05x24 - The Freeze-In

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x24 - The Freeze-In

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪


Can you believe
this snow coming down?

Ain't never seen
snow go up.

Be right back.
Where you goin'?

To the store.

I thought you closed
because of snow.

Yeah, but I got
a little surprise
for weezy.

A surprise?

the anniversary
of our first date.

Weezy paid
for that date.

She been payin'
for it ever since.

She gets mad 'cause
I always forget.

But this year
at midnight,

I got a special
surprise for her.

You gonna turn
into a handsome prince?

I'm gonna give her
a diamond necklace.

Real diamonds?

That's right.
Diamonds are
a girl's best friend.

In my case,
they ain't even
an acquaintance.

It's terrible out there.

We had to close
the help center.

I gotta run
to the store.

Wear a warmer coat.

I'd wear your mink,
but the cops
might pick me up.

It's barely
above zero.

The temperature
matches my paycheck.

And your i.q.

Hello, mr. J.

Hi, bentley.
Bye, bentley.

That's the first time
I've seen your door slam
from this side.

Can I help you,
mr. Bentley?

Yes. I'm having
a problem
with my budgie.


My parakeet,
chester, he's
catching a cold.

How can you tell?
Has he been blowing
his beak?


Could I warm him up
over here?

The heat's broken
in my apartment.

Oh, no.

Yes. That's why
chester's been
acting sluggish.

Hasn't said a word
all day.
[Doorbell rings]

I didn't know
your bird could talk.

I've trained him
to say "thank you"
and "you're welcome."


Maybe you should
train george.

Hi, tom, helen.
Come in.

guess what.

Your heat's out.
No, our...

How did you know?

Because my heat's out.

Hi, mr. Bentley.

Did anybody
call maintenance?

Helen called them
several things.

Ralph said
many apartments are out.

He's calling
a repairman.

[Doorbell rings]

Stay here
until it's fixed.

Thank you, louise.

Hello, mrs. Jefferson.

Mr. And mrs. Willis,
mr. Bentley.

Have you
called anyone?

Yes, mr. Willis.

It wasn't easy,

But I neglected
my other duties

To contact
the heating company
for you.

Thanks, ralph.

Bravo, ralph.

Yes, mr. Bentley.

It was difficult
making them listen,

But I said you were
very important,

Working for the u.n.

Thank you, ralph.

Maybe I should
talk to mr. Jefferson.

What about the heat?

I told them it could mean
life or death.

They said they'd make it
an emergency.

That's good.

They'll send someone
in two days.

In two days?

I tried.

I wish I could do
something else.

I'd suggest a hotel,

But there's
too much snow outside.

Well, thanks
for your trouble.

Just doing
my job, sir.


Here, ralph.

And an important job
it is, sir.

So do it, ralph.

I'll get
right on it.

I'm losing my touch.

We're in
for a cold night.

You can
stay here.


Why not?

There's one reason.

George won't mind.

Mind what?

Their heat isn't working.
They're staying here.

Where the hell
will everybody sleep?

Alan's in vermont.

They can go sleep
with him.

He's so cute.

You two use alan's room.

Mr. Bentley,
use the couch.

Let's have
a pajama party.

Splendid idea!

We can hold it here
in my room.

You can hold it
in your apartment.

A pajama party
sounds like fun,
doesn't it?


I'll get a chicken
I have in the refrigerator.

You don't
have to do that.

You brought
a big turkey.

I've saved some champagne
for a special occasion.


Let's get everything.

This won't work.

it'll be fun.

What's goin' on?

Bentley and the willises
ain't got heat,

So they're
sleeping here.

You'll have an audience
when you surprise
mrs. Jefferson

With those diamonds
you got.

Yeah, they'll see
what a sweet,
generous person I am.

Yeah, you'll fool
them all.

I'm glad
our heat
went out.

It's nice
to spend an evening
with good friends.

I wish my good friends
were here.

Just kiddin', willis.

We'll have
a good time.

Here's what
every pajama party needs...



Thank you,

Say, how about
a game of charades?

Wonderful idea.

Couldn't we play
something else?

Yeah! Let's play
pin the tail
on the h*nky.

I've just remembered
a marvelous game.

I don't know why
I ever stopped playing it.

It's called
"nobody's perfect."

Oh, a game
especially for george.

How do you play?

We need a blindfold.

How about
this dust cloth?
It's clean.

Of course it's clean.
You never use it.

Who wants
to go first?

Mr. Willis.

I'll just
tie this on you.

Once your eyes
are covered,

I'll say "go."

Then everybody
change seats fast.

When I say "stop,"
everyone freezes.

Then you
point to someone.

You remove
your blindfold.

Whoever you're
pointing at

Says what they like most
about you.

That should be easy.

And what
they like least.

That should
be even easier.

Can you see?




Take off
your blindfold.

What do you like most
about him?

Let's see.

What do I like
about tom?

You have to think?

There are
so many things.

Tom is a man
of conviction

Who stands up
for what he believes in.

Thank you, helen.

What do you like least?

She'll have to
think awhile.



What I like least

Is your lack
of willpower.

What do you mean?

I mean your diets.

Tom's diets start

In the morning,

End by lunch.

He can't resist food.

I know how
he'll stop eating.


Serve him
florence's cooking.

You don't stop
talking long enough

To taste my cooking.

Mrs. Willis,
it's your turn.

Come on.

The blindfold.

Come on.

do you think
I'm fat?

Well, no...

Oh, thank you.

Are we ready?

Let's go!

Hey, that's my seat.


