01x03 - Shadow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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01x03 - Shadow

Post by bunniefuu »

Surface contact. Bearing
040. Speed, 20 knots.

Range, 6,000 yards.
Designating this contact, sierra 7.

Helm, come right to 275.

Right, 275. Aye.

Helm coming right to 275.


Sonar signature matches test target, sir.

I have visual confirmation.

Start a target motion analysis, Mr Scott.

Aye, skipper.

Commencing target motion analysis.

Is your torpedo ready, Mr Grover?

Mr Grover?


Can we fire the Shadow?

Ah, yeah.



Thank you.


We have a firing solution, sir.

Fire one.

Fire one.


Aye, sir!

Tube one fired directly, sir.

Torpedo in the water.

40 knots and accelerating.



70 knots.
This sucker's faster than my Geo.

(Crew laughing)

You've impressed
my sonar LPO, Mr Grover.

And you?

I drive a Porsche.

Remaining steady at 15 feet.

75 knots.

Range to target,
2,000 yards and closing.


All right, Mr Grover.

Let's see if your Shadow
can live up to its name.

Close to 500 yards and hold.


1,000 yards to target.

Torpedo's slowing, sir.

Torpedo has matched target's
speed and is maintaining,

a 500-yard separation, sir.

I'll be damned.

And it'll stay behind that destroyer
for the next 12 hours?

Unless I order it to attack.

Or shift to another target.

What do you think
of my Shadow now, Commander?

I'll tell you in 12 hours, Mr Grover.

Torpedo's diving, sir!

50 feet!


Speed accelerating to 50 knots.

10 degrees down angle.

Ahead full.

10 degrees down angle. Ahead full.

10 degrees down.


What's happening, Mr Grover?

Torpedo passing through 500 feet.

Thermocline's at 650.


Sonar range losing signal.

650. I'm losing contact, sir.

We're under the thermocline.


we're under the thermocline.

I know, sir!
But there's nothing out there.

Mr Grover?

Where the hell's your torpedo gone?

On a mission.


Good morning.

Good morning, Mr President.

Anybody know anything
about this helicopter?

It's not on the schedule.

Come on, somebody. Talk to me!

All right. I'm on it.

Come on.

Give me your hand, Lieutenant.

Impressive pickup, sir.

I thought you'd appreciate it, Lieutenant.

I don't know if the President did.

The President?

What's this about, Commander?



Lieutenant Austin's been assigned
to this investigation with you.

Well, I'm sure Lieutenant Austin
is an excellent lawyer, Commander.

Thank you, sir.


Lieutenant Pike and I
have a working relationship, sir.

We're a team.

Not anymore.

Admiral Brovo made her his aide.

He replaced you?

After the Senate grilled me
on the Seahawk incident,

the Admiral thought it would
be in JAG's best interest,

if I...

got out of Dodge for a while.


Washington, of course.

Kate sends her regrets.

You know Kate?

Well enough for her to warn me, sir.

About what?

That's privileged information,

Lieutenant Austin,

is a computer weapons specialist.

I thought you were a lawyer?

I'm multi-talented, sir.

I'm sure you are, Lieutenant.

No, you're not, sir.

But in time I'll prove it to you.

Modesty is something
I've always admired in an officer.

I'm not immodest, sir.
Just straightforward.

Comes from being raised in Texas.

Lieutenant Austin, will you please get on
with your briefing?

We only have until midnight.

What happens at midnight?
You turn into a pumpkin?

No, sir.

A couple of thousand people die.

He sent the Shadow after a cruise ship.

Says he'll sink it

if we don't deliver him
and $40 million in gold

to these coordinates by midnight.

That's inside Cuban
territorial waters, skipper.

He's probably
got an accomplice with a boat,

which is pretty damn smart.

We can't follow him into Cuba.


why don't we stuff
his tubby little body,

inside the number one tube,

and thr*aten to launch him
unless he recalls the Shadow?

Somehow I don't think
that will do any good.


it's out of our hands now.


They're sending us lawyers?


To evaluate and negotiate.

But if that torpedo sinks a cruise ship,

the only thing they'll be evaluating
will be why I let it happen.

