

And more navy lieutenants.

Do the math, lieutenant.

What do you get? More
m*rder*d navy lieutenants.

[Chuckling] (man) detective?

All found within
a 5-mile radius.

D.c.'S only got a 5-mile radius.

We're workin' on it.

And have been for
the past 11 months.

Hey, read the paper.

We're undermanned.
We're overworked.

And we're willing to cooperate
on a mutual basis, detective.

But I'm not, lieutenant.

Sir, the victim's car is parked
by the west gate, 200 yards away.

Roommate said he saw the victim
leaving the french embassy around 11:00,

With an unidentified
asian woman.

(Axelrad) good. Go
get her identified.

Now! Yes, sir.

Hey, you two know
somethin' about this?

Thanks for your help, sir.

[Birds chirping]

(Man #1) all right.

We just withheld material
facts in a m*rder investigation.

That's a felony.

I want to talk to
angelique before he does.

[g*ns firing] then we'll subpoena
his files on all 3 murders.

It could take
weeks if he fights it.

You have another
suggestion? Yes, sir.

Don't get into a turf w*r
with him, because he will win.

[g*ns firing] as opposed
to, lieutenant?

We approach him
on a human level.

Slowly work around to
finding out what he knows.

Be subtle, sir.

[Metal clanging] (man #2) ready!

[g*ns firing]

(Harm) excuse me.

Were you workin'
here last night?

On wednesdays I
do a 12:00 to 12:00.

I already told the police
that I didn't see anything, sir.

(Harm) hal-4. Navy seal's.

Your unit took
some hard hits in nam.

I lost a lot of brothers.

Well, you just lost one more.

[Wheels squeaking]

In case you remember something.


[Door closing] I'm
lieutenant rabb.

This is lieutenant
austin. Colonel patano,

The ambassador's
chief of security.

The ambassador agreed to meet with
you as a courtesy to the state department.

That's very gracious
of the ambassador,

But what the state department
should have communicated

Is that we actually need
to speak with mrs. Sonsiri.

They did.

(Sonsiri) I have talked to
my wife about last night.

Angelique and I attended the
french embassy party last night.

[Clock chiming] she
grew tired early

And asked the lieutenant
for a ride home,

Instead of more appropriately
asking colonel patano.

(Sonsiri) the lieutenant dropped
her off at the front door.

She then immediately
retired. That's all.

Thank you very much, ambassador.

May we ask mrs.
Sonsiri a few questions,

Minor details, so we can
close the investigation?

The sooner this
is over, the better.

Mrs. Sonsiri, when did
you meet lieutenant harbin?

Just last night at the party.

I met a lot of
nice people there.

What route did you and the
lieutenant take when you left the party?

I don't know. I gave him the
address and he took me home.

(Harm) straight here?

We didn't stop anywhere,
if that's what you mean.

Did you notice anything unusual
when the lieutenant dropped you off?

(Angelique) unusual?

Was someone following you?

Colonel patano always follows
me. He was parked up the block.

Mrs. Sonsiri is mistaken.

No, I'm quite positive.


My wife is tired.

When would be a good time to
continue this, sir? There won't be.

Good afternoon, lieutenant.

[Angelique gasping]

Oh, my god!

(Harm) I'm sorry.

What do you think, lieutenant?

That we just played clue and
colonel mustard's the k*ller.

Or the ambassador. Or his wife.

Lieutenant harbin was
overwhelmed by his attacker.

He had 100 pounds and
2 feet on angelique.

Size isn't everything.

Any chance you dropped
those pictures by accident?

About the same chance this
guy's gonna be happy to see us.

(Harm) afternoon, detective!

♪ [Clarinet playing off key]

[Knock on door]


[Phone ringing]

Lieutenants rabb and austin
reporting as ordered, sir!

At ease, lieutenants.

Congratulations on your
new duties, commander.

It's only temporary.

Temporary commands have a
way of becoming permanent, sir.

[Clearing throat] well,

I just received this from state.

