05x198 - Dying Stars: Uranus and Neptune's Last Stand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x198 - Dying Stars: Uranus and Neptune's Last Stand

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: This isn't true! It can't be! Because it can't be true!

Sailor Moon: Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are all my friends!

Sailor Moon: They're all my important friends!

Sailor Moon: I won't believe this. Never!

Sailor Moon: Please stop! Why? We're friends!

Sailor Uranus: Friends?

Sailor Neptune: I'll take your Star Seeds before you feel any pain!

Sailor Uranus: Because we're friends!

Sailor Star Fighter: Why you!

Sailor Moon: I believe you, Uranus, Neptune.

Sailor Uranus: Oh, thank you.

Sailor Neptune: Bye!

Galaxia: Wait!

Galaxia: Are you crazy? Do you still believe in them? Even now?

Galaxia: You saw the others eliminated by these two!

Galaxia: This is reality!

Galaxia: Or do you still think this planet will be saved?

Sailor Moon: I do!

Galaxia: Take their Star Seeds later! Show them reality!

Galaxia: Don't make me laugh!

Sailor Moon: Uranus! Neptune!

Sailor Uranus: World

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious

Sailor Uranus: Shaking!

Sailor Star Fighter: Laser!

Sailor Saturn: Usagi-san!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san, Michiru-san.

Sailor Uranus: It's over!

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Neptune: It was all an act.

Sailor Pluto: Yes, it was. To defeat Galaxia!

Sailor Moon: An act?

Chibi Chibi: Act?

Sailor Mercury: We're sorry that we didn't tell you, Usagi-chan!

Sailor Mars: If we had, the plan would have failed!

Sailor Jupiter: We didn't mean to treat you like a troublemaker!

Sailor Venus: Right! We treated you a little different!

Sailor Jupiter: Are you saying she is?

Sailor Venus: But it's true!

Sailor Mars: That's right! That's right!

Sailor Mercury: Rei-chan! Minako-chan!

Sailor Mars: Oh, please!

Sailor Moon: Everyone, please! I was so stupid that I believed you!

Tuxedo Mask: Usako!

Chibi Moon: Usagi!

Chibi Moon: I came from the th century because I was worried!

Tuxedo Mask: I'm sorry we made you feel lonely! I'll never leave you!

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa, Mamo-chan.

Tuxedo Mask: The battle is over, so don't worry!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Tuxedo Mask: Everyone did well!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Chibi Moon: As always, you're a crybaby, Usagi!

Sailor Moon: I can't do anything about that!

Sailor Moon: I thought you were all really gone!

Sailor Moon: Welcome back, Mamo-ch...

Sailor Moon: Where...

Chibi Chibi: Where...

Sailor Moon: Where is everyone?

Chibi Chibi: Where is everyone?

Sailor Moon: Uranus!

Sailor Moon: Uranus! Please tell me the truth! You have a plan, right?

Sailor Moon: I know! Everything is just an act!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi.

Sailor Uranus: This is reality!

Sailor Uranus: Did you finish your nap?

Sailor Star Healer: Don't boast!

Sailor Star Maker: That power comes from Galaxia!

Sailor Uranus: You're like a barking dog after losing the fight.

Sailor Neptune: Right! Those words don't sound like you want to defeat Galaxia!

Sailor Neptune: Do you think you can defeat Galaxia if you can't beat us?

Sailor Uranus: After all, you guys think too highly of yourselves!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Uranus: That's why you couldn't protect your Princess!

Sailor Star Fighter: I can't forgive you!

Sailor Moon: Fighter!

Sailor Star Fighter: What do you know?

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn you!

Sailor Uranus: You can do it all right!

Sailor Moon: Fighter!

Sailor Moon: Stop! Please stop these kinds of things!

Sailor Uranus: Okay, let's end this now!

Sailor Neptune: Let's!

Sailor Neptune: Deep Submerge!

Sailor Uranus: World Shaking!

Sailor Moon: Fighter?

Sailor Star Fighter: Are you all right?

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Star Fighter: Thank God.

Galaxia: Well? Have you awakened from the sweet dream that this planet will be saved?

Sailor Moon: It's definitely not a dream!

Galaxia: How stupid! Look at the city around you!

Sailor Moon: Oh, no!

Galaxia: How do you like this fantastic scenery?

Sailor Moon: Oh, no.

Galaxia: Right now, the whole galaxy is almost within my grasp.

Galaxia: Even if you struggle, there's no way for you to win!

Galaxia: How surprising! Are you saying that you're not giving up?

Galaxia: What can you do? Is there anything that you can do?

Galaxia: Fools!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi

Galaxia: Get their Star Seeds!

Galaxia: This is the end!

Sailor Neptune: No way! Her Star Seed didn't appear?

Sailor Uranus: We made a direct hit!

Galaxia: Oh my, I didn't expect that someone couldn't be controlled by my bracelets!

Sailor Star Fighter: Uranus

Galaxia: It's the first time I've seen such soldiers in this galaxy!

Sailor Uranus: She doesn't have a Star Seed?

Galaxia: Not only stealing your partners' Star Seeds but also ready to die...

Galaxia: ...you pretended to be my soldiers while looking for an opening?

Galaxia: Oh my, I was deceived all right!

Galaxia: What a surprise! I enjoy you people of this planet!

Sailor Moon: Uranus! Neptune!