Weapons assessment
ordered that test, skipper.

They stuck us
with that civilian techno-pirate.

It's my boat, XO.

It's happening on my watch.

And that makes it my responsibility.

It shouldn't be too difficult
to find the cruise ship,

and destroy the torpedo.

There are 17 cruise ships
in the Caribbean at the moment.

And he says any attempt to interfere
with him or the Shadow

will cause it
to immediately sink one of them.

And you believe him?

That's what you're to find out.

Who the hell is this guy?

His name is Dirk Grover.

He designed the
Shadow's software programme.

That's why he was conducting the test.

It's a brilliant weapons system.

Using Shadow torpedoes, an attack
sub could fire at a number of targets,

leave the area, then sink them.

Sounds like a brilliant way
to hold up Fort Knox.

What if I think he's telling the truth?

That's the President's decision.

If I get my hands on his computer,

I'll crack his code
and disarm the Shadow.

And what if you can't?

I've deciphered computer codes
in as little as 30 seconds, sir.

And as long as?

Three days.

But that was in Chinese.

There she is.

Hook them up.

8:00, skipper.

On a calm day, this would be tough.

In these seas,
it'll be damn near impossible.

If I don't think you can make it,
I'll pull you back up.

I'll make it, sir.

Watch your back.

She's going to get k*lled!

Pick her up!

No, I can do it!

Man overboard! Portside!
Get a SEAL in the water!

Damn it!


Yes, sir.

Do you have a su1c1de complex,

You're the one who jumped
from 50 feet, sir!

What was I supposed to do,
with you in the water?

Permission to come aboard, sir.

I ought to deny it.

What kind of fool stunt
were you two trying to pull out there?

It was the only way
we could get onboard, sir.

You're a woman.

Yes, sir.

Lieutenant Austin is also a
computer weapons expert, sir.

Cob, make sure these officers
get coffee and dry uniforms.

Then bring them to the conn.

Aye, aye, sir.

Mr Grover's feeling very full of himself.

He's taken over my stateroom,

and at the moment's
enjoying pizza and bug juice.

Bug juice?


How is Mr Grover controlling
the Shadow from your stateroom, sir?

He's got a laptop.

Connected to weapons control?

It's not connected to anything.
It's battery-powered.

And you haven't taken it from him, sir?

No, Lieutenant.

Mr Grover claims he must
periodically transmit to the Shadow,

or it'll sink that ship.

Sir, to control the Shadow from a laptop

it would have to be
hardwired to the torpedo

or a sonar transducer.

Then how in hell did he control
the Shadow when we launched it?

I don't know, sir.

Perhaps he has an accomplice onboard.

My crew is bright,


and, above all, loyal, Lieutenant.

So rather than investigating them,

I suggest you put
your time into exploring,

how Mr Grover's computer
could be linked to the Shadow.

Sorry, sir.

I wasn't accusing your crew.



JAG theories have a way of turning
into court-martials.

With all due respect, sir,
we have to investigate all possibilities,

no matter how unlikely.

Then I suggest you begin
by investigating the most likely.


escort these officers to Mr Grover.

Aye, aye, skipper.

Follow me.

Watch your heads.



I thought nuclear subs were big.

Those are the boomers
and m*ssile boats.

We're an attack boat, small, compact.

Deadly to anyone over 5'2".

You've warmed up, Lieutenant.

You're sweating.

It's the coffee, sir.



In there.

New faces.

Oh oh oh.

A female...?

And a looker, too!

Was that psych-ops' idea?


I'm Lieutenant Rabb.
This is Lieutenant Austin.

JAG, of course!

How typical of the cost-cutting Navy.

Have you assess me and their
civilian liability at the same time.

How liable is the Navy?

You're the extortionist, not the Navy.

Still, a Navy torpedo
fired from a Navy submarine.

It'll have those P.I. Lawyers
in a feeding frenzy.

You're sweating, honey.

Does the thought
of all those lawsuits frighten you?

No, sir.

And the name's Lieutenant Austin.

Not Honey.

Well, how politically incorrect of me.

The two of you have first names?




I'm Dirk,

but you'll address me
as sir or Mr Grover.

