01x01 - A New Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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01x01 - A New Life

Post by bunniefuu »

July 14, 17:32
Somewhere in the Adriatic


Let's go.

We want to eat.

Let's get back.


Faster Antonio.


CAG? Hawkeye.

No-fly violators closing on us
with possible hostile intent.

Angels 18, vector 0-8-0.

0-8. We're on our way.

Two targets, CAG. 70 miles.

Closed rate 1,200 knots.

Looks like MIG 21s.

Do you have them on video?


How do you know they're Fishbeds?

Educated guess, CAG.
Target size is small,

and previous Serb No-Fly
violators have been Fishbeds.

We don't guess in this
man's Navy, Lieutenant Arutti.

No, sir!

50 miles. Phoenix
are fire-and-forget.

You can sh**t them anytime, CAG.

Did I request a Phoenix?

No, sir.

Stand it down.

But, sir!

Does your intercom
malfunctioning, Lieutenant?

No, sir. Phoenix standing down.

We're being painted!

I have ears.

20 miles! Picking them up on video.

Two Fishbeds over the atolls, sir.

Combat spread. I'll take
them both. Cover my six.

Roger that.

We're taking them on alone?

You have a problem
with that, Lieutenant?

Nine miles!

They've locked on!

You ever been in
a knife fight, Arutti?

m*ssile inbound!

Where's the other bogie?


I lost him.

Bogie on your six, CAG.

How we doing, Lieutenant?

Lieutenant, are you with me?

To hell and back, sir.

To hell and back.

Gear down and locked.

Hook down.

1-3-5 on the glide path.

5-1-1, Tomcat and Ball.

Roger. Ball.

Tomcat! 1-1-2, You're
a mile and a quarter.

Tow the Ball!

1-3-5 on glide path.

Tomcat, 1-1-2. Ball, 3.6.


Congratulations, sir!

I take it the word is out?

You bet!


if I bagged a Klingon,

I believe you'd know
what flag to paint on her.

Klingons are easy, sir.

Now, a Romulan warship,
that might be a problem.

They're invisible.

(Flight deck crew cheering)



Congratulations on
busting your cherry.

I'm sorry, ma'am. It's just a term
we use when you get your first k*ll.

I'm familiar with the term, Chief.

and I suggest you
come up with something,

more appropriate for today's Navy.

Yes, ma'am.


Sir, may I have a word
with you before debriefing?

Do you want to know
why I didn't use the Phoenix?

Ye- Yes, sir.

What's a Phoenix
m*ssile cost, Lieutenant?

A million dollars, sir.

You think a couple of camel jockeys
are worth that kind of money?

Serbs don't ride camels, sir.

Well, they fly like they do.

Sir, that doesn't explain
why we took them on alone.

I wanted to see if you had
the guts for a knife fight.

And you don't.

That's not fair, sir.

Well hell, I don't have
to be fair, Lieutenant.

I'm the CAG.

Buster to Bravo.
Working party in the post office.

Way to smoke them, girl!
Up close and personal!


I didn't smoke them,
Painter. CAG did.

Don't be giving the chauffeur credit!

Why not? He deserves it.

Hey, hey Angela. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?

You certainly don't
seem like the person,

who just made the cover
of Time magazine.

Time? I thought it was Playboy.

Mace, you're such a jerk.

See? That's more like it!

You know what, pard?

I think the lady wet
her panties up there.


No way, man.

She's I ce.

Yeah, well Ice melts
when it gets hot.

50 miles. Phoenix are fire-and-forget.
You can sh**t them anytime, CAG.

Did I request a Phoenix?

Stand it down.

But, sir!

Is your intercom
malfunctioning, Lieutenant?

No, sir. Phoenix standing down.

We're being painted!

I have ears.

20 miles! Picking them up on video.

Two Fishbeds over the atolls, sir.

Combat spread. I'll take
them both. Cover my six.

We're taking them on alone?

You have a problem
with that, Lieutenant?

Nine miles!

