05x181 - Seiya and Usagi's Heart-Pounding Date

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x181 - Seiya and Usagi's Heart-Pounding Date

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Star Maker: What is it?

Sailor Venus: Taiki-san, I heard you have the day off tomorrow, correct?

Sailor Star Maker: How did you know?

Sailor Venus: Don't underestimate the information network of Aino Minako!

Sailor Star Maker: I strongly asked them for it!

Sailor Venus: For such a special occasion...

Regular Dialogue: Watching a movie.

Sailor Star Maker: isn't my choice. I want to relax and write poetry.

Sailor Venus: Poetry? Sounds great! Let me help!

Sailor Star Maker: I want to do it alone! Quietly.

Sailor Venus: Oh, okay.

Sailor Venus: Damn!

Sailor Moon: A good try!

Sailor Jupiter: I'll go see the movie with you.

Sailor Venus: Why?

Sailor Jupiter: Well, you wouldn't want to waste the tickets, right?

Sailor Moon: So, what's the movie?

Sailor Venus: Adults' Love XX.

Sailor Moon: X...

Sailor Jupiter: X?

Sailor Venus: I struck out with Taiki-san but I can try Yaten-kun!

Sailor Venus: Yaten-kun!

Sailor Jupiter: If you fail again, I'll see it with you!

Sailor Venus: Mako-chan! In that case...

Sailor Venus: Would you want them for yen?

Sailor Jupiter: Minako-chan.

Sailor Moon: Don't sell them.

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey!

Sailor Star Fighter: Want to go somewhere with me tomorrow?

Sailor Moon: What? What's that?

Sailor Star Fighter: You're not doing anything, are you?

Sailor Moon: Excuse me? Tomorrow, I'm going to get up in the morning and eat breakfast...

Sailor Moon: and watch T.V. and cartoons, see? And... p-probably I'll eat snacks and... play games and then...

Sailor Star Fighter: Nothing else, right?

Sailor Star Fighter: At o'clock, I'll meet you at Ichi-no-hashi Park.

Sailor Moon: Hey! Wait!

Sailor Moon: Hey you!

Sailor Moon: Oh God.

Sailor Mercury: Well...

Sailor Moon: Ami-chan!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan, I didn't hear anything just now, so don't worry! Bye!

Sailor Moon: Okay, thanks.

Regular Dialogue: Producer Nezu of the Third Production Office! Producer Nezu! There's no escape!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh God! I'm going crazy!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I must somehow bring a Star Seed in first thing Monday morning!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hi! Hello!

Sailor Iron Mouse: This is Nezu speaking...

Galaxia: Sailor Iron Mouse! You...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh! I hung up! The worst situation!

Sailor Iron Mouse: It's Three-Lights that has become popular!

Sailor Iron Mouse: This is it! Why didn't I realize it until now?

Regular Dialogue: I can't breathe!

Sailor Moon: He's late! It was him who picked the time!

Luna: I guess he's teasing you. I doubt that Seiya-kun would ask you for a date!

Sailor Moon: Date? You said date? Who? Where? What? What? What?

Sailor Uranus: What are you doing here?

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san!

Sailor Neptune: Haruka! Only couples and pigeons come to the park on a holiday!

Sailor Moon: Pigeons?

Sailor Uranus: Are you on a date?

Sailor Neptune: Yes, you are!

Sailor Moon: Yeah. Oh well, Seiya asked me to go somewhere today.

Sailor Uranus: Seiya?

Sailor Uranus: He just indiscriminately approaches women.

Sailor Uranus: Don't be too open-minded!

Sailor Uranus: It's too late after you're caught by a wolf, my little kitten!

Sailor Moon: Oh please! We're not like that!

Sailor Neptune: Haruka doesn't care for popular men!

Sailor Uranus: Hey!

Sailor Neptune: I know, I know! Bye!

Sailor Uranus: Ouch... You're hurting me, Michiru!

Sailor Neptune: Am I?

Sailor Uranus: I want you to touch me gently!

Sailor Neptune: Later, when we're alone!

Sailor Moon: That's an adult mood, isn't it?

Luna: Is Seiya-kun such a bad boy?

Sailor Moon: I don't know!

Luna: You make me worry!