Whatever you say, sir.

That's right.

We do whatever I say.

And I say, since the lives of a
couple thousand rum-drinking tourists,

are at stake, that we
get down to business.


if you're thinking
of taking my laptop,

I'd advise against it.

I have to contact Shadow
at random intervals

or it will complete its attack
on the cruise liner.

Now, I bet you're wondering,
how can my laptop,

reach the Shadow
through a hundred miles of seawater?

That question did occur,


"That question did occur,"


That's cute, Meg.

I like it.

Well, the answer is, it's my little secret.

Which means you're bluffing, sir.

Want to risk it?

Yes, sir.

No, sir.

He he.

Chicken. Chicken, Harm.




realising that words alone
aren't going to convince you,

I've arranged for a little,


Where did you go
to law school, Meg?


Princeton doesn't have a law school.

Quite right.

In five seconds,

a seawater pipe in the
forward escape chamber,

will burst.




Come on! Move it, people!

(Fire alarm sounding off)

What is it? The outer hatch?

I don't know.

Looks like the flood valve.

Escape chamber's flooding, sir.

We're dogging down the inner hatch.

I chose an escape chamber
because it's easily sealed

and won't endanger
the integrity of the ship.

We may not sink, but
you risk flooding the conn,

and then none of us
are going anywhere.

The crew is too well-trained
to let that happen,


You've got to dog it down now!


Well done.

Inner hatch is dogged down, sir,

but the chamber's flooded.

'The hell happened?

I don't know, sir.

Either the outer hatch
or a flood valve failed.

Somebody k*ll that damn horn.

Aye, sir.

Get yourself some dry clothes.

Aye, skipper.

This is the Captain.

We've had failure
in the forward escape chamber.

Flooding's been contained,

and does not, I repeat,
not affect our seaworthiness.


Just as I predicted.

Don't you hate it
when the bad guy's so good?


Makes nailing his ass
that much more satisfying.

I trust I've made my point.

My computer and I can be quite lethal.

And, if necessary,
I'll sink not only the cruise liner,

but the Tigershark as well.

And drown yourself in the process,


I'm prepared to die.

And the innocent people
on that cruise ship?

They have enough money
for a Caribbean cruise,

they're not so innocent. Besides,

it's up to the Navy to save them now.

They don't even have to know
they've sailed into harm's way.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Harm.
I couldn't resist.

Now, I suggest that you report
back that unless my demands are met,

a navy torpedo is going to,


sink a cruise liner
and ruin everyone's day.




if you'd like to stay,

I could offer you
some cold pizza and a,

cup of vintage bug juice.

No, thank you, sir.

I said, dismissed!

Why do I always attract nerds?

Maybe it's the uniform.

I was not made for this
Billy Barty habitat.

What's wrong?

Nothing, sir.

You're claustrophobic, aren't you?


No. I just...

The hell you're not.

Why didn't you say something?

It's never been this bad.

You've never been on a submarine!

What are you gonna do?

Relieve you, get someone out here
who can do the job.

You can't do that, sir.
My career would be over.

Yeah, but right now
a couple of thousand lives

are a little more important
than your naval career, Lieutenant,

which wouldn't be over.

You'd be assigned duties
unaffected by your phobia.

What? Just shuffling papers
in some JAG office?

It would have a window.

That is not funny, sir!

No, but it's honest, which is
a little more than you've been.

Look, damn you!

Don't you dare...

Watch it, Lieutenant,

or your naval
career will be over,

here and now.

Sorry, sir.

I apologise, sir.

Look at you. You're coming
apart like a paper doll.

Look, just give me a chance
to beat this!

I don't think you can.

You don't like me
because I replaced Kate.

No, I don't like you

because you didn't disqualify
yourself from this mission.

That, at least, I
would have respected.

The hatch is open,

I'm going in.

The flooding pipe
is ruptured near the valve.

It doesn't appear to be
a structural failure, sir.

More like a charge detonated
from inside the pipe.

Can you fix it?

Yes, sir.

But it will take about an hour.


Negative that. Return to the ship.

Aye, aye, sir.

Grover did this?

Yes, sir.