Ambassador sonsiri

Claims that you called him
a liar and offended his wife.

[Sighing] sir, we attempted
to interview mrs. Sonsiri

About lieutenant
harbin's m*rder.

That annoyed the
ambassador, sir.

They're involved?

We believe so, sir.

We have to investigate,
but if state says to lay off,

Then we have to lay off.

Sir, admiral brovo
wouldn't lay off.

He wouldn't? No, sir.

He would tell us to comply with
state's request to give him the ability

To disavow himself
of the investigation,

But he wouldn't order us
to stop the investigation.

I don't see the difference.

Say we could find a smoking g*n

Without directly questioning
the ambassador and his wife.

Then diplomatic immunity
wouldn't, uh, be an issue, sir.


I want you to comply with the
state department's request.

Aye, aye, sir!

Oh, lieutenant rabb?

Yes, sir?

Wasn't lieutenant harbin
m*rder*d with a knife?

Yes, sir.

You said smoking g*n.

You were speaking figuratively.

Yes, sir.

I knew that.

Will that be all? Yes.

[Phone ringing]

[People chattering]

♪ [Playing off key]


It's washington.
What did you expect?

I thought it would be
different in the navy, sir.

It is until you get an
office in the pentagon.

I didn't want to press the
commander too far today,

So requisition this equipment
first thing in the morning.

We're gonna become peeping toms?

Isn't that politically
incorrect, lieutenant?

Don't women have
the right to peep, too?

Not this one, sir.

[Car engine starting]

And to what do I
charge this requisition?

Deniability. Sir?

Does this look familiar?

This is a match for the knife
that k*lled lieutenant harbin.

Where did you get it?

From our kitchen.

This morning, I recognized
the knife from your photos.

I bought service for 36
in that pattern last year.

When I counted this afternoon,

There was a knife missing.

Would the colonel have
k*lled lieutenant harbin

Just because he drove you home?

My husband and the colonel came up
in the thai army during the last coup.

[Car engine starting] they're used
to doing whatever they want,

Without any consequences.

For talking this morning.

Has he done this before?

Many times.

When you ask navy lieutenants
like me to escort you home?

None of them were like you.

So you did go home with navy
lieutenants from embassy parties?

Why are you asking me this?

There have been other navy
lieutenants m*rder*d, angelique.

And you think my husband or
the colonel have k*lled them?

Or you. Me?

[Angelique scoffing]

Then why would I
bring you the knife?

To throw suspicion onto them.

Is that what you really think?


[Car door slamming]

Come on in, lieutenant.

So you found the smoking g*n.

Not yet, sir. Request for
equipment from lieutenant rabb, sir.

At ease, lieutenant.

"Navy seal e.p.
Tach 7 nightscope,

Laser audio
surveillance field kit."

This equipment's strictly limited
to b*ttlefield use, lieutenant.

I believe lieutenant
rabb is aware of that, sir.

What's he gonna do with this?

I don't believe you
wanna know that, sir.

Well, I have to know if
you want me to sign for it.

If you say so, sir. But then
you won't have deniability.

[Clearing throat]
dismissed, lieutenant.

Thank you, sir.

You're welcome.

I think.

(Meg on phone) the first navy lieutenant
was k*lled about 11 months ago,

So guess when ambassador
sonsiri was posted to washington.

Wouldn't happen to
be about a year ago?

You got it. I'm on my way
to meet detective axelrad.

Using your human approach?

♪ [Music playing on
stereo] that's right.

Meaning you're wearing a dress.

L-look, don't think you know
me that well, because you don't.

I'll be so subtle, by the time I work
my way around to asking for the file,

He'll barely notice.

Is it a red dress?

No. How's my car?

Fine. Better yet, no one at
the embassy will recognize it.

Well, I just made my
first payment. So don't...

(Harm) I'll be careful.

Good luck, harm.

Aren't you the one who's
getting lucky tonight?

Over and out.

[Crickets chirping]

[Woman laughing]

[People chattering]

♪ [Piano playing]


Umm, I don't, uh,
have a lot of time.

