05x184 - A Night Alone Together: Usagi in Danger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x184 - A Night Alone Together: Usagi in Danger

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: My dearest Mamoru! Please forgive me!

Sailor Moon: I invited a man other than you to my room!

Sailor Moon: On top of that, Mom and Dad aren't home and it's just us.

Sailor Moon: This is a super dangerous situation! But I'll do my best. My guard is pretty tough!

Sailor Moon: Really? A thief?

Sailor Venus: Right! I heard there have been break-ins around here recently!

Sailor Jupiter: You've got to be careful!

Sailor Moon: My house is okay, we have nothing worth stealing!

Sailor Venus: It's not that easy, Usagi-chan!

Sailor Venus: You have a life!

Sailor Moon: No way!

Sailor Jupiter: Actually, that's not unlikely.

Sailor Mercury: The other day, the old woman at the cigar store was threatened with a knife!

Sailor Jupiter: At night, you might hear voices in the kitchen and...

Sailor Venus: I don't know about that!

Sailor Venus: Well Usagi-chan, you have a big family, right?

Sailor Moon: But tonight, I have to stay at home by myself!

Sailor Venus: Oh my God! You're still quite young.

Sailor Mercury: Minako-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'll be your bodyguard!

Sailor Jupiter: Seiya-kun!

Sailor Star Fighter: If a thief breaks in, I'll knock him out!

Sailor Star Fighter: Aren't I a nice guy?

Sailor Moon: Yeah!

Sailor Venus: That's unfair!

Sailor Jupiter: So, Seiya-kun will be staying at Usagi's house, right?

Sailor Mercury: It's unfair to take advantage of the situation!

Sailor Moon: Oh please!

Sailor Moon: Looks clean enough, doesn't it?

Luna: Yeah! Yeah!

Sailor Moon: Let's see... bathroom, living room, kitchen and...

Sailor Moon: Right! The hallway!

Luna: Usagi-chan, are you okay?

Sailor Moon: I'm okay! I'll wipe it up quickly.

Luna: I'm not talking about that, but about Seiya-kun!

Luna: A reliable policeman might suddenly turn into a wolfman!

Sailor Moon: No way!

Luna: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Luna: A man is like a wild animal that lives on instinct!

Luna: Don't forget it, okay?

Sailor Moon: Okay. Is that right?

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Star Fighter: Excuse...

Sailor Moon: Welcome!

Sailor Star Fighter: Were you doing aerobics?

Sailor Moon: Please make yourself comfortable! I'll make some tea.

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't make her so sad!

Sailor Moon: Sorry to keep you waiting!

Sailor Moon: Which would you like, shortcake or Mont Blanc?

Sailor Star Fighter: Whichever.

Sailor Moon: Then I'll take the shortcake. No, I can't do that.

Sailor Moon: Don't be indecisive! It's not like you, Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: Then I'll have both.

Sailor Moon: No way! Be considerate! Otherwise, girls won't like you!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's fine. It doesn't matter if anyone else likes me.

Sailor Star Fighter: In fact, I'm singing for only one lady.

Sailor Moon: Only for one lady?

Sailor Star Fighter: That's right! We're always singing with all our might...

Sailor Star Fighter: to get attention from that one lady within the galaxy.

Sailor Moon: Who's that lady?

Luna: Idiot! Don't get so close to him!

Sailor Star Fighter: To be honest, I have something to say just between us.

Sailor Star Fighter: Will you listen to me?

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Luna: This is not good! Not good!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling, I am... well... I...

Sailor Moon: Well, actually, it might not be good...

Sailor Star Fighter: Why? We promised not to keep secrets, didn't we?

Sailor Moon: That's true. But I didn't mean it to go farther than that.

Sailor Star Fighter: Please listen!

Sailor Moon: No, I can't!

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi! Why are you here?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi! Cake! Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Hey, Chibi Chibi! Stop!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Star Fighter: Well, I lost my chance.

Sailor Moon: Hey, Chibi Chibi, don't open it without checking!

Regular Dialogue: Excuse us!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Mars: Where?

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Mars: Seiya?

Sailor Moon: Oh, so that's your target!

Sailor Mercury: Pardon me. After I told everybody about you and Seiya-kun...

Sailor Mercury: we decided to come over here together.

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi-chan, we thought you would be lonely!

