07x10 - As Florence Turns

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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07x10 - As Florence Turns

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole lot of tryin'

Just to get up that hill

Now we're up
in the big leagues

Gettin' our turn at bat

As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

There ain't nothin' wrong
with that

We're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Oh, Weez,
I don't want to go to
that play with the Willis'.

Why not?
Well, first of all,
I hate plays.

And second of all,
I hate musical plays,

and most of all,
I hate going anywhere
with the Willis'.

Forget it, George,
you are not squirming
out of this.

I'm not...

Hi, everybody.
Hi! Come in.

Hi! Oh, I can't wait
to see the show.

You know, it's been
sold out for months.

Oh, now, I feel really
sort of thrilled.
GEORGE: Oh, good.


Could you keep it
down in here?

I mean, I can't
hear myself think.

That's because
you're new at it.

Well, it's impossible
for me to write

with y'all yelling
at the top of your lungs.

Well, Florence,
what are you writing?

I'm trying to write
a soap opera.

A soap opera?

Where'd you get
the idea to do that?

Well, I read about
this housewife,

who wrote a new soap opera,
sold it and made a fortune.

So, I figured,
if she can do it
so can I.

You, a writer?

Now, George,

you shouldn't laugh
at Florence.

New writers
need encouragement.

And what's your
soap opera about?

Well, I don't know yet.

I think I got
writer's block.

Well, maybe I can help.
I've been in publishing
for years.

And there's a bit of
advice I like to give
new writers like you.

Sell your typewriter.

Look, Florence,
just write about
people you know.

Then make them
bigger and broader.

Yeah, make 'em
all like Willis.

But, Mr. Willis,
I don't know where
to begin.

Well, Florence, you watch
soap operas on TV, don't you?

Well, you can get
some idea from there.


Just outline your characters
and let you story go
from there.

That's right, Florence.
Just use your imagination.

Hey, we'd better
get going
or we'll be late.

Good luck, Florence.

Thanks. Y'all have
a good time.

Oh, thanks. Bye.

TOM: Oh, I can
hardly wait to see this.

All kidding aside,

I'll be the last one
to tell you that
you're wasting your time

trying to
write a soap opera.

Thanks, Mr. Jefferson.

you're wasting your time.

my time, huh?

I'll show him.

Let's see.

Outline my characters

or write about
people I know.

Use my imagination.

I got it!

George R. Jenkins.

Better known to his friends,
what few he has,

as GR.

FLORENCE: A cold hearted,

rotten and incredibly cheap
millionaire dry cleaner.

Vinnie, GR's wife.

Warm, loving,

faithful, suffering.

Helene Wallis,

the Jenkins' neighbor
and Vinnie's oldest
and dearest friend.

A woman with
a deep secret.

A secret so terrible,

that she'll do anything
to hide it from
her husband Tim,

a successful
book publisher
with one fatal flaw.

Tim and Helene's
daughter, Joni.

She's beautiful, desirable,

and very, very pregnant.

Joni is devoted
to Lance Jenkins

GR's only son.

A man trying desperately
not to be like his father.

Mr. Bossley,

their classy English neighbor.

Friend to the Queen,
translator at the UN,

and, uh, soon
to take a long journey.

Ooh, Alex Haley,
watch out!

'Cause here comes
the good stuff.

Our story begins...

...in the immaculately
clean and well kept

high rise apartment
of GR Jenkins.

He enters, after a long day
of being mean to people.

And calls out
to his loving wife.


Vinnie, get out here!

What the... Hello, GR,
how was your day?

I bought an orphanage
and turned it into
a dry-cleaning plant.

But what about
the little children?

Oh, they'll be okay.

I'll let them
live outside,
in the alley.

But that's so cruel, GR.

I know.

Oh, GR.

Get that, will you?

Why, hello,
Mr. Bossley.

Come in.

Thank you,
Mrs. J, Mr. J.

I was wondering
if I could borrow...

Bossley, what is
the matter with you!

You always come over here
borrowing something.

Borrowing this,
borrowing that.

What do you want
to borrow this time?

A suitcase,
I'm leaving for good.

Oh, I'll get it for you.

You are leaving, why?

I don't know.

One minute
I was at the UN
translating away,

and the next minute
I was told to
pack up and leave.

Here you go, Bossley.
Have a good time in Guam.

Thank... Guam?

How did you know,
that's where I was
being sent?

GR, that was very rude.

I know.

Oh, GR!

