04x09 - The Last Leaf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x09 - The Last Leaf

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪

Louise, this apple
pie is delicious.

Florence really outdid herself.

Florence didn't bake it. I did.

Oh. Well, it's still delicious.

Thank you.

Except for the hard crust.

You mind if I do the carpet now?

No, go right ahead.

That pie sure came out nice.

It did. You out to try some
when you get the chance.


What about the carpet?

It looks pretty
scroungy, don't it?

Fork, please.

Oh, no, louise! She
spilled the salt!

Don't worry, mother jefferson.

There's plenty left
for your bloody mary.

Oh, helen. Don't tell
me you're superstitious?

Oh. Only about a
couple of things.


Don't look at me like that.
Everybody's superstitious.

I'm not.

You must be a
little superstitious.

Don't black cats
make you nervous?

Not unless they're six feet tall

With stockings over their heads.

I think you're putting us on.

You're not superstitious
about anything?


Well, there's one
itsy-bitsy thing.

It's hardly worth mentioning.

Tell us.

It's just an old dried-out
thing I keep in the closet.

One of your dresses, dear?

No, it's sort of a
good luck token.

Like what?

I wore it when george
and I got married.

It brought me luck.

I knew something was
working against me.

I wanna see it.

Me too.

Well, okay.

George couldn't afford
it, but he bought it anyway.

Back then, he was
just a poor man

Struggling to make a buck.

Now look at him.

Now he's a rich man
struggling to make a buck.

Here it is.

I haven't looked
at it for years.

the wonder book of knowledge?

You wore this on
your wedding day?

I wore what I pressed inside...

My wedding corsage
that george bought me.

Lots of women
save their corsages.

That isn't superstitious.

I always had this crazy idea

That if anything ever
happened to that orchid,

If I should ever lose it,

My marriage would bust up.

Sounds dumb, doesn't it?


That's the most irrational,

Illogical thing I've ever heard.

I can't help it.

Imagine, letting the
happiness of my marriage

Depend on an old,
dried-out corsage

That isn't in here!

It's not in here!

Oh, my god, it's missing!

Louise, calm down.

Calm down? Your
marriage isn't in trouble.

There's nothing wrong
with yours, either.

Florence, is there more pie?


Then I'll be going.

I can't find it!

Good-bye, louise.

What do I do?

Get a hold of yourself.

You said it was superstition.

That was before I
knew it was missing.

Don't worry, dear.

Just tell george that mother
always has a room for him.

Any marriage that can withstand
years of george jefferson

Can handle a lost corsage.

[Doorbell rings]

Helen, I have this
sinking feeling.

Something awful will happen.

It's like something horrible

Is on the other
side of that door.

It ain't that horrible.

It's just mr. Bentley.

Hello, florence. Ladies.

Is something wrong?

Mrs. Jefferson
is a little upset.

Nothing serious, I hope.

It's because of a superstition.

Superstition is sheer poppycock.


I do remember a
dinner for people

That was most unlucky.


I got the check.

How could I lose
my lucky corsage?

You don't believe in
good luck charms, do you?

You have to make your own luck.

To this day, I don't understand

Why one would want
to have a rabbit's foot.

If one was a rabbit, one would.

Mrs. J, let me tell you
about my uncle hubert.

He deliberately defied the fates

By smashing a
mirror in his bedroom.

Oh, no!

That's seven years' bad luck.

Not for uncle hubert.


That very night, he
d*ed of a heart att*ck.

Did you want something?

May I borrow an umbrella?

I've mislaid mine.

I'll show you how to open it.

Never open an umbrella indoors!

The consequences
could be disastrous.

I thought you said
superstition is poppycock.

That isn't
superstition. It's a fact.


George is going to leave me!

Stop that, louise.

It's bad luck to cry
on a dirty carpet.

I think I'll start dinner.

It's another woman.

She's probably a size- sexpot

That comes sashaying
into his store every day.

Maybe that corsage got lost

When you moved
here three years ago.

He's been sneaking around
with her for three years?

The only thing I've ever
given george credit for

Is having the good
taste to love you.

I know that man
loves you deeply.

He may be
inconsiderate sometimes,

But underneath,
he really loves you.

Weezy, where the hell's dinner?

I'm in a hurry.

See what I mean?

He's crazy about you.

See you later.

Good-bye, george.

I like her when she's leaving.

Oh, george!

What's going on here?

Have you been reading
cosmopolitan again?

No. I'm just happy to see you.

How was your day?

Great. Especially my lunch date.

You had a date? With who?

Fred landers, from the bank.

A man. That's nice.

I got a loan for a new store.

George, where's your tie?

Fred liked it. I gave it to him.

I gave you that
tie for christmas.

It came in handy, too.

Suppose I went to lunch

And gave away your
christmas present.

Go ahead. But you'd look
funny wearing a television set.


It was worth it
to land that loan.

Where's dinner?

Florence, get a move
on with them can openers.

What's the rush, george?

I got to see lucinda tonight.


Lucinda adams.

She owns the store.


You call her lucinda?

Only when I talk to her.

Is she pretty?



No, she ain't pretty.

Oh, sure!

I bet she's got long legs,

Big, blinking eyelashes,

And a little, puckery mouth.

Is that what she's got?


A little puckery mouth?

So she's young and pretty.

That don't mean nothin' to me.

I'm used to you.

Why have you met with
her four times this month?

They were business meetings.

Our marriage is breaking up.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Is this meeting tonight a
matter of life and death?

Worse. It's a matter
of dollars and cents.

I got the loan today.

I'm buying the biggest
cleaners in the village.

But george...

Don't be hassling me!

I need my strength to
cut florence's pot roast.

Will you just answer
me one question?


Do you love me?

