05x09 - The Cover Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Matlock". Aired: March 3, 1986 – May 7, 1995.*
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Ben Matlock is a widow and a very expensive criminal defense attorney, identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dramatic courtroom scenes.
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05x09 - The Cover Girl

Post by bunniefuu »




This is romantic.


And you are absolutely darling.


Come on, let's... you know.

Let's what?


This is our third date.

I've come over here
for two breakfasts,

and one predawn jog in the park.

And you say you
can't do things at night.

I go to bed at 8:00 p.m.

But I thought that you
models like the high life,

like dancing and
all-night wild parties.

Models who want to
work with Harry Samuels

go to bed early and
start to work before dawn.

Harry's a genius.

He's gonna make me a star.

So, if his thing is
sh**ting before dawn,

I will be there.

I'm asleep at dawn.

Well, maybe you should go home

and take a little nap.

No, wait, wait.


You know that song that
Aretha Franklin does, "Respect"?

What about it?

Well, in that song she says,

"When I get home,
give me my propers."

Your what?

You know what I mean.

Come on.

Come on.

Mmm, tell you what.

Come with me to the sh**t,

and after it's over,

then we'll see what happens.

That sounds like a plan.


Beautiful. Very nice, honey.

Okay, Carla.

No, don't do that. Smile.

Lauren, smile for us, hon.

Come on, smile.

There it is. Come
on, smile like you...

No, stop that. That's right.

There it is.

Very nice.

Okay, Carla, flirt with me.

Perfect. There it is.


Beautiful. All right, ladies.

Start brooding now, okay?

Brood for me.

He loved you, he left you,

he's not coming back.

Yeah, that's right.

He's not coming
back. That's right.

Carla, reach for him.

Reach for him.

Reach for him. Lauren.

Lauren, there... Lauren...

Beautiful. Reach for him.

That's right. Come on. Lauren.

Lauren... Beautiful.

Bobby, whatever
it is you're doing,

you can stop it right now.

Wardrobe, Carla's
falling apart, please.

- That one's good?
- Yeah, it's beautiful.

- Water, juice?
- No, I'm okay.

- We're happy. Are we done?
- Good.

Lauren, okay.

Lauren, switch now.
Switch with Carla.

Carla on the right,
Lauren, you're on the left.

You don't want
to do that, Harry.

Excuse me?

My left side stinks.

- Come on, Lauren.
- No.

- Just switch, okay?
- No.

Lauren... No!

Five minutes, everyone.

Okay, Lauren, you and
me in the makeup room now.

- Harry, this is no big deal.
- Okay.

Both of you, please, this way.

Okay, makeup, wardrobe,
you know the routine.

Everybody else, take five.


How dare you.

Nobody photographs my left side.


Not you, not Richard
Avedon, nobody!

No model tells me
what to sh**t... ever!

And never in front of a client.

Harry, this is a magazine sh**t.

If they want her
looking right to left,

- they'll just flop the negative.
- Don't tell me what they can

and can't do...
That's not the point!

The point is, when I tell
you to switch, you switch!

I am sorry about your ego!

- Oh, you're sorry about my ego.
- But it's my face.

- I know...
- Whoa... -Look, honey...

Does this happen all the time?

Harry considers
himself an artist.

Ever watched a sh**t before?

No, first time.
Conrad McMasters.

- A friend of Carla's.
- Bobby Michaelson.

- I'm with Lauren.
- Nice to meet you.

From New York?

I own part of a modeling agency.

You own...?


What are you doing here?

You're supposed to
be minding the store,

not sniffing after Lauren.

I'm sightseeing. I've
never been to Atlan...

- Where's Harry?
- Uh, he's indisposed.

Never mind.

I hired you is because
of your friend Carla here.

She begged me to
hire you for this job!

Now get back in there
and do exactly as you're told

or you're fired, you got that?


I hear you've been
bad-mouthing me.


Spangler's is
suddenly not interested

in using my people for
their Christmas catalogue.

- I hear you're the reason why.
- All I told

'em is they could
stay under budget

if they used less
expensive models.

You told their art
director that my models

tend to be under
accomplished and overpriced.

Wait, wait! They
misunderstood me!

- I don't like it - HARRY:
Please don't do that!

When people talk behind my back!

If you've got something to
say, then say it to my face!

Jackie, please calm down.

You have crossed
over the line, Harry.