Get that, will you?

Oh, look, GR,
it's Helene Wallis,

my oldest and
dearest friend.

And Tim,
her h*nky husband.

We came down
to share the most
wonderful news with you.

Yes, my company
has just published
a best seller.

This will make me millions.
I'll be rich and famous.

Oh, my heart is full.

I'm going to
get my camera

and record this
happy occasion.

Congratulations, Wallis.

Let's have a drink
to celebrate
your good news.

Oh, now, GR, you know
that since I've licked
my drinking problem,

I never touch the stuff.

Hey, but this is
a great day for you.

Just take a snort,
it won't hurt you.

Well, maybe
just a touch.

The big glasses
are in the kitchen.

GR, why are you trying
to destroy my husband?

Is it greed?
Is it jealousy?

No, I just hate
fat white people.

Now, Helene...

GR, I'm your wife's
oldest and dearest friend.

You're horrible,
and terrible,
and irresistible.

you're a tramp!


Now, just hand over
those papers

giving me complete control
of your husband's business.


You know of course
that this will
ruin my marriage.

I hope Vinnie doesn't
find out about us.

Oh, don't worry
about her.

Her doctor told me
she has a brain tumor.

She only has
six months to live.

When did the doctor
tell you that?

Five and a half
months ago.

Vinnie's certainly
taking it well.

She doesn't know.

GR, why didn't
you tell her!

Look, okay,
I haven't had time, okay?

I don't have
a lot of free time.

I was trying
to wreck your marriage,
ruin your husband,

and to try to bribe
the head of the UN to
send Bossley off to Guam...

So, you're responsible
for this!

I should have
suspected that

when you mentioned
Guam before.

Well, I could
k*ll you for this.

And don't expect
to get your suitcase
back either.

Oh, I love it
when you're bad.

Take your hands
off my wife!

I'll put my hands
anywhere I want.

On your wife,
on your business.

My business?
That's right.

Because Helene has
given me controlling
interest in your business.

Dearest, how could
you do that to me?

I'm a tramp, Tim.

Oh, I need a drink.

I could k*ll you
for this, GR.


Hold it right there.

Oh, what
a heartwarming picture.

My husband congratulating
my oldest and dearest friend

in this joyous occasion.

I'll have
some prints made.

What's wrong?

Oh, I've had this
splitting headache

for the last five
and a half months.

I wish it
would go away.

Well, give it
a couple of weeks.

Get that, will you?

BOTH: Hi, Mama.


Why always us?

Lance just got fired
from his job
as an electrical engineer.

But I don't understand.
Why were you fired?

A mysterious caller

using a voice muffled
by a handkerchief
told his boss

that he was stealing
electrical equipment.

What? They
have no proof.

I'm afraid they do.

Someone planted
an extension cord on me.

GR, you have influence.
Call his boss.

I don't have the number.

But I gave it to you
this afternoon

right after you borrowed
my handkerchief.

I think
you're mistaken, Vinnie.

No, I'm not.

Don't you remember?

It was right after
you left the apartment

with that
extension cord.

Daddy, it was you!
You got me fired!

Lance, my son.
I did it for
your own good.

Wouldn't you be
much happier
working for me?

Oh! Never!

don't listen to him.

Come work
for my father.

He'll still be
working for me.

With the help of
your mother, the tramp,

I have full control
of your father's business.

Oh, Mama!

Oh, I could not
help myself, Joni.

I'm under GR's spell.

We're running
away together.

Oh, my head!

Oh, forget it,

I have Tim's business,
I don't need you.

You mean, you are
coming back to me?

It's not worth it.
You've only two
weeks to live.

Oh, my head!

That's right.

It's a brain tumor!

You're a beast!

Oh, you've ruined
my husband,

my father,

and my mother.

GR, I could k*ll you!

I could k*ll you!

I could k*ll you!

I could k*ll you.

I could care less!

To the GR empire.

Ooh, girl.
You're on a roll!

sh**t, I wish
I could type faster.

I'm dying to find out
what happens.

So, Mrs. Jenkins,
how is GR?

The doctor said
he's been in a coma

ever since he was
shot last night.

Our doorman, Raul,

is bringing him home
from the hospital.


Thank God
you are home!

I've missed you so much.

Just put him anywhere.

Yes, ma'am.

He'd want me
to have this.

Thank you, sir.


TIM: I don't feel so good.

Why can't I
remember anything?

hours missing
from my memory.