Sailor Venus: We'd never say a young man and woman by...

Sailor Venus: themselves will get into a dangerous situation!

Artemis: Idiot!

Sailor Mercury: Minako-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: You're saying it!

Sailor Moon: Thanks a lot. I appreciate your consideration.

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey Dumpling!

Sailor Star Fighter: Please let me use some clothes!

Sailor Star Fighter: My shirt and pants are all sticky from the cake!

Chibi Chibi: It's Chibi Chibi's! Chibi Chibi's!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey stop! Stop it!

Sailor Moon: Mako-chan, what is it?

Sailor Jupiter: Well, Seiya-kun...

Sailor Venus: We're lucky, aren't we?

Sailor Mars: That's not what we're talking about!

Sailor Jupiter: What if we didn't come?

Sailor Mars: That's not fair!

Sailor Venus: I won't let you two take a bath!

Sailor Moon: Well, there's a reason for this...

Sailor Mercury: Everybody, stop!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan must have some reasons!

Sailor Moon: Ami-chan?

Sailor Mercury: Let's keep it a secret from Mamoru-san!

Sailor Moon: Hey, please, Ami-chan!

Sailor Moon: What are you doing? You're over-peeling!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan, you're impure!

Sailor Moon: Ami-chan, you're over-analyzing!

Sailor Star Fighter: What's up?

Sailor Star Fighter: It's just a cockroach!

Sailor Mars: Looks like it's about to fly!

Sailor Mercury: Please stop it!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey, let me pass and I'll take care of it!

Regular Dialogue: No! Don't!

Regular Dialogue: Don't move!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi?

Regular Dialogue: Take my years of grudge!

Chibi Chibi: Yes! Yes!

Sailor Star Maker: Excuse us!

Sailor Star Maker: Oh, good afternoon. Is Seiya here?

Chibi Chibi: Here?

Sailor Venus: Taiki-san! Yaten-kun!

Sailor Moon: Welcome!

Sailor Star Maker: What's going on?

Sailor Star Fighter: I believe somebody is holding out on the Three of Hearts!

Sailor Mars: Oh! It's me! I'll discard it!

Sailor Star Fighter: Thank you!

Sailor Moon: Pass! Rei-chan, discard the Five of Hearts next!

Sailor Mars: Usagi, the world of gambling is very severe!

Sailor Moon: Rei-chan, you're stingy!

Sailor Mercury: It's my turn, isn't it?

Sailor Mercury: Taiki-san, you were holding out on this one, right?

Sailor Star Maker: I admire you, Mizuno-kun!

Sailor Star Maker: But I think you're also holding out on the Five of Clubs!

Sailor Mercury: Well, I don't know what you're talking about!

Sailor Star Maker: All right. If you insist!

Sailor Star Fighter: Taiki, relax!

Sailor Moon: It's just a game!

Sailor Mars: Let's have fun!

Sailor Jupiter: Pass!

Sailor Star Healer: Pass!

Sailor Venus: I'll pass!

Sailor Star Healer: You didn't discard even though you could!

Sailor Venus: I'll discard them if you'll go on a date with me!

Sailor Star Healer: What are you saying? Discard them!

Sailor Venus: No way!

Luna: It seems I was too worried.

Artemis: Eight young men and women playing cards?

Artemis: It's so healthy that I'm scared!

Sailor Uranus: No good! The fan belt snapped!

Sailor Neptune: Oh no! What a nuisance!

Sailor Uranus: No choice. I'll call the repair shop.

Sailor Neptune: Wait! This house is hers, isn't it?

Sailor Uranus: Yes, it is. Shall we stop by to k*ll some time?

Sailor Neptune: I'm not bored when I'm with you!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san! Michiru-san!

Sailor Uranus: Hi, my kitten!

Sailor Neptune: How are you?

Sailor Moon: What happened?

Sailor Uranus: My car seems to have a bad temper!

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh?

Sailor Uranus: You!

Sailor Star Fighter: Why are you here?

Sailor Neptune: It's true! I'm not bored!

Sailor Venus: Look! This looks cute!

Sailor Moon: Yes, it does!

Chibi Chibi: Does!

Sailor Uranus: Are you sure about not going home? Celebrities have a lot of free time!

Sailor Star Fighter: I just happened to have a cancellation today!