Detonated it from his laptop

to demonstrate
he can do what he threatens.

It still doesn't prove
he's in control of the Shadow, sir.

Got my attention, Lieutenant.


his laptop may have
a small transmitter,

strong enough to radio-detonate
an expl*sive device,

within the sub, but it could not
possibly transmit beyond the hull.

Could he use it to activate
one of our transmitters?

Then it would be a sonar
transducer, not a transmitter.

Wouldn't everyone in Sonar
know it then, sir?

Maybe Lieutenant Rabb
believes my sonar people,

are in league with Mr Grover.

Not necessarily, sir.
The Tigershark's a new boat.

A sonar transducer could
have been hidden in her hull,

during construction.

Even if that's true, he
could only maintain contact,

for a few thousand yards.

Which would explain how he controlled
that Shadow when it was launched.

Could be.

But I'd bet my life
he's not in control now, sir.

It wouldn't just be your life
you'd be betting, Lieutenant.


have Sonar
take a look at those tapes.

If there were any signals
emanating from this boat,

I want to know about it.

Aye, aye, skipper.

See, that would also explain
how an expl*sive device,

got hidden inside that flood pipe, sir.

During construction?

Yes, sir.

And if we're to
believe Mr Grover,

there isn't just one.

Admiral Brovo's
ducking this one, isn't he?

No, sir!

The Admiral was called
to the UN to consult

on the feasibility
of prosecuting Bosnian w*r crimes.

He might as well consult
on the mating of mules.

Mules are sterile, sir.

You ever been under fire, Commander?

Ah.. Ah.. Ah.

Me, sir?

That's what I thought.

No mayo.

For 23 years I've been telling her,

a ham sandwich isn't a
ham sandwich without mayo.

You eat it.

Yes, sir.

Based on your recommendation,

the President has decided
to pay the ransom

out of our budget.



begging the Admiral's pardon, it
wasn't just my recommendation, sir.

It was also,

Lieutenant Rabb's assessment
of the situation that...

Does everyone at JAG
crawfish like you, Commander?

Sir, I didn't mean to
imply that it was... I was...

Here are your orders, Commander.


you will transfer the bullion
from the Federal Bank in Miami

to the Tigershark.


you will have the Tigershark
deliver the bullion and Grover,

to the Cuban coast by midnight.

And three, and this
is the most important, Commander.

If you accomplish one and two,

your next duty station
will be the Arizona.

The Arizona's at the bottom
of Pearl Harbour, sir, I...

Get that torpedo,


Being underwater,

The satellite can't pick
up our thermal signature,

like it does surface vessels.



and all boxed images,

are the thermal signatures
from cruise ships.

And how do you tell cruise
ships from tankers or freighters?

The brightest blips are cruise ships.

I guess all those mating
couples put out a lot of heat.

Actually, the cruise
ships generate more heat,

because of the passengers
and facilities.

What's this?
It seems to be a cluster of ships.

That's our carrier task force
led by the Theodore Roosevelt.

Her anti-submarine aircraft
are hunting for the Shadow.

They can't cover
all these ships before midnight.

How would you know that?

I was a naval aviator
before becoming a lawyer, sir.

We need to narrow the search.

It's a larger ship with a couple of
thousand passengers onboard,

approximately 100
nautical miles from here.

Assuming Mr Grover wasn't lying.

He told you which ship he targeted?

Not exactly, sir.
He made some verbal slips.

Mr Grover doesn't make
verbal slips, Lieutenant.

When was the Shadow launched?

A little over six hours ago.

Can I see the ops manual
on the Shadow?

That's top secret.



These JAG officers
would like to ask a few questions.

What's the maximum speed
the Shadow can maintain for 12 hours?

Depending on sea conditions,
20, 25 knots.

Why the hell didn't I think of that?


Twelve hours at 25 knots.

We can eliminate any ships
beyond 300 miles.

Still leaves nine ships.

What's the target acquisition
range for the Shadow?

30,000 yards.

Any cruise ships that close
when it was fired?

No. Of course not. Far too risky.

The nearest civilian ship
was at least 30 miles over the horizon.

Isn't that proof that Grover's bluffing?

He didn't have a target
close enough to lock onto.