You ever been in
a knife fight, Arutti?

m*ssile inbound!

♫ Hip-Hop Music ♫

You've got it!

You can do it! Com'on.

Let's go!



Let's go.

You've got it.

Come on, buddy! Come on!

Come on! You've got it!

(Crowd cheering)

Your turn, Ripper.

Come on, Rip.

Com'on, let's go.

Come on, Rip. Come on, man.



That's it, guy!

Come on, buddy!

Press them, Rip! Let's go!

Com'on, com'on!

Push it. Com'on.

Try, man. Don't let her
beat you! Don't let her!

Push! Come on, man!

Com'on Rip, do it!

Try! Try!

I can't!

Take it! Take it!


(Crowd disappointed)

You disappoint me, pal!

That's the third bottle of Jack
you owe me this cruise.

Oh.. boy!

How many is that, Rip?

When are you gonna give up?


Cassie may be ripped,
but she still squats,

and no squatter's
gonna out-press me.

Well, this one did.

It's gotta be a trick.

Maybe she wanted it
more than you did, Rip.

She's on 'roids, Keeter.

No way! They'd show
up in her flight physical.

That's right.

So, you're saying the flight
surgeon's looking the other way.

The Navy'd do anything to
make these squatters look good.

There are limits, Rip.


There's not.



I just took Ripper for
another bottle of Jack.

Why do you do it?

You know he's only going
to get you more wave-offs.

The scuttlebutt says
a TV reporter's coming,

on the morning
COD to interview you.

I don't want to be interviewed.

Everybody in Wheeling, West
Virginia's gonna see you on the tube

including that jerk
of an ex-boyfriend.

I don't care about him.

My folks worry enough about me.

Let them interview CAG.

The press doesn't want to
talk to the Ancient Mariner.

They want the female warrior
who smoked two MIGs.

I didn't smoke them.

The Ancient Mariner did.

Damn it, Angela!

I can't take credit
for something I didn't do.

You didn't screw the
pooch up there, did you?


What's the problem?

I don't...

I don't want to be a...

blurb on the evening news.

Until today,

the only female aviators
the press were talking to,

were getting their sixes
grabbed at Tailhook.

We need blurbs like you.

I wouldn't know what to say.

Oh, hell. That's easy.

So what's it like being
a woman in combat?

It's the same as
being a man in combat.

Weren't you frightened?

I didn't have time
to be frightened, sir.

Damn! I near wet my pants.

Wouldn't say that.

It's the truth.

I was so scared
up there, Cassie.


Every time I make a night trap,
my heart's in my throat.

Fear can be useful.

It sharpens the senses.

It can give you an edge.

It gives me doubts.

Where are you going?

I gotta get some air.

Just air?

Damn it, Angela!

(Launch cycle operations)


on deck.

Coming up on the starboard side!

3-4 Heavy weather

Now all over, all
hatches, go to cover.


Oh, God! I need you tonight.

Fuel spill on deck. 9-2-2 is clear.

Move 24 to the 25,
tie down, and clean it up.

Move 24 to the 25,
tie down, and clean it up.

I'm gonna get her
tomorrow, Keeter.

You're just gonna lose
another bottle of Jack.

Hey! You wanna bet?



(F-14B ramping up)


From the NBC Studios in Burbank,

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno!

Featuring Kevin Eubanks
and The Tonight Show band.

And now,



Ah, this just in, one of
the Navy F-14 Tomcat,

shot down a couple of Serbian
MIGs over Bosnia this afternoon.

Listen to this, the radar,

intercept officer in the
Tomcat was a woman!


You thought getting shot down
by a woman in a bar was bad?! Oh my God!

You watching this, Teddy?

Oh yes, sir.

If admiral Drake were smart,

he'd make this RIO more
famous than Amelia Earhart.

She's missing, sir.

Did anybody tell FDR?


That Amelia Earhart was missing?


No, sir. She's not missing.

I guess she is missing, sir,
but that's not who I'm referring to.