How can I help you?

Well, this morning wasn't
exactly the high point

Of military-civilian

Well, we're all too
busy for niceties.

Too many dead people.

Navy lieutenants and otherwise?

That's right.

Glass of chardonnay, please.

You and I have common
ground, detective.

Oh, yeah?

We're both interested
in finding the truth.

Oh. Righting wrongs, right?

Seeing justice prevail,
protecting the all-american way?

You make it sound trivial.


I'm just waiting. For?

Oh, at first you're gonna
talk about yourself.

Where you came
from, who you are.

You know, draw me in.

And about a half an hour, 2 drinks
later, we're leaning across the table,

And I'm noticing how
incredibly attractive you are.

And I'm starting to think
to myself, you know,

"Damn. It wouldn't be such a
bad idea if I was to help you."

And if I did give you
the file on the case,

You'd appreciate it.
We'd keep in touch.

And who knows what
might happen down the line?

Right, lieutenant?

So let's save some time.

I've already noticed
how attractive you are.

In a uniform, in a dress.

[Chuckling] in
anything is my bet.

Here's the file on
lieutenant harbin's m*rder.

Files on the other 2
are already archived.

I will try and get those to you.

And, um, here is my number.

At home.

Now, if you're really
interested, call me.

Oh, lieutenant.

Drink's on me.

[Crickets chirping]

[Dog barking]

[Machine clicking]

(Beth) will there be
anything else, mrs. Sonsiri?

(Angelique) no, thank
you. Good night, beth.

Good night, madam.

Mr. Ambassador, would you
like something from the kitchen

Before turning in?

Oh, I'd better not.

You know how my wife is
when she catches me snacking.

Mrs. Sonsiri has
already gone to bed.

Hmm. Well, maybe I'll have a
little bite to eat in your room.

[Beth laughing]

I was hoping you'd say that.


You're on thai
property, lieutenant.

I could reach out,
break your neck,

And the police could do nothing.

You'd never get that close,
colonel. Not in one piece.

[Dog barking]

Have you ever k*lled
a man, lieutenant?

Looked in his eyes, watched
the life go out of him?

Is that what you did
to lieutenant harbin?

Or did you hold him

And the ambassador
stick the knife in his chest?

The ambassador did not k*ll
your lieutenant, and neither did i.

Is he just jealous of angelique,

Or would he k*ll
over her maid, too?

We do not k*ll over women.

That is a western weakness.

You just beat the women instead.

You've spoken to angelique.

In embassy circles, clarity is
often obscured by diplomacy,

So let me be clear.

You come near
the sonsiris again,

And there will be another
dead navy lieutenant.

I didn't know where else to go.

♪ [Soft jazz music playing]

I... I thought about lying, saying that I
saw the colonel k*ll the lieutenants,

[Police siren wailing] so
they'd all be sent away.

But I'd have to go back with
them, unless I could get asylum.

How will you live?

Do you have someplace to go?


But I've got the rest of
my life to figure it out.

When you look at me like
that, who are you seeing?


The summer I turned
16, I ran away from home.

I went to vietnam to look
for my father. He was an m.i.a.

The woman who helped me
look for him had a daughter.

Her name was gym.

Were you in love?

We were 16.

Romeo and juliet?

Sort of.

Ever think of going back to her?

She was k*lled.

I'm sorry.

You remind me of someone, too.

Am I still a suspect?


[Angelique moaning]

Uh, you can stay here
tonight. I-i'll take the couch.

That's not necessary.

Yes, it is.


♪ [Band playing]

Left. Ho!

[Birds chirping]

Is it like this every morning?

Better than an alarm clock.

You like it.

Never too far
from where I've been.

[Phone ringing]

Excuse me.

Lieutenant rabb.

Chief petty officer
markwood, sir.

Navy hal-4.

(Harm) yes, chief?

I wasn't always a drunk.

I'm listening, chief.

I... I saw something that
morning at the cemetery.

I was paid not to talk.

