Jesus Camp (2006)

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Jesus Camp (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

What you want,
when you want it.

KMBZ on demand.

From the voice of Kansas City,
news radio.

Sandra Day O'Connor,
the first woman ever deserved?

?on High Court has turned in
her letter of resignation?

?bring her to High
Court to an end.

Let's go to
the White House.

Good morning.

I directed my staff
to compile information?

? and recommend from my review,
potential nominees?

?who faithfully interpret the Constitution
and laws of our country.

I believe as Christian citizens
of this country?

?we should be actively involved...

... in this historical moment.

And if the churches
across this country ?

?believers can come together
and take a stand?

? I think it's gonna have
a powerful, powerful impact?

? on this process.

We dare not sleep through
this point of decision?

? because frankly, futur generations
depend on us.

Pray urgently that
God's perfect will, will be done.

We are engaged today?

? in what they call:
culture w*r.

We did not start it?

? but, we, by his grace,
are going to end it?

And we should say:

? we want to reclaim America
for Christ "

Up in the pulpit, this mean-spirited
message, us against them?

? and that's what the religious
right is doing?

?in the United States,
it is dividing this country.

- Well, we have Tyry?
- Yes.

? in Hillside, Illinois,
that he listens to on the WCPT.

What do you have on your mind?

I am Christian,
I am a Bible believing Christian.

Somehow, these guys
don't jive with the Christianity?

? in what I have learned.

I mean, there is authoritarianism
kind of way about them and?

? there is nothing generous,
nothing compassion?

? for me, there is nothing
Christian about them, I mean?

Yes. It is? It is?
It is upside down.

I mean? Yes, I've been-I've been raised
as a Christian all my life

I think
that's probably the thing?

? that upset me most
about what's happening.

None of this
really makes any sense for me.

So there is some new brand
of religion outhere?

? It's somehow
the things have changed?

? since Matthew?
uh, wrote? uh?

? wrote about the Jesus's sermon
on the mount?

? where Jesus told us
to be peacemakers.

And right now they?
Everything they do?

?they say, they do it
in name of God.

That we need to go
to w*r in name of God.

They are being told
George Bush, of all people,

? he is the Holy man
who has been anointed?

? with the job of? of?
creating a Christian society?

? not just in America,
but all over the world.

You and I know
that's false.

This entanglement of politics
with religion.

What? what kind of lesson
is that for our children?

There has never been
a generation like this one.

The Earth is filled
with dead and dying?

? in spirit and body.

But now it is the time
to the glory of Lord?

? to come to the Earth
as the water covers the sea.

"Now is the time!"

We prophecied these dry bones,

"Now is the time!"

Speak the word of the Lord!

The word of the Lord

The word of the Lord of Zion

The word of the Lord

The word of the Lord of Zion

The word of the Lord,
the word of the Lord of Zion


What's the name, a generation




The Lord?


The Lord will?


Fabulous! Alright,
Thank you for coming!

That is great.


I have no idea how many people
are here today.

I told the auditorium hold
about 500 ?

? so we are doing pretty good,
are we?

Ok listen,
mums and dads.

I want to tell you about something
that we have in the bookstore.

We have School of Evangelism ?

? and unfortunately,
this one doesn't sell quite as much?

? because people,
for whatever reason?

? I guess they think that
this is gonna be a door-knock key.

A manual, uh.

And it is not.
There is an hands-on manual in the back?

? that teaches kids how to, eh?

?actually start a conversation
with their friends?

? and how to win the loss.

Another thing that
I wanted to announce?

is our camp
coming up in August.


And it just gonna be
an incredible time!

We've got brochures?

? on the camp
sitting on the bookstore.

You need to pick one up
and begin praying about

whether or not you can
get there this year. Ok?

Boys and Girls! I need
everybody sitting up straight,

hands folded, smiling faces
looking right this way.

Is there anyone here
that believes?

? that God can do anything?

God can do anything!
We can just say: "God, fix the world!"

How do you know?
This is a pretty sick old world.

This is a sick old world.

Well then let's just fix it!

Somebody get your tools out

and let's just fix this old world!

Can't you God change things?

We got too many Christian goners

that are fat and lazy.

They don't want to give up
their evening meal?

? they don't want to
fast for 3 days?

? or 40 days or whatever.

Do you know Muslims,
train their children?

? from the time they're 5 years-old?

? to fast during the month of Ramadan?

we hold the keys.

"We" can change the world.

Boys and girls can
change the world?


Let's stand to our feet.

I need you to get serious,
serious with God.

Say: "God"


I am here to be trained.

I am here for an education

I am willing God.

I will do what
you want me to do.

I'll say what you want me to say.

In Jesus name



You don't open your mouth?

? the Holy Spirit can't talk.

Alright, I want everyone that you
raise your hands?

? and we gonna
pray in tongue.

let's do it.

Oh, we love you,

Holy Spirit, Lord.
He's here.

Feel its power!
Feel its power!

You talk them and...

The Holy Spirit is going to
whisper you what to say.

Don't stop!
Don't stop!

This it is the greatest day
of your life..

?it's the day you got saved.

She's not in trance,
she's not out of her.

She is very aware of
what's going on.

She's just hooking up
with the spirit?

?she's just staying focused.

I am going to playgrounds
of kids that?

?don't know anything
about the Christianity?

?lead them to the Lord
in a matter of?

?just no time at all
and just moments later...

they can be seeing visions
of hearing the voice of God?

? because they are so open.

They are so usable
in Christianity.

If we look at the
world's population?

? one third of that
6,700 million people?

?are children under the age of 15,
one third.

Where should we putting
our efforts?

Where should we putting
our focus?

I'll tell you where are our enemies
are putting it?

