07x05 - The Jeffersons Go to Hawaii: Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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07x05 - The Jeffersons Go to Hawaii: Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole lot of tryin'

Just to get up that hill

Now we're up
in the big leagues

Gettin' our turn at bat

As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

There ain't nothin' wrong
with that

We're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

NARRATOR: Last week
onThe Jeffersons,

George decided he had
to move to Hawaii for
health reasons.

Oh, isn't it wonderful here?

Yeah, it sure is.

We've been here three
days already and I ain't
got dizzy once!

Dizzy? Why would you be dizzy?

Huh? Oh, you know,
when I stay in the sun
a long time, I get dizzy.

You never told me that.

Oh, no? Oh.

I guess we only
talk on cloudy days.

I'm talking
about condominiums.

We're building units on
prime ocean front land.

We're calling it,
"Paradise Acres."

"Paradise Acres."
Hey, it's got a
nice ring to it.

NARRATOR: After finding a
business deal that would
allow him to retire in Hawaii,

George then had
to convince Louise.

George, no matter
where I lived,

things wouldn't be the same
without Tom and Helen.

You mean you will go
sailing with me?


I mean, first thing tomorrow
morning. I mean, after all,
life is too short.

I mean, we good friends
gotta stick together,
no matter where we might be.

Ain't that right, old buddy?

I just wish
I could see the beach.

You can see the beach.
It's right over there.

Where the hell is the beach?

We gotta turn back.

Man, let's move it.

No, no, not that way.
Move the tiller.

Well, let's swing the sail.

No, don't stand up.
You'll tip us over.


Sit still, George. Grab
hold of something solid.


NARRATOR: And now,
The Jeffersons continues...



That's the last time
I let you be captain!

Me? You're the one who
turned the boat over.

If I hadn't grabbed
these life jackets,

we'd both probably be
inside some shark right now.

Yeah, me maybe, but for
you the shark would've had
to bring home a doggy bag.

I wonder where we are.

I don't know.

But with you here I know
it ain't Fantasy Island.

Look around, George.

I don't see anything.
I don't see any houses,

no buildings,

this island looks deserted.

Deserted? Oh man,
that's crazy.

Ain't it?
Well, I don't know, George.

The wind could've
carried us anywhere.

You mean, you and me
are the only two people
on this whole island?

Well. It's possible.


George, this is no
time to panic.

We've got to stick together.
We've got to work as a team!

Through thick and
through thin,

through the good times
and the bad times.

Remember, George, old buddy,

all we've got is each other.


I'm beginning to feel
like Robinson Crusoe.

Well, don't look at me.
I ain't Friday.

What was that?
I don't know, it
sounded like a person.

No, no, no, wait, George.

You know, I read that
some of these islands

might still have Japanese
soldiers on them.

Japanese soldiers?
Yeah, from World w*r II.

They don't know the
fighting's over yet.

Oh, Willis, get out. That's
the stupidest thing I ever
heard in my life.

Does that sound like
a banzai to you?

I'm not sure.

C'mon, we just
can't stay here.

I'm moving up for a
closer look. C'mon.

Well, at least we know
this island is inhabited.

Yeah. There're
people here, too.

They look Japanese?

I think they're Hawaiian.

You know, I heard
that some Hawaiians

aren't too crazy
about foreigners.

So what? As long
as they like us.

George, over here
we are the foreigners.

TOM: Oh!

Well, they've seen us.

What should we do now?

I don't know.
Oh, yeah, I got it.

Do this.
What's that?

Florence showed it
to me. It's Hawaiian
for, "Stay cool."

"Stay cool?"
Just do it!

Let me do the talking.


I thought I told you to
let me do the talking.


Say, any of you guys Japanese?

Japanese! Why,
you see a camera?

We really hate to bother
you, but could you tell
us where we are?

Yeah, you're in
our fishing net.

Biggest catch of the day, too.

Uh, what he means is,
where is Honolulu?