I remember leaving
GR's apartment
last night.

And then,
everything's a blank.

Until I woke up an hour
ago at a train station.

Ooh. If only I could
remember what I
did before I got there.

if I did something...


Hello, Mr. Wallis, sir.

You startled me, Raul.

Have you
heard the news?

The whole city's abuzz.

Oh, tell me,
what happened?

Tell me the news!
GR Jenkins has been shot.

He's in his apartment
in a coma.

Do they
know who did it?
Well, uh...


Nope. It's a big mystery.

TIM: I had a motive
to sh**t that little...

...that little dry cleaner.

And I did have
a few drinks.

Ugh! A few?

The way I feel,
I must have sucked down
half the liquor in town.

I must
have shot GR.

I confess!
I can't remember
where I've been.

So, it must have
been me who shot GR.

Don't be silly, Daddy.
You don't own a g*n.

Oh, that's right.
I'm a liberal,
I couldn't have shot him.

Then which one
of us did it?

Yes, who shot GR?

I did.

ALL: Flocy.

I'm sorry I'm late.

But I had a date
with Billy Dee Williams.

He cried
when I left him.

But, Flocy,
when GR fired you
two years ago,

you left in humiliation

and vowed to return
and seek your revenge

only after you had
made your fortune.

Well, this ain't glass,
you know.

Then you really
shot him?

Yes, I did.

She shot me,
but it didn't hurt.


I was wearing
a b*llet proof vest.

And then
I faked the coma

so I could find out
who the culprit was.

But the doctor
told me...

I bribed him.

And, Helene,

you are going to Acapulco
with me next week
for the weekend.


Oh, GR!

And now I am going
to call the police.

And you are
going to jail.

Go ahead
if you want to wind up
in the poorhouse.

What do you mean?

Remember that soap opera
I wrote that you said
wouldn't sell?

Well, yes.

Well, I just sold
the movie rights
for $ million,

the paperback rights
for $ million

and the Flocy doll
goes on sale next week.

$ . at a store
near you.

I bought you out, GR.
You work for me now.

Work for you?

Yes, and you can start
by combing my coat.

I might work for you,
but I still live here.

And I want you out!


Did I forget to tell you
I bought this building too?

Now, you get out!

I'll get back
at you, Flocy.

I'll get back
at all of you.

Because I know something
you don't.

ALL: What?

Child, this is
money in the bank.

It's here, it's here!

What's here?

The letter from
the soap opera people.

They couldn't have sent
my script back
in this little envelope

so that means
they bought it.

Ooh, I'm too excited
to read it.

Here, you read it.

Florence, I'm...

"Dear Miss Johnston,

"thank you for
submitting your script.

"We are always anxious
to read new and
original material." Hey...

Hey, just skip
the boring stuff
and get to the money.

"However, there is
very little that is new

"or original
in your script.

"In short,
we've seen this before.

"Your script will be
returned to you
under a separate cover."

That means
they didn't like it.

Well, too bad,

are you crying?

No, it's the onions.

You ain't been
cutting no onions.

Well, I was
thinking about it.

You mean to tell me that
you really thought that
they would buy that script?

Oh, Lord.

Okay, they didn't buy it.
What do they know?

They know
I'll always be a maid.

What's wrong with that?
Ain't you happy here?

Yeah, but I want
something more

than vacuum cleaners
and dust mops.

Okay, we'll buy you
a trash compactor.

You don't understand,
Mr. Jefferson.

I mean, what I'm doing
just ain't enough for me.

I feel like
I was meant to do
something else.

Something satisfying.

What could
be more satisfying
than working for me?

Okay, Florence.

So... So the writing
thing didn't work out.

But that's no reason
for you to give up.

I didn't succeed
at the first thing
I tried doing either.

But I kept trying
because I knew I had

what it takes
to get ahead.

What's that?

I had "it".

That's right.

And you want to
know something, Florence?
You've got "it" too.

I do?
Of course you do.

But you said I was
just wasting my time.

Look, I might say
a lot of things
that I don't really mean.

And that I just sit around
and don't do nothing.

Well, maybe I didn't
mean that either.

And that
I'm a rotten cook.

Don't push it, Florence.

You really think
I got "it"?

Of course, I know
you got "it".

But the big thing is
that you think that
you got "it" too.

You do, don't you?


Thanks, Mr. Jefferson.
I got "it".

Now, take "it"
out in the kitchen
to get me some coffee.
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