05x169 - The Cursed Mirror: Mamoru Caught in a Nightmare

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x169 - The Cursed Mirror: Mamoru Caught in a Nightmare

Post by bunniefuu »

Regular Dialogue: Who is the most beautiful person in the world?

Regular Dialogue: Yes, it is you.

Regular Dialogue: We're receiving reports of an illness occuring among young girls...

Regular Dialogue: ...in which they experience weakness and fatigue when waking up in the morning.

Regular Dialogue: This stress based syndrome with no apparent mental or physical cause...

Regular Dialogue: ...is being called the "Modern Day Unknown Disease."

Sailor Saturn: A shadow of darkness covering the white moon...

Sailor Saturn: The one with shining golden hair is approached by an evil desire.

Sailor Uranus: "Modern Day Unknown Disease?" This seems too coincidental...

Sailor Saturn: A mirror...

Sailor Neptune: The true nature of the incident from before was also related to mirrors...

Sailor Neptune: The vision just now...

Sailor Venus: We're gonna be late!

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan, hurry!

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa will make fun of us for being in high school and still being late!

Sailor Moon: Hey you! You don't have time to be looking in the mirror, the bell has stopped ringing!

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan! This isn't the time to be worrying about anyone else!

Sailor Jupiter: That sounds like...

Sailor Mercury: It must be Usagi-chan and Minako-chan.

Sailor Moon: WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!

Sailor Venus: WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Moon: It's dangerous to pop out of nowhere like that!

Sailor Venus: It's dangerous to pop out of nowhere like that!

Sailor Jupiter: Nevermind that...

Sailor Jupiter: Can't you wake up a bit earlier in the morning?

Sailor Moon: Ah, more importantly, the teacher is coming!

Sailor Jupiter: Don't worry, the first period is study hall.

Sailor Mercury: The teachers are in the teacher's lounge for an emergency meeting.

Regular Dialogue: No way... a meeting to discuss punishment of the students who are always late?

Sailor Mercury: It's not that. It's because today there are so many absences, mostly among the girls.

Sailor Moon: Oh? Is there a flu going around?

Sailor Venus: I wonder if they'll close school today...

Sailor Jupiter: That's not it...

Sailor Mercury: There is an overwhelming number of people that get up in the mornings...

Sailor Mercury: ...and don't have any energy, so they aren't coming to school.

Sailor Venus: Ah, I heard about that on the news this morning.

Sailor Jupiter: It seems to be happening here at school too.

Sailor Mercury: Minako-chan, if you have time to watch the morning news...

Sailor Mercury: ...then shouldn't you be able to get here on time?

Sailor Moon: Mako-chan, don't stop so suddenly...

Sailor Jupiter: That girl... isn't that a bit weird?

Sailor Moon: Lemme go see...

Sailor Moon: What's going on? You are looking at that mirror so seriously...

Sailor Moon: Is there something interesting about it?

Sailor Moon: Is this mirror different from other mirrors? Am I right?

Sailor Moon: Let me see that for a sec!

Sailor Moon: Huh? I don't see what could be so special about this...

Sailor Jupiter: Watch out!!

Sailor Jupiter: I'm sorry, but I saw some strange power coming out of it and just...

Sailor Jupiter: Um, I'm really sorry...

Sailor Jupiter: If you want, you can use my mirror. Here.

Regular Dialogue: If the mirror is broken, how can I live from now on?

Sailor Venus: Isn't she kinda overreacting?

Sailor Moon: Come to think of it... Mamo-chan's eye also had a golden glimmer like hers!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan, something wrong?

Sailor Moon: No, it's nothing...

Sailor Moon: It can't be...

Sailor Moon: Then Mamo-chan is also...

Sailor Moon: In any case, I'll have to see for myself to make sure.

Regular Dialogue: Chiba-sempai, Mamoru-sempai, are you here?

Regular Dialogue: You promised we'd meet together today for "Pass ."

Regular Dialogue: Strange. I wonder if he left already?

Sailor Moon: Oh!

Sailor Moon: Why was that guy here anyway? Who was he?

Sailor Moon: I wonder if Mamo-chan isn't home...

Sailor Moon: He's gone like I thought, but this Usagi-san is not the type who would give up and leave.

Sailor Moon: I have a symbol of our love which Mamo-chan gave me: the SPARE KEY!