Sailor Neptune: It looks like the end.

Sailor Uranus: We no longer have wings to fly freely in the blue sky!

Sailor Uranus: We've dirtied our hands with the blood of betrayal.

Sailor Neptune: I know.

Galaxia: Everything was futile, wasn't it?

Sailor Uranus: Or the beaks to pick our own flesh?

Sailor Neptune: I can endure anything with you.

Sailor Neptune: Even being burned by the fires of hell.

Sailor Uranus: Hell? It doesn't suit you.

Sailor Neptune: I don't regret it.

Sailor Moon: Why did you do it?

Sailor Uranus: Because it is our way.

Sailor Neptune: The cross that was assigned to us as soldiers.

Sailor Moon: That's...

Sailor Moon: That's terrible! Since you didn't tell us.

Sailor Moon: I thought that you two really had become our enemies...

Sailor Moon: and doubted your friendship. I didn't believe you until the very end!

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san! Michiru-san!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: I won't forgive you! You talk big words!

Sailor Star Fighter: If you leave, what will happen to Sailor Moon?

Sailor Uranus: Fighter, what you're trying to protect isn't space, peace and the future, is it?

Sailor Uranus: From now on, you want to protect her.

Sailor Star Fighter: Uranus

Sailor Uranus: Our Princess is such a crybaby.

Sailor Neptune: She is.

Sailor Moon: Because... because...

Sailor Uranus: Are you scared, Michiru?

Sailor Neptune: Haruka...

Sailor Uranus: What?

Sailor Neptune: I want to touch you Haruka.

Sailor Neptune: I can see the light.

Sailor Uranus: You're warm...

Sailor Uranus: ...Michiru.

Sailor Moon: Michiru-san! Haruka-san! Don't leave!

Sailor Moon: Again, my important friends are gone!

Sailor Moon: In the end, nobody could protect anything!

Galaxia: The remaining Star Seeds are yours!

Galaxia: I'll praise you by taking your Star Seeds with my own hands!

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser!

Sailor Star Fighter: Get back!

Galaxia: Give up! Kneel and surrender before me!

Galaxia: I'll give you some time. If you are a Princess...

Galaxia: ...show yourself before your Star Seed is taken!

Sailor Moon: If I follow Galaxia, can I see Mamoru and the others again?

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Star Fighter: Do you know why Uranus and Neptune fought that way?

Sailor Moon: No, I don't!

Sailor Star Fighter: I didn't understand either.

Sailor Star Fighter: Why sacrifice their partners' lives as well as their own?

Sailor Star Fighter: Was it their style of fighting?

Sailor Star Fighter: It may be true but I now know that it wasn't the only reason!

Sailor Star Fighter: Everyone believes in you!

Sailor Star Maker: Believe...

Sailor Star Healer: Sailor Moon.

Sailor Star Fighter: You're...

Sailor Star Fighter: You're mysterious.

Sailor Star Fighter: I didn't think I could fight beside you.

Sailor Star Fighter: But now, we're fighting together!

Sailor Star Fighter: I don't know why, but when I'm with you, I believe you!

Sailor Star Fighter: I want to believe in you!

Sailor Moon: So?

Sailor Moon: So, why is everyone around me gone? Why?

Sailor Star Fighter: They're not gone!

Sailor Star Maker: Right! It's possible that everyone is really gone when you give up.

Sailor Star Healer: But you'll never give up. Everyone believes!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's why they rest their hopes on you!

Sailor Star Fighter: Do you want to surrender to Galaxia? Can you feel easy doing that?

Sailor Moon: No!

Sailor Star Fighter: I knew you would say that!

Sailor Star Fighter: That is, I believe you, too!

Sailor Star Maker: Me, too.

Sailor Star Healer: Same here!

Sailor Moon: Fighter, Healer, Maker.

Sailor Moon: We're friends, right?

Sailor Star Fighter: Yes!

Sailor Star Maker: Of course!

Sailor Moon: That's right!

Galaxia: I'm disappointed! Are you so scared that you're afraid to show yourselves?

Galaxia: But don't think you can get away!

Galaxia: Now give up!

Sailor Moon: We'll never give up! Never!

Sailor Star Fighter: Let's rest our hopes on Sailor Moon!

Sailor Star Fighter: Our Princess told us, she is the Light of Hope!

Sailor Star Maker: Yes! She might be the one!

Sailor Star Healer: The Light of Hope which the legendary Sailor Soldier left.

Galaxia: The legendary Sailor Soldier?

Galaxia: From far ancient times, the w*r between light and evil, the Sailor Wars...

Galaxia: carried on and the strongest Sailor Soldier in the galaxy sealed Chaos...

Galaxia: into her own body to bring peace to the galaxy.

Galaxia: There was such a legend. I've forgotten about it for a long time.

Galaxia: That legendary soldier is me!

Galaxia: I am the legendary strongest Sailor Soldier in the galaxy, Sailor Galaxia!

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh, God.

Sailor Moon: Galaxia is the strongest soldier that saved the galaxy?

Sailor Star Fighter: The Light of Hope that we've been searching for was Galaxia?

Sailor Moon: Galaxia! I will return you to normal!

Sailor Star Fighter: No! She's not a person who'd listen to you!

Sailor Moon: Don't worry! If she's a Sailor Soldier, we can understand each other!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! The Light of Hope! Final battle for the galaxy.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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