Honolulu's on the other
side of the island.

This island?

Oh, thank God we don't have
to get in another boat.

We were out sailing and
our boat tipped over.

Yeah, it was all his fault.

Our wives are probably
worried sick about us.

Is there a telephone
around here we could use?

Sure, follow me. You can
use the telephone in my house.

See, Willis, I told you, you
had nothing to be scared of.

Your trouble is you don't
have enough faith in people.

Yeah. I guess
you're right, George.

Yeah. I know I'm right.
C'mon let's follow him.

Look, if he makes a sudden
move, hit him with this.

I just wish I knew what to
tell Leon when he proposes.

You still think he's going to
propose to you, don't you?

Of course. I bet he's just
waiting till we're alone.

The trouble is I don't
know what to say to him.


Excuse me. Is there a
Louise Jefferson here?

I'm Louise Jefferson.

There's a phone call for
you. It's from your husband.

George? Where's
he calling from?

He didn't say. He just kept
yelling at me to find you.

The way Mr. Jefferson
yells, I'm surprised he
needed a phone.

Excuse me. I think
Leon needs his towel.

Thank you, Florence.

You know...

There's something I
want to ask you.

Oh, Lord. Is this
about marriage?

You must have ESP.

No, just butterflies.

I'll be right back.

Ms. Willis, this is it!
This is it!

This is what?

Leon's gonna ask
me to marry him.

What should I say?

Well, do you want
to marry him?
I don't think so.

Then say no.
I can't say that.

Then say yes.

Well, ain't you got
something in between?

Look, Florence, it's
either yes or no.

There's nothing in between.

Hmm. Some help you are.

Well, I'm back.

Now, where were we?

Well, you were here
and I was there.

But now you're here
and I'm here too, so

you might as well go
on and ask me.

Oh, you're right.


would you...
I'm sorry, Leon,

but I've given it
some thought and

I can't marry you.

Marry me?
I'm sorry, Leon, I can't.

I wasn't going to ask
you to marry me.

I was going to ask you to
go to a friend's wedding.

That's all?
Well, the reception, too.

I thought you were
going to propose.

What gave you that idea?

Well, last night when we
were on the beach, you...

You held my hand and...


Just because I
held your hand...

I know, I know.

That's just what
Ms. Jefferson said.

Oh, Leon, I'm so embarrassed.

I told Ms. Jefferson
and Ms. Willis

you were gonna propose to me.

How am I ever gonna face them?

Well, Florence, are you okay?

Um, I'm fine. I'm all right.

How did it go?

Well, it, uh...
It went fine.

Florence let me down easy.

I did?

Oh, right.

Leon and I decided to
just be good friends.

Leon, do you know how
to get to Panako'ola?

Panako'ola? Yes, that's
on the other side of
the island. Why?

Because that's where
Tom and George are.

Their boat overturned.

They're okay, but we
have to go get them.

That's okay, we
can use my Jeep.

Have you got the address?
Yes, right here.

Oh, come on, Louise, let's go.

Oh, Leon, thanks.

Florence. That's what
good friends are for.

Thanks, Andrew.
Yeah, "Mahula."

Yeah, whatever.

Look, when our wives
get here we'll pay you
for your troubles.

Nah, no need. You two
fellas just relax 'til
the doctor comes.

You didn't have to call
a doctor, Andrew.

There ain't nothing
wrong with us.
We're just waterlogged.

No trouble, the doctor was
coming for the luau anyway.

A luau? Oh, is that
what's going on here?

Yeah, we're making a luau
for my son's birthday.

Hey, why don't you
two guys and your wives
stay for the luau?

We've got plenty of
food, music, dancing...

Well, I was supposed
to be at a meeting
at one o'clock,

but since I missed it,
I might as well stay.

What do you say, Willis?
Oh, sure.

I love Hawaiian food.

Oh, you love any
kind of food.

Hey, that's my son, Robert.