?they are putting on the kids.

They're going into schools.
You go in Palestine?

? and I can take you to
some websites?

? that would absolutely shake you
to your foundations?

? and show you photographs of
where they're taking their kids?

? camps like we take our kids
to Bible camps?

? and they're putting hand-grenades
in their hands?

? they teach them how to put
on b*mb-belt?

? they teach them
how to use r*fles?

? they teach them
how to use machine g*ns?

It is no wonder with that kind
of intense training and discipline?

? that those young people are ready to k*ll
themselves for the cause of Islam.

I want to see young people who are
commited with the cause of Jesus Christ?

? as the young people
are to the cause of Islam.

I want to see them
as radically laying down their lives?

? for the Gospel,
as they are over in Pakistan?

? in Israel and?
and Palestine?

? and all those different places,
you know because we have?

Excuse me!
But we have the Truth!

I would say
there is a friendly environnement now?

? in the United States
towards Christianity?

? that has been in my lifetime?

? and a lot of it has to do just
the last few years?

? has to do with President Bush.

He has really brought
some real credibility?

? to the Christian faith.
He has been very open

blatantly open,
about his faith in God.

This moment right now today,
is a fulfillment of a prophecy.

We got to stand up
and take back to the land.

Hey listen,
I just wanted to know you guys

- Both, you came with Mark, right?
Now he's your children's pastor?

You are not related to him, right?

- No
- He is coming to our camp this summer.

Are you guys coming too?

- To North Dakota?
- To North Dakota.

- Yes.
- You are coming?

Totally cool. is your whole family coming?
Or just you guys?

- I think just us.
- Awesome!

With my brother,
my twin brother.

I want to know
more about you guys.

How long have you
been a Christian?

I've been a Christian,
I was at 5?

- I got saved. - Yeah?
- Because I just wanted more of life.

- Yeah?
- Coz it's just nothing that?

I thought it was fun.

You thought at 5 years-old
there's was nothing fun?

- Yeah.
- Really? Already?

So, what do you think
the camp is gonna be like?

What do you expect in?

What do you expect in
God to do for you?

What am I expecting
God to do for me?

- Yeah, camp.
- I think? Oh, camp!

I think God is gonna... you know?

? give me use to meeting
other people?

? because I have hard
times for that.

- I can't believe that!
- I'm shy!

You are shy?
I can't believe it!

Except for when things
are happening with the holy spirit.

Yeah, then you are
not shy at all!

- No
- Oh, you guys are great.

Really appreciate
you coming.

Can't wait to see you again this summer.

Give me a hug.
All right.

Good to meet you, Terrene.
Good to meet you, Levi.

- We will talk later. - Ok.
- Bye, bye.

Time for creation,
garden of Eden?

...approximatively 6000 years ago.

Was that an expl*si*n?

Did we come from a glob of goo?

Argh! Argh!

I don't think so.

It's been said that we are
the result of an expl*si*n?

? is this true?
Is this scientific?

Or is it just based on a belief?

Levi, come here.

I need to be near you.

Alright, let's go over
some things.

One popular thing to do
in American politics?

? it is to note that the summers
in the United States?

? over the past few years,
have been very warm.

As a result,
global warming must be real.

What's wrong
with this reasoning?

- It's only got a 0.6 degrees.
- Ah.

Yeah, it is not really
a big problem, is it?

No. I don't think that
it's gonna hurt us.

It is? It is a huge political issue,
global warming.

And that's why
it's really important for you?

- ? to understand?
- The evolution too?

- Um, not really. At the most?
- Creationism?

Um, it is becoming one.

What if you got to go to school
where the teacher says?

?creationism is stupid?

? and you are stupid
if you believe it?

- I think they should... yeah
- Well?

Or, what if you got
to go to school?

? where your teacher says
evolution is stupid?

? and you are stupid
if you believe it?

- It wouldn't mind it.
- You wouldn't mind it.

If you look at creationism?

? you realise it is
the only possible answer?

- ? to all the questions.
- That's exactly what Dad says.

It is the only possible answer
to all the questions.

- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, yeah.


Did you get to the part
where it says that?

? science doesn't prove
anything? Ja!

And it's really interesting
when you look it that way.

- It is.
- It is.

- Alright!
- Alright.

I think personally that Galileo
made the right choice?

? by giving up
science for Christ.

God didn't say:
"Have children?

? and give my kids to someone out
for 8 hours a day. "

And if I can homeschool them?

? as well as the school
can public school them?

?why would I send them somewhere else
for 8 hours a day?

Our nation was founded on?

?Judeo-Christian values.

We know when things
started changing?

You know, taken out of school, and?

? ah? the schools
started falling apart.

And now the rest of us
are going,

Wait a minute,
where is my country?

Our firm belief is?

? there are two kinds of people
in the world.

People who love Jesus
and people who don't.

And I want my kids to grow up
knowing: You know what?

It's a good thing
to be a Christian..

? Matthew Spalding, our guest.

Tomorrow, Glenn Thomas gives
us a first hand perspective

from Christian marines involved
in "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

? God Saw Them Through.

So, tomorrow it will be very interesting
we will see back here again.

Why our kids thought that
global warming doesn't exist?

Ok, why?
Look, r*pe this world?

?r*pe this earth,
take everything you want from her?

? because, you know what?
It doesn't matter.

We are not here for very long.

Christ is coming to take us
away from Earth?

? so cut down our trees,
use all of our oil?

? take advantage of everything
that the Earth has to offer...

That's why you're here
getting involved?

?with issues like
global warming.

It? it?it? you want
to shake them.

And you want to say:
What? what?

? what is it you're
not understanding about

the fundamentals
of the Christianity?

How did you get here?

Our president is still
telling Americans?