No, he could have
vectored it toward one.

It would lock on
once it got within acquisition range.

He'd need an accurate
position fix to do that.

How could he get one?

From me.

Grover hung over my shoulder
while I checked with the satellite,

to see if there was any
civilian activity in the test zone.

I thought he was just curious.

So he probably sent the Shadow
in the direction of one of these ships.

The question is still, which one?

It wouldn't have been
one of the farther ships.

The longer his intercept took,
the more chance for error.

Target could change course,
speed up, or slow down.

So he picked something close.


Probably one of these three.

At high speed, the Shadow could
acquire the target in less than 30 minutes.

XO, get a message off to
the Roosevelt with coordinates,

on these three ships.

Tell them to check them first.

Aye, aye, skipper.

If you'll excuse us, sir.
We'll have another go at Mr Grover.


He's a pilot.

Yeah, well,

he's not a submariner.

300 and 400 yards...

Suck it up, Lieutenant.

Just get me his computer.

Not until I'm certain
taking it from him won't sink that ship.

I disagree, sir.

Duly noted. You're coming apart again.

I'll handle it.

Why not use it?


Well, have a little pizza
and bug juice with him.

Seeing you vulnerable
might help drop his guard.

What? You want me to play
the faint-hearted female?

I don't want you
to play anything, Lieutenant.

Where's your partner?

Radioing Washington that you're
everything you say you are, sir.

He's not as dumb as he looks.

Yes, he is.


Dissension in the ranks?

I don't agree with him.

Well, perhaps I could
give you another,


Why is someone who's obviously
as brilliant as you doing this?

The prom queen
called the nerd brilliant.

He'll tell her anything.

What the hell?

Why not?

Three years ago, I designed
a computer programme

that typed in English,

and printed out in Japanese.

It was worth millions.

But, because I was employed by
the government, all I got was my salary.

Can't afford Caribbean cruises

with girls like you
on a government salary.

That doesn't seem fair.

I almost believe you meant that.

It's just a little course correction.

I've been playing the
tape over and over again,

looking for coded
sonar burst transmissions,

but they're impossible to distinguish
from the background noise.

Well, it was an idea.

And a good one, sir.

It helped me figure out
how we lost the Shadow.

Now, that's the Shadow
just before it entered the thermocline.

And there's where I lose it.

Now, I should have picked it back up,

once we went through
the layer, but I didn't.

Except for...

Did you see that?

Not really.

That's all right, sir.
I didn't see it the first time, either.

There. Did you see that?


That fish fart was the Shadow.

Colourfully put.

Well, it...

The thermocline
blocks the sonar signal from either side.

So, as we went through,

he sent the Shadow back up.

So, that fish fart was all I picked up

before the thermocline
blocked the sonar signal again.

So, Grover had control
of the Shadow from his laptop.


Yes, sir.

I mean, that,

that stunt took split
second timing to pull off,

and he's over there playing
with his keyboard the whole time.

How far were you from the Shadow
when you lost contact?

About 4,000 yards.

So we can assume that Grover
can control the Shadow

from at least that distance.

Yes, sir.


I agree with your
female lieutenant that,

even if he had a
transducer hidden in the hull,

it couldn't transmit
much beyond that.

Thanks, Grisham.

Just nail the bastard, sir.

Will do.

It's a little like being
buried alive, isn't it?

Trapped in a steel coffin.

Covered with water,

instead of dirt.

S-Stop it.

Would you do something?

Just anything. Just...

Just distract me.

Like what?

Do you have a computer game?


I'm not stupid.

It doesn't have to be anything to do
with the Shadow. Just,

just a game.

Everybody has a...

Everybody has
a game in their computer.


Just do something
to get my mind off these damn walls.




Who cleared Grover?

Weapons assessment.

How high?

Top secret.

Heh, He he.

He he.

What'd you fly, Lieutenant?


From Tomcats to JAG?

I broke one. They wouldn't
give me another one.

How'd you do that?

Night vision problem.

Tough break.

I can live with it.

Woo, woo woo. no, no, no.

You're going to... You're going to hit...
Go back.

You'd better not fly choppers, Meg.