I meant Lieutenant Arutti.

Who's Lieutenant Arutti?

The female RIO that Jay
Leno's talking about, sir.

She disappeared at sea last night.

Think we can lay this off on NIS?

Not after reading this, sir.

It just came in from CINC-Med.


Who's available?

Captain Morton is our
senior officer in Naples, sir.

He can be on the Seahawk
within the hour.

Yeah, and in a spitting contest
with the ship's captain 10 minutes later.

No, I want a junior officer,

so that the Seahawk's skipper
isn't intimidated by the investigation.

You're sure you want to
trust this to a junior officer, sir?

You wanna take it, Teddy?

I think my current duties would preclude
an immediate departure, sir.

You have the survival instincts
of a politician, Teddy.

Where's Lieutenant Rabb?


Probably at the
French Embassy, sir.

It's Bastille Day. Most of
our people attend that party.

Well, I want him on a jet
to Naples in 30 minutes.

Aye, aye, sir.

Make that 20 minutes.

Yes, sir!

And, Teddy?


Send a female JG with him.

A female, sir?

Yes. I want a woman on the team
in case we have to face the press.

And, Teddy?


Make sure she's
easy on the eyes, ah?

Yes, sir.

Another thing about
that female aviator,

now, this has got to be
very embarrassing,

to Bill Clinton and Dan Quayle.

Now women their daughters' age,

have more combat experience
than they do.

He he.

(Audience laughing)

He he he.

There she is!

Ha ha ha ha.

My first time on a carrier!

You, too?

The men of the Tie offer
a big welcome aboard,

to their family and friends
on this 4th of July!

Here you go, Harm!


Some day, son,

a stick and throttle like that'll
take you to the moon.

Watch your step, ma'am.

Thank you.


Welcome to the carrier, ma'am.

Thank you.

Lieutenant Rabb!

Ensign Bud Roberts,
Public Affairs Officer.

Skipper assigned me to be your
escort onboard the Seahawk, sir.

Something wrong, Ensign?

No, sir!

Skipper's requested that you report
immediately to the navigations bridge.

So if you could stick to my six...

That's what pilots call their tail,

I'll lead the way.

You a pilot, Ensign?

No, ma'am.

It's just that everybody
uses pilot jargon on a carrier.

(Aircraft fails to catch an arrestor cable)

What happened?!

He didn't trap, touched down
long, missed all four wires.

I didn't know Lieutenant Rabb
served on a carrier, ma'am.

Neither did I.

That bolter's Lieutenant
Arutti's roommate, CAG.

Are you sure she
should be flying today?

If Puller was a man, would you
give him a day off to get it together?

Yes, sir. One moment.


skipper's on the
horn for you, sir.

How many is that?

3 miles.


Damn, CAG. He looks like Hammer.


Too bad he couldn't fly like him.

I thought it was a night vision problem.

So they say, Skipper.

Excuse me, sir.

Since you know your way around,

I'll be waiting for you
in the officer's wardroom.

I also have to baby-sit the press today.

Not that I was saying
that I was baby-sitting you, sir.

There's a reporter onboard?

Yes, sir.

And a cameraman.

They came to interview
Lieutenant Arutti,

before we knew she was missing.

Skipper ordered me to sit on them
until he decides what to do.

When did they arrive?

On the morning COD.

Excuse me, sir,
the skipper wants you on the bridge!



Attention! GFG one narrow, report
to the command master chief.

Hey Borini!

Borini! Wake up! The
Good Humour Man is here.

And he's got a good
humour lady with him.


Excuse me, sir.
Do you have any chocolate chip?

Or rocky road.

Ensign, you think you could
rustle up some ice cream?

Sir. Yes, sir.

Did you check out
their insignias, Borini?

I haven't gotten that high.

They're JAG officers.

Now what would a pair of
naval lawyers in dress whites,

be doing on a carrier
in the middle of the Med?

Whatever it is, I'll tape it.

Don't I know you?

We met about 15 years ago
in Bangkok, sir.



