05x200 - Usagi's Love: The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x200 - Usagi's Love: The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy

Post by bunniefuu »

Chibi Chibi: That was the beginning of everything.

Galaxia: Fly away, my star! My Light of Hope!

Galaxia: To someone who will embrace you warmly!

Galaxia: To the newly born stars and planets of love and justice!

Galaxia: Is it awakening?

Galaxia: The Light of Hope that I sent out to the galaxy back then?

Galaxia: Damned light!

Sailor Moon: The Light of Hope...

Galaxia: What?

Chibi Chibi: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Who are you?

Chibi Chibi: I've been looking for you. Someone who can accept me.

Sailor Moon: Who are you?

Chibi Chibi: I am a shining star that was once within Galaxia, the Light of Hope.

Sailor Moon: The Light of Hope?

Chibi Chibi: Please accept my shining life!

Sailor Moon: A warm light!

Sailor Moon: What's this?

Chibi Chibi: Please!

Chibi Chibi: Please light up the galaxy again with the Light of Hope...

Chibi Chibi: ...by using this sword!

Sailor Moon: Sword?

Chibi Chibi: Please defeat Galaxia with this, the Sword of Sealing!

Sailor Moon: But...

Chibi Chibi: There's no time to think.

Chibi Chibi: End the w*r!

Galaxia: I won't let that happen!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Moon!

Chibi Chibi: Now, use this sword and defeat Galaxia!

Sailor Moon: But...

Chibi Chibi: Don't think about it!

Sailor Moon: But!

Galaxia: I won't let you!

Galaxia: What?

Galaxia: How impudent!

Galaxia: I see!

Galaxia: You're trying to seal me with the sword's power!

Galaxia: But you can't defeat me with that power!

Galaxia: This is the body of the strongest soldier in the galaxy, Sailor Galaxia!

Sailor Moon: What do you mean?

Galaxia: You're dead!

Galaxia: Sailor Moon!

Galaxia: I will collect every Star Seed and control the entire galaxy in the name of Chaos!

Sailor Moon: Please stop it!

Galaxia: What?

Sailor Moon: There's no reason to fight!

Galaxia: Are you still fooling around?

Galaxia: I'm going to stop the cycle...

Galaxia: ...of the Sailor Wars that has been repeating since the creation of the galaxy!

Galaxia: For that, I want every single shine to die out!

Galaxia: You, too! As well as that damned Light of Hope!

Sailor Moon: Oh, no!

Chibi Chibi: She's no longer Galaxia!

Chibi Chibi: Her body has been completely taken over by Chaos.

Chibi Chibi: Since she sealed Chaos into herself, her body began to spoil little by little.

Chibi Chibi: She made a wish on her pure Star Seed and sent it to the far reaches of the galaxy...

Chibi Chibi: ...and it reached you.

Sailor Moon: Was that Chibi Chibi?

Chibi Chibi: But, it's too late!

Chibi Chibi: Please, Sailor Moon, use that sword and save the galaxy!

Sailor Moon: Oh, no.

Sailor Moon: Please stop it!

Galaxia: Stop it? What's that in your hand?

Galaxia: In fact, you like it this way...

Galaxia: ...the battle!

Sailor Moon: No!

Galaxia: It's the same!

Chibi Chibi: Please, Sailor Moon! Fight back!

Chibi Chibi: Stop her! Stop Galaxia!

Sailor Moon: No!

Chibi Chibi: Please!

Sailor Moon: No, I can't!

Sailor Moon: No!

Galaxia: Damn you!

Galaxia: It's all over! The Light of Hope you believed in is now in pieces!

Sailor Star Fighter: The sword!

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi!

Galaxia: Now, no one can stop me!

Sailor Moon: No! You're wrong!

Sailor Moon: Nothing is gained by fighting!

Sailor Moon: Because we end up hurting each other!

Sailor Moon: I'm sorry, Chibi Chibi.

Galaxia: You don't have a soldier's courage or pride, do you?

Sailor Moon: If a soldier's pride means hurting one another, I don't want it.

Sailor Moon: I don't think anything is gained from fighting!

Galaxia: What?

Galaxia: Have you given up, Sailor Moon?

Sailor Moon: No, I haven't!

Sailor Moon: I love this world!

Galaxia: What?

Sailor Moon: Even though there are lots of sad or difficult things.

Sailor Moon: I like this world very much because I could meet everyone!

Sailor Moon: I know you know...

Sailor Moon: how wonderful this world is!

Galaxia: Stop joking!

Galaxia: This world can't be protected by someone who won't fight!