Sailor Star Fighter: On top of that, I'm her body guard!

Sailor Uranus: Oh? Are bodyguards suppose to bring their friends along to party nowadays?

Sailor Star Fighter: What was that?

Sailor Uranus: It's more dangerous for her to be with you guys!

Sailor Star Healer: "You guys"? Don't treat us the same way as him, okay?

Sailor Star Maker: Yaten, just ignore it.

Sailor Mars: Hey Usagi, are they on bad terms?

Sailor Moon: Rather, I heard Haruka-san doesn't like men!

Chibi Chibi: Heard!

Sailor Star Healer: That makes sense, doesn't it?

Sailor Uranus: Don't take it seriously!

Sailor Neptune: Haruka doesn't like popular men!

Regular Dialogue: That makes sense!

Sailor Uranus: That doesn't make sense!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Regular Dialogue: Hi there! How are you doing? This is Jun Godai's "Oishinbou Banzai"!

Regular Dialogue: Let us interview you at the dinner table!

Sailor Moon: No, so...

Regular Dialogue: Are you having dinner?

Sailor Moon: What? Well, not yet.

Regular Dialogue: What's the menu?

Sailor Moon: Take-out pizza.

Regular Dialogue: Pizza! That sounds good! Thanks for inviting us!

Sailor Moon: Hey! W-Wait!

Sailor Moon: What shall I do?

Sailor Uranus: A T.V. program?

Sailor Neptune: That's a problem!

Sailor Star Maker: If we're seen at a girl's house at night, there's going to be a ruckuss.

Sailor Star Healer: Something like "Three-Lights! Hidden faces at night."

Sailor Star Fighter: Anyway, let's hide somewhere!

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan! I'll let you handle it!

Sailor Mars: Take your time at the door, okay?

Sailor Venus: Well, but...

Regular Dialogue: Hello? Are you okay?

Sailor Venus: Sure!

Sailor Moon: Hurry!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi! Chibi!

Sailor Star Fighter: It's narrow!

Sailor Moon: Hey, don't touch me!

Sailor Star Fighter: I didn't!

Sailor Moon: Are you playing the fool?

Sailor Star Fighter: It's true!

Sailor Star Fighter: Well... about our talk a little while ago.

Sailor Star Fighter: I wanted you to know something.

Sailor Moon: R-Right here?

Sailor Star Fighter: Right. Just between us!

Sailor Moon: Between us? Chibi Chibi is here too! Besides, I have Mamo-chan.

Sailor Star Fighter: I think you've misunderstood.

Sailor Moon: That's you! You're thinking of something erotic, aren't you?

Chibi Chibi: Erotic, aren't you?

Sailor Moon: Seiya, please take care of Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Star Fighter: Where are you going?

Sailor Moon: Don't worry! Stay here!

Sailor Venus: Who are you?

Sailor Lead Crow: Just stand still and watch!

Sailor Lead Crow: Siren! Star Seed! Siren!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: What is it, Crow-san?

Sailor Lead Crow: Now is not the time to eat pizza!

Regular Dialogue: Who on Earth are you?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Thank you for the pizza! Padon me for my late introduction.

Sailor Aluminum Siren: I'm Sailor Aluminum Siren! Nice to meet you!

Regular Dialogue: Nice to meet you too!

Sailor Lead Crow: Come on! Wake up! What's this greeting for?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: My mom told me that if I don't even say "Hello", I can't be a respectable adult.

Sailor Lead Crow: Forget it! See? The target is that man!

Regular Dialogue: What? Me?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Well then, excuse...

Sailor Venus: Stop it!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: ...me!

Sailor Moon: What? I told you to stay upstairs!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm your bodyguard!

Sailor Moon: Hide somewhere!

Sailor Moon: I've got to transform quick.

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi-chan, are you okay?

Sailor Moon: S-Sorry!

Sailor Moon: Good!

Sailor Moon: MOON...

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Star Healer: What are you doing?

Sailor Moon: Pardon me for bothering you!

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan, hurry up and get here!

Sailor Lead Crow: Another blank!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: It has the life of a flower.

Sailor Lead Crow: Wake up! Are you really my rival?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: But it's you who picked this person, Crow-san.

Sailor Aluminum Siren: It was also you that brought me here, Crow-san!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: I didn't do anything before I woke up!