God! Harm, right?
Harmon Rabb, Jr.


His old man is an MIA.

At 16,

he sneaked into North
Vietnam to look for him.

That was a very gutsy move.

A very futile one, sir.

That doesn't make it any less gutsy.

We only have strawberry, sir.


Why don't you and
Lieutenant Pike,

escort Mr Borini
to the flight deck?

I'm sure he'd love
to sh**t some b-roll.

Yes, sir.

I'll pick you up on
the way to report.

Attention, attention.

ceremony for HMC Caleb,

will be held on the
fantail at 1600 hours.

You grew up.

It happens.

I thought you'd be wearing wings
like your old man.

Want some of this?

No, thanks.

So they hustle you
out here from Naples?

From Washington.

Without a chance
to change uniforms?

The Navy must have
a big problem here.

Why do I feel like we're about
to negotiate something?

Ha ha ha.

We need you
to sit on a story for a while.

I knew it! Admiral Drake.

He's so hard up for good press,
he jumped the g*n, right?

That female RIO
didn't bag those MIGs, did she?

I don't know.

Come on, Harm.

You know, I'm ex-special forces.
I like the military.

I'm not gonna cover it
like The Navy Times,

but I'll put a fair slant on it.

She's missing.

Did her plane go down?

No. She disappeared
sometime last night.

Ahh eh.

I can't.

I can't sit on that.

I'll give you an exclusive.

Hey, I'm the only
reporter out here, pal.

I already got an exclusive.

All you have is that she's missing.

You flash that to the world,

and the press that doesn't share
your affection for the military,

will have a field
day speculating why.

I need time.

Time to cover up what happened?

Time to find out what happened.



I'll tell you what.

You get me a ride,

over Bosnia,

and I won't file for 12 Hours.


Ah! Well, see, now, that's
gonna cost you two rides,

and an exclusive.

I thought you had an exclusive.

He he he he he.




Lieutenant Richardson,
your presence is requested to CIC.

Hey, brother.

You want some ice cream?

It's good.

Yumm mm mm.



1-6-6 Tomcat. Ball. 3. 1.

Roger. Ball!

Let's see if she traps this time.

Lieutenants Rabb and Pike
reporting as ordered, sir.

Evidently, Lieutenant
Rabb, you believe,

eating ice cream has priority,

over reporting to the
commanding officer.

No, sir!

Then you better
explain your actions, mister.

I was on my way to report,

when I learned a
news crew was onboard,

and being held incommunicado.

By my orders.

Until I know why
Lieutenant Arutti's missing,

no damn reporter's
going to speculate about it on TV.

I concur, sir. That's why I was having
ice cream with Mr DePalma.

He's agreed to sit on the story
for 24 hours.

It must have been great ice cream.

It was, sir.

But he wouldn't agree to anything,

until I promised him
a pair of rides over Bosnia.

On my six, mister.

If you'll excuse us, gentlemen.

Aye, aye, sir.

Aye, aye, sir.


you promised what?

Sir, if Mr DePalma doesn't
contact his bureau desk soon,

they'll want to know why.
We can't deny he's onboard, sir.

I can deny any damn thing I want.

Yes, sir!

Damn captain's privilege.

Yes, sir.

At ease.


My boys aren't here
to fly tourists, Skipper.

Well, I guess you made a
promise you can't keep, Lieutenant.

It's in the Navy's
interest to keep it, sir.

That may be, but I'm not
going to overrule the CAG,

especially when I agree with him.

With all due respect, sir,

I'm in charge of a possible
m*rder investigation,

which gives me the latitude
to authorise those rides.

Those are my men and
my machines, Lieutenant,

and no damn JAG lawyer's
gonna tell me what to do with them.


Yes, sir. And I respectfully disagree.

That's enough.

We'll discuss the parameters
of your authority in a minute.

You mentioned a m*rder investigation.

You know something
I don't, Lieutenant?

CINC-Med in Naples received
an encrypted message,

from the Seahawk at 0500 this morning.

