03x99108 - Usagi Dancing to the Waltz

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99108 - Usagi Dancing to the Waltz

Post by bunniefuu »

The moon whispers in the breeze.

A waltz drifts in the air
of the mansion of roses.

And a song of hope for the future,
sung in a high voice by a Daimohn...

Hey, wait a minute!

That's not a waltz at all!

You're just singing a strange yodel!

The rhythm of a waltz
is un-deux-trois!

An afternoon in the late summer heat.

In your nicely air-conditioned room...

...the happiness as I
have a romantic daydream.


It's no time to be daydreaming!

Sheesh, Usagi. You're so...

You have to keep yourself together.

You said you wanted me to tutor you...

Let me guess, the air conditioning
was what you were after?

No, not at all...

The herb tea is delicious too... Oh...

Thanks for the compliments...

Ami, what are you doing?

Did you find an interesting book?

Yes... all academic books
of very high caliber.

Basic Dictionary of
Ancient Babylonian Language.

Fluid Mechanics and Wave Mechanics.

Computer Programming Languages
and Symbolic Logic.

You Can Make Your Own Curry
Dishes from Around the World.

But, these subjects
don't seem very consistent...

All of them are really interesting.

I just can't bring myself to
specifying any one field as my major.

Wow, that's amazing!

Wouldn't you say that you're a jack of
all trades but a master of none?

Just for reference...
That's not really a compliment.

You guys really DO need
to study some more.

Well, we'll start
with the English readers.

I'm terrible at English!

In your case, Usako... you're
terrible at English AS WELL, right?

Hey, someone's here!
Coming, coming!

U-Uh... We're fine if
you're selling newspapers...

I AM... ...English...

...NO, NO, CAN'T... ...see?

Young lady, is Mamoru around?

M-Mamoru... ...IS...
...here, that he is...

Oh, man!
You can speak Japanese!


Hello, Mamoru. Long time no see.

Hello, young ladies.

Mako-chan, I don't
think that's quite it...

I was afraid of that.

If you'd like,
you can have some tea...

No, don't mind me.

Actually, a group of youngsters are
coming over to my place again today.

They told me to invite
you to the gathering.

Thanks for coming all
the way out here...

Oh, I just came here as
part of my daily walk.

Oh, yes, if they would like to come,
the young ladies are also invited.

It's a very fun party.


Edwards is an English
gentleman who lives...

...in the European mansion
on the outskirts of town.

So he's the much-rumored English gentleman
who lives in that European mansion!


Edwards often invites
young exchange students...

...to his mansion,
and holds parties for them.

The mansion on top of the hill...
The graceful melodies of a waltz...

It's wonderful that you
can communicate between...

...cultures with people
from various countries.

In a wonderful European mansion...
a party with Mamo-chan!

Starting today,
I too am a global person!

But... the fact that it's
a party for exchange students...

Yeah. Most of the
conversation is in English.

Yeah. Most of the
conversation is in English.

So, in order for you not
to be embarrassed at the party...

...let's brush up your English skills.

Party with Mamo-chan...

But in English.

T-That's why we're going to
go over English now, right?

Party with Mamo-chan...

But in English.

Hello? Usako?

I guess we're calling it a day now...

We couldn't study at all again today...

The elegant melody of the waltz.

The three-beat rhythm represents...

...intelligence, education,
and the will to fight.

It is the ultimate music that
represents us, the Death Busters.

Excuse me a moment...

The song title is
""Hope for the Future.""

It's a piece I composed
when I was young.

In other words...

This time, we're
targeting someone with...

...a pure heart that fits
the images of a waltz well.

Yes... and the "Hope
for the Future" as well.


An owner of a pure heart
who loves a waltz...

...and is passionate about
hope for the future.


I-I didn't know that
this was a waltz at all...




Sheesh, what part of that was a waltz!?

Boy, I have a bad feeling about this...


You're kidding!

W-What was that!?

Wow, lots of handsome guys!

Lots of tall people!

They really ARE talking in English!!

Usagi, love has no boundaries!!

The one who talks wins!

You say that, but...

Usagi, this is a chance to
really use English! Try your best!

I haven't studied enough to
think that this is a chance!


T-They're coming!!

Mamoru, please hurry up and introduce
us to these lovely young ladies.

They are... very good at Japanese.

We do attend a Japanese university.

We lucked out, Usagi.

Where's Usagi?

Maybe in the bathroom?

H-HOW... ARE... YOU...

NICE...? NICE TO...?

MEAT... No, not that...

...MEET YOU...

Everyone is so amazing!

Even Rei and Mako-chan
are speaking in English...

Well, for now, I'll drink
some juice and calm down.

Mamoru, you should pursue theoretical
physics. It's a wonderful field.

George, you shouldn't force
your likes on others...

What are you studying, Ned?

They all study very
advanced subjects...

They are reliable young individuals.

It's my pleasure to provide this mansion
as a place for them to socialize.

A beautiful waltz, and young individuals
who are full of possibilities.

Life is rosy when you have those
two things. That is what I believe.

That's amazing...

I think I can see that rosy future.

I want you to become one of those
people who create that rosy future.

Yes, I will do my best.

All too amazing.

The conversation level is
so high, I can't keep up.

Ami really IS a genius.

Hey, Mamo-chan!


The pudding of relativity?
Let's see...

Well, in other words, you take eggs,
milk, and sugar, and you stir it all up.

Then you put a lid on it, and for
about minutes you steam it...