This is w*r.

And believe me,
when the dust clears,

there's only going to
be one of us standing.

And it isn't going to be you.


All right, lunch.

Be back at 3:00.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm gonna change.
You wait here, okay?

- All right.
- All right.

That's some argument ol'
Harry had with that lady, huh?

That lady is my
agent, Jackie Whitman.

Poor Harry.

He really blew it.

She can really keep
him from getting work?

You bet.

That'll be the last major
spread he does for a long time.

Ooh, that's a tough lady.

Harry should've known better.


Your place or mine?

Honey, I'm still working.

I knew that. I knew that.

So where do you
want to have lunch?

I don't look this
way because I lunch.

I do laps.

So, can you drop me
off at the hotel, please?

You're forgetting
about something here.

- Propers, right?
- Yes.

Later. After the sh**t.

Mr. Samuels?

Goodman Supply.

I got the film you ordered.

Mr. Samuels.

Mr. Samuels.

I'm gonna put the film on
the table outside the door.





Hi, Harry.

I called to see if you
wanted any lunch.

Where you been?

Wild-goose chase.

Hey! Film!

We're in business.

What do you mean
wild-goose chase?

Just what I said.

Harry... you been here long?

I just got in. Why?

I got good news and bad news.

The good news is

Jackie Whitman's not
gonna bother you anymore.

The bad news... is
I think she's dead.

- What's going on?
- I don't know.

- They won't let us in.
- Not a clue.

They think I k*lled Jackie.

- What...?
- You're kidding.


♪ When they ring
those golden bells ♪

♪ For you and me... ♪

Yeah? Hey, hi.

Come in. Come in.
Come in. Come in.

- Hey, Ben.
- Yeah.

- Got to talk to you.
- Uh, okay.

This is Carla Royce.

Carla, this is Ben Matlock.

- Hi. -Hi.
- Carla's from New York.

Yeah, from New York. Yeah.

Did I mention that she was going
to be in town this, uh, weekend?

Yeah, I believe you mentioned

she would be in
town this weekend.

You want a hot dog?

No, thanks.

They're good.

No, thank you.

Well, sit down so
I can have mine.

Mmm! Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm.



Well, what's up?

Carla's agent, Jackie Whitman,
was m*rder*d this afternoon.

I heard that on the news.

Your agent... I'm sorry.

They arrested my
friend, Harry Samuels.

- Oh?
- Mr. Matlock, I've known Harry

for years. He's-He's impulsive,

and he's temperamental,
but he's not a m*rder*r.

Did-Did he have any reason?

Jackie told him she was
going to ruin his career.


His answering service got
a message from somebody

named Jackie, asking
him to meet her at the park,

so they could talk.

He went to the park,
and no one was there.

And when he got back to
the studio, he found her dead.

- Think somebody set him up?
- Yeah.

He can pay your fee, Ben.


I'm swamped.

Mr. Matlock, please.

I can't.

I... I just... I just can't.

It's just... look at...

Well... what the hell?

What's one more case?

I found her.

I called 911.

You know, I mean, who thought
that I was going to get blamed

- for this thing?
- What's that I smell? Acid?

Yeah, I used acid and
some other chemicals

- to develop film.
- Oh.

But, uh, Jackie or whoever
it was that k*lled her,

- they knocked over everything.
- Yeah.

Uh, do you keep your
scissors in the desk drawer?

No, no, no. I use
them all the time.

I usually keep them right here.

You know what, what
is this blue powder

- all over everything?
- Police dusted for fingerprints.


Harry! Hey!


You're out of jail.

Yeah, honey,
I can't sit in jail.

You know I got to work.

This is my attorney,
Ben Matlock.

Ben, this is my assistant,
Frannie Morrissey.

Excuse me.


Oh, I read about you.

I don't care what you read
in the National Informer.

- I don't defend gangsters.
- Oh, no.

No, I meant the profile they
did on you in Financial News.

Uh, you read Financial News?

How else would I
know when to go short?

Wow! You are one
of the highest-paid

defense lawyers in the country.

We should compare
portfolios sometime.

Frannie, come on.

We got a sh**t.

An artist, but a
financial illiterate.

Relax, Harry. Mother's coming.

I will get the film.

Uh, how-how-how-how long
has she been your assistant?

Almost, uh, four years.


Well, where was she, uh,
when, uh, Jackie was k*lled?