What else you got?




Lieutenant Rabb?


We've been ordered to rendezvous,

with a helo and pick up the gold.

Then deliver it and Mr
Grover to Cuban waters,

before midnight.

Your mission here is over, Lieutenant.


Yeah, yeah. You're not...
Don't use the...

Go past it. Run. Right. Right.

Don't you ever knock?

They're going to pay, Mr Grover.

He he he Ohhh.

Ha ha ha,


I'll be damned.

Somebody in the government
finally made the right decision.

I don't think so.

Don't be a damn fool.

I can't. I have to keep
in contact with Shadow.

Slap that bastard in irons.

With pleasure, sir.

You can't do this.

They're going to pay.

Are you resisting arrest, Mr Grover?

Damn you.

Okay, Lieutenant.

You've been after me
to get you his computer.

You got it.

I just hope to hell
his code's not in Chinese.

It's my boat, you don't use your initiative
without consulting me first, mister.

It was my decision to make.
I'll accept the consequences.

Damn right,
you'll accept the consequences.

Much as I'd like to tube that little twerp,
my orders are very clear.

Deliver him and the gold to Cuba.

So, you return that computer and hope
to God taking it didn't sink that ship.

I don't believe
he's in control of the Shadow, sir.

You've been busting
Lieutenant Austin's butt for saying that.

Now you believe her?

Now that I have enough data
to confirm it.

I concur, skipper.

Then if the Roosevelt's aircraft
can find the Shadow,

they can take it out.

No, sir. The Shadow's
designed to torpedo its target,

if pinged by attack sonar.

All right then, we'll
wait till it runs out of fuel,

in two hours.

It automatically att*cks
if it goes fuel critical, sir.

Are you telling me no matter what we do
that ship's going to the bottom?


you can get us
within 4,000 yards of the Shadow, sir.

At that point, Lieutenant Austin

can disengage the torpedo
from the laptop.

Skipper's on the conn.



Send this message immediately.


This is our location.

Here's the rendezvous point.

This is our position.

These are the three cruise ships.

That's our rendezvous point off of Cuba.

If we're to make the Shadow
before midnight,

we have to set a course
for these ships now.

For which one, Lieutenant?

In the general direction of all three, sir,

until the Roosevelt's aircraft
find the Shadow.

If her aircraft finds the Shadow,

and if Washington
agrees with your theory.

That's my point, sir.

The President has to make
that decision.

By the time he does that,
it'll be too late to reach these ships.

We have to abandon
the helo rendezvous

and change course now.

You're asking me
to disregard my orders, Lieutenant.

No, sir.

I'm asking you to use the initiative
for which you submariners are famous.

What are you smiling at?

Is this really $100 million in gold, sir?

Ha ha ha.

Who told you that?

A Marine.

Haven't you learned
to never believe a Marine?

Yes, sir.

It's only $40 million.

We're heading back to Washington.

We're turning back, sir.

You sure?

Yes, sir.

We just received a
message from the Tigershark,

to abort the mission.

They've done it.

Oh he he.

Oh, they've done it. They've done it.

Oh he he.

There's also a message for you
from a Lieutenant Rabb, sir.

Go ahead, go ahead. What is it?
What is it?

It must have been garbled, sir.

He said something about
crossing your fingers and toes.

Flash message, sir.


one of the Roosevelt's aircraft
detected an object in the water,

200 yards astern of the Carib Star.

She's British, out of Bermuda,
carrying 800 passengers and crew.

They want to know
if they should attempt to destroy it.

Negative. We'll take it from here.

Request a couple ships
in the area to assist if needed.

Aye, sir.

What have you got, sir?


they found the Shadow,

following a ship called the Carib Star.

Helm, come left to course 0-9-0.

Left to course 0-9-0. Aye.

It's going to be close.


We won't reach the Star,
for an hour and 40 minutes.

That'll leave you 15 minutes,

Don't you have something to do, sir?

I'm doing it.

By bugging me?

I'm lending moral support.

You're in.

No, it activated itself.

I set off a trap.
Another b*mb's going to explode.

Collision alarm.

Who called the collision alarm?

Lieutenant Rabb, sir.