But I don't care.

Where are you?

20Th and g.

I'm at 1205 8th street.
5 Minutes away.

I'm on my way, sir.

(Sergeant) and pull!


Good news?

You still don't trust me.

Angelique, please understand.

Yes, I understand.

In my head. Not in my heart.

[Knocking on door]

[Door closing]

Last night, bingo!

You got the
detective to warm up?

Well, I don't know
if I'd go that far.

And I don't know how
helpful the file is.

No tissue or fiber evidence
that points to a k*ller.

Blood work?

Harbin had been
drinking, but wasn't drunk.

(Harm) dr*gs? Nope.

He had allergies.

Blood showed levels for benadroxine,
which is a common antihistamine.

Where is she, harm?

She's in the bedroom.
And this is insane!

She's a suspect!

If the navy finds out, that
will be the end of your career.

You're making assumptions.

Oh, you're saying you
didn't sleep with her?

You are way out
of line, lieutenant!

I'm sorry, sir. I...
(Markwood) lieutenant rabb?

Are you ready to talk, chief?

Am I gonna be in bad shape for not
telling the police everything up front?

Not as bad as lieutenant harbin.

What did you see, chief?

Like I told you and the police,

Soon as I saw the
body, I called it in.

Then I'm barely hangin' up the
phone when out of no where

There's a man right behind
me. A big, bald asian guy.

He laid some money on me.

And he asked me what I saw,
which is nothing, and I told him.

And then he told me that I didn't see
him either, and laid more money on me.

Then he split.

Did he go near the body?

Not that I saw, ma'am.

Which is why I went along.
It didn't seem important.

But if it wasn't important, he
wouldn't have paid me, would he?

Can you pick this
man out of a lineup?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I can.

[Glass shattering]


[g*n firing]



It went in his
shoulder. He's in shock.

Call 911, and keep low!

(Meg) where are you going?

[Glass breaking]

[g*n firing]

[Phone ringing]

(Harm) meg?

Yeah, the bleeding stopped.
The ambulance is on the way.

Ok. Can you draw fire safely?

I'll try.

Meg, call me back in 25 seconds.

Call you back? Harm?

Mark time, now!

[Phone ringing]

Drop it.

[Patano yelling]


Send another
ambulance over here.

We have our smoking g*n.

[Woman on intercom chattering]

(Axelrad) I've got it. Thanks.

Both rounds hit him right
in the chest, 2 inches apart.

This guy would be dead if it wasn't
for this old w*r wound he has.

Hold on a sec.

Tell him I'll be there
in a half an hour, ok?

He shattered his
sternum years ago.

So they put in a
steel plate right here.

It stopped one of your b*ll*ts,
lieutenant, right in front of his heart.

Is he talking? Oh, yeah.

The colonel confessed
to k*lling all 3 lieutenants.

He signed an
affidavit. Everything.

On the ambassador's orders?

Oh, he says no. I
say probably, yeah.

There's no way we can prove it.

Well, uh, I guess it's
your collar, lieutenant.

You wanna wrap this
up or should I do it?

Oh, uh...

I'll do it.

Well, since you volunteered,
lieutenant. Go, sir.

Have a nice evening.

You, too.


I have a report to do.

I figured you were gonna
say something like that.

Don't lose my number.

You know, lieutenant, you
guys were pretty damn lucky.

The colonel, he started off
as a sn*per in the thai army.


I just learned that you
were an army sn*per, colonel.

[Heart monitor beeping]

If you were trying to
k*ll us today, we'd be dead.

I think you were
trying to commit su1c1de.

Lieutenant rabb saw you
reload, but your clip is empty.

You pointed an unloaded w*apon
at him to sacrifice yourself.

If you think you've saved
the ambassador, you haven't.

He's being recalled to thailand.

Or was that the idea?

Having him recalled so
the murders would end.

I gave my confession.

Harbin was found
where he was k*lled.

But the other navy
lieutenants' bodies were moved.

Is that what would have happened
if the gardener hadn't been there?