It's the frozen yogurt
place down the street.

She lives on the stuff.


Uh, I want you to get me a
list of everybody who was here

when Jackie gave
you hell that day.

- Everybody?
- Yeah.

And-And I need, I need

the number of your
answering service.

Maybe we can
figure out who set up

that phony
rendezvous in the park.

Okay. Frannie!

I got a job for you.

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, that model that was
working with Carla the other day...

Lauren Chadwick?

Yeah. Is she going to
be working this afternoon?


As long as she
does what she's told.

Ms. Chadwick?

Hi. I'm Michelle Thomas.

I'm one of Harry
Samuels' attorneys.

Do you mind if I ask
you a few questions?

Do you work in a courtroom?

- Sometimes.
- Well, how would you like it

if I came down to the courthouse
and asked you a few questions

while you were
addressing the jury?

- I can wait.
- This is my work.

Christie Brinkley
doesn't put up with this.

Why should I?

This isn't convenient.

- I'll just come back later.
- No.

Later is no more
convenient than now.

Ask your questions.


What happened the afternoon
of Jackie Whitman's m*rder?

Jackie stormed in before
1:00, read Harry the riot act,

trashed the makeup room
and stormed out again.

Harry called a break, and
everyone went to lunch.

I got back around 3:00.

Jackie was dead.

That's it.

Everybody went to lunch?

As far as I know.

I went back to the hotel and
had some fruit in my room.

- I don't do lunch.
- Lauren?

Your agent.

I'll get back to her.

I thought Jackie
Whitman was your agent.

Oh, she was. I outgrew her.

I signed with a new
agent three weeks ago.

So you and Jackie
weren't getting along.

We got along fine.

This was business.

Jackie thought small.

She wanted me
to continue doing...

this kind of work forever.

Miss Thomas, I'm an actress.

I'm going to be a star.

Lauren, come on.

Let's go.


I did not k*ll Jackie,
I don't know who did,

and frankly, I don't care.

I can see that.

What are you doing here?

Looking for Carla Royce.

You seen her?


This is the real me, Conrad.

No makeup, dirty
hair and sweaty.

Come on in, if
you still want to.

You kidding? I know
women who would k*ll

to look like you do right now.

What you been up to?

Well, went to the health club.

Rode the bike for 40 minutes.

I thought swimming
was your thing.

Cross-training is my thing.

Whatever keeps me in a size six.


Harry's out on bail.

Yeah, I know. He's back at work.

I'm supposed to be there.

I'll drive you.

You're a sweetheart.

Well, I want to stay close,

just in case it
comes time for my,

- you knows...
- Time for what?

You know what.

Oh, yeah.

Our propers.


And I need to talk
to Bobby Michaelson.

You know him pretty well?

Uh, he was Jackie's partner.

Was their relationship more
than business, you think?

Uh, they fought
like cats and dogs.

Of course, being Jackie's
partner couldn't be easy.

It's tough enough
being one of her models.

Why do you say that?

Well, she was a control freak.

Parties I went to,
clothes I wore...

jobs I took.

She insisted on having
the last word on everything.

It was infuriating.

Well, why'd you put up with it?

Because, nine times out of
ten, she was absolutely right.

See, I was nothing when
I started with her, Conrad.

My sister and I were literally

on our way to the
unemployment office

when Jackie
pulled up in this cab

and talked us into going
with her to a studio session.

Next thing I knew,
we were right smack

in the middle of Vogue magazine.

Lady knows what she's
doing, that's for sure.

You didn't tell me you had a
sister who was a model, too.

Used to be.

She's not anymore.

Let's go.

Mr. Matlock.

- Hi.
- Oh, hi, Frannie.

Harry asked me to
run this over to you.

- Oh...
- It's his list.

Well, gee, you did a...
you did a neat job, Frannie.

I was just going for a hot dog.

Want one?

Are you kidding?

Hey, Charlie.

- One hot dog all the way.
- You got it!

You may as well
just pump cholesterol

straight into your arteries.

Besides, I just
came from Yogi's.

I'm addicted to their
nonfat raspberry.

Yeah, I know.

I called the manager.

He said you were in
twice on Wednesday.

Well, yeah, after
they took Harry away,

I just had to go in there
and calm myself down.


You checked me out?

As a m*rder suspect?

- I think I'm flattered.
- Here you are, Ben.

