01x25 - Thoroughbreds: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x25 - Thoroughbreds: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Easy boy.

What kind of idiot are you?

That`s the dumbest stunt l`ve ever seen in my life.

This is private property you know.

Who are you anyway?

Oh come come, my dear.

We`ve only just met, already were having our first tiff.

Hey creep, don`t walk away from me.

This is private property, l`m talking to you.

Hi dad.

- Pretty flashy entrance wasn`t it, son?

Son! lt`s the munchkin.

That`s the munchkin?

Hey, what`s wrong?

l guess good breeding doesn`t count for much after all.

Hey, hold on Lizzy, let me explain.

There`s nothing to explain.

You`re engaged to another girl and you made a pass at me.

Maybe that`s the height of sophistication in your book but it`s not in mine.

Hi, Mr Armstrong.

Liz do you know Lane Kensington?


Hi Hello.

Lane has decided she`d like Bucephalus as a wedding gift.

We`ll find you another mount.

Well, he`s an awful lot of horse if you`re not an expert rider.

l am, thank you.

As a matter of fact, l`d like to feel him out right now.

Well ah, you be careful.

l`m always careful with anything that`s mine.


- Hi yourself.

You ready to get beat?

- No way Oh, you`re that sure of yourself.

- Yep.

Well maybe you`d like to up the ante.

l would but l can`t afford it.

Hey, you just said no way you could lose.

l know, but my dad taught me never bet what you can`t afford.

All right, l`ll make it easy on you.

lf you win, l buy the pizza.

lf l win you marry me.

Very funny.

Who`s laughing`?

[Our winner with no faults and the fastest elapsed time]

[is Garth Armstrong on Jabaar.


Mac! Mac, are you here?

Mac! l want you to know something.

This so

-called marriage between your daughter and my son is not going to do you or her any good Do you understand me?

l`ll cut them off without a penny.

Mr Armstrong

- Now you keep out of this! Now, if you know where they`ve gone, l`d advise you to tell me so we can stop this before it even starts.

l`m not gonna have any gold digging daughter of a ranch hand moving into my family.

No! No! What in God`s name is the matter with him?

l stopped by this evening to give Lizzy and her father the news about her tests.


What are you talking about?

Lizzy has cancer, Mr Armstrong.

Hello Mrs Armstrong.

- Hello husband.

Look at you, you`re all dressed.

Did you go out?

Yes l`m the provider.

You realise we haven`t eaten in 38 hours.

l hadn`t noticed.

- Me neither.

But you know what?

- You smell that pizza, you`re starved.

Pepperoni! You know, we should really call our fathers.

My dad`s got to be worried sick.

Not right away though.

l know how you feel but l want to be able to show that we`re going to be all right.

Both your father and mine.

l want to wait until l get a job.

You`re going to get a job?

What kind of a job?

l don`t know, good honest work.

Your dad thinks l`m a flake, my dad`s positive.

So l just want us to have a chance to show them before they tell us we`re both crazy.

You know what l mean?

Yeah, l`ve got to let my dad know l`m all right.

Well, write him a note.

l`ll drop it in the box in Slater.

l mean, l know it sounds dumb, l`m a grown man and all that, but there`s something about my father.

You understand?

Of course l understand.

lt`s kind of exciting, this eloping business.


Pizza first.

Ayoung married couple needs their strength.



We went all the way to Buxton this time, no sign of them.

l think they`re out of state, for sure.

We checked with Armstrong again.

His people haven`t come up with anything, either.

l`m gonna have to go to the papers.

l hate for her to read about it that way, but we can`t put this off any longer.

She`s got to have treatment.

lt`s tough but l think you`re right.

Yeah, l`ll do that right now.

Jonathan, a letter from Lizzy What`s it say?

She married now ahh She`s sorry to worry me, but they need time.

Time! My God!

- No address?


Here, let me see the envelope.

Yeah, postmarked Slater, California.

C`mon, let`s go.

- l`m going with you.

No, why don`t you stay here.

This is no guarantee we`ll find her and she just might call.

We`ll let you know how we make out.

lf it`s a blind alley, you can go ahead with the newspapers.

All right.

l sure hope we find them.

She could`ve mailed that letter on her way to somewhere else.