? that we should teach
creationism in our schools.

That we should teach it
right along side with the evolution.

I think that we've become
complacent in this?

and I think that they are accomplishing

exactly what they want.

Do you know what's
happening in Kansas?

Yes, I know it. I saw.

They have to teach
intelligent design?

?right along with
Darwin evolution.

Think about that.

You got 600,000 children,
they are being lied to.

There is no conflict
between two.

- Well, not?
- That is religion, it is not science.

We have a population,
25% of the american population right now?

?described themselves
as Evangelists.

Eh? that's about?
about 80 million people.

They're very tenacious
and they elbow their way?

into positions
of power in America.

That is the M.O.
of? of? of a group?

? that is commited
to like I say?

? building a government
that they are comfortable with.

In the end it's gonna come
like a thief in the night.

They are slow
shipping away?

? at the separation between
Church and State.

"Jesus died, was buried, three days later,
He rose from the deads.

Wasn't Jesus only a man?
No, Jesus Christ is Almighty God."

- Rachael, it's your turn.
- I know.

Go ahead, Rachael.

Yeah, yeah.
Get it straight this time!

Jesus Christ?

? your spirit will help me?

? to make this...

Ball, I command you
in Jesus name?

? make a good hit!

Alright, Rachael!

- This side of it to hold.
- Ok

- Hi.
- Hi.

God is telling me that He?
You aren't his minder...

?he just wants to take you
and he just wants?

? to love you, and He has special
plans for you, and your life?

? and he just wants you to be able
to follow him with your whole heart.

- Mm, thank you.
- You're welcome.

- I appreciate it.
- Welcome.

Wow, so you found that I needed
that God told you to go over there?

Yeah, I waited a little bit,
you know, to be sure, you know?

- what I mean?
- Kept coming to your heart?

Aha. And after I felt
like I had picked the right one.

Alright. Good job, Rachael.

Way to be obedient.

I like the bowling ministry, there we go...

When I grow up,
I just?

I just thought it'd be kind
of fun to be one of those like?

...people who paint nails and stuff...

? because you do chance
to tell him about the Lord.

Relaxing Christian
music in background?

?you know, doing it,
you know what I mean?

It just be very relaxing?

? it would just be able to?
kind of...they weren't...

?having that many walls
at that second, you know?

? and they would just be able to accept,
you know?

I've been teased several times?

? and? and I just thought to myself:

"Man's decision? Whatever."

God's decision... something

They think I'm weird?
Go ahead.

You are not the one who
is going to be judging me?

? or if I'm gonna go to hell or heaven.
God is.

Now, what He thinks
is so important.

It? doesn't matter
what you think.

This is my favorite part.


My favorite kind
of music is like?

? Christian heavy metal,
rock and roll.

It focuses on the bases
towards Jesus?

?and some
of the songs actually say?

? like Jesus or ?our Lord?
or? stuff like that?

? but they do have
a Christian basis?

? and they are focused towards Him,
so that's why I like Christian.

Um, and? but really Britney Spears
and like Lindsay Lohan?

? and stuff, some people like that?

? I could feel definitely
careless about them?

? because knowing their songs
are mainly based ?

? on either like guys or girls?

? and, um? we,
as Christians, I do not?

?I do not believe in that.

- Victoria?
- Yeah?

Can you wrap it up in about 5 minutes?

- ? so I can feed you lunch.
- Yeah.

When I dance, I really have
to make sure that's God?

? because people will notice?

? when I'm just dancing with flesh.

I do that sometimes,
I must admit that?

? and I really need
to get over that.

I am not? I am not the only one
who makes that?

People out there?
You are not the only one?

? who makes that mistake.

Can you have a cookie?
You can have a cookie.

Ok. Alright.
Let's do the Pledge of Allegiance first?

? now that everybody is?
before we get to something else...

Jenny? Christian?
Will you stand up, please?


I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag?

? to his Savior to whose
kingdom it stands.

One brotherhood, united all Christians,
in unity, and in love.

Ok, put your hand on the Bible.

I pledge allegiance to the Bible?

?God's holy word.

I will make it a lamp onto my feet?

? and a light onto my path.

The highest words in my heart?

that I might not sin
against God.

Very good everybody.

I look at it, and George does too?

? our children
are loaned to us from God?

? and someday we're gonna
have to answer to God?

? how we raised our children.

I don't want: Lord,
you have given me this daughter?

? and, how am I supposed
to train her?

What am I supposed to do now?

And I bring her to places
where she can learn this?

?from Becky, from Pastor Carol,
from different people.

But the Lord told me
what you need to train her?

? it is to train her
about her character.

Where are you going?

I just have to stand out in the rain.


Ok, you sit out in the rain.

- I didn't get wet yet.
- Well...

?I don't want you to get soaking wet.

Victoria, turn around
and go back inside now. Thanks.

Ok, I have to get hit
10 times by drops of rain?

You're very funny


Ok, get your stuff packed,
come on.

- So, anyhow, yep getting all ready?
- Yep.

Tori, we need to get out your
sleeping bag?

?you need your Bible, a pen
and a notebook.

Flashlight, oh?

your brief prophecy dance stuff.


Alright, did you find
the leotard yet?

Check in your?
Yeah, check in there.

Let''s just walk out among
the pews and stuff and...

?and just pray over the seats.

Yeah, yeah in the name of Jesus,
we just speak over?

? every person that is sitting in
these chairs this week?

? and Lord, we just ask
to be covered with the blood of Jesus?

Open hearts, Lord,
Open hearts.

Father, we pray over
the electrical system?

? we pray over the electricity
will not go out in this building?

?in Jesus name?

?because of storms
or any other reason.

I am just praying
over this equipment.