You're not a suspect anymore.

That's gross.

So, who else are
you investigating?

Lauren Chadwick.

Smart move.

She is a
mean-spirited B-I-T-C...

- That's what my associate said.
- Mm-hmm.

But sh-she didn't have a motive.

And she was in her
hotel room at the time.

No, she wasn't.

I called her from the
yogurt shop twice.

She took one of our dresses.

I wanted it back, but she
wasn't there either time.

- Really?
- Yeah.

And the way I hear
it, nobody, but nobody,

ever dropped Jackie
Whitman as their agent

and lived to tell about it.


Except Lauren Chadwick.

Draw your own conclusions.

I got to get back.

I like you, Ben.



Yeah, yeah, that's
great. That's great.

Right over there.

Okay. Spin around there.

Come on, like you're dancing.

Yes, like you're dancing!


How you doing?


Hear you took a quick
trip to New York yesterday.

Yeah. I had some business
I had to take care of.

You're checking up on me.

That's my job.

I'm an investigator

for the attorneys
representing Harry.

You snoop for a living.


By the way, congratulations.

For what?

Last week, you owned
40% of the Whitman Agency,

and this week,
you got it all, huh?

Not yet, I don't.

Isn't that why you
went to New York?

You're saying you think
that I bought into the agency

to k*ll Jackie and take it over?

Come on!

Actually, I think you
bought into the agency

so that you could
chase beautiful women.

Wouldn't you?

Where did you go the
afternoon of the m*rder?


Lauren needed a ride,

so I dropped her
off at the hotel,

and I grabbed a bite by myself.

Where did you go?

Some fast food place.

Who knows?

- Excuse me.
- Yeah.

It's Michelle Thomas for you.

Thank you.



All right, save the lights.

Yeah, ditto Bobby Michaelson.

Okay, will do.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Can we turn...?

Can we turn this off?!


We're not gonna
put you on the stand.

That's fine, Ben.

Now, you un... you understand

why I think it's
not a good idea.

It makes sense to me, Ben.

Now, if you got any
questions, ask 'em now,

because I won't be here
tomorrow, remember?

Ben, you have
already explained it!


I got it. I got it. I got it.
I got it. I got it. I got it.

Frannie? Frannie!

All right, check
over these proofs

and the ones I'm still
working on in there

and get ready to send
them to New York.

- Okay.
- And while you're at it,

uh, there's something you
need to show Mr. Matlock.

- You mean the door?
- That's right.

Don't worry about Harry.

He's just a little uptight
about this assignment.

It's got to be solid.

Doesn't want anyone
saying he's lost it.


Are-Are those the proofs
from the sh**t today?

Oh, yeah. Here, take a look.

Oh, here... use this.

Thank you.


Boy, that Lauren is
a beauty, isn't she?

Uh-huh. So's Carla.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, look at Carla's smile.

And poise.

She's a born model.

I know.

So was her sister.



Her name was Monica.

We're talking major good looks.

Once she and Carla started
working, they never stopped.

Only Monica couldn't
handle the life.


Oh, yeah, in a big way.

She dropped out
about a year ago.

And the next thing we
heard, she was dead.

It was a... mm... Car
accident or something.

And then Carla stopped working
for a month or two after that.

But when she came back,
she was really determined.

Almost... driven.

She hasn't stopped since.

Monica. Who-Who-Who
was her agent?

Same as Carla's.

Jackie Whitman.

Do you happen to recall

what time it was when
you delivered the film

to the studio?

Yes. I wrote it down
on my work sheet.

I delivered it at 1352.

Eight minutes of
2:00 in the afternoon.

And was Mr. Samuels
there when you arrived?

Yes, he was in the darkroom.

How do you know that?

Well, the red warning light
above the door was on, and

the stereo was
turned up full blast.

Mr. Samuels always
turns the stereo up full blast

when he's in the darkroom.

Now this is very important,

because we already
know from the cabdriver

that the victim was
dropped off at the studio

shortly after 2:00.

So, is there any doubt in
your mind that Harry Samuels

was in his studio at 1:52,

at least ten minutes prior

to Jackie Whitman's arrival?

No doubts. He was there.

Thank you.

No further questions.

Your witness.

Thank you, Your Honor.

You didn't actually see
Harry Samuels in the darkroom

at any time on the afternoon
of the m*rder, did you?

Well, no. I couldn't
open the door.