She didn`t.

- How do you know that?

Because l know where she is.

You`ve known all the time?

No l just found out.

Wonder why the Boss waited so long?

l mean, he had to know she was sick.

l don`t know.

He must`ve had a reason.

Cabin 6.

Hi Lizzy.

Jonathan, Mark, how did you find me?

That doesn`t matter.

Can we talk to you for a second?

Hmm, Garth`s not here right now.


Does my dad know you found me?

No, not yet.

Oh God, he`s got to be worried sick, l know it`s just we needed time, you know?

ls he real angry?

No, he`s not angry at all.

Look, Lizzy, why don`t we sit down.

There`s something l want to tell you.

lf it`s about Garth`s father, l know.

He`s furious.

He`s already cut Garth off.

Believe me, none of that matters we`re gonna make it completely on our own.

lt`s got nothing to do with Garth`s father.

C`mon, please.

Remember, you had some tests made a while back.

You know, when you are having the dizzy spells?

Yeah l`ve been fine since then.

You two look pretty serious.

ls this about the tests?

Yeah, it is.

What about them?

Well, one of the tests came back positive.

Lizzy, you`ve got cancer.

What is this, a joke?

Look, if you want me to call my dad, l will.

You know is this some scheme to get me home?

You`re not kidding, are you?

No darling, we`re not kidding.

That`s why your father`s been so worried.

The doctor wanted to start treatments a month ago.

A hell of a wedding present, isn`t it?

lt`s not like the old days, you know you can get treatment now.

That`s why it`s important for you to come home with us.

What did the doctor say?

About what?

About, ah how bad it is.

l mean, is he talking about chemotherapy?

Come onl read, you know.

l know what`s going on.

Did he say chemotherapy?

Yeah, he did.

l don`t want to tell Garth about this until l know what my chances are.

He`s working in a gas station up the road.

We can stop on the way.

l want you to promise not to say anything to him, all right?

l`ll make up some excuse.

You promise?

We promise.

Garth! Hi.

Sorry, l`m dirty.

What are they doing here?

Did my father send them?

No umm l got worried about my dad.

and so l called them and l`m glad l did.

He`s very sick.

Oh no, what is it?

Something with his heart.

l have to go see him.

Jonathan and Mark came to pick me up.

l`ll go with you.

No, no l`ll only be gone a day or two and you can`t just walk out on your job.

- Sure?

Yeah, l`ll call you tonight and l`ll let you know what`s going on.

We can decide what we have to do then.

l`ve got to go.

l`ll call you tonight.

Lizzy, l love you! l love you too! So, where do we stand Doc?

Well, there are a few tests still to be run but from what we already have, we know that your cancer has advanced so, it`s important we start therapy immediately.

What are the odds?

Well, that`s hard to say.

lf it`s hard to say, they must not be very good.

Oh, no, that`s not what l mean.

l mean l don`t like to predict anything.

A lot of it has to do with attitude, with desire.

My daughter`s always been a fighter, Doc.

When would the treatments begin?

ln a few days, or as soon as all the tests are in.

You can`t put it off.

You have to tell him.

Don`t take this the wrong way, daddy but l don`t have to do anything.

l`ve got some decisions to make and l need to make them alone.

Lizzy, if he loves you the way you say he does, he should know.

He`d want to help you fight this thing.

Maybe l don`t want him to help me fight this thing.

Maybe l just want to be left alone! Damn it! One month ago all l could think about was winning the Nationals like my dream had come true.

One lousy month.

Now l`m married and l`m gonna die! No, you`re not!

- Oh, come on! First it`s gonna be the chemotherapy then when that doesn`t work, my husband can take his bald headed wife to Mexico to one of those quack clinics like they show on 60 Minutes.

Lizzy, don`t talk that way.

The doctor said l know.

Lizzy fights the good fight! Of course he`s gonna say that.

That`s how he makes his living.

Try this, try that.

They`re all just a bunch of quacks! Lizzy, l was worried.

Your phone`s been out of order all lt`s been off the hook.

What`s going on here?

l lied to you about my father being sick.


Because we made a mistake here, and the sooner we correct it, the better.

What are you talking about?

l`m talking about us getting married.

l didn`t really think you father was going to cut you off.