Of course I love you!

Why don't you ever tell me?

I'm telling you now!

I didn't hear you.

I love you! I love
you! I love you!

You don't love me.

I think you finally
flipped your lid.

How do you feel about
me now, this very minute?

You're a pain in the butt.


Dinner is served.

Maybe for the last time.

What's going on here?

She thinks her
marriage is on the rocks.


She lost her wedding corsage.

She thinks your
marriage is over.



Where you goin'?



I want to be alone.

Why don't you be alone
right here with me?

This pain in the
butt is butting out.

Where could she be?
She's been gone for hours.

I'm going to the meeting.

You'll lose your wife.

My marriage is not busting up.

It's some dumb,
ridiculous superstition.

When folks think
something can happen,

They can make it happen.



I keep thinking you ought
to shut up, and you don't.

That's because I'm right.

What about dumbo,
the flying elephant?

Dumbo wasn't married.

When he thought
he could fly, he flew.

He bought a plane ticket.

No. He flapped his ears.

I'm going to the meeting.

Ok, but remember... I
don't clean for bachelors.

You don't clean for
married couples, neither.

You think you got
answers for everything.

I do.

Then where's your wife?

Are you sure the
corsage ain't in the book?

Look for yourself.

She's still got the best
thing from the wedding.



Maybe it slipped out.

Where was this book at?

The hall closet.

Mrs. Jefferson looked in there.

I found them!


My boxing shorts from the navy.

What's that?

Oh. That's my cup.

Your cup? How do
you drink out of that?

It isn't for drinking.


Get the doorbell, florence.


Is mr. Jefferson in?

He's in the closet with his cup.


Oh. Hi, george.

Help me, willis.

Oh, sure.

Florence, look in
the bedroom closet.

If you ask me, your
marriage is over.


What you want, willis?

Helen told me about louise.

I came to help.

Help me look
through these books.


How is louise?

She went stomping
out of here hours ago.


May I ask something else?


What am I looking for?

Louise's crummy wedding corsage.



Found it?


When I was a boy,

This was my favorite story.

the little engine that could.


This little engine didn't think
he could go over this hill.

All the way up, he said,

"I think I can. I think I can."

Shut up!

When he got near the top,

You know what he did?

He flapped his
ears and flew away.


Oh, no. That was dumbo.

The little engine said,

"I know I can. I know I can."

Shut up!

What about the end?

He made it and said,

"I thought I could."

If you knew the story,
why didn't you stop me?

It's not here.

Get louise another corsage.

She wants the lost one.

Make her believe it
is the one she lost.

Willis, that's dishonest.

And wonderful!

You're terrific!

Thank you, george.

Touchy-feely time.

Florence, he likes me!

That puts you in a
smaller minority than us.

Where can I find a
dried-up corsage?

Grauer's flower
power is open till : .


It's worth a try.

No, it ain't.


I'll miss the meeting

And lose my new store.

What's more important...
Money or marriage?

I ain't got time for
no tough questions.

If you know what's best,
you'll get that flower.

First, I got to find a florist.

Then I got to find a cab,

Go across town for my meeting...

All in minutes.

You can make it.


Keep saying, "I think I can.

I think I can."


You scared the
shortcake out of me!

When did weezy get home?

An hour ago. Where
have you been?

I got this in queens.

What about grauer's
flower power?


I found a place in queens.

I paid the guy $
to open the store,

$ To look for a dried corsage,

And another $ for pants.


Yeah. These.

What happened to your pants?

I left them in the alley
with the german shepherd.

What german shepherd?

The german shepherd
that was eating them up.

What was it doing
in the flower shop?

About m.p.h.
Around the turns.

You sure look funny.

Don't you want to hear this?

Finish your story.

The florist said his wife
still had her wedding corsage.

We woke her up, and I bought it.

She sold her wedding corsage?

What on earth made her do that?


At least you got it.

It cost $ and a new store.

I missed the meeting.

I'm proud of you.

Where's that book?

Let me see the corsage.

Give me...


You finally came home!

Weezy, honey!

How are you feeling, my love?

How's lucinda?

I don't know. I
guess she's fine.

She sends her love.

I'm tired from
this business talk.

Let's hit the sack.

Good night.


What happened to your pants?

Don't worry.
These ain't my pants.


Where are yours?

Some dog got them.

You left them with lucinda?


I've done a lot of
thinking about us.

My god! Look!


On the carpet. Termites.



It's just the pattern
in the carpet.

I never noticed it before.

Don't it look like termites?

No, it doesn't
look like termites!

I've got more important
things to worry about!

But see all them
little squiggles?


Listen to me, george.

We're going to have this out.

You're upset about
losing your corsage.

You probably think
I'm being very stupid.

Wrong. But how
could it disappear?

Look one more time.

It's gone, george.

One more look.

Oh, my goodness!

It is here, after all.


That means you do love me.

Love you? I'm crazy about you.


What about florence?

Let her get her own kisses.

That's wonderful,
mrs. Jefferson.

Your corsage was
there all along.

Snug as a bug in a book.

Can it, florence.
This isn't my corsage.

How do you know?

My corsage was in the
wonder book of knowledge,

Not in the little
engine that could.

Maybe you're mistaken.

I know my corsage never said

"Good luck, irene" on it.

Mr. Jefferson went to a
lot of trouble to get that.

He even missed his meeting.

Don't worry.
Everything will be ok.

My superstition was silly.

But you know what was sillier?

Mr. Jefferson's baggy pants.

No. Me doubting george.

Anytime he gives
up a business deal

To go chasing for an old flower,

That's true love.

Oh, and florence,

We'll be up late
tomorrow morning.

Knock wood.

♪♪ [Humming]

[woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.
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