05x10 - The Harris Incident

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Barney Miller". Aired: January 23, 1975 – May 20, 1982.*
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Takes place almost entirely within the confines of the detectives' squad room and Captain Barney Miller's adjoining office of New York City's fictional 12th Precinct, located in Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
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05x10 - The Harris Incident

Post by bunniefuu »


Good morning, captain.

Good morning, dietrich.

Kind of quiet around
here this morning, huh?

Bathroom's the same way.

Is that fresh coffee?

Nick's in court for
a couple of days.


So I took the liberty
of brewing a batch.

How very thoughtful of you.

Here you go with
my sincere wishes

For your continued good health.

Why, thank you.

It's an interesting taste.

Sort of like, uh... Wood.

Close. It's barley.


Yeah, barley,
chickory, molasses.

Natural coffee substitute.

Contains no
caffeine and no acids,

Thus eliminating all
detrimental side effects.

Tastes like it sounds, don't it?


Officer, please!
I wasn't begging!

I was just standing there!

Yeah, right. And
people just walked up

And threw their money at you.

Well, this is new
york, sergeant.

People do weird
things in new york.

Yeah, well, you're a
little weird yourself.

Sit down.

- Wojo.
- Morning, barn.

What do we got?

This is sanford whitney.

Mr. Whitney, I'm captain miller.

I know what you're thinking...

"There but for the
grace of god go i."


I found him begging

Out in front of siegels
department store.

I was destitute, penniless.

Yeah, with $186 in his pocket.

Things are improving.
Is that illegal?

Listen, have a
seat, mr. Whitney.

Just sit right down here.

You can tell your story
to sergeant wojciehowicz.

Sergeant wojciehowicz?


Did you really feel it was
necessary to bring that man in?

That guy shouldn't
be begging, barn.

- He's in perfect health.
- Wojo.

If he was blind or deaf or
all crippled up or something.

Wojo, it's not our job
to make moral judgments.

He's taking away the business

From the guys
who really need it.

All right. Book him.

At least if he had a
limp or something.

Harris late again, huh?


It's the second time this week.

Third if you're counting.

I'm not.

But the information's
there if you want it.

Excuse me.

Your occupation?

Actually, I'm between
careers right now.

12Th precinct... Dietrich.
Hold on a second.


It's dispatch for you.

Captain miller here.


By whom?!

Is he all right?

Thank god.

Uh, yeah, thanks.

Yeah, thanks.

Harris was shot
at... By another cop.

Don't look at me.

Barney, I got this guy cold
on a breaking and entering.

Got my revolver out,

And the next thing I hear
is this jerk yelling at me,

"Police! Drop it!"


Well, so, I turn around
to tell him who I am.

That's when they start firing
these b*ll*ts over my head.

What did you do?

Well, not being
invincible, I dove.

They stopped firing?

They got bored with that.

Told me to throw my
g*n out, which I did.

- Broke the damn handle.
- You told them who you were.

Pearl handle. $68
Down the tubes.

You told them who you were?

Yeah, even while they
were searching me.

Barney, it was humiliating,

Groping me all over like that.

Look at my pants... Ruined.

- What happened to your collar?
- He got away.

No, no, no... This collar.

Nothing. It's made like that.


Barney, those two
morons in uniform

Almost cut me off in
the damn prime of my life.

I'll take care of it. I
want to talk to them.

You will.

They're coming right
here from the hospital.

Hospital? They were hurt?

Well, I tried.

You wouldn't happen to have an
extra piece of that, would you?

Uh, I don't, uh no, that's it.


Well, then, you go ahead.

Just that I haven't eaten today.

I thought it might help
k*ll the hunger pangs.

But it's all right.

I'll probably eat
tomorrow. I feel lucky.

Here. Take this.

Oh, not your last piece.

Go on, go on. Take it.

Bless you. Your generosity...

Don't start trying to con me.

That stuff doesn't work on me.

Of course not.

Hey, harris.

Hey, come on.

No hard feelings, huh, pally?

Barney, them.

Captain miller.

Patrolman frank slater
from the 1-8, captain.

My partner... Walt dravec.

- Dravec.
- Yes, sir.

Here's our report, captain,

And we're real sorry
about what happened.

What exactly did happen?

I think you'll find
it all in the report.

I'd kind of like to hear
it in your own words.

You're on.

Well, we got a call
on a possible holdup.

That's right... The call
came in "possible holdup."

And when we pulled up,

We saw a man holding
a g*n on another man.

Correction... Arresting a man.

Caucasian, 5'10",
165, slightly balding.

Did it ever occur
to either one of you

That sergeant harris
might be a police officer?

In those clothes?

I beg your pardon?

Hey, no offense,
but you got to admit

You dress a little
flashy for a detective.