It contained just three words.

"She was m*rder*d."

You have whoever sent
that message to CINC-Med,

on my quarterdeck
by sunset, Mr Lubin,

or you'll spend the
rest of your tour,

sending semaphore to Eskimos.

That message could have
been sent from crypto, a STU-lll

or one of the aircraft.
It won't be traceable, sir.

"Won't" isn't in
my language, Lieutenant.

If Lieutenant Arutti was m*rder*d,

I'll catapult whoever did it
off the deck at high noon,

in front of the ship's company.

Yes, sir.

Your investigation will
be given full cooperation.

but let me warn the two of you.

This is a ship of w*r,

engaged in an action,

that will most certainly
grow in intensity.

I will not have you
interfere with the ability,

of this ship and its crew
to carry out that mission.

Understood, sir.


Aye, aye, sir!

Lieutenant Rabb?

Yes, sir.

How's your mother?

She's fine, sir.

She opened an art gallery
in La Jolla a few years ago.

She still married
to the used car salesman?

Yes, sir.

You give her my regards
the next time you speak to her.

I'll do that, Skipper. Thank you.

I thought you said that your
stepfather was a senior V.P. At Chrysler.

He is.

Still think Lieutenant Arutti
committed su1c1de?

Yes, sir.

Either way, Washington's
going to be on my six.

But it's not your fault, Skipper.

And maybe this will force
Washington to realise,

that a battle carrier's
no place for women.


for the sake of your career,

keep those opinions to yourself.

We didn't have a chance
to grab a toothbrush.

Do you think you could scare us up
a change of uniform?

I'll be able to find
something for you, sir.

I'm not so sure
about Lieutenant Pike.

Lieutenant Arutti
was about your size, ma'am.

You're not suggesting
I wear a dead officer's uniform?

No. No, no. Of course not.

But hers are the only ones
that would fit, ma'am.

Look elsewhere.

Yes, ma'am.

Where's female officer country?

03 level, after the wardroom.

So, Lieutenant Arutti
was amply endowed?

Yes, sir. Very.

She turned a few
heads, then, did she?

They all do, sir.

She turn anyone's
head in particular?

Navy regs do not permit
fraternisation, ma'am.

Men and women at sea
together for six months,

and the regs don't get bent a little?

Not that I'm aware of, sir.

Excuse me.

(Announcing presence)

Male personnel on deck!

You have to loudly announce yourself,

and then wait,

30 seconds
before entering.

Does that include me?


B-21, Alpha.

Lieutenant Puller's flying,
but I like to knock anyway.

I guess they bunk
the RIO's together.

No, no, no. Lieutenant
Puller's a pilot.

She flies Tomcats.



Ensign, why don't you go see
about those uniforms?

Ah, yes, sir.

Sir, you know, I could...


Windows 95.

Most of the more
sophisticated bells and whistles.

Here we go.

There's two personal codes.

She must share the computer
with her roommate.

I wonder which one of these
is Lieutenant Arutti's?

Mom, dad, and little sister.

How do you know?

I just do.

Can you get in?

Of course. Can you?

(Typing on the keyboard)

She sleeps on the bottom.


Wanna bet on who gets in first?

But you've got a head start.

What a man!

Thank you, but you
still have a head start.

You wanna bet or whine?


(Typing on the keyboard)

I'm in!

What the hell is this?

JAG investigation
into your shipmate's disappearance.

I'm Lieutenant Rabb.
This is Lieutenant Pike.

That gives you the right
to break into my lockbox?

Sorry, Lieutenant. I thought
it was Lieutenant Arutti's.

What did you do?

Flip a coin or did you go
"Eenie meenie miney moe"?

Is that my programme?

No. It's Lieutenant Arutti's.

How'd you get her password?

I didn't.

I just came off a long mission.

I need to go and work out.

I'll wait outside.


Never seen a
naked sailor before?

Birth control pills.

They regulated her period.

That's what Angela
said they were for,

and I believed her.