Robert, this is George.

Howzit, brah?

Hey, ain't nothing to it,
blood. All right!

And this is Tom.
Hey, brah?

So, you're the
birthday boy?

Who you calling "boy?"

Tom and George were sailing
and they got lost.

Yeah? Where you guys from?
New York.

New York? Wow, you are lost!

What George means is that
we live in New York City.

We're vacationing in Honolulu.

Yeah, but we're talking
about moving to Hawaii.

We are?

Sure. Look, Willis,
let's face it.

I mean, this island is
much nicer than Manhattan.

I mean, look,
the air's cleaner,

people are friendlier,
less hassle.

I mean, everything you need
to live a nice, long life.

Everything but a job.

Don't worry about a job,
I've got it covered.

I hooked us a business deal
that will set us both up
for the rest of our lives.

Well, I've got to admit,
it sure would be nice

living here right by
the ocean like this.

Yeah, Andrew, you
sure are lucky.

Yeah. But my luck's
running out.

Our lease is up and
we've gotta move.

Well, don't you own
this house?

Own the house, but
not the land.

Well, can't you
renew your lease?

No, they're gonna build some
condominiums over here.


Yeah, brah, that's
the way it is, man.

All the haoles,been
sucking up the land

and all they do is
build buildings all
over the place.

Who're the Haoles?
The family that owns
the land?

Haoleis like our
word for white man.

Oh, yeah we got a word
for that too, h*nky!

The difference is the haoles,
the way they think is,

I know your family lived
here all their life

and your ancestors
for thousands of years,

but you know what?
You out now, because
we need buildings,

hotels, condominiums...

My son gets carried
away a little bit.

Of course I get carried away.
They're gonna tear down
our house to build what?

Paradise Acres!

Paradise Acres?

Yeah, that's what they're
gonna call this place.

Who are the people
that are doing this?

Contractors, builders,

Well, have you ever
met these people?

Brah, they're greedy,
not stupid.

They don't come around
here, no way.

Hey, brahs, some help?

If you and your family
have to move from here,

where will you go?

Oh, I don't know,
maybe up mauka.

Mauka.That's the mountains
where they push most
of the local people.

The mountains! I love
living in the mountains.

You could have a great view.

You've never lived
in the mountains.

Well, I live on the th
floor, it's the same thing.

Hey, Andrew, Robert.

Hi, Stan.
Howzit, Doc?

Are these the two sailors?

Yeah, this is Tom and George.

This is Stan, our doctor.
Hi, Doc.

Okay if I use your
house, Andrew?
Sure, sure.

Why don't you guys go
inside and I'll take a
quick look at you?

Hey, great.
Oh, thank you, doctor.

Oh, I stopped by the
store on my way

and I heard two guys talking
about the Paradise Acres deal.

I think they're on
their way here.

Just thought I'd tell you.

Lovely Hula Hands

Gliding like birds
Over the ocean

Hey, Tom, the doc
check you out yet?

Yeah, he said everything was
just fine. Except my voice.

Listen, we're getting ready
to dig out the pig now.
You wanna come watch?

I wanna do more than watch.
I wanna eat.

Be right there.

Oh, Tom.


Oh, Tom, I'm so
glad you're safe.
Me, too.

You know, Helen, there
are a lot of things that
go through a man's mind

when he's facing a
life or death situation.

When I was out there, fighting
those treacherous waves,

I knew exactly what I was
going to say to you if
I ever got back here alive.

What was that, Tom?

Why the hell did you
let me go sailing?

Hey, Weezy.

Oh, George!


George, how do you feel?

I feel like a bag
of Shake'n Bake.

Aloha. These
must be the wahines.

No, these are the Jeffersons.

And those are the Willises.

No, Florence,
wahinemeans woman.


Oh, Weezy, this is Andrew.
The dude who saved our lives.

Well, aloha.
Aloha. But I
never do nothing.

But listen, there's something
I'd like you to do for us.