We speak over
the PowerPoint presentations?

? all of the video projectors?

? and we say: "devil,
we know what you love to do?

? in meetings like this "

And we say:
"You will not in Jesus name.

You will not prevent
this message from going out?

No microphone problems
in Jesus name "

In the name of Jesus,
we speak that.

Father, we just ask you,
in the mighty name of Jesus?

? that this will be a
defining moment in their lives.

Father, I pray that Jesus
will be glorified on this camp.

You cannot go in there.

Billy, you cannot go in there.

Alright. I am so?

It exhausts to me doing this.

Aw, yeah

Born...born... born,
born, born, bo-born!

to a virgin
named Mary on Christmas Day

He bled and he died on
the cross to take sin away

You take him high

You take him low

You take J.C. wherever you go

Tell me who's in the house? J.C.!

Who's in the house? J.C.!

Jesus Christ is in the house today

When He's in your life you want to dance

We're kickin' it,
we're kickin' it for Christ

We're kickin' it for Christ

I say, it's Jesus Christ

Who is in the house today!

Whoa, give yourselves a big, big hand!.

Good evening!

You made it!

How do you guys like my hair?


The eyebrows?

And the rest of me?!

See, we're talking this week about
how the devil?

?uses tactics to destroy
our lives.

The first tactic that he uses
is to tempt you with sin.

You see, when you first start out as a kid?

? particularly, coz that's
when all this stuff starts.

When you start as a kid,
sin just doesn't seem like that?

big of a deal.

It looks kinda cute, in fact.
Warm and fuzzy.

But sin is designed
to destroy you.

And you feed this
baby long enough?

? and he's gonna grow
in your life?

? until you got yourself
tied by the tail?

? and you don't know
how which end is up.

? and what you seems
very innocent?

? now controls your life.

The devil goes after the young.

Those who cannot
fend for themselves.

That's why we're trying to help you?

? we are trying to warn you.

And while I'm on the subject?

Let me say something about Harry Potter...

Warlocks are enemies of God!

And I don't care what kind of hero they are:
They are enemy of God?

? and it had been in the Old Testament,
Harry Potter would have been put to death!


You don't make heroes out of warlocks!

This is a generation,
is gonna stand for purity?

? and righteousness and holiness

and you are going to serve the
Lord all the days of your life.

And we declare
all those things over you.

I believe this so much that
I have given my whole life?

? to see to it that you get there.

I sense in my heart tonight..
what I heard the Lord say?

? is that there are some kids here?

? saying they are Christian?

? they go to the church all the time?

? but one thing:
when you went to your church?

? and another thing:
when it is school with your friends.

You are a phoney and a hypocrite.

You do things
you shouldn't do?

You talk dirty just like
the other kids talk dirty.

And it's time to clean up your act.

Come up here and get washed.

Because we can't have phonies
in the army of God.

If that's you,
put your hands up here.

Woah, baby...
Wash your hands.

Father, we just wash them
with the water of your Word.

We say: "No more, devil.
No more!"

Say, boys and girls:
"In the name of Jesus."

You know exactly
what you need to repent up.

Name it!
Name it aloud!

Name it,
what you need to be forgiven of?

Oh- oh? Oh- oh?

No more wishy-washy,
no more hypocrisy.

Now you got somewhere
and pray?

? and you start doing some
repenting here.

Oh- oh? Oh- oh

Uh? I? uh?
I haven't got much to say.

I just wanted
to talk about belief and God?

? and I've had a hard time
doing it and?

? it's just really
hard to do this?

? just to believe in God
is really hard?

? because you don't see Him.
You don't? You don't?

? really know how much.

Sometimes I don't even believe
in the Bible says.

It makes me a faker, it makes
me feel guilty and bad because?

? God always talked to me about
that, and I kind of rejected Him.




- Somebody died.
- Ah? Scared...

Dark, dark house
there was the dark, dark corridor.

Dark, dark corridor
it took to the dark, dark quarter.

In the dark, dark quarter
there was the dark, dark stairs.


- Everyone in the bed?
- I'm not.

- Alright.
- I'm not going to do it?

I will not that wild
about ghosts stories, Ok?

Some are a lot of fun
but they don't maybe honor God?

? and, uh, God says to focus
on those things?

?that are?
that bear truth?

? and in those things that have beauty.

Focus on the good things
and the things of God, Ok?

Here we go.
Lights up, guys.

- What time is breakfast?
- Eight.

My hair is still wet.

God just created humans that ate from
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Resulted in sin and death.

I got some dripping with blood
here somewhere.

Alright, that's better.

And now I move these letters.

That's better.

This generation particularly?

? is the sight and sound generation?

? and so, it is very difficult for them?

? to sit down with a book,
and a tablet and a pencil?

? and try to learn
the way we've learnt.

They learn visually,
they learn by demonstration?

? they learn by um?
modeling and all...

And so, here's our Adam and Eve,
isn't that great?

And just good old Ken
and Barbie dolls?

? and so, we talk about how
they walked and talked?

? in the garden of the Eden with God?

? but when God breathed
in the man, to the breath?

? in to his nostrils.

At that point, man
became a living soul.

Now I tell the kids:?

?"If you want to become
a stronger Christian?

? and have your spirit man be strong?

? there are certain things
that you need to do."

If you pray everyday?

? your spirit man will get stronger.

If you go to church
and learn more about God?

?your spirit is gonna get stronger.

If you don't read the Bible?

C'mon, it's gotta squeak.

Oh, one balloon...

Your spirit will get weaker.


For instance,
we have a brain mold?

? because one of the sessions is
gonna be talking about our minds?

? and how they need to be
renewed towards the word of God.

This is really fun because
you can make a jello mold

that looks like a brain.

