03x99112 - Who is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99112 - Who is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness

Post by bunniefuu »

We have to find the Messiah now!?

On top of that, strange enemies are
appearing, and we're in a bind!

Hey, Chibiusa! What are you running
around at a time like this for?

What happened to your
"cherished meetings"?

Bad girls who forget their training...

...get punished in the name of the moon!

Our messiah of silence...

How are you feeling today?

My head feels a little heavy...

Hurry up and give me a perfect pure heart...

I understand.

I need to take perfect
pure hearts from humans...

...and transfer them into
energy for your awakening.

As you can see, cormorants
dive underwater to catch fish...

...and keep the fish deep in their throats.

"Ukai" is a fishing method
using this trait of these birds...

...and we will use this method as reference
in getting pure hearts from now on.

First, we approach the target,
and release a Daimohn.

The Daimohn will swallow the pure heart...

...and come back to me.

Then, I will make it spit out the pure heart.

It is a very safe yet effective method...


Are my lectures that boring?


To bring such things into your work place...

It's nice following trends and all, but it
is troubling if you forget your work...

Do you have clues as to where the
pure hearts are in the first place?

Of course, Professor!

I have already found someone
with a heart of amazing purity!

I see... Then I shall sit back and
see how you work, Mimet.

Sailor Moon isn't the true messiah, anyway.

When the time comes,
the Grail will choose its own user.

In other words, we will awaken
the messiah of silence first.

That is correct, Mimet.


Celebrities who show dreams to their fans
must have hearts that are purer than most...

I will use that energy to
awaken our messiah!

If the correct person
gets a hold of the grail...

...the world will be filled with divine light,
and evil of all sorts will be crushed.

However, if evil hands
get a hold of the grail...

...the entire world will be ruled by darkness,
and the age of shadows will begin.

If that happens, the future will
change as well, of course...

Then, that foretelling dream...!!

Setsuna, you came here from the
future to tell us about that, right?


Well, I'll be going now.

Eh?! Why?

I must find the messiah along
with Sailor Uranus and Neptune.

W-Wait a minute!

Why just the three of them...?

Oh, man, she could have
told us a lot more stuff!.

Don't ask for too much!

I'm sure she has all sorts
of reasons of her own...

But, you know...

But... It's a shame that
Usagi isn't the messiah.

In any case, we have to think
of how to find the messiah.

But where do we look...?

You know, how about
zeroing in on the diners?

They say the messiah, so she just has
to be in a "meshi-ya"! (food place)



Hey... Where's Plu?

Setsuna left, saying she
had something to do.

Darn... I was planning on
going to the park with her...

Hey, no way! I can't!
I have no time for that now!


Chibiusa, which park were
you planning to go to?

Juban Natural Park...

Then, I'll take you there!


Come on...

Minako! We're in the middle of
an important discussion, right!?

Usagi, don't say that, you sound like Ami...

Minako... what is in that park?


Oh, all right! I'll confess!

Actually, there's a filming for
a Yosaku Eda movie there today!

Filming a Yosaku Eda movie!? Amazing!

Chibiusa! I'll go along with you!

You know...

Yosaku Eda, huh...?

He's so cool, it's a little like HI M...

See? See? Don't you
want to see the real thing?

Okay, that's it!
You're coming with us, right, Rei?

Well, I guess I can go along...

All right! Hey, let's go, Ami!

Usagi, what are we going
to do about the messiah...?

Well, well! You never know,
the messiah could be in such a place!


Why? Well, that's because... uh...

I-In other words, a hunch! My hunch!

All right, let's go.

Even Ami...

You guys aren't being serious!

We need to change our pace every so often.

I think it's better than worrying about
something and not getting anything done.

That's right! And studying in the great
wilderness might help us learn, too!

Oh, no, I thought we were
going there to have fun...?


All right! Let's all go to Juban Natural Park!


Oh, boy...

Yosaku Eda is filming the movie
"The Akafuji Gunman" on location today...

That must be it!

Yosaku is...

There, that's him!

He really is handsome... Yosaku...

Before I abduct his
pure heart and k*ll him...

...I should at least have him
eat a handmade cake!


What are you going to do,
approaching Yosaku like that!?

Yosaku is in the middle of
very important work right now!

It's distracting to see you in such
an outfit loitering around here!

Yeah, really!

All I wanted to do is to have
him eat a handmade cake...

A cake? Ha!

Yosaku hates sweet stuff!.