Grover's laptop activated another b*mb.

Lieutenant Austin's disarmed it.

Where is it?

The officer's wardroom.

Isn't this the officer's wardroom?

Surface contact. Bearing 0-1-0.

Speed, 12 knots. Range, 14,000 yards.

Designating this contact sierra eight.

Come left, 0-1-0.

Left, 010. Aye, sir.

Sir, I'm picking up a second target.

Designating sierra nine.

Sierra nine is 200 yards
astern of sierra eight,

and travelling at the same speed.

It's the Shadow, sir.

Okay, Lieutenant.

We got you this far.

It's your show.

Aye, aye, sir.

It's on us.

You mean me?

No, I mean us.

You know, this nerd could
have made $40 million,

designing computer games.

He's good.

Has a sense of humour.

I usually get something obscene.


Never mind, sir.

Now, when I get really close
to cracking his code, this happens.



Hey, hey, hey, hey.

No, it's no problem.
I know how to stop them.

So, you're getting close?

Yes, sir.

But I'm not in yet. I've,

I've penetrated four levels,

two booby traps,
and even found a fake programme

that looks good, but does nothing.

I know a woman like that.

I didn't mean you, Lieutenant.

Well, it fit, sir.

I don't think I'm going to get in.

Not in 20 minutes.

Bring the schematic
of the Tigershark back up.

The one with the expl*sives.

He placed them in the
forward escape chamber,

officer's wardroom,
and desalination compartment.

None of these are placed to sink us.

He's not prepared to die.

So, what's that give us?

A chance.

Skipper wants you up top.

So, somebody came to their senses.

You could say that.

6,000 yards and closing, sir.

Ahead one-third.

Confirming. Ahead one-third.

We've found the Shadow, Mr Grover.

Now, why don't I believe you?

200 yards astern of the Carib Star.

We're not at the rendezvous?

No, Mr Grover.

You do not pass go.
You do not collect $40 million.

You go straight to jail.

You are all lying!

See for yourself.

They're all going to die.

If they do, you do.

No, no, no, no.

See, the computer's out of my hands.

Whatever happens now
is your responsibility, Harm.

Sounds like you're setting up
a legal defence.

What happened to being willing to die?

They're the ones who are gonna die!

I did it!


Think again, jerk. I'm in.

Shadow's altering course, sir.

It's veering away from the Star.

(Crew celebrates)



Shadow's coming around
to our bow, sir!

It's making a new target!

Lieutenant Austin?

Working on it, sir.

It's acquired us, sir.

It won't respond.

3,000 yards and closing!

Left, hard rudder!

- Left, hard rudder. Aye, sir.
- Turning left, hard rudder.

Come on, Lieutenant.

I'm trying.

2,500 yards and closing, sir.

I told you. We're all going to die!

Steady at 1-0-9.

1-0-9. Aye, sir.

2,000 yards and closing, sir.

Fire decoys.

Firing decoys, Captain.

Decoys away.

Right, hard rudder!

Right, hard rudder. Aye, sir.

1,500 yards and closing.

Sir, it's not following the decoys, sir.

Emergency deep!
20 degrees down angle.

Ahead flank!

Rudder amidships.

20 degrees down angle. Aye.

Ahead flank. Rudder amidships. Aye.
1,000 yards, sir.

I can't do it. Nothing's working.

600 yards, sir.

Sound collision alarm!

Hit control, F9!

Control, F-9!

300 yards and closing, sir.

3-3-1, Alt, Star

Hit enter! Hit enter!

That wasn't close.


Take the conn.

Slow to one-third overall.

Aye, aye, skipper. I have the conn.

Ahead one-third.

The Shadow wasn't attacking us.

No, but you thought it was,


Mind if I stay up here
till we make port, sir?

As long as we don't dive.

If we do, I think I'll try swimming.

I owe you an apology, sir.

For what?

For what I thought about you
when you were on my case.

Thoughts are not
insubordinate, Lieutenant.

You kept me angry at you
to take my mind off the claustrophobia.

I did?

Yes, sir.

You did.

You know, Meg,

you're all right.

In fact, I wouldn't mind
being teamed with you again.
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