But he has so let`s face it the future`s pretty bleak.

You don`t mean that.

Yes, l do.

l don`t want to spend the rest of my life in some crumby place, waiting for my husband to get home from the gas station.

Lizzy, why are you doing this?

l know this is hard to understand because you think you`re God`s gift to women but l married you for the money.

And it didn`t work, okay?

So ah no hard feelings.

l guess l can put this back on the hook.

Hey! Look at me and tell me you don`t want to be my wife, that you don`t love me.

l don`t want to be your wife and l don`t love you! l don`t want to say l told you so, but that`s the very reason l threatened to cut you off.

lt`s a cross you`ve got to bear son, coming from wealth.

That`s why l`ve always tried to encourage you to marry into a family with the same background.

Let`s face it, people who don`t have money will do damn near anything to get it.

l`ll call Judge Bryar.

We`ll have this thing annulled in two days.

lt`ll be history, forgotten.

Sounds good to me.

Garth, why don`t you call Lane?

Let her know you`ve come to your senses.

She`ll understand.

She`s the girl for you, you know that.

Yeah we`re two peas in a pod.

l`ll give her a call right now.

Hey dad?

- Yeah.

How quick could Lane and l get married?

You mean it?


l know what`s right for me now.

Just name the date.


Oh wait, wait a minute, that`s less than a week.

You just said name the date.

All right.

You talk to Lane, then l`ll call her father.

What a dad.

What a dad.

Mind some company?

l don`t thing l`m gonna be much for conversation.

That`s okay.

lt`s funny you know, l`ve lived in this place all of my life and suddenly realised sitting here, there are all these little things l never saw before.

lt`s like noticing them for the first time, you know.

Yeah, l know what you mean.

People tend to look at things differently when they realise they may never see them again.

You don`t look to me to be somebody who has had to face death.

We all have to face it sooner or later.


You and Garth have split up, huh?

News travels fast.

l signed the papers this morning.

Mr Armstrong gets things done when he wants to.

He asked me if l needed any money to get back on my feet.

You love Garth very much, don`t you?


You make a lousy liar.

l made a lousier wife.

l just couldn`t put him through that, you know?

He`s got his whole life ahead of him.

l think he could have handled it.

Maybe l couldn`t.

Oh dear it`s time to go.

- Can l give you a ride?

Yeah, l`d like that very much.

lt`s amazing how beautiful everything is.

Lizzy! l tried to reach you earlier.

Uh come over here let`s sit.

Lizzy, the last of the tests just came through.

And something showed up that was completely unforeseen.

What is it Doctor?

Come on, the worst part is over.

You already told me l have cancer, remember?

Lizzy, you`re pregnant.

l`m what?

- You`re pregnant.

Now, the baby cannot survive the chemotherapy.

You`re going to have to have an abortion and then start treatment.

Lizzy! Not now, l`ve got to think.

l said not now.

l`ll be in touch.

Lizzy, no!

- Daddy, listen to me.

Now, if l thought l had a chance.

You just can`t talk like that.

You got to fight! Lizzy, l lost your mother.

l don`t want to lose you, Lizzy you got to fight.

Daddy, now l am going to fight.

What l have is already going to claim a life.

But, if l can bring another life into this world, then then l haven`t been beaten.

Death hasn`t won.

l have always wanted to have a baby.

l am not going to let death or disease rob me of that.

But you`re my child, l can`t say yes to that.

l want you to live.

Daddy, l`ve made my decision.

The doctor said it`s going to be awfully hard to last long enough to carry this baby to term.

l need your help.

l can`t.

You have to.

l need you now more than anything else in this world.

l need you to give this baby life.

To give your grandchild life.

l`m not strong enough to do it alone.

My God, l think you`re the strongest woman that ever lived.

Daddy look at me.

l`m going to have this baby.

l`m going to have a beautiful, strong, healthy baby.

Are you going to help me?

Yes, yes.

How you doing?

What brings you out here?

Oh l don`t know l was going to talk to Garth but l don`t know.

You`ve decided to have the baby, haven`t you?

Yeah l have.

What did your father say?

Well he`s scared you know, he is afraid for me but l know l`m doing the right thing, Jonathan.