Tape recorder.

Yeah. She taped her mission,

and she studied it later.

She was very dedicated.

There's nothing on this.

Well, I guess she erased it
when she was done.

Look, I got a CAP to fly at 0400.
When I get back, I want you two gone.

I gotta get some rack time.

I'm gonna need to
interview you at some point.

Angela was a good RIO.

A good shipmate.

That's all I know.

You know she taped her missions.

You know she took birth
control pills to regulate her period.

I'm sure there's a few
other things you know, too.

Stay out of my lockbox.

Stay out of my programme.


Did you see the muscles on her?

I wasn't looking at her muscles.



Educational and flight programs,

a few games, and...

one letter to mom,
dad, and little sister.

You don't see anything odd?


That's the first letter home
from a sailor on a six-month cruise

that doesn't mention being lonely.

Women don't get as lonely as men.


I wonder why.

Not all women in the Navy feel
the way you do about having a lover.

Thank God!


It's possible Lieutenant
Arutti had a lover.

Or two.

Now she's a slut?


But with 5,000 men and only a
handful of women on this ship,

a love triangle wouldn't surprise me.

A love quadrangle
wouldn't surprise you.

Why are you so adversarial, Kate?

We're supposed to be
on the same team.

(Clearing throat)


I've just worked more cases
against you than with you.

Believe me, it's more fun
to be on the winning side.

We're on the same case!

Sir? Ma'am?

arranged quarters for you.

Great. What about uniforms?

I'm still working on that.

But I can take your covers and purse.

Thank you, Ensign.

Thank you.

I'll put these in your quarters.

Oh, God.

You here for a
cocktail party, Harm?

Lieutenant Pike,

Lieutenant Mace.

My RIO, Painter.


you're a JAG lawyer now.

That's right.

Here to investigate
Lieutenant Arutti's disappearance?

Right again.


That's one way to a...

serve on a carrier.

You two a team?

Not usually.

But CINC-Med needed
a couple of JAG officers out here FAST.

They stuck us together.

Is it a match made in heaven?

We're working on it.

Any idea who m*rder*d Angela?

Who said she was m*rder*d?


She couldn't have fallen overboard
or committed su1c1de?

Angela wouldn't do that.

Fall overboard or commit su1c1de?

She wasn't accident-prone,

all right?

And she wasn't depressed.

If she went over the side,
she was pushed.

We have a briefing.


Was he in love with her?

Well, she and Painter were,

pretty tight in RIO School.

But she's been an,

Ice queen to
everyone on this cruise.

Even me.


I take it that's unusual.


Any idea who started
this m*rder scuttlebutt?

Don't ask me, Harm.

You're the JAG investigator.

Hell, I'm just a guy with gold
wings and an F-14 to play with.

Listen, hmm...

why don't you, ah...

come up to the flight
deck in about an hour

and I'll show you how night traps
are supposed to be done?

He doesn't like you!

We're not here to be liked, Kate.

Oh! He likes me.
It's you he's got a problem with.

Where do you know him from?

We served together a while back.

Harm, were you a pilot?

I think Lieutenant Painter
sent that message to CINC-Med.

You didn't answer my question.

That's because it's none
of your business, Kate.

Okay, Harm. It's pizza night
and my stomach's growling.

What say we trap this time?

I kind of like going
around in the moonlight.

What moonlight?

It's blacker than the inside
of a coal miner's nose out here.

Tomcat, 1-7-3.

You're at a mile
and a quarter. Call the Ball.

1-7-3, Tomcat, Clara,


Bend left, Harm.

1-7-3, Tomcat, Ball!


Roger. Ball.

Below the glide path, Harm.

I'm on the glide path.

You're a little low.

You're a little low!

Power! Power! Power!

What is it, Teddy?

You're wanted at the White House, sir.

The White House?

They say why?

No, sir.

But a flash just came through.

that the Serbs downed
one of our C-130s over Sarajevo.

What's the President
want me to do?

Sue them?