Sailor Moon: Who am I showing off to anyway?

Sailor Moon: Pardon me...

Sailor Moon: It's dark. I guess Mamo-chan really did go out somewhere.

Sailor Moon: Where did he go? He even said he wasn't feeling well...

Sailor Moon: And, all these mirrors... did he always have this many?

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan, are you here?

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Tuxedo Mask: Who is it? Why are you here?

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan, just now, there was a person in...

Tuxedo Mask: How could you enter someone's apartment without asking?

Sailor Moon: I'm sorry. I... was just worried about you, Mamo-chan.

Tuxedo Mask: You don't have to worry about me.

Tuxedo Mask: What a pity...

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan, are you alright?

Tuxedo Mask: Stop it!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan...

Tuxedo Mask: Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't been myself... I haven't been feeling well.

Tuxedo Mask: I'm probably just tired. Let me sleep a bit.

Tuxedo Mask: I need to have some rest...

Sailor Moon: Sure, if you are tired then please go rest.

Sailor Moon: I asked Mama to make you lunch. If you're tired then you need your vitamins,

Sailor Moon: so I asked her to add a lot of vegetables.

Sailor Moon: If you feel better, please eat it. I'll put it in the kitchen.

Tuxedo Mask: OK.

Sailor Moon: Also, I'm sorry for breaking the mirror.

Tuxedo Mask: OK.

Sailor Moon: See you later. Please call me when you feel better.

Sailor Mercury: What? Mamoru-san's room?

Sailor Moon: Yeah, all of sudden his place is full of mirrors and he was gazing into them the whole time.

Chibi Moon: Could it be that illness everyone is talking about?

Sailor Venus: I can't believe Mamoru-san...

Sailor Mercury: It's most prevalent among young girls, but they said men are also getting it.

Sailor Mercury: We should double check.

Sailor Moon: But even if it is, how can it be cured?

Sailor Jupiter: They said they don't know how to treat it and that medication has no effect.

Sailor Mars: Mirrors?

Sailor Mars: Maybe it's...

Sailor Venus: What is it, Rei-chan?

Sailor Mars: I think that illness may have something to do with mirrors...

Sailor Mars: My protection mirror,

Sailor Mars: the true nature of those creatures from before...

Sailor Mars: There are just too many strange things happening recently that are related to mirrors.

Sailor Mercury: I agree.

Sailor Venus: That must be it.

Sailor Jupiter: This might be the crisis Haruka-san and the others warned us about.

Sailor Saturn: A shadow of darkness covering the white moon...

Sailor Saturn: The one with shining golden hair is approached by an evil desire.

Chibi Moon: Setsuna-san! Hotaru-chan!

Sailor Saturn: I don't know for sure as of yet, but...

Sailor Pluto: Something dark is drawing near.

Sailor Mars: A shadow of darkness covering the white moon...

Sailor Mercury: The one with shining golden hair...

Sailor Venus: Is approached by an evil desire...

Chibi Moon: What are you talking about?

Sailor Jupiter: Someone doesn't like Sailor Moon and wants to do something bad to her.

Sailor Saturn: All I know is that something is beginning.

Sailor Saturn: On the other hand, something is ending.

Sailor Saturn: Everything will change and awaken.

Sailor Saturn: Then it will begin to walk the path to destruction.

Sailor Pluto: When Hotaru sensed the darkness that is coming,

Sailor Pluto: she was awoken as Sailor Saturn once more.

Sailor Moon: The darkness... So, that is why I became Eternal Sailor Moon?

Sailor Saturn: On the night of the falling stars,

Sailor Saturn: I suddenly had a vision where all the mirrors in the city were affected by the darkness.

Sailor Saturn: I was shaken with terror, and I felt at that moment what I must do.

Sailor Mars: So the reason my protection mirror was acting strangely...

Sailor Mercury: And the reason for the "Modern Day Unknown Disease..."

Sailor Saturn: Most likely, it is because of the power of darkness that is hidden within those mirrors.

Sailor Pluto: Do not look into mirrors carelessly, or you may be caught by the power of darkness.

Sailor Moon: So, you mean Mamo-chan has also been captured by the power of darkness in the mirrors?

Sailor Moon: Earlier, I saw a dark shadow in Mamo-chan's mirror.

Sailor Moon: Also, when I was in my room just before then...

Sailor Moon: ...I had a strange feeling.