I would've wrecked
whatever he was developing.

So you're only
assuming that he was

- in the darkroom, aren't you?
- No. It was Mr. Samuels.

He had the stereo turned way
up, just like he always does.

Did you say anything at the time
when you dropped off the film?

Yeah. I said I was gonna leave
the film outside by the door.

And did you hear anything
in response to that?

Well, the music was
so loud, I don't think he...

Just answer yes or no, please.

- No.
- No.

Now, you knew Mr. Samuels

was in the habit of
turning on the red light

and turning up
the stereo full blast

whenever he worked
in the darkroom.

Don't you think

other people might have
known about that habit, as well?

Objection. Calls
for speculation.

No foundation.

Withdraw the question.

You didn't see
Mr. Samuels in the darkroom.

You didn't hear Mr. Samuels'
voice in the darkroom.

So, you really
can't state for sure

that he was in the studio at all
when you were there, can you?

Well, no, I guess not.

No further questions.

Lauren Chadwick.


What are doing here?

I followed you.

Conrad and I are firm
believers in teamwork.

Okay, uh, you want to know

where we were the afternoon
Jackie was m*rder*d.

We were here seeing Dr. Lewis.

We have a friend who's
ex... Uh, no, Bobby.

I have a drug problem.

Dr. Lewis's program
is the same one

I'm on back in New York.

Oh? So why did you lie before?

Oh, my new agent has
a very strict drug policy.

No addicts, current or former.

Unlike Jackie.

She figured if doing
dr*gs kept the models

happy and thin, it
was okay by her.

That's why I left.

I mean, Jackie is a little
high-pressure for me.

And you let her go.

She was one of your top models.

I didn't want her to wind
up dead, like Monica Royce.

Clinic. Good afternoon.

If you go public with
this, it will ruin her career.

All right. Bye-bye.

Well, I...

I really can't make
any promises, but, uh,

if your story checks out,

I don't see why
anybody has to know.

Thank you.

Is it all right if I
use your phone?


- Hi.
- Hi.

- Come on in.
- Okay.

Listen, hang on for a sec.

I'm gonna change.

You don't have to change for me.

You look fine.

How's that song go?

"If I'd known you were
coming, I'd have... made a pie"?

"Baked a cake."

Well, I've never been
good at that domestic stuff.

How'd your appointment go?

Pretty good.

Bobby and Lauren
both have alibis.

Well, I guess that's
good for them, isn't it?


What is that look?

I don't know.

How come you never
told me about your sister?

I did tell you about her.

You didn't tell me she was dead.

Well, it-it happened less

than-than a year ago.

I guess it's still hard
for me to talk about.

Want a glass of wine?

No, thanks.

How'd it happen?

How does it always happen?

Sex, dr*gs and rock and roll.

Drove under the influence
one too many times.

Went off an overpass.

I'm sure you tried to help her.

I did everything but
lock her in her room.

She wouldn't listen.

As far as she was
concerned, she was fine.

Her pusher said she was fine;

her... her boyfriends
said she was fine.

Did Jackie Whitman
say she was fine?

Honey, what are you getting at?

Carla, are you sure you
went swimming that day?

Of course I did.


Listen... baby...

Remember those propers of yours?

Well... wouldn't this
be the proper time?

- Ow!
- Car...

You sure you went swimming?



You mean after all this
time, y-you don't want to...?



Carla was in and
out of here all day,

so, of course, her
fingerprints were all over.

Yeah, I found some
of Jackie's in here, too.

Yeah, well, this is where
she blew up at Harry.

Completely trashed the place.

There was glass
all over the floor.

Who cleaned it up?

Frannie did.

She mopped the floor

and then she replaced
everything that Jackie broke.

Do you mean... these...

are all-new makeup bottles?


Well, what do you make of this?



It's over.

H-How long...

h-have you been a-a
fashion model, Ms. Royce?

About four years.

And your sister Monica,

uh, started modeling about
that same time, didn't she?

That's right.

What happened to her?

She died in a car
accident almost a year ago.


And according to
the police report,

she had both alcohol and
dr*gs in her system, didn't she?

Like you said,
it's in the report.

Who was her agent?

Jackie Whitman.

Your Honor, I object to
this line of questioning.

Uh, Mr. Matlock,

I assume you have
a reason for this,

and I ask you to get to it.

Oh, absolutely.
Thank you, Your Honor.