I want you all to
come to our luau.

Luau? You mean we get to go
to a real Hawaiian luau?

You got it. Come on, we're
digging up the imunow.

Emu? I thought we
were having pig?

We are. Imuis what
we call the hole where
we cook the pig.

Ah. Huh.

What're you laughing at?
You didn't know that.

I did, too. Leon told me
how they buried the pig in
the ground and then cook it.

Oh, well that's a switch.

When Florence makes
dinner, we bury the
food after she cooks it!

C'mon, let's go.

Hey, look, Weezy.

You know, I don't think we
should stay for the luau.

Well, why not, George?

Well, because they might
not have enough food.

I mean, they just invited
us, they didn't invite all
these people.

They didn't know Florence
and Leon were coming.

Well, George, that's
only two extra people.

I know, but there's also
Willis. You know, he could
eat the whole pig himself.

C'mon, George, and
stop acting silly.

GEORGE: Oh what! It's Sanders!

What'd you say?

"Colonel Sanders!"
Yeah, that's it. We'll get
a couple buckets of chicken.

Excuse me.

My name is Ken Sanders
and I'm from...

Paradise Acres, right?

Yes, how did you know?

I was standing down wind.

We would invite you
to the luau but we
already got one pig!

Damn, where'd
Leon put the keys?

I don't know. He probably
took them with him.

Let's look on the floor.
Maybe he's got another set.

George, this is crazy.

It might take two hours
before we even find
a Colonel Sanders!


Look at that watch. How many
local people you did throw off
their land to pay for that?

That's very funny, young man.

Now if you'll excuse me,
we have work to do.

Not here, brah, not today.

What makes you think
you can stop us?

Simple arithmetic.
There's three of us
and only two of you.

That equals no way.

GEROGE: Damn, no keys.

You're wrong, son.
There's three of us, too.

Hey, Jefferson!

George, who's that man?

How should I know?

Well, he called your name.

He did? Man, what
a lucky guess.

C'mon, Weez, let's walk
to Colonel Sanders.

George, that's crazy.

Yeah, you're right. Let's run.

Hey, George, wait!

George, you know this guy?

Of course he knows me.
We're business partners,
right, George?

Well, um...

Business partners?

Yeah, in Paradise Acres.

You're part of Paradise Acres?

What's Paradise Acres?

They're the people throwing
us off our land to build

Yeah, they're the ones
gon' tear up this land

and put big buildings,
they have no feelings
for the land

or the people who lived
here a thousand years.

Look, buddy, this land was
here long before you and
your ancestors discovered it.

You don't own these islands.

You're right, brah,
but neither do you.

The land belongs to
no one and to everyone.

Yeah, and the difference
between you and us

is we save these islands,
you like, destroy 'em.

C'mon, let's face it.
You can't stop progress.

You think throwing people
off their land is progress?

Progress should help
people, not hurt them.

Right on!
All right!

We've wasted enough
time talking.

Now, c'mon, George, let me
show you where we're going
to put the tennis courts.

Look, Sanders, I
didn't know that this

project meant throwing
people off of their land.

George, they'll find
somewhere else to go.
They always do.

Yeah, but these
people are my friends.

Oh, c'mon, George. You can't
let friendship get in the way
of a business decision.

Now don't be a fool.

Don't be calling
me no fool, chump!

Jefferson, you're forgetting
that I'm the one who's
gonna make you rich.

Oh, look, I'm
already rich, chump.

You take your little project,
stick it in your mouth
and start heading south.

ALL: All right!

Okay, Jefferson,
but don't think you're
gonna stop this project.

Paradise Acres will be built.

Not by me it won't.

And if you don't get off of
these people's land right now,

I'm gonna throw you off!

Jefferson, you're a fool!

Hey, take it easy, brah.
Take it easy.

Damn haole!

Oh, George, I'm
so proud of you.

You did the right thing.