It's that Seahawk incident.

If that missing RIO was a male,

it wouldn't have gotten
beyond his group commander.

But you lose a woman at sea,

and they call me to the White House.

Anything new from Lieutenant Rabb?

Not much, sir.

He still doesn't know whether it was
an accident, m*rder, or su1c1de.

I don't want to hear su1c1de or m*rder.

No, sir.

Unless he has insurmountable
proof to the contrary,

I want a finding of accidental death.

Lieutenant Rabb understands that,
doesn't he?

Yes, sir.

I made it quite clear.

Did the reporter break the story?

Not yet, sir.

I wonder what that cost us.

I don't know, sir.

But if you wish,

I could contact the Lieutenant
and ask him what he...

No, no. What I don't know, I
don't have to testify to on the hill.

You think there'll be
a Senate investigation, sir?

Well, if the finding is su1c1de,
the feminists are gonna want a hearing.

And if it's m*rder,
the anti-feminists are gonna want one.


unless Lieutenant Arutti
fell overboard accidentally,

one of those is gonna wanna,

attack the credibility
of our investigation.

Don't worry, Teddy.

Junior officers get thrown
to the sharks first.

And Lieutenant Rabb
is the one who's,

sailing into harm's way.

Yes, sir.

Harm's way?

Lieutenant Rabb's first name is Harm.

Oh! Oh,

Yes, sir.

You need a sense of humour, Teddy.

Otherwise people
are gonna think you're a lawyer.

I am a lawyer, sir.

It was in the bottom of the safety net

between the tower
and the number three elevator, sir.

Wouldn't you have
to hang over the deck,

to see into the bottom of that net, Chief?

Yes, sir.

See, I was checking
the tie-downs on my bird,

before hitting the rack, and,

when I was done, I laid on the edge
of the deck to watch the bow wave.

That's how I spotted the cap
in the bottom of the net.

Thank you, Chief.

That'll be all.

Sir, I just want to add that...

Lieutenant Arutti
was a real nice girl, Skipper.

And I'm gonna miss her.

He's used to losing men in action,
not a woman to su1c1de.

How do you know it was su1c1de, sir?

You don't stroll off a flight deck,
Lieutenant. Even at night.

Too many safety nets.

You have to jump.

Or be thrown off.

No member of this crew
threw a woman overboard, Lieutenant.

With all due respect
to your opinion, sir,

there are over 5,000 men onboard.

She committed su1c1de.

Was she depressed, sir?

I'm not a damn shrink, Lieutenant.

She was your RIO.
And an officer under your command, sir.

Surely you must have an opinion
as to her mental state.

Whatever that is, Lieutenant,

I do not intend to discuss it
on an open bridge.

Well then, where and when, sir?

At my damn convenience and
wherever I damn well please!

Sir, we have to recommend to
a board of inquiry what we feel...

Lieutenant Pike...

the CAG has said he will be
interviewed at his convenience.

Yes, sir.

By your leave, sir.

We have to talk.

We do?

You're damn right we do.


"Damn right we do, sir."

I found some uniforms,
but I can't vouch for the fit, ma'am.

They're not Lieutenant Arutti's?

No. Lieutenant Puller
gave you one of hers.

She did?

Ah ah.

Surprised me, too.

She says her uniform will fit.

I guess it's because of,

how tall you are
and how big her chest...

Ah.. Ah..

If you just stick to my six,
I'll lead you to your quarters.

Not a word!

Security patrol to Charlie here...

Ah, so,

you found her cap?

How'd you know?

I'm a reporter, remember?
That's my job.

Yeah. They found it in a net...

Yeah, I know.
Near the number three elevator.

So, it looks like su1c1de, then.




That's a very emphatic negative,
Lieutenant Pike.

Do you know something I don't know?

I don't believe it was su1c1de.


And you have anything
to base that on?

I mean, other than,

gender identification?


I'm being targeted.

So, ah,

I fly in the morning, right?


Because if I don't,

my story will.
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