You pointed
at mr. J.

Can I try it again?

That's against
the rules.

Tell mrs. Willis
what you like most
about her.

George, I'm sure
you can say
something nice.

There's something I like,

But she might
misunderstand me.

She'd love hearing it.

Of all the women I know
as old as you...


I mean,
for your age,

You look better
than any woman.

Gee, george.

I can't believe you'd say
something so sweet.

I'm a sweet guy.
Right, weezy?

Oh, yes,
you sure are.

Can we talk
in the kitchen?

I ain't told helen
what I don't like.

That can wait.

You're too sweet
to say bad things.

what did you mean?

By what?

Telling helen
she looks better
than any woman.

I had to say
something nice.

What about me?

She didn't point
to you.

I don't mean that.

Don't you think
I look good anymore?

Of course you do.

You never say it!

You look better
than any woman.

You're just
saying that.

Quit acting silly.

You're my wife.

You don't have
to look good.


We're together
so much,

I forget
how good you look.

I'll fix that.


If we're not
together tonight,

I might look better

Weezy, wait.

You think
I'm fat, helen.

I didn't say that.

Watch it, fatso.

Weezy, come out
this minute.

Since I'm
already fat,

I'm going to have
a piece of pie.

Tom, stop acting

I'm going to have
a big piece.

Hey, weezy!

Some game,
mr. Bentley.

Now I remember
why I stopped
playing it.

Weezy, come out!

I can't hear you!

Act stupid!

You're the one
missing out
on a surprise!

Have it your way.

I'm going to bed now
by myself.

[Footsteps get quieter]

What you got
to say about that?


- Mr. Jefferson.
- Shut up.

- Mr. J.
- Shut up, bentley.

If there's
no surprise,

I'm going
to bed.

If you think I'm fat,

Wait till
I finish this.

I'll be as big
as a house.

Mr. Bentley?


Is he gone?



He went to bed.


Helen, may I
sleep with you
in alan's room?

I'd rather not
sleep with george.

She'd rather sleep
with you.

I might roll over
and squash her.

Tom, I give up.

Let's go
to bed, louise.

I may as well
turn in, too.

that's a good idea.

Wait, bentley.

This means one of us

Has to sleep
with george.

Mrs. J. Assigned me
the sofa.

let's handle this
like adults.

I know!

Let's play paper,
rocks, and scissors.

gets the sofa.

Are you ready?

, , ...

Paper covers rock!



Two out of three?

Sleep tight,
mr. Willis.

So you decided
to sleep with me.

If you think
I'm going to kiss you,
forget it.

That's a relief.

What are you doing?

Paper covers rock!
There's no place
to sleep.

Try your own bed.

I'd turn blue.

Better blue than white.

I don't like this,

If you gotta sleep here,
shut up.

This lousy day
will be over
once we're asleep.


What are you doin'?

George, may we
change sides?

What's wrong
with your side?

That side is my side.

Wrong, this side
is my side.

So is that side.

All the sides are mine.

This is my bed.

I decide who sleeps where.

Go to sleep.

What are you doin'?

I can't sleep unless
I'm on the right.

Then put your pillow
at the bottom

And turn yourself around.

That's not a bad idea.

Thanks, george.

This isn't working
too well.

If you want this side,
take it!

Thanks, george.

What a baby
you are.

Can't sleep
unless everything
is just right.

you got my pillow.

I almost forgot.

What now?

I forgot
to do my exercises.


I always do sit ups
before going to bed.

on the floor.

It's too cold.

Willis, I've had it!

This bed
ain't big enough.

It's king size.

I'm king.
You're a royal pain.

Where are you going?

To my throne.

Say, "good night."

Good night.

you're welcome.

Good night.

Good night.

Chester, you did it!

You get
a birdie bonbon.

thank you.

Oh, you're welcome.

Hi, florence.

Why are you up?

Gettin' a snack.
I couldn't sleep.

Me, neither.

It's no fun
sleeping alone
on your anniversary.


Of your first date
with mr. Jefferson.

That's next week.

Mr. Jefferson thinks
it's tomorrow.

At midnight,
he wanted to say
happy anniversary.

for telling me.

Sometimes george
can be sweet,

Even when
he makes me mad.

you're so sweet.



Tom, I thought
you were george.

I thought you were george.

I changed my mind
about sleeping
with george, ok?

you're a lifesaver.

Will helen want me
to sleep with her?

I think
she'd love it.

I guess you're right.

After all, there's so much
of me to love.

You've finally
finished your exercises.

Now maybe we can
get some sleep.

the anniversary

Of the first time
I took weezy out.

I'm spendin' it
with you.

It's the first time
I remembered it.

I bought her
a diamond necklace.


sounds like you
catchin' a cold.

That first date,

We went
to coney island.

We rode
the tunnel of love
three times.

Weezy wouldn't
let me kiss her.

The third
time through,

She held my hand.

Even today
when we hold hands,

I get that feelin'.

So do i, george.

What are you doin'?

Did you think
I could sleep without you?

on our anniversary.

[Knock on door]

Who is it?


Ralph's here.

The heat's workin'
at bentley's and willis'.

That's good.

The bad news is
it's off here.

What are we
goin' to do?

I'm spending the night
at the willis'.

They said
you're invited.

Tell helen thanks,

This is the anniversary
of our first date.

But you said...

We'd like
to spend it alone.

I'll see you
in the morning.

What should we do
about the cold?

You'll think
of some way to keep us warm.


I'll get
the electric blanket.


I was just kiddin',

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.

♪ Movin' on up ♪♪
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