And you just talk about how things
stick to our minds?

? and we used these sticky fingers?

? and so this would
represent, uh, dirty thoughts?

? this would represent
swear words?

this would represent things
that we have seen on TV?

? or whatever that we've heard,
and it sticks to our minds?

? and then you're supposed to slap it.

- The brain?
- I don't know if it slaps

if it's gonna stick very good
but there, it's sticking, there.

It sticks to your brain and
that's very effective for kids.

So, I mean there are
different things that we've gotten...

But that's what I do,
I just look around?

I walk around the toy sections of stores

Or I'll see something and go:

That really would work good for?..
You know? So...

I come in with 20 object
lessons and I preach for an hour.

? you know, and people?
Other children's ministers have gone:

Preaching an hour for kids
and I feel sorry for the kids.

You need to feel sorry for my kids?

They know exactly,
you know?

They're getting it...
they're getting it.

I got Jesus, yes I do,
I got Jesus, How 'bout you?

I got Jesus, yes I do,
I got Jesus, How 'bout you all?

I got Jesus, yes I do,
I got Jesus, How 'bout you?

1, 2, 3, 4,
We got Jesus, we want more

Everybody ready?
We're gonna pray again.

Alright! God, we just thank you
for this food this morning.

We ask you Father
to bless it?

? and Lord Jesus, we plead your blood
over our sins?

? and the sins of our nation.

God, end abortion
and send revival to America.

Thank you, Jesus,

Mom, doesn't he look like Harry Potter?

Mom, he looks like Harry Potter.

- A bit, yes.
- here.

I can't watch it,
because it has witchcrafts.

My mum doesn't want me
to watch any of the movies?

? 'cause of the witchcraft,
but I watch it with my dad.

This is Becky Fischer.

This is Becky Fischer,
live and in color.

Uh... She's a...

- Look at her new hairstyle!
- Hahaha!

Oh, she's the number one
cover lady for?

?Children's Ministry worldwide
for April.

It is almost like being
on the cover of Rolling Stones.

So far, camp
has been awesome.

I love being in
the presence of God.

God is not in every church,
there is such a thing as?

...they're it...
certain church?

? they're called: "dead churches"?

? and people there,
they sit there like this:

We worship you, God,
we worship you, God.

They sing like 3 songs
and they listen to a sermon.

Churches that God likes to go to?

are churches where they're jumping
up and down, shouting His name?

? and just praising Him.
They are not acting?

They are not quiet?
"We worship you"

They are? Aleluya!! God!!
You know, and?

? and depending on what?
how they invite Him?

? He'll be there or not.

that's the trojan battle cry.

I got my Bible.

They told me that
I was going to preach tonight.

I'm really excited about
to preaching kids.

I have never really preached
a whole bunch kids I didn't know.

I feel, I mean,
I really feel?

? I really feel that we are
a key generation, I really do.

I really feel that?

that this generation,
is a key generation?

? to Jesus coming back.

That is exactly what I want to say.

I don't write the sermon,
God writes the sermon.

I mean, I can feel it
sometimes while I'm writing,

? I can feel it in my arm?

? someone is holding my arm
when I am writing, right?

And I feel when I go up
and I start preaching?

The Holy Spirit is gonna
come out of me.

Not?that ain't gonna be me
up there preaching?

?It is... but you know,
it's not gonna be... me.

You know, we can't just
sit around on the couch all day?

? because Satan will be after you.

He is not gonna sit around either.

If Satan is not sitting around you,
you shouldn't sit around.

Satan will try to trip you
off your path?

? off your race,
off the course?

Don't let him do that.

In Jesus name,
do not let Satan get you off ?

?what God has for you.

We are a generation
that needs to rise up?

? that needs to rise up
and run without the time?

? run with our whole heart,
everything we've got.


Now... who's ready for
some fun tonight?

You know, it ain't gonna be the same person
that you came on this camp...

? you gonna be a different person?

? you gonna be radical,
you gonna be on fire.

How many want to be those
who give up their lives for Jesus?

I got my big old goddy
ghost hamming here tonight.

We're gonna break some things
in the Heaven here tonight.

We gonna break the power
of the enemy in government.

They came to your schools and
they took Jesus out of your schools but?

?one thing they couldn't do,
is take Jesus out of your heart.

We can't just sit back
and accept corrupt government.

I believe God wants to put godly
righteous people in government.

How many of you
want to break this cup?

The power of the enemy
of government.

Break this cup.

You break that thing
in the name of Jesus.

Righteous government God...
For righteous government.

Lord, come on,
proclame that righteous government.

Everytime you break a cup?

? there is a release in the spirit.

We break the power of the devil!...
in this nation.

In the name of Jesus,
it's gone.

Shout it out!! Shout it out!!
I wanna hear you!

Fire in the world!
In the world!


Press in kids, press in.

Unlike McDonald's,
this is not about how fast?

?you can go through the drive-thru.

You want something to God,
you gonna have to cook a little!

You need to stay in the pot?

?let them simmer you in the holy ghost.

God touched you tonight,
I wanna hear about it.

Somebody come tell me
what happened.

- Pray it out, Tori.
- Pray it out.

Lord, I pray for changes in our nation?

? if we break the bonds that
you have put around us in faith?

? and we proclaim
the Lion of Judas.

Take these prophecies?

? and do what the apostle Paul said,
and make w*r with them.

This means w*r!

Are you a part of that or not?

- Sorry, I like to throw rocks.
- Ok, Levi.

Whenever I run into a non-Christian
something you know, I always uh?

? there is always something
that doesn't... seem right?

?there is always something
that? makes my fear?

?spirit, yucky, you know.

This world, all it feeds you is trash.