Galaxia: It's because of your weakness that all your friends are gone!

Sailor Moon: They're not gone!

Galaxia: What?

Sailor Moon: The Starlights told me that if I don't give up, they're always with me!

Sailor Moon: It's possible that everyone is really gone when I give up.

Sailor Moon: So, I won't give up!

Sailor Moon: Never!

Galaxia: How impudent!

Galaxia: How vain, Sailor Moon!

Galaxia: With that level of shine...

Galaxia: you can't light up the galaxy!

Sailor Moon: I will light it up!

Sailor Moon: I will embrace this world!

Galaxia: How vain!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Moon!

Galaxia: By giving up fighting...

Galaxia: and losing your soldier's pride.

Galaxia: What can you do?

Galaxia: The only thing left is to surrender...

Galaxia: your shine and perish!

Sailor Moon: I won't give up!

Sailor Moon: Because I believe!

Galaxia: What?

Sailor Moon: The world I love...

Sailor Moon: This world everyone tried to protect...

Sailor Moon: and that small hope left in your heart!

Galaxia: What's this light?

Sailor Moon: I believe...

Sailor Moon: that small hope in your heart!

Sailor Moon: I believe!

Sailor Moon: Now...

Galaxia: This shine is...

Sailor Moon: I love this world..

Sailor Moon: This world where I met everyone!

Sailor Moon: I don't want to lose you or anyone!

Galaxia: Don't come any closer!

Galaxia: What?

Galaxia: Oh, no!

Galaxia: I love it, too!

Galaxia: I love this world.

Galaxia: I love this world!

Galaxia: I can see you, Sailor Moon!

Galaxia: I can see your shine!

Galaxia: A very warm, sweet light!

Galaxia: Thank you, Sailor Moon!

Galaxia: Your shine lit up the galaxy with that very warm, sweet light!

Galaxia: Is Chaos gone?

Sailor Moon: I think it went back to where it belongs.

Galaxia: Where it belongs?

Sailor Moon: Yes, back to people's minds.

Galaxia: Then, again?

Sailor Moon: Let's believe them!

Sailor Moon: The people who love their world!

Sailor Moon: Please don't worry! The Light of Hope is in everyone's mind!

Galaxia: How strong you are!

Galaxia: But what I did was irreparable!

Sailor Moon: Let's do it again from the beginning!

Sailor Moon: It's not too late!

Sailor Moon: Please guide the Star Seeds so they don't get lost.

Galaxia: Thank you.

Galaxia: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Everyone, I hung in there!

Sailor Moon: But I'm lonely.

Sailor Moon: I'm not that strong!

Sailor Moon: I'm alone, everyone!

Sailor Mars: You're not alone!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Mars: You're not alone, Usagi!

Sailor Mercury: Everyone is around you!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan! Ami-chan!

Sailor Venus: We believed...

Sailor Jupiter: that you could do it, Usagi-chan!

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan! Mako-chan! Is this a dream?

Sailor Uranus: It's not a dream.

Sailor Uranus: You saved this world...

Sailor Neptune: ...with your belief!

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san! Michiru-san!

Sailor Saturn: Thank you, Usagi-san!

Sailor Pluto: You were great!

Sailor Moon: Hotaru-chan! Setsuna-san! Everyone! I'm so happy!

Tuxedo Mask: Usako.

Chibi Chibi: Chibi!

Tuxedo Mask: This little girl guided me...

Tuxedo Mask: ...to you, Usako!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan

Tuxedo Mask: You were great, Usako!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan

Tuxedo Mask: Don't worry! It's all over!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi!

Chibi Chibi: Thank you!

Sailor Moon: Thank you, Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Star Fighter: The Light of Hope is now in everyone's mind, isn't it?

Sailor Star Maker: It's what she told us.

Sailor Star Healer: And also about believing!

The Kakyuu Princess: The angel has come down to Earth, hasn't she?

Regular Dialogue: Princess!

Sailor Star Healer: It's a miracle!

Sailor Star Fighter: Truly wonderful!

Sailor Star Maker: Welcome back!

The Kakyuu Princess: Yes!

Sailor Star Fighter: Thank you, everyone!

Sailor Mercury: Are you really leaving?

The Kakyuu Princess: Yes, the others are expecting us.

Sailor Star Healer: We'll definitely create a new world with our princess!

Luna: Good luck!

Sailor Star Healer: Thank you, Luna!

Artemis: Luna!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm glad you got your boyfriend back!

Sailor Moon: It's because of you, Seiya!

Sailor Moon: It's because you were with me, Seiya, that I could hang in there!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'll never forget you!