Even ants won't touch a cake like that! Right?

Yeah! Take this as your lesson,
and don't get near Yosaku!

My cake...

What's wrong?

Those girls were my fans, right?

Oh... No...

Lately, they've been rather abrasive...

This cake... was it actually for me...?


You took the time to bake it,
but it all went to waste...

It's delicious.


- See ya!
- Stay and watch for a while.

Yosaku... They said that
he didn't like sweets...

It's love! This must be love!!

Yosaku... He must have fallen
deeply in love with meat first glance!


I am destined to take your
pure heart and k*ll you...

I'm sure it's tough for you,
but give up on this romance...

Don't come any closer!

You're going to get into another fight anyway.

If you're going to leave me alone...

...don't come after me!

I won't leave you all alone...!


Oh... how handsome...


If I steal your pure heart...

...this movie will remain incomplete...

But I won't forget.

I will engrave your last
performance deep into my eyes!

The hat that Moma-Ikuko bought for me!

Someone catch it!

It's an important hat!



Thank you!

I'm glad... it didn't fall into the river.

Are you all right?

It's just another seizure...

Don't worry.


It'll be over... in a minute.

I'm all right now.

I'm glad.

I know! Do you want to play with me?

I'm Chibiusa!

I'm Hotaru.

All right! Time for a break!

Is could get at least an
autograph before I k*ll him...


Is it all right? In a place like this...

We don't have time to see each other
unless it's sometime like this, right?

- That's true...
- Yosaku... He has me, and yet...

How dare he!!

In that case...

Appear, Daimohn!




Yosaku really is after that woman...!

Western! Take Yosaku's pure heart!

Hi-yo, Silver!

Western! Western! Western! Western!


Help us!

What's going on!?

Bang! Bang!

I haven't paid you back for the cake yet!

Western! Make sure you take
good care of those girls!!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

- Oh, my god!
- Help!

What should I do...?

I can't transform in front of Hotaru...

Woohoo! Mako-chan's box lunch!

But... how far did Chibiusa go to play?

It's rather rowdy...

Is break over already?


A Daimohn!

Everyone! Let's transform!

Western! That's enough!

Hurry up and take Yosaku's pure heart!

Okay! Western!

Hold it right there!

Interrupting the sh**ting of
a fun movie for people...

...an outlaw chasing after
innocent people with a g*n!

Even if Wyatt Earp forgives you,
we won't forgive you!

In the name of the moon...

...we'll punish you!

Shut up!

Western, get them!

Yeah! Western!

Leave it to me!





Bang! Bang!

The attack doesn't work!?

It's different from previous Daimohns!

Western! Now's your chance!



You're kidding...

She ate it!

Well done, Western!
Let's go back to the professor now!

Yeah! Western!




Guided by a new era...

Sailor Uranus acts with elegance!

Sailor Neptune acts with grace!

That's it!

Western! Grab those kids!!

Look out!




Don't move until we're far, far away!

If you move even just a
little bit, this girl... Well...

I won't care what happens!




Sailor Moon!
Under go your second transformation!







Love... LOVELY!

I'll get you for this!!

What was that?

It seems like our new enemy...


This is really tough...





Oh, no! You're hurt!

I'm sorry... it was because
you covered for me...

It's just a scratch. I'm all right!

Let me take a look at it.


Everyone in my class is scared of this...
And they won't come close to me...

It really is creepy, to have powers like this.

That's not true!

It's wonderful! It really is!




Are you all right, Hotaru?

I'm all right...

Hey, Hotaru...?

Hold it together, Hotaru!

I'm glad...

But why are they still after pure hearts?

Sailor Moon!
I'll let you hold onto the Grail for a while.

Wait! Hey, let's look for
the Messiah together!!

That can't happen.

We're different from you.

We'll look for the Messiah.

What do you mean by that?

Why Pluto as well...?

That's right, where's Chibiusa?

She was here until a moment ago.

Sheesh, that girl really...

I'm sorry to make you worry...

It's really all right!

Oh, it's Papa.

Is that you, Hotaru?

What happened? I was worried
because you were so late.

I just had a seizure...

Papa, this is Chibiusa.
She walked me all the way home.

I see... Thank you, Chibiusa.

See ya.

Can I see you again?

Yeah! We're already friends!


I'm happy for you, Hotaru.


Well, I'll see you later!

See you...!

Come visit us again.
We'll be waiting for you!


I want to see my papa, too...

Good night, Papa.

Good night, Hotaru.
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