It's like... giving out candy?

? but I don't want candy,
I want the meal.

The Holy Spirit is like the meal.
A good food, you know.

The food that you need
and so that is good.

But candy will just make you sick?

That's what a lot of people
in this world are: they are sick.

They are looking
for something.

You could pick up
a huge spider, back there.

- I am not going back there.
- Let me there to see.

- Where?
- Up on there.

- Show me.
- You see it?

You see that big that bug is, Luke?

I know it,
it's digusting.

I do think I'm different
from another kids?

? because we know Jesus and
we're hungry after Jesus, you know?!

But you know what?

I wouldn't be different
from other kids?

? if everybody did their calling.

That's the thing with America.

America... you know, is supposed to be,
uh... God's nation, right?

Then things just gotta start...
twisting around, you know.

And now, a lot of people in America
just don't follow in God.

Ok, we're gonna welcome
Mister President now.

Talk to him. Say:
"Welcome..., welcome President Bush."

Welcome, President Bush.

We're glad you're here.

I want you to bless him.
Speak a blessing to him.

Would you do that? Raise your hands
and speak a blessing to him.

Do some work...

He has surrounded himself
with spirit filled people?

? So pray in spirit over him?

?Here he is,
come to visit us.

Yes, Lord...
Thank you Jesus.

Tell him: "Mister President?"

Mister President

? one nation under God. "

Mister President?

? one - nation - under - God!

- The days went fast, really?
- Yeah.

They just flew... whooa!
And this... is the Big Night.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, are you ready?

We got some good surprises
for you tonight, alright?

Hey, I want everybody
sitting down, hands folded,

smiling faces,
looking right this way.

Hi guys.

I am very excited tonight,
I usually talk to... to big people?

? but tonight I get to talk...
maybe to the most important generation?

? in american history.

Whoa! And I am not just joking.

Where is the young man?
The young man with a long hair.

Right there,
come here son.

Just stand right with me,
what's your name?

- My name is Levi.
- Levi?

Whoa, that's a great name, Levi.

- Do you like Levi's name?
- Yes.

Here is the deal.
Before you were born?

? God knew you.


He said this: "He said he formed
you in your mother's womb."

You are not just
a piece of protoplasma?

? or whatever that is.

Not just a piece of tissue
in your mother's womb.

You were created intimately
by God.

Is that incredible?

God wrote a book about your life
and He wrote:

Levi... Levi will be a God seeker
from an early age?

? and he will become a voice
that touch the America. "


And he would not sell out...
in his teenage years?

?he will go for God all those days?

? and he will be a man of prayer."

And in his twenties, he'd begin
to shape things real strong for God

and in the nation.

God's dream:
"The novel of Levi's life"?

? signed: God.

What do you think of that?

- That's pretty cool.
- Pretty cool, uh?

You are pretty cool.

Now listen to me, guys.

Since 1973,
up to 50 million babies?

? never had chance
to fulfill their dreams?

?God had for their lives.

That's sad, isn't it?

Do you know,
a third of your friends?

? could be here tonight,
but they never made it.

A person's... a person.
Not matter how small...

God has a dream for the lucky
has a dream for you.

Do you see that? It's kind of
awesome, isn't it? Look at that.

7 weeks old.

Tonight, I believe
something is gonna start tonight?

? that can change America.

Seriously... kids,
I believe: you are the beginning?

? of a movement that can raise
up on moral outcry?

? that can overthrow abortion
in America and could turn this.

Would you like to be part
of that kind of company?


Jesus, I plead your blood?

? over my sins
and the sins of my nation.

God, end abortion
and send revival to America.

Louder: Jesus!
I plead your blood over my sins?

? and the sins of my nation.

God, end abortion
and send revival to America.

Life! Life! We command life, Lord,
in the name of Jesus, life!

Satan, in Jesus name,
You let go of them.

You have no power taking
people's life?

? only God has that power.

No more, Lord...
No more!

No more!...
No more!

Adults... we cried after God: 32 years!
Too long!

God, we are asking for
the courts of America?

? we are asking
shift the courts?

? raise up righteous judges?

? who rule in behalf of
your knowing God!

Righteous Judges...
Righteous Judges!

Children are crying to you, God.

Here from heaven,
God, it's time.

Too long, Lord.

Abortion, God.

Righteous Judges!
Righteous Judges!

You made a covenant
with God tonight?

? that you are gonna pray
to end abortion in America.

Don't take that lightly,
don't be a promise-breaker.

Don't be a promise-breaker.
Be a history-maker.

Do you think
you know America?

I mean, do you think
you know your own country?

Well, I got to tell you:
you don't.

There is a religious political army
of foot soldiers outhere?

? that are being directed
by a political right.

This is not your tin foil hat
conspiracy stuff?

It's happening!

This people?
you know?

They don't look like politico's
they don't look like politicians?

? they don't look like... they have a?
like they're on a band wagon for anybody.

I mean, they just looked like
your neighbor.

But? When you put
them all together?

? what ends up happening,
is they start taking control?

? in small slices,
and so?th?

This is the last stage.
Let me tell you something.

They've taken over...
the White House, Congress?

? the judiciary for
a generation.

Together, these people
form a powerful?

? I mean, powerful
voting block.

Look, George Bush
and Karl Rove?

? all these people:
big, big time.

We've been asleep at the wheel?

? as this conservative,
political, fundamentalist element?

?has gained too much control
and power in this country.

I... I... I...
Totally beyond me.

How anybody can look at
this picture and say:

Oh, you know this?

It doesn't affect me.
It's just absurd.

I am pleased to announce my nomination
of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr...

? as associate justice of the Supreme Court
of the United States.

if the President tries?

? to replace O'Connor,
a moderate with an extremist?