Yeah, for them maybe,
but not for me.


Well, see, Weezy, just
before we left New York,

I went to the doctor's to have
my blood pressure checked

and the doctor
said it was high.

How high?

Well, high enough for him to
make me take this vacation.

What? And you told me
we came here because
you loved me.

Well, I do love you,
Weezy, but see...

The doctor told me if I didn't
take time off to relax that
I'd be dead soon,

and being dead ain't nothing
like being with you.

Oh, thanks, George.

I think.

And since I've been in Hawaii,
I've been feeling great.

That's why to keep
my blood pressure down,
we gotta move here.

We gotta move here?
George, I think you
are overreacting.

The hell I am!

Hey, Doc!

Yeah, George?

Hey, tell her, Doc,
if we move over here
my blood pressure

will stay down and
we'll have a lot of
years to live together.

That's not right, George.

Oh, it's okay, Doc,
we're married.

No, what I meant was,
living here won't keep
your blood pressure down

any more than living in
New York will keep it up.

Well, how come it's not as
high here as it is back there?

Well, probably because you
left the stress and tension

of your work
behind you, George.

Move it over here and your
problem would be the same.

Oh, then where a person lives
doesn't make any difference.

That's right, George.

The only move you need to
make is to your doctor's
office for regular visits.

Take it easy, follow his
advice, you should be fine.

Oh, you hear that, Weezy.
We could live in New York.

Hey c'mon George, we're
digging up the pig now.

One more thing, George.
Go easy on the pig.

You shouldn't eat
too much pork.

Right, Doc. Let's go Weez.

Now, George, I hope you
remember what the doctor
said about relaxing.

Look, believe me, Weezy, if
I learned anything in Hawaii,

it's how to relax.
That's good.

C'mon everybody, let's party!

Grab a beer.

C'mon, let's get down.

Oh, thanks for bringing us
from the airport, Lionel.

Hey, no problem.

Listen, how much did
you have to pay for
excess baggage?

Nothing. Florence
already had her ticket.

Well, from everything
you told us

it sounds like you had
a really great time!

Oh, we did!

And I can't think of anything

that could've made
our trip any better.

I can! You could've brought
me and Jenny along!

Oh, now Lionel, is that
all you can think about?


So what did you get me?

Oh Jenny, you're
gonna love it!

I got you one of those
maile leaf necklaces!


A maile leaf.

Uh, it's still packed, but...

Oh, Florence, why don't
you show Jenny yours?

Oh, that's beautiful.

Hawaiian legend says that

anyone who wears
one of these

is gonna have lots
of good luck!

So is it working?

I don't think so.

I'm still working
for Mr. Jefferson.

Florence, get that.

I got to
get my money back.

Lionel, Jenny, you two have
to go to Hawaii some day!

Aw, you enjoyed it, huh?

I wouldn't have missed it
for a million dollars.

sh**t, if we'd stayed there
a couple more days that's
what it would have cost me.

Oh, Mr. Jefferson, it's
Curt Randall, your accountant.

He's got to talk to you.

Man! I have been home two
minutes and already he wants
to talk business.

Tell him I'm still
on vacation!

Tell him to call me
Monday morning.

But he says it's
real important.

Look, nothing could
be that important!
Just take a message.

"Take a message?"
"Call me Monday?"

Mom, you better get
back to Hawaii quick!

To find my real dad!

This don't sound like him.

No, Lionel. You are
now looking at a new
George Jefferson.

Hawaii taught me
how to really relax.

And I ain't gonna let business
drive me crazy no more.

Oh, Mr. Jefferson,
Mr. Randall says

that Blue Sky Cleaners has
agreed to your price

and he's gonna go ahead
and sell all your stores.

Say what? Oh my God,
I forgot to call Randall.
The deal is off!

George, where're you going?

I gotta straighten things out,
Weezy, this is terrible!

But don't you remember what
you learned in Hawaii?

Oh yeah. Aloha!
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