Sailor Moon: Yes! We'll be friends forever!

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh!

Sailor Star Fighter: Come on!

Sailor Star Maker: I like that one!

Sailor Mercury: She didn't get it!

Sailor Jupiter: No, she didn't!

Sailor Moon: What's that, Ami-chan?

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan, you're slow, aren't you?

Sailor Moon: About what?

Sailor Mars: It's obvious!

Sailor Moon: I'm asking because I didn't get it!

Sailor Mars: You won't get it for your whole life!

Sailor Moon: Oh, please! You're nasty, Rei!

The Kakyuu Princess: Okay, let's go!

Sailor Star Fighter: Mamoru-san!

Sailor Star Fighter: Protect her!

Sailor Star Fighter: From one guy to another!

Tuxedo Mask: I understand.

Sailor Star Fighter: Bye, Dumpling!

Sailor Star Maker: Take care!

Sailor Star Fighter: See you!

The Kakyuu Princess: Thank you so much!

Sailor Star Healer: Bye-Bye!

Sailor Jupiter: I won't forget you!

Sailor Mercury: Have a pleasant trip!

Sailor Venus: Please come see us anytime!

Sailor Moon: We'll be expecting you!

Sailor Mars: Good-bye!

Sailor Moon: Thank you, Seiya!

Sailor Saturn: Oh! sh**ting stars!

Sailor Pluto: What did you wish?

Sailor Saturn: It's a secret! How about you, Setsuna-san?

Sailor Pluto: It's a secret, too!

Sailor Saturn: You're sly!

Sailor Neptune: They're going home!

Sailor Uranus: Yes.

Sailor Uranus: They're not sh**ting stars anymore.

Sailor Uranus: They'll shine properly as stars in the night sky!

Sailor Neptune: You're right.

Sailor Saturn: So, what did you wish for?

Sailor Neptune: There's nothing to wish upon!

Sailor Neptune: Now, is our happiest moment! Isn't it, Haruka?

Sailor Uranus: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan?

Tuxedo Mask: Yes?

Sailor Moon: Do you love me?

Tuxedo Mask: Yes.

Sailor Moon: Really?

Tuxedo Mask: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Like how?

Tuxedo Mask: Why so suddenly?

Sailor Moon: Please, like how?

Tuxedo Mask: Let's see...

Tuxedo Mask: It feels wonderful to be with you!

Sailor Moon: I'm Usagi Tsukino, years old...

Sailor Moon: in the first year of high school.

Sailor Moon: I'm a bit rash and a crybaby...

Sailor Moon: ...but, I'm actually an agent of love and justice

Sailor Moon: Pretty Sailor Soldier, Sailor Moon!

SongE: Give sadness now a sailor smile.

SongE: Bringing a miracle, a sailor wing.

SongE: Everybody carries a shining star inside.

SongE: I won't give up! To tomorrow, a sailor yell.

SongE: For sure! I will catch it! The sailor star.

SongE: Let this vow sound through the whole galaxy.

SongE: After the time when you disappeared from me,

SongE: I began my journey searching for you.

SongE: On the yellowed map, the stenciled picture of an angel,

SongE: Waiting at the destination it points to is a dark coliseum.

SongE: In my trembling heart, the secret kiss of that day.

SongE: However hard destiny may be,

SongE: I will keep following it!

SongE: I won't look back, with my sailor eyes!

SongE: Reaching out to you, with my sailor wind!

SongE: This song is the guidepost of the stars.

SongE: I won't give up! To tomorrow, a sailor yell.

SongE: For sure! I will find it! The sailor star

SongE: With the wings of an angel, I take off.

SongE: Alone I run along the road of the unknown.

SongE: At last I have arrived, here at this fort.

SongE: At the bottom of the flask, which you left behind.

SongE: A single piece of the star of trial, now chant the magic spell.

SongE: This is our miraculous destiny.

SongE: The past and the future, crossing them all, to catch up with you.

SongE: Give sadness now my sailor eyes.

SongE: Bringing a miracle, a sailor wing.

SongE: Everybody carries a star of fate inside.

SongE: I won't give up! To tomorrow, a sailor yell.

SongE: For sure! I will catch it! The sailor star.

SongE: Let this vow sound through the whole galaxy.

SongE: I won't look back, with my sailor eyes!

SongE: Reaching out to you, with my sailor wind.

SongE: This song is the guidepost of the stars.

SongE: I won't give up! To tomorrow, a sailor yell.

SongE: For sure! I will find it! The sailor star.

SongE: With the wings of an angel, I take off.
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