Flashy? Are you
defining this as flash?

Sir, we saw him and thought
he was just another...


Hold that thought.

Shall we adjourn to
my office, gentlemen?

We should get back on patrol.

This won't take
very long, slater.

Okay, whitney, on your feet.

Come on out and take a
picture, get some prints.

What for?

What for? You're going to jail.

Oh, you're joshing me.

I don't josh anybody.

Listen, about that
bail, i-i changed my mind.

I want to make that phone call.

You had your chance.

I thought it over.
I want the call.

Let me have the call. Please?

What difference
does it make to you?

One call. You got so many calls!

Hey, you're spitting on me.

I beg your pardon.

Go make your telephone call.

Oh, thank you, sergeant.
Thank you, thank you.

Stop it.


It's the world's
oldest profession.

I thought it was prostitution.

Well, somebody
had to ask for it.

What my partner was
trying to say, captain,

Is that it gets a little
rough out there, you know?

Sometimes you can't tell the
players without a scorecard.

Especially if he's black.

You're putting
words in my mouth.

- Fits like a glove!
- Gentlemen.

You know, he punched me.

I'm sure it wasn't
premeditated, officer dravec.

Just a reflex
action, right, harris?


Captain, we have to
get back on patrol.

Anything else, I think
you'll find in the report.

That's right. Everything
we saw, heard, did...


Officer dravec, how long
have you been on the force?

Counting today?

Yes, counting today.

7 1/2 Weeks, sir.

Oh, my god.

Captain, I think you
get the picture now.

The kid was a little
overzealous, that's all.

He shot without thinking.

Well, according to this report,

You got off a couple
of rounds yourself.

Well, i, uh... Got
caught up in the moment.


I'll explain everything
when you get here, ruth.

No, no, no. Nothing
happened at the office.

Just get over here
with the money.

Leave the children with the
maid and get over here, all right?!


Thank you.

Did you just say "the maid"?



You got a maid
just from begging?

What difference does
it make what a man does

As long as he does it well?

Okay, you can go
now, but stay available.

All right, thanks,
captain. We'll do that.

Come on, walt.

Uh, hold it, walt.

Barney, that's it?

That's all that happens?

Well, for the time being, yes.

Uh, barn, this
guy here whitney...

No, no. Not now.

He makes more money than we do.


I said hold it, walt.

Barney, these two guys

Are gonna just walk out of here?

No. Now we, uh, get on with
the official proceedings.

Such as?

Such as, uh...

Formal investigation by
the bureau commander.

Hearing by the g*n review board,

Possibly internal affairs.

And what happens to them?

Well, that's hard to say.

Maybe a suspension,
maybe a fine, maybe...


- Maybe nothing.
- Dietrich.

He asked.

I appreciate that, dietrich,

Now that I know I can
decide on a course of action.

It's already in progress.
We go by the book.

You mean the book
written by the man!

- Morning, everybody.
- What do you want, levitt?!

Nothing. Mail, general rounds.

Not being assigned up here,

I have no way of knowing when I
come in at inopportune moments.

Shall I leave, sir?

No, just stay right there.

Hey, as long as I
understand the rules,

Now maybe I can try
and play the game.

Harris, you're not
thinking clearly now.

Oh, that happens every
time I'm shot at, barney.

Look, if you're really gonna
make an issue out of this...


Issue? You
cream-colored... Harris!

Harris, uh, go to lunch.

Thank you!

I'm leaving.

Cover me.

In here, ma'am.

- Is this where he is?
- Yes, ma'am.

Captain miller, a
mrs. Ruth whitney.

Claims we're
holding her husband.

- Ruth.
- Sanford?


What happened to you?

What have you done to him?

What is going on here?

Why is my husband
dressed like a bum?

Question, mrs.
Whitney... Mr. Whitney?

Ruth, I've got a
confession to make.

I'm not a stock analyst anymore,

And I haven't been
for three years.


I've been working
as a... A solicitor.

A l-lawyer?

A beggar.

A beggar?!

Don't say it like that!

How else would you say it?

Say, "a beggar."

Simple. Nice. Soft.

A lawyer, a doctor, a beggar.

What's so tough?!

Oh, god.

Uh, may I speak to him in
private for a moment, please?

Certainly. Wojo?

We'll let you in the cage for
a few minutes, mrs. Whitney.

Hey, harris.








- Excuse me.
- Yeah, sure.


Gentlemen, we have
a lot of work to do.

We have.

How was lunch?

Adequate. Thank you.

Feel any better?

There isn't anything to feel
any better about, is there?

At least you
cooled down a little.

I didn't punch anybody else,
if that's what you meant.

That's what I mean.

I didn't want to
tell you I got fired

Until I'd gotten another job.