Sailor Moon: But anyway, he's so late! I'll go home in a minute!

Luna: You might be right to do that.

Regular Dialogue: Ouch!

Sailor Moon: Don't cry! You're a strong boy!

Sailor Moon: If you keep crying, you can't have fun with your friends, right?

Regular Dialogue: Yeah!

Sailor Moon: Oh! Good boy!

Regular Dialogue: High power! Hyper! Jet!

Sailor Moon: Go on!

Luna: Here he comes!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sorry! Were you waiting?

Sailor Moon: Of course I was! What made you...

Sailor Moon: Ouch! Ouch! I hurt my leg!

Sailor Star Fighter: If you're crying, you can't have fun!

Sailor Moon: You were watching?

Sailor Star Fighter: Need a hand?

Sailor Moon: I'm okay!

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh! Good girl!

Sailor Moon: Hey!

Sailor Star Fighter: Aren't you going to do it?

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: High power! Hyper!

Sailor Moon: Shut up!

Sailor Star Healer: Me? I'm Yaten. Who is this?

Sailor Star Healer: Taiki and me aren't going out.

Sailor Star Healer: Taiki is writing poetry now. What?

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya is out! How annoying!

Sailor Star Maker: Who was that?

Sailor Star Healer: I don't know!

Sailor Star Maker: You worry me. You should answer the phone properly, okay?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh dear! You should answer the phone properly, young man!

Sailor Iron Mouse: But I know Seiya-kun is out! Wait for me! I'll find and get you!

Sailor Moon: I want to eat! Please order four.

Sailor Moon: Wow! That bear looks cute!

Sailor Star Fighter: All right!

Sailor Star Fighter: Got it!

Sailor Moon: Well done!

Sailor Star Fighter: Tada!

Sailor Moon: Thank you!

Sailor Star Fighter: For what?

Sailor Moon: For that bear!

Sailor Star Fighter: You should get your own.

Sailor Moon: I knew it.

Sailor Moon: Isn't it a problem if someone takes a picture of us? Like "A New Girlfriend Appears"!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's fine. I don't mind.

Sailor Moon: Oh, you indiscriminately choose girls, don't you?

Sailor Star Fighter: Who does?

Sailor Moon: I do mind, okay?

Sailor Star Fighter: Your boyfriend is overseas, right, Dumpling?

Sailor Moon: Right.

Sailor Moon: I write to him everyday...

Sailor Moon: so that he knows, everything about me even though he's far away...

Sailor Moon: but I haven't got a reply from Mamo-chan yet.

Sailor Moon: I know he's very busy with experiments or whatever at the university.

Sailor Star Fighter: He sounds like a heartless guy. Is he deceiving you?

Sailor Moon: I don't think so.

Sailor Moon: I don't think so. Mamo-chan is always thinking about me.

Sailor Star Fighter: Sorry.

Sailor Star Fighter: Princess?

Sailor Star Fighter: Cheer up! I'll take you to some place nice.

Sailor Moon: Some place nice?

Sailor Star Fighter: It's a secret, okay?

Sailor Iron Mouse: You can't fool my network!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I've checked everywhere Three-Lights go when they have time off.

Sailor Iron Mouse: There are you!

Sailor Star Fighter: Bob! I'll use this room, okay?

Regular Dialogue: Okay!

Sailor Star Fighter: Let's go!

Sailor Moon: O-Okay...

Sailor Star Maker: She's one of our classmates.

Sailor Star Healer: Bad idea.

Sailor Star Maker: They seem to have no problems so far.

Sailor Star Fighter: All right!

Sailor Moon: This is a bit of a problem... just us in this room...

Sailor Uranus: It's too late after you're caught by a wolf, my little kitten!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: You want to drink something, don't you?

Sailor Moon: Oh? Oh...

Sailor Star Fighter: Why are you so nervous?

Sailor Star Fighter: It's your first time, isn't it?

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't worry! I'll lead.

Sailor Moon: Oh no! I can't speak!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

Sailor Moon: I have Mamo-chan, my sweet love!

Sailor Moon: My... sweet... love!

Sailor Star Fighter: Well? Are you enjoying yourself?

Sailor Moon: You meant dancing...