You would have cleaned up to
cover the ambassador's tracks?


Go back to thailand and
face the death penalty.

Can't say anyone here
will be sorry to see you go.

Not the navy.

Not the d.c. Police. I'm only
just sorry you're all not going.

What do you mean?

Oh, didn't you know?

Angelique's staying here.

She... She can't.

Why not?

Why not? Because if she
doesn't, the murders won't stop?

It's not the ambassador you're
falling on your sword for, is it?

It's her.

[People chattering]

(Hostess) let me take
that for you, sir.

♪ [Piano music playing]

I hope you don't mind. I
ordered some champagne.

Whatever you want, gym.

I'm sorry. It... It
just came out.

It's ok, I understand.

To gym. To, uh...

Why don't you tell me about her?

I met gym when I hooked up with a
former marine colonel in bangkok

Named striker.

Back then, a lot of people believed
that our m.i.a.'S were being held in laos.

He was one of 'em.

He lived up a klong
with gym's mother.

The two of them
would sneak into laos

To check on reported
m.i.a. Sightings.

When I joined them
to look for my dad,

Gym insisted on coming.

She was the same age as me and
said that if I could go, so could she.

That's why it's my fault.

I was scouting ahead
with colonel striker.

Gym and her mother were spotted by a
laotian helicopter on a border patrol.





No! No!

Somehow colonel
striker got me out.

When we went back for them,
the laotians had taken their bodies.

You left them behind?

They were dead.

You ran away. You
abandoned them.

No, it wasn't like
that. They were dead.

What if they weren't?


I'm sorry.

I c-could use some air.

[Tires screeching]

[Crickets chirping]

I need to see the ambassador.

He cannot be disturbed. No.

Ambassador sonsiri!

[Maid speaking thai]

What's going on? I need
to speak to your wife.

My wife is gone. Good
night, lieutenant.

No, no. She's gonna k*ll again!

[Speaking in thai]

In here.

Explain yourself.

It's quite simple, sir. Your wife's
gonna k*ll another navy lieutenant.

Colonel patano confessed.

He did not k*ll those lieutenants.
She did and you know it.

Strange as it may seem,
lieutenant, I do not.

Colonel patano is in
love with angelique.

Has been for years.

But I knew he would never
violate our friendship.

When he confessed to the murders, I
assumed he did them out of jealousy.

Something I personally
have never felt.

She was your wife, sir.

Angelique is a beautiful woman.

A gracious hostess.

Perfect for someone
of my position.

Or what my position used to be.

With all due respect,
mr. Ambassador,

I find your way of
thinking disgusting.

In light of what
has happened, so do i.

But obviously for
different reasons.

Why would my wife
m*rder those lieutenants?

I don't know, but
I know she did,

And I know she's
gonna k*ll harm.


The lieutenant who
questioned us with you?

Yes, sir.

Fascinating. No, sir,
it is not fascinating.

It is not interesting, it's
not amusing. Where is she, sir?

I don't know.

Angelique is not returning
to thailand with me.

I know she arranged for asylum.

She didn't have to.
She's an american citizen.

She is? Angelique is not thai.

She is a child of w*r.

Her mother's vietnamese. Her
father is an american officer.

Navy lieutenant?


A lieutenant parker, I believe.

Lieutenant lawton parker.

[Door opening]

[Door closing]

[g*n firing]

[Dog barking]

♪ [Clarinet playing off key]

[Phone ringing]

Commander lindsey.

(Meg) oh, thank god
you're still there, sir!

(Lindsey) it's become a
24-hour job, lieutenant austin.

Sir, I need to locate a former navy
lieutenant, uh, probably retired,

Named lawton parker.

Uh, he served in vietnam.

I'll put the request
through in the morning.

No, sir. Tomorrow's
too late, sir.

Have you been
drinking, lieutenant?

No, sir. But I'm worried
that lieutenant rabb has.

Excuse me? I've been reading
the police reports, sir.

And all 3 dead lieutenants show
blood levels of benadroxine,

Which, in high enough
doses, acts like a sedative.