Objection overruled.

Uh, your sister Monica was
arrested once for possession

of cocaine, wasn't she?

What's my sister
got to do with this?

Please answer the question.

Yes, she was arrested.

Was she prosecuted?


How come?

The charges were dropped.

The charges were dropped?!

That would be very
difficult to get done.

Who got the charges dropped?

Jackie Whitman.


So Jackie Whitman knew

your sister had a drug problem.


Did she ever suggest that, uh,

Monica go for treatment?


Did you ever suggest
that she get treatment?

I begged her.

I pleaded, I even
threatened her, I...

You did everything
you could, didn't you?

But your sister never got help.

Do you know why?


Wasn't it because...

Jackie Whitman
controlled your sister?

She not only
controlled her career,

she controlled her life.

All she wanted was for
Monica to keep working.

If it took dr*gs to do
that, then she didn't care.

She had more control over your

sister than you did,
and you hated her for it.

And you blamed her
for your sister's death.

- Didn't you?
- No!

I think yes. I think you
stayed with her agency

and just waited for
the right time and place

to avenge your sister's death.

That's not true.

And when she came storming
into Harry Samuels' studio

that day and threatened him,

you knew your waiting was over.

You knew you could
k*ll Jackie Whitman,

and Harry Samuels would
be blamed for her m*rder.

And that's just what you did.


You took a taxicab
back to your hotel

and lured Harry Samuels out
of his studio with one phone call.

Then you lured Jackie
Whitman back to the studio

with another phone call.

Then you took a cab back
to the studio, got the scissors

from Harry's desk, and
waited for Jackie to show up.

No, I didn't.

Then, when that delivery
boy showed up unexpectedly,

you ducked into the darkroom

and turned on the stereo
so he'd think Harry was there,

and when the delivery
boy left and Jackie came in,

you stayed in that darkroom.

When Jackie walked
into that darkroom,

you stabbed her to death
with those scissors, didn't you?

Absolutely not!

And then you
cleaned yourself up,

went back to the hotel, and
acted as surprised as anyone

when you heard she was dead.

- No!
- Your Honor, I object.

Mr. Matlock has yet to
offer one shred of proof.

The proof... The proof is

right here, Julie.

Madam Prosecutor.

I am showing you

telephone records
subpoenaed from your hotel...

all the calls you
made that afternoon.

The proof is in
the call you made

to Harry Samuels'
answering service at 1:10.

I wanted to ask him how much
longer he was going to need me.

The proof is in the call

you made to Jackie
Whitman's room at 1:11.

She was my agent.

I wanted to discuss
my next booking.

The proof is in the acid burn
that's on your lower left arm.

Uh... I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm talking about the
burn you sustained

when you stabbed Jackie Whitman.

She fell against a counter,
knocked over a bottle of acid,

and part of it splashed
on your arm, didn't it?


That's why...

during the rest of the sh**t...

you took great pains

to hide your left
arm from the camera

and why you were very careful

to wear long-sleeved
blouses and dresses

and why there was a
tube of burn medicine

next to your bed

and why you cried out with
pain when a certain friend

of yours grabbed your
arm the other night.

Didn't you?

I have a burn

on my arm, yes, but
it's from, from spilling

hot coffee on it, not, not acid.

That's an acid burn.

You know it and I know it...

and this police
report proves it.

A lot of bottles of makeup
got broken that afternoon,

during the argument between
Harry and Jackie, didn't they?

The place was a mess.

Yeah, and Harry's
assistant, Frannie Morrissey,

cleaned it up.

Also, she replaced all

of the old makeup
bottles with new ones.

Now, that means

the only fingerprints that
should be on those bottles,

when the police dusted
after the m*rder, were hers.


I suppose.

Would you please look at
this police report and read

the names of the people
whose prints were found

on one of those bottles?

Frances Morrissey and...

Carla Royce.

That's you.

If you left the studio

before Frannie was done

replacing all those bottles,
and didn't come back

till the police cordoned
off the whole area,

how did your
fingerprints get all over

one of those brand-new bottles?

That is an acid burn on
your arm, isn't it, Carla?

You couldn't take a
chance of someone seeing it

and asking questions.

How it must have hurt

when you took the
makeup from that bottle

and rubbed it on
that acid burn, hmm?

I refuse to answer
any more questions

until I see an attorney.

No further questions.
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