? uh, it would be the biggest fight, uh...
over Supreme Court?

? in american history.

The nomination of judge Alito
is so important?

?and why the Church
needed to be involved.

It's everything that every Christian
we care about?

? because he is so outspoken
on the life issue?

? and other issues that are
such a great concern to us.

This is a crucial, crucial time.

Judge Alito, what we worked on
for a 30 years?

? is coming to culmination,
to consumation, right now.

And let's... let's confirm
this man, Judge Alito?

? to the US Supreme Court
and let's make one more step towards?

? bringing America back
to one nation under God.

God bless you.

Your face is all I see

And your days will always be

A treasure and my reward

The one thing, yeah, the one thing
I live is Lord

Oh, how amazing

A love beyond explaining

You are beautiful

We've decided
the Bible is the word of God.

We don't have to have
a general assembly?

? about what we believe.

It is written in the Bible... alright?

So we don't have to debate
about what we should think?

? about h*m* activity,
it is written in the Bible.

I think I know what
you did last night.

If you sign me a $1000,
I won't tell your wife.

If you use any of this,
I'll sue you.

And I have a 10 year rule
about dating.

For those who married somebody
30 years older than you?

? I hope he dies
so you can get his money.


The point I want to get across is:
you need to make sure in your home...

?you have few core beliefs.

And we, as Americans?

? those that are citizen
of the United States?

?you need to make
sure our nation?

? has a core belief?

? and as we settle
those philosophies correctly?

? then our freedom
is guaranteed. Amen?

Let's pray together. Father, in the
mighty name of the Lord Jesus.

We pray for President Bush?

? because he is preparing to elect
a new Supreme Court nominee.

Give us a pilar of strength
that lasts forever.

Lord, let us not waiver.
Let us not be talked down of it.

Let us not be negotiated it out of it.

It's massive warfare everyday.
Let the battle begin!

Are you getting all this, in there?

- Yes
- Ok

So, you need to repent.

Man, it's great.

And when they turn on all those lights,
it's very hot up here.

- Hi, how you doing?
- Hi, what's your name?

- My name is Levi.
- Hello Levi. Ted Haggard.

- I am the senior pastor here.
- The senior, yeah, I guess.

- Ok. You figured that out?
- Yes.

- What's your name?
- Teri.

- Was it a good sermon?
- Yes, it was.

- You do some preaching?
- Yes.

- What's your favorite subject?
- My favorite subject?

I like faith...

- Well, that's fabulous.
- Yes, I like faith.

So your people like
hear you preach?

It seems everybody pays
attention more, you know.

- This, is preaching.
- Is it your content?

? or is it because you are kid?

- I don't know.
- Yeah. Well, you know?

- I guess it's?
- You will know in your 30.

I say,
use your cute kid thing?

? until you're 30 and by then
you have a good content.

We believe that
you have to emphasis?

? people younger than you
in order for your church?

? to grow in a healthy way.

Kids are everything.

They love the evangelical message,
God loves them?

? the Bible is the word of God,
they are gifts from God.

So all the public schools telling them
they are animals?

?they are a product
of natural selection?

? we tell them:
" God loves you."

God has created you,
you have a purpose in life.

I mean, the kids are...
just loving it!

And so... um... So it's an awful
lot of people and we're growing.

Churches like this?
There is a new church like this?

? every 2 days in America.

It's got enough growth?

? to essentially
sway every election.

If the evangelicals vote,
they determine the election.

It's a fabulous life!

? nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can make us whole again?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Oh! Precious is the flow

That make us white as snow

No other fount I know

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can wash away our sins?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Amen. Ok.

The Bible says that
out of the mouth of babes?

? God has ordained praise

? to silence the enemy,
and the foe and the avenger.

God wants to use the smallest
to confound the wise?

?the things that are nothing
to notify the things that are.

You see the big towers here?

? and the big buildings
and the big men?

God says the praises of little children
can shake kings.

Come on!...

We are being trained to...
go out and train others?

?train others to be God's Army
and to do God's will?

? what he wants you to do.

I feel like we're kinda being
trained to be warriors?

? only in a much? way.

We don't like? I don't feel
the sense or like afraid?

even to die in battle
or anything like you would?

when you're actually going
off to a w*r in the physical,

There is a peace with it all too.

There is an excitement yet peace
at the same time. It's really cool.

You know, a lot of people
die for God and stuff

? and they are not even afraid.

They don't even feel afraid
of anyone or anything.

And it is like?
I heard dad told me?

? like when their dads
are like missionaries and stuff?

? and they had to go to somewhere
really dangerous and stuff?

? they jumped around them and yelling:
"Martyr, martyr!!"

It's really cool.

I'm gonna stand right up here...

The young man, get in.

I know a powerful soldier for God,
thus it is, son.

You stay right there.
There you go, Joseph.

Someday you might be
the leader of the government?

? who knows, Joseph.
He dreams dreams.

What's your name?

You look great with
that tape on your mouth.

Here we go.
Alright, go ahead young men?

? you're so eager, I love you.

Some extreme liberals ?

? they have to look at this
and start shaking in their boots.

The intensity that you see
of these kids?

? there's no doubt,
they've gotta be watching this?

? and do: "Oh my goodness!",
I didn't know this was possible.

And what these kids gonna
be like when they grow up?

It's like animal rights people
eat your heart out... you know.

You wanna see intense, you wanna see
kids passionate by Christ.

This is it.

You know,
I have to believe with all my heart ?

? that this is just
a tip of the iceberg.

I believe those kids made
an impact in heaven.

God hears the cries of children.

Ufff! It makes me wanna cry.

We are talking to Becky
in Bismarck, North Dakota.

She is a children's pastor
and she runs a summer camp?