Why did you change your mind about going inside and talking to Garth?

l don`t know l wouldn`t have come at all except Except for the baby?

Yeah, l mean he is the father.

When we had the marriage annulled, l was sure l was doing the right thing but the baby is going to need a father and l know Garth, he will be good to the child.

Then you have to talk to him.

After all those things l said to him C`mon, Lizzy it wouldn`t be fair to Garth and it wouldn`t be fair to the baby.

You have to tell him.

Here l go.


Hi Josh, is Garth here?

No, he isn`t.

That will be all, Josh.

Why are you here?

- l just wanted to talk to Garth.

Well he doesn`t want to talk to you.

l want you to understand something, Miss MacGill.

l`ve allowed you and your father to remain in my employ out of the kindness of my heart but l expect you to show your gratitude by staying away from my son.

Whether you like it or not, your son is a grown man and l think he deserves the right to decide whether or not he wants to talk to me.

l`ve already told you he doesn`t.

Well, let him tell me that.

lf he`s not here, l`ll wait.

You`re gonna have a long wait, Miss MacGill.

He`s getting married this afternoon and then leaves immediately for an extended honeymoon abroad.

Would you like me to give him a message?

No, no there`s no message.

l won`t bother you again.

Where is she?

Lizzy, where is she?

Josh said she came to see me.

No actually, she came to see me.

About what?

About money, what else?

She thought she deserved a little settlement.

That`s hard to believe, isn`t it?

Yeah, yeah it is.

Hey son, go easy with that stuff.

lt helps my wedding jitters, dad.

Don`t worry l won`t embarrass anybody, l`ll be the perfect groom.

AW c`mon, Jonathan.

Jonathan, you can`t let this happen.

What am l supposed to do about it?

- l don`t know.

You can`t let that kid marry somebody he doesn`t give a hoot about.

Well, l can`t stop it.

They`re at the church.

They`ll be married in half an hour.

You can stop it.

Use the stuff.


ln a church?

Mark l can`t use the stuff in a church.

Well if you won`t do anything about it, l will.

Hey, wait a minute.

Hey, where are you going?

l`m going to stop a wedding.

l may not be an angel but l know when something ain`t right.

This ain`t right.

l`m sorry about this, but he is right.

Hold it.

This is a private wedding.

l know what it is, l was invited.

By invitation.

l haven`t seen yours.

Oh, l lost mine.

Mr Armstrong is going to get all over you if l don`t get in.

l`m sorry but my orders are no invitation, no entrance.

ls there a problem Mark?

Do you know this man father?

Why of course.

That`s Mr Armstrong`s godson.

Well l see, l`m sorry but we were given strict rules.

No, no l understand completely my son.

As a matter of fact l`ll mention what a fine job you`re doing to Mr Armstrong.

Well thank you Father.

lt`s beginning Mark, we`d best go in.

Let me get the door, Father.

Bless you, my son.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered together in the sight of God and in the face of this company to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, signifying to us the mystical union that is between Christ and His Church.

Unto this holy estate lf you`re gonna do something, do it quick.

lt`s not up to me, it`s up to him.

lf any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or forever hold his peace.

Garth Cameron Armstrong Come on, come on, we got just cause.

to live together after God`s ordinance in the Holy State of Matrimony.

Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her What`s gonna happen?

So long as you both shall live?

l will.

Lane Meredith Kensington wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God`s ordinance in the holy state of matrimony?

wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep only until him as long as you both shall live?

l will.

Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Her mother and l do.

Reverend, is that smoke supposed to be coming out of there?

My god the church is on fire.

Ladies and gentlemen, don`t panic.

A little bit strange don`t you think?

- lt`s just smoke, go on and get Garth.

Why me?

Because l can`t talk to him like this, now go on.

Lizzy `s pregnant.

- What?

l said Lizzy `s pregnant.

What is this, another scheme?

She never wanted your money in the first place.


She dropped me the minute he cut me off.

She dropped you so you wouldn`t have any pain.

Look you`re wasting your breath, let me go.

Garth, listen to me.

Lizzy has got cancer.

She didn`t want you to suffer with her.

That`s the reason she lied to you.

She loves you that much Garth.