Sailor Star Fighter: What? What's that?

Sailor Moon: N-Nothing!

Sailor Star Healer: A power failure?

Sailor Star Maker: I hope so.

Sailor Star Fighter: It's okay! Don't worry!

Sailor Moon: What's this? This feeling...

Tuxedo Mask: Usa-ko, it's okay! I'm with you!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan.

Tuxedo Mask: Usa-ko.

Sailor Moon: Mamoru's warmth but a different scent.

Sailor Moon: I don't know...

Sailor Moon: Different from Mamo-chan's sweetness.

Sailor Iron Mouse: You can't escape! I'm here for your Star Seed, Seiya-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: Get away!

Sailor Moon: But...

Sailor Star Fighter: Quick!

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Moon: I have to transform quickly!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Please give me your Star Seed!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Please God, I need to bring in a Star Seed first thing in the morning!

Sailor Star Fighter: You can't catch me even after million years!

Sailor Star Fighter: Fighter Star Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm a sh**ting star, breaking through the darkness!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Star Fighter!

Sailor Star Fighter: Stage on!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I wasn't told that you're a Sailor Soldier!

Sailor Star Healer: Looks like you have bad luck!

Sailor Star Maker: It seems like the end of your day, doesn't it?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hey, stop making poses! This is serious!

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Moon: You att*cked an idol on his important day off! I won't forgive you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Well...

Sailor Moon: For love and justice

Sailor Iron Mouse: So, listen...

Sailor Moon: Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Iron Mouse: I can't wait for that kind of thing...

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: See? Damn! Nobody understands how I feel! Damn!

Sailor Moon: Just a second!

Sailor Moon: What is this?

Sailor Moon: This is Seiya's!

Sailor Moon: What happened to Seiya?

Sailor Star Fighter: How does she know about that brooch?

Sailor Moon: Oh no! Was he turned into a Phage!

Sailor Moon: Tell me! Where's Seiya?

Sailor Star Fighter: He's safe.

Sailor Moon: Really?

Sailor Star Fighter: Yes, I guarantee it.

Sailor Iron Mouse: You don't know anything! I know it!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Do you want to know Seiya-kun's... real... identity?

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser!

Sailor Iron Mouse: If you don't want to tell, give me your Star Seed.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hello! Thank you for calling! This is your Sailor Iron Mouse!

Galaxia: You disappoint me, Sailor Iron Mouse!

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Galaxia-sama, are you mad because I hung up on you?

Galaxia: I don't need you anymore!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Galaxia-sama, please, forgive me!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Please! Don't take my bracelets!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh, I have an idea! Why don't you forgive me if you can't answer this riddle?

Stars Translator's Notes: Tonkatsu is a breaded, deep-fried pork cutlet that is generally served with shredded cabbage and dipping sauce.

Sailor Iron Mouse: A pig chef and a horse chef compete at making Tonkatsu. Which chef wins?

Sailor Moon: She's gone!

Galaxia: The whole galaxy belongs to me, Sailor Galaxia!

Galaxia: If you don't want to end up like this, don't disobey me!

Sailor Star Healer: Galaxia!

Sailor Star Maker: The real enemy who ruined our home planet!

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: You should be careful too!

Sailor Moon: You want to fight with us, right? If we work together, we have...

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't depend on us!

Sailor Star Maker: We didn't come here to protect the Earth!

Sailor Star Healer: You should protect your planet by yourselves!

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Moon: Seiya...

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: Where were you? I was worried about you!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sorry!

Sailor Moon: Sorry? Well, are you hurt?

Sailor Star Fighter: No.

Sailor Moon: That's good!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'll give it to you!

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: My gratitude for spending the day with me.

Sailor Moon: Oh... Thank you.

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Star Fighter: No, nothing.

Sailor Star Fighter: No way.

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling, is she your sister?

Sailor Moon: No, she isn't.

Sailor Star Fighter: Be honest, you know something.

Sailor Moon: There are some things that I can't tell.

Sailor Star Fighter: Are you keeping secrets from me?

Sailor Moon: I don't have any secrets! I don't know what happened to me!

Sailor Star Fighter: You don't know what happened to you? No way! Is she your kid?

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Invasion From Space! Siren Comes Flying In.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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