But begging, sanford?

Necessity is the mother
of invention, ruth.

I sold that lot we had upstate.

I used that money for a
year, but then it ran out.

Then one day I was about to
get on a train to come home,

And I realized I didn't have
the price of the ticket,

So I had to borrow it from
a stranger on wall street.

And you know what?

It was easy.

Oh, god.

He loved giving it to me, ruth.

It made him feel good,
took away his guilt.

I mean, all day long,
wheeling and dealing,

Crushing business competitors,

Cheating on his income tax,

Maybe even stepping out
on his wife a night or two.

And at the end of the day,

Suddenly... An opportunity
to do something for somebody.

People are like that, ruth.

They need me!

Don't you see that?!

I'm their atonement!

I'm making a contribution,
for god's sake.

- Barn?
- Yeah.

You got a minute?

Sure. Come on in.

What's the problem?

Well, it's harris.


I mean, I don't know what to do.

I don't know what
to say to the guy.

He acts like we're
some kind of...

Poison sumac or something.

Woj, I think we're just
gonna have to learn

To be a little more

And appreciate the fact that...

Harris has special problems.

Like what?

Like he's black.

I knew that.

Well, I thought those
differences weren't important.

They're not...

But they are.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Woj, it's, uh...

It's like a polish joke.


Well, if somebody came
up to you and said, um,

"How many poles does
it take to make popcorn?"

You wouldn't appreciate
that, would you?


And I can understand that,

But I could never feel
what you're feeling

Because I'm not polish.

Yeah. I guess that makes sense.

I can understand it, but
that's as close as I can get.


Yeah, all right.

Thanks, barn.

How many does it take?

Woj, I don't want
to get into that.

No, hey, it's all right.

You know, I'm just curious.



Look, wojo, I said I
didn't want to, you know...

One to hold the pan and
four to shake the stove.

- That's stupid.
- Well, of course it is.

All you got to do is
move the pan around

On the fire a little bit.

Close call today, huh?

I know what it's like...
Being a minority, I mean.

Anything under 5'10 ", 5'11",
people dump all over you.

I know how you feel.

Captain, I've paid
the bail downstairs.

May we leave?


I don't know what
you're so upset about.

Let's just say I'm
disillusioned, sanford.

But you're well-dressed.

Okay, okay.

Let's step out of there
and go over to the desk.

Do you want me to go
back on wall street?

Do you know what's going
on in the market right now?

Do you?!

I don't care, mr. Whitney.

Follow me.

You don't care.

Down 40 points in 3 days.

The dollar's in
the toilet, ruth...

In the toilet!


Doesn't anybody around
here read newspapers,

Buy newsweek,
listen to paul harvey?

Are you married?


Is your wife used to
the finer things in life,

Come from a rich family?

Greedy, selfish, frivolous,

A woman of no substance

Who would allow a man to sink
into the depths of degradation.

- I have not degraded myself!
- Excuse me.

It did what was necessary

To give my family sustenance
when it was needed.

I appreciate what
you did, sanford.

I appreciate the thought.

There must have
been another way.

Sue me. I couldn't think of one.

Here you go.

You're all set.


Can we go now, sanford?



Back to the rat race.

9-To-5, sniveling around,
living in fear, kissing behinds.

Talk about degradation.


Harris, I really think
that was a lousy thing

That happened today,

And I just want
you to know that...

Hey, I'm trying to talk to you.

I don't think there's
anything to say.

Well, you damn well better
think there's something to say

If we're gonna be working
together around here.

Just take it easy.

He's right.

There are some things that
are just gonna have to be said.

Now, I'm sorry if
you're not in the mood,

But if we're gonna
function as a squad,

There are a few things that
have to get straight around here.

Levitt, stay where you
are! You're part of this.

Yes, sir. I understand
how he feels, sir.

Somehow we're gonna
have to figure some way

Of restoring our lines
of communication here.

Okay, well, all I
want to ask is...

How come after four
years of working together,

Something happens on the outside
and it gets turned against us?

Look, man, you don't
understand, so why bother?!

Well, maybe I can understand.

I never thought of you as black.


Well, I thought of you as a man.

I thought of you as
a friend, as a partner.

If you want me to
think of you as black,

Okay, fine, whatever you want.

But just let me know so
I don't go offending you

When I don't even
know I'm offending you.

- May I say something?
- Dietrich!

Semantics is my life.

So what?

What I'm saying is I think
harris understands the intent.

Maybe we're just not
saying it properly.


I just never thought
we'd have to say it at all.

It's been a bad day.

There may be more.

There will be more.

We can handle it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You see? Communication.

Nice talking to you.

My pleasure.

You know... It only takes
two to make a dialogue.


Five to make popcorn.

That's what barney said.
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