You`re telling me the truth?

You bet l am.

- Let`s go!

- Garth! Go ahead.

This is ridiculous.

l know, that`s why l have to call it off.


The wedding, it`s ridiculous.

l love Lizzy.

l`m going to marry her.

You fool Garth.

Your father`s not bluffing you won`t get a cent! Who gives a damn.

Good luck.

Garth! You get back here! You`re not going to embarrass me like this! Garth you`re going to be sorry.

You`ll come back on your knees! Garth! How you doing?

- Fine.

Whatcha got there?

Large pepperoni.


Okay l`ll take it in, keep the change.


Who is it?

- Pizza.

Oh come in.

Just leave it on the table, the money is there.

There`s not enough here.


l said this is not enough to cover the pizza.

That`s crazy l left ten dollars right Hi, Lizzy.

What are you doing here?

l came to see you.

l thought you were off getting married.

No, l called it off.

Why didn`t you tell me?

Tell you what?

Oh come on Lizzy, you lied to me.

You didn`t marry me for the money.

You did it because you love me and l love you.

We`ll fight this thing together.

There`s nothing to fight.

Yes, there is.

You`re the one who yelled at me for quitting.

Well, now it`s my turn.

You`ve changed my life.

You made me strong, a lot stronger than you realise.

Don`t you see, people who love each other can use each other`s strength.

We can do it Lizzy, with love and faith, we can do it.

l want to believe that.

Do you love me?

Yes of course l love you, why do you think l ordered that dumb pizza?

lt`s like having you here.

Like when we were in that cabin.

l was happy then.

So was l.

And we will be again.

We will be.

Tell me you believe that.

Tell me.

l believe it.

Come on, let`s go.

- Err, where?

We`ve got to get married again.

- Now?

Yes now.

Let`s go.

- But my dad.

Where is he?

- At your place.

Fine, we`ll pick him up on the way.

No sense in letting it go to waste.

Come on, let`s go.



l`ve nothing to say to you.

l`ve just fired your father.

l want you both off my property by the end of the week.

When you`ve come to your senses, call me.

- l wouldn`t waste the change.

How dare you talk to me that way.

l`m surprised you even heard me.

You never heard anything else l had to say.

Oh you`d sit and listen while l told you what l really wanted in life.

Then you`d go right ahead and do what you wanted.

Well no more.

- No more is right.

No more cars, no more money.

Oh, come on dad.

You and your money.

l`m your son, you`re pushing me away.

You`re making a mistake.

Even if l was, it would be my mistake, not yours.

Mr MacGill, l apologise for eloping with your daughter.

lt wasn`t fair to you.

We`d like to make it up by inviting you to the wedding.

Would you like to come?

- You bet l would.


Now we`re going to the same justice of the peace.

lt`s quite a long drive, so we gotta go.

l`m ready.


There`s nothing lonelier than a big empty house.

What are you doing here?

l just stopped by to give notice.

We`re leaving at the end of the week.

Fine, now leave me alone.


Oh, by the way, that`s quite a son you`ve got there.

You must be very proud of him.


The way he stood up to you today.

C`mon, let`s face it Who else would stand up to you like that?

He must remind you a lot of yourself when you were his age.

Hey, let me ask you a question.

Down deep, don`t you think you`d be feeling better right now if you were going to that wedding?

Well the funny thing, Mr Armstrong, no matter what you do he is going to love you anyway.

He`s that kind of a kid.

Jonathan! Do you think we still have time to make the wedding?

lf you let me drive, l can guarantee it! We are gathered in the presence of these witnesses again, for the purpose of uniting in matrimony Garth Armstrong and Elizabeth MacGill.

What the hell was that?

- l don`t know.

Repeat after me: l, Elizabeth take thee, Garth to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold l`m sorry am l too late?

No, no dad, you`re not too late at all.

l`ll start over.

- That`s all right, l remember from last time.

l, Elizabeth, take thee, Garth, to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.

Place and hold the ring on the ring finger of the bride`s left hand.

Repeat after me Jonathan, Why are we leaving?

Our job`s done here.

What about Lizzy?

l mean, can`t you help her?

She`s got all she help she needs Mark, she`s got love and she`s got faith.

Let`s go.
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