Sailor Lead Crow: I'm having a hard time trying to get you credit when you haven't done anything!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Wow! Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

Sailor Lead Crow: Oh please!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Nuka ni Kugi!

Sailor Lead Crow: What?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: It's what people on this planet call me. Isn't it funny?

Sailor Lead Crow: I think you should be angry!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: What beautiful petals!

Sailor Uranus: Invited by the new age, I am Sailor Uranus! Fighting magnificently!

Sailor Neptune: Likewise, Sailor Neptune! Fighting gracefully!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: I don't believe it it!

Sailor Lead Crow: That's right! Tell them!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: You're wearing your shoes on the table!

Sailor Uranus: Oh... well. It's just an oversight.

Sailor Neptune: Sorry!

Sailor Lead Crow: Now, let's go!

Sailor Neptune: Oh no!

Sailor Uranus: Oh no!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Sommelier!

Regular Dialogue: My dear guests, I recommend red wine with meat!

Sailor Neptune: Deep Submerge!

Regular Dialogue: I'll help myself!

Sailor Neptune: That's impossible!

Regular Dialogue: Mmmmm! What a refreshing taste!

Regular Dialogue: For this apéritif, I'd recommend hors d'oeuvres!

Sailor Venus: P-Please! Don't joke.

Regular Dialogue: Then let's get together and help ourselves!

Sailor Moon: Moon Tiara Action!

Sailor Moon: You're making a mess in someone else's house! And you're trying to eat a pretty girl!

Sailor Venus: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: The aftermath of all this splutter...

Sailor Moon: Who do you think is going to clean it?

Sailor Moon: For love and justice...

Sailor Moon: Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Mars: Don't forget about us!

Sailor Mars: Sailor Mars!

Sailor Jupiter: Sailor Jupiter!

Sailor Mercury: Sailor Mercury!

Regular Dialogue: Nice to meet you all!

Regular Dialogue: Please make yourself comfortable in this small place.

Sailor Moon: Don't mention it!

Sailor Star Healer: Penetrating the darkness of night...

Sailor Star Maker: The air of freedom breaks through...

Sailor Star Fighter: We are the three sacred sh**ting stars...

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Star Fighter!

Sailor Star Maker: Sailor Star Maker!

Sailor Star Healer: Sailor Star Healer!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Starlights! Stage on!

Sailor Uranus: Sailor Moon, how big is this room?

Sailor Moon: mats size. I thought it was quite big, but when I look at it now...

Sailor Neptune: ...it's a bit small.

Sailor Star Maker: Star Gentle

Regular Dialogue: Just a moment!

Sailor Star Maker: What are you doing?

Sailor Jupiter: If you use that attack here...

Sailor Star Healer: Shut up!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's right! Don't bother us!

Regular Dialogue: Excuse me...

Sailor Star Fighter: Shut up!

Sailor Mercury: Sailor Moon! Hurry!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you for treating me!

Sailor Star Maker: See you!

Sailor Moon: What are they here for?

Sailor Uranus: My kitten!

Sailor Neptune: Please excuse us!

Sailor Moon: What? You're not going to help me clean this up?

Sailor Venus: Hey, perhaps...

Sailor Venus: you guys forgot about me?

Sailor Star Fighter: We managed to finish!

Sailor Moon: Right! It was terrible!

Sailor Jupiter: You can say that again!

Sailor Mars: What was that noise?

Sailor Mercury: It was from the hallway!

Sailor Moon: A thief?

Sailor Star Fighter: All right! Let me take care of it!

Sailor Mars: Hey look! Look at that!

Sailor Jupiter: What if...

Regular Dialogue: You saw me!

Sailor Venus: Please stop, Mako-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: All right! Let's get him on the count of three! Okay?

Sailor Star Fighter: One! Two! Three!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Mars: Don't scare us!

Sailor Moon: I have to clean up again!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Taiki-san! What do you mean you're cancelling the concert?

Sailor Star Maker: I can't sing! No one... no one understands our message!

Sailor Moon: Hey Taiki-san, look at this drawing!

Sailor Star Maker: This is...

Sailor Moon: The girl who made this is a big fan of yours, but she's sick.

Sailor Star Maker: Usagi-san!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Taiki Sings With Excellence! A Song Carries A Believing Heart's Wish!

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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