Sailor Moon: That feeling was...

Sailor Pluto: ...the Prince being approached by the darkness.

Sailor Pluto: Haruka and Michiru already went ahead. Please hurry.

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Sailor Uranus: Space Sword...

Sailor Uranus: Blaster!

Sailor Neptune: I've been thinking a lot about it recently...

Sailor Uranus: About what?

Sailor Neptune: Just this once, I wish my instincts weren't right.

Sailor Uranus: Well, I think it's better than sitting around being bored all day.

Sailor Neptune: Oh dear! Are you saying its boring when you are with me?

Sailor Neptune: Submarine...

Sailor Neptune: Reflection!

Sailor Neptune: It's endless!

Sailor Pluto: Dead Scream

Sailor Moon: Uranus! Neptune!

Sailor Neptune: You guys are late.

Sailor Pluto: Leave this to us! Please hurry to where the Prince is!

Sailor Moon: OK!

Sailor Moon: Hurry! Hurry up!

Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter: Oak Evolution!

Sailor Jupiter: Now! Hurry and take the stairs!

Sailor Venus: Time to show off the legs I've been giving special training everyday!!

Sailor Jupiter: Special training?

Sailor Venus: No! Nevermind! Hey! Let's hurry, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Mars: What's wrong Sailor Moon?

Chibi Moon: If we don't hurry up...

Sailor Moon: The dark shadow I saw that time...

Sailor Moon: I finally remember!

Sailor Moon: It was...

Sailor Moon: Nehelenia!

Sailor Mars: That's impossible!

Sailor Venus: Right! Nehelenia was sealed in the new moon!

Sailor Mercury: But what if that seal was somehow broken?

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!!!

Sailor Mars: This is...

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Sailor Moon: These mirrors...

Tuxedo Mask: When I'm gazing into the mirrors, I feel at peace.

Tuxedo Mask: They are gradually putting me at ease...

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan! No!!!

Sailor Jupiter: The power of darkness is coming from the mirror!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Sailor Moon: Please stop gazing into the mirrors like that.

Tuxedo Mask: Shut up!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Moon!

Chibi Moon: How terrible, Mamo-chan! Pushing her like that...!

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan, are you listening?

Sailor Moon: It's alright, Chibi-Moon.

Sailor Jupiter: That is...

Sailor Venus: Nehelenia!

Sailor Mars: As we suspected, the seal has been broken!

Neherenia: Queen of the White Moon, did you have an enjoyable morning?

Sailor Moon: What are you planning to do to Mamo-chan?

Neherenia: When I was sealed in that small cold darkness,

Neherenia: you were living in the outside world laughing at me.

Neherenia: Surrounded by the people whom you love, under the shining rays of the sun...

Neherenia: Your golden hair fluttering in the wind.

Sailor Moon: I would never laugh at you!

Neherenia: Silence!!

Neherenia: I will guide everything you love into destruction.

Neherenia: Like THIS!

Sailor Moon: Stop it!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan! Mamo-chan!

Sailor Mars: Mars Flame sn*per!

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!

Neherenia: My power of darkness is unaffected by your child's play!

Sailor Moon: Everybody, please!

Sailor Venus: Everyone, give your power to Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Neherenia: Ridiculous!

Sailor Moon: Please give back Mamo-chan!

Sailor Moon: Why am I returning to my previous form?

Sailor Moon: Why am I not able to fight in this form?

Neherenia: Sailor Moon, look well. The man you love is now in my embrace.

Neherenia: Look upon the sadness, the hatred, the depression of this world!

Sailor Moon: Stop it! Please don't go!

Neherenia: Useless!

Neherenia: Because of my curse, this man's heart is in the grip of nightmares.

Neherenia: He can no longer hear your voice.

Neherenia: By dawn, this man's heart will be totally under my control.

Neherenia: Can you reach me before that time comes, Sailor Moon?

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan! Mamo-chan!

Sailor Moon: MAMO-CHAN!

Sailor Moon: Hurry! We have to save Mamo-chan! Chibi-Usa will disappear!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan, calm down. This is a trap.

Sailor Moon: But... But Mamo-chan and Chibi-Usa...

Sailor Mercury: Please have faith in us. We will definitely save Mamoru-san and Chibi-Usa!

Sailor Moon: Ami-chan...

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Night of destiny! Sailor Soldiers' crisis.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.
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