? for evangelical children
there, in North Dakota.

- Becky, how are you?
- I'm doing very good.

Why kids? Why are they supposed
to be some new army of God?

Why are we using
kids to do that?

Anyone who does any work
with kids knows this?

? it's because the reason
you go for kids?

? it is because
whatever they learn?

? by the age of 7, 8, 9 years old?

? it's pretty long there
for the rest of their lives?

? and there are statistics
that you can research for yourself?

No, I? I? I know these statistics,
but you used the term "to learn"...

The word to learn
is different than ?indoctrinate?...

God gave us a brain?

? God gave us the freedom to choose?

? and learning is part of that choice.

And I think everytime
the fundamentalist movement, Becky?

?interferes with that,
we are doing harm?

? we are doing harm to
the progression of the mankind.

I don't think any child kissed
anything by choice.

Uhm.. If I understood,
your question to me was?

? if I feel it right for
the fundamentalist?

? to indoctrinate their children
with their own beliefs.

I guess, fundamentally,
yes I do.

Because every other religions
are indoctrinating their kids.

Hello? I would like to see
more churches indoctrinating.

You can tell a child anything.

Just like I say,
you can tell a child?

You can make a child
into a soldier that carries a AK-47.

You can call it brain washing?

? but I am radically passionate
in teaching children?

? about their responsibilities
as Christians?

? as God fearing people,
of America?

Woa, Becky,
let me ask you this:

How do we ignore that all
of a sudden we're creating?

? children soldiers
for the Republican Party?

How... How is that figuring?

?to anything that Christ had to say about?

? how we should live
our life on the Earth?

It is? I am not safe?
I am not aware of any churches?

? that are out there
with that political cause.

I? I am not going after
my kids politically?

? but that, you know? because
at the same time I wanna say?

? that I don't have any problem
saying to my children:

"We are Pro life."

I got to tell you God
is watching us?

? God has? and I?
And God has a very special place?

? for those people
who mess with our children.

- It is not a pretty place.
- You know what?

I am not going to go there, Mike.

You know, what's always made
this country special?

What's always set
this country apart?

? is because there is
something that we called: ?

? a separation between
Church and State.

That's always something
that separates us?

? and has separated us
for 200 years.

It is worked.

I respect your right
is fundamentalist?

? to teach your children
whatever you wanna teach them?

? but don't let that bleed over
into the public sector.

Don't let that bleed over
into the schools.

I beg to differ with you,
Christianity is important.

We believe it's the most
important religion in the world?

? because it changes
the life of people.

But Becky, it's a witches brew:
it's gonna take over democracy.

You know,
I think democracy?

? is the greatest political system
on Earth?

? That's jus it,
it's the only? the only?

? it's just what's on Earth,
you know?

? it's ultimately designed
to destroy itself ?

? because we have to give
evreyone equal freedom?

? and ultimately
that's gonna destroy us.

And so perfect world
it is not going to be perfect?

? until Jesus
is truly Lord.

Ok. Becky,
thanks for joining us. Ok.

You got it!

Aw, man!

The more I hear about this?

? that is to say, every time
it is getting crazier and crazier.

ayes are 58, the nays are 42.

The presidence nomination
of Samuel A. Alito Jr?

? of New Jersey
to be associate justice?

? of the Supreme Court
of the United States?

? is confirmed.

I love America,
I love the American life style...

... and to be part of 21st century.

I wake up every day excited about
what I'm gonna do?

? but at the same time I look at
this sick old world?

? and I say: God,
let's get out of here.

Knowing what I know?

? how do I not give
my whole life?

? to helping other people:
children, teenagers or adults?

?come to a saving knowledge
of Jesus Christ.

How can I enjoy heaven??

? with the knwoledge
that I never told people?

? that it matters so much to me...
about Jesus.

That is not a burden,
it is the greatest joy of my life.

The most religious nation
in the world is India.

The most irreligious nation
in the world is Sweden.

We are a nation of Indians
ruled by Swede's.

As Christians, you are the leaders,
you speak for God.

We cared about our country.
And what I wanna say is?

?we want to get our message out.
We can boil it down to...she said:?

? you just boil your message down
to single sentences.

Let me give you some
single sentences.

Number one:
it's a new day.

Number two:
liberalism is dead.

Number three:
the majority of Americans are conservative.

Number four: you can count on us,
showing up and speaking out.

And number five:
let the Church rise!

Thank you, Dr Sutton.

When I die and they lay me to rest

Gonna go to the place that's the best

When they lay me down to die

Goin' up to the spirit in the sky

That's where I'm gonna go when I die

When I die and they lay me to rest

I'm gonna go to the place
that's the best - Hi...

If you were
to die right now?

? where do you think
that you would go?

- Heaven.
- Really?... Are you sure?

- Yeah.
- Ok.

Prepare yourself, you know it's a must

Gotta have a friend in Jesus

I think that they were Muslim.

So you know that when you die

He's gonna recommend you
to the spirit in the sky

I want to give this to you.

- No, thank you.
- No, thank you.

Oh... we know,
they could be Christian already.

You know what I mean?

Do you think people
actually think...

... we are trying
like sell something?

I betcha that some yes.

We are kids,
what we sell?

Pamphlets in our hands.

~ God has been so good to you
you have to save ~

~ And praise and
magnify the Lord ~

~ Because He is only
who can set you free ~

~ Praise him ~

Never been a sinner,
I've never sinned

I've got a friend in Jesus

So you know that when I die

He's gonna set me up
with the spirit in the sky

Oh, set me up with the spirit in the sky

That's where I'm gonna go when I die

When I die and they lay me to rest

I'm gonna go to the place
that's the best

Go to the place that's the best
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