That's how she overwhelms them.

She puts a big dose of
antihistamine in their drinks.

Uh, who does? Angelique
sonsiri. She's the k*ller.

You already have a confession

From that, uh, colonel

No, he was in love
with angelique.

He was protecting her.

He was in love with
the ambassador's wife?

Sir, save the moral indignation,

Please get me lieutenant
parker's address, sir.

It's a long shot, but it's
the only shot that I have.

What's your car phone number?

(Angelique) pull over here.

Here's your reward.

[Crickets chirping] you
really are addicted.

I'm just making
up for lost time.

We were poor,

There were times my
mother had to beg for rice.

Did you stop here
with lieutenant harbin?

I already told you we
didn't stop anywhere.

What are you asking?

Arlington cemetery
is right there.

It is? Uh-huh.

May I see your purse, please?

Why? Just let me see your purse.

You know, I don't like
you when you're like this.

And I didn't like
the look in your eye

When you accused me
of leaving gym behind.

Now let me see your purse.

What do you expect to
find? I'm hoping nothing.

But I'm afraid it's
gonna be a knife.

Even if there was a knife,

I'm sure you can
take it away from me.

Not if I was drugged.

Is that what you're waiting for?

Some untraceable
drug to take effect?

I didn't drink the
champagne, angelique.

Lieutenant, I had to wake up an admiral to
get this, and he wasn't very happy about it.

I hope you appreciate that.

(Meg) did you find him, sir?

Yes, uh, in virginia.

Where in virginia, sir?
Arlington cemetery.

He died 2 years after returning
from nam in a traffic accident.

She must have
m*rder*d them all there.

Do you have a plot number, sir?

Plot number?

Never mind. I know where it is.

[Tires screeching]


[Angelique panting]

[Angelique exclaiming]

[Crickets chirping]

Why, angelique?


You left us behind.

What are you talking about?

You left us behind!

And n.v.a. Came!

Remember how
beautiful my mother was?

When they found out
she had an american lover,

They used her!

[Crying] there were
so many of them, i...

I lost count.

You saw?

They made me watch.

It was not in the champagne.


[Tires screeching]

I'm not your father, angelique!

I remember my father!

White uniforms, gold
stripes. You can't fool me!

You shouldn't have left us!

I'm not your father, angelique!

You left us!

(Meg) no!

[Angelique grunting]

[Both grunting]

[Both panting]

[Angelique exclaiming]


(Harm) you look
familiar, sort of.

♪ [Band playing]

(Bree walker) although the
earthquake registered 4.5

On the richter scale, there was
no significant damage in los angeles.

A tremor of another kind went
through washington yesterday

When the state department announced
the expulsion of the thai ambassador

And another member
of the delegation

Without specifying a reason.

And a report this morning
that the ambassador's wife

Is being held in a m*rder
investigation only deepens the mystery.

The state department has
promised a full explanation

At a 10:oo news conference,
which we will carry live.

Elsewhere in
washington, attorney...

[Knocking on door] it's open.

How many fingers? 2.

Right. You're fit for duty, sir.

Is this test approved
by the surgeon general?

Nope. Me.

It's how I checked if my aunt
ellie's hangover was over.

I take it your
aunt ellie imbibed.

Mmm. If you call tossing down
bourbon with beer chasers "imbibing."

In texas we just
call it doin' sh**t.

Help yourself.

Question. As long
as it's not personal.

[Coffee pouring]

Wouldn't do that, sir.

Did you always think
she might be the k*ller,

Or did you start to trust her?

The only reason
I'm not flying jets

Is because of my eyes.

They test fine, but
under certain conditions,

Like landing on a
carrier at night,

Forget it. Night blindness?

There's a lot of
things you're blind to.

But you don't realize
it until it's too late.

I gotta run.

Commander lindsey wants me
at the press conference at 10:00.

Let him take the credit.

Will do, sir.


I didn't sleep with her.

I knew that.

[Door closing]
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