Oh! If you forget the whipped cream,
you're no good as a woman. Yeah.

Interesting... to make a metaphor out of
the theory of relativity and pudding...

That's a pretty unique perspective.

Oh, mister, you're speaking Japanese!

You're such an Edo kid!
Have some sushi, yeah!


Now, Mamo-chan, you too.
About international socialization...

Make it flamboyant!

Usagi, you are an individualist.


She's drunk.

DON'T WORRY... Big bowl, curry!

Lady, if you could come over here...

I won't give you anything!

Mamoru, escort the young
lady over to the balcony...


Everyone, we have invited
two new guests tonight.

Please direct your
attention to the stage.

Miss Haruka Tenoh and
Miss Michiru Kaioh.


Michiru, too!

Everyone, listen...

Usagi is...?

Here, have some water.

How did she drink booze--

I didn't drink booze at all...

I drank some juice. Like this...
Just like this...

- Usagi, wait a minute!
- Usagi, pull yourself together!

Show time.

Are you all right, Usagi?


Hello, girls.

Good evening.


This is a wonderful party.

A waltz just started.

Mamoru, would you care
to join me in a dance?

No! Mamo-chan's dancing with ME...

Oh, my... then buns-head
can dance with me.

Yes, gladly!

That's it... You're pretty good.

Yes... it's just like
I'm having a dream.

Usagi is...


It's thanks to Haruka's lead.

I'm jealous...
I want the next dance...

All right! We'll arm-wrestle
for who goes next!

C-Can we make that
paper-rock-scissors, at least?


Ready, set...

The master of this mansion
apparently helps...

...young individuals,
and he never holds out.

When he was young, Edwards gained his
wealth by stomping on top of other people.

He'd firmly believed that money was what
you needed to build a brighter future.

However, he realized something one day.

Without family or friends,
he was all alone.

He wondered who he could
entrust the rosy future to...

Rosy future?

He's a romantic person, isn't he?

A future is something that you need
to pay a huge sacrifice to attain.

Even a future that you get
by paying many sacrifices...

...means nothing if there
is nobody to look after it.

It's impossible to
do that by yourself...

Ready, set, toss!

Tie, set, toss!

Tie, set, toss!

Tie, set, toss!

- Hey, Rei put her hand in a bit late!
- Hey, I haven't done such a thing!

- Sure you did!
- Did not!

Oh, tres bien!


What a fitting couple!


Can I ask for... the next dance?

Hey, that's not fair.
I would like the next dance...

Young lady, I would
like the next dance...

No, with me...

U-Um, hello...?

Oh, boy, the next
dance already started.

Hey, Mako-chan, guys...
What are all of you doing?

Hey, Mamo-chan...



What in the world...

...have we been doing?

Young ladies...

Dancing is a fine thing,
but how about something else?

Can I ask you to join
me for a little while?

I can show you a very special place.

A special place?

Wow, this is beautiful!

How beautiful!

Hey, that area must
be the Juban district.

I feel like I'm in some dream!

I take it that you
are satisfied with this?

Yes! It truly is wonderful!

Thank you very much.

My dream is that young individuals
nurture a beautiful future...

...much like the
flowers in this garden.

I am looking forward to
all of your futures as well.

Well, I will have drinks
and some cake brought out now.



To make such beautiful flowers bloom...

Mr. Edwards is such
a kindhearted person.

A waltz, young people full of hope,
and Mr. Edwards' pure heart...

It's just as though this mansion
is filled with a rosy future...

No! Don't open that door!

Oh, no!

W-What in the world is this?

Y-Young lady...

Hurry outside!
Young lady?



Well, you do want to
choose your own cake.

What is this smoke!?

This one looks very likely...







We can't let you take this.


Backing up, backing up...

Appear, Daimohn!


Hey, what are you doing!?

T-The dress is...


Oh, I have a headache...

I want to go home now...

Not so fast!

The bell for midnight
hasn't struck yet!

If you're already saying
that you're going home, you...

...definitely aren't Cinderella.

An intruder, an uninvited one!

The witch in Sleeping Beauty,
the evil lord in Swan Lake...

Villains who disrupt
parties are always defeated!

Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty,
Princess Odette, and... ur...

In the name of all the others!

We'll punish you!

Another cause for a headache!

This isn't a talisman.

There you have it.

It was a wasted trip, Eugeal.

So my bad feeling was right!



So, I'm leaving the rest for you!




Sailor Moon!


I can't stand to watch this.




Whoops, was that unnecessary?

How do you do?


Oh, it hasn't been defeated yet!

It's rather persistent!


Hell's Waltz!

What in the world is this!?

What is this!?
Even if you throw musical notes...

This is totally unfair!

If you're a record player, why can't you
fight using music like a record player!?


You have a good point there.

In that case...

A brand-new composition that
I just finished right now!

The Devil's Yodel!

It hurts!

W-What is with this sound!?

This sound stimulates and destroys
the central nervous system of people!

Who is it!?

The sound of music is
meant to be appreciated!

It is not something to
give pain to other people!

Tuxedo Mask!

I will not forgive anyone
who defiles beautiful music!

Oh, no, my last w*apon!

Now, Sailor Moon!





I shouldn't have thrown away the bell!


Did I fall asleep or something?

Oh? I didn't notice anything...

Oh, man, they look so happy...

I'm jealous...

Oh, yeah, where's Haruka?
I have to ask her for a dance!

All right!
We can play rock-paper-scissors again!

- All right!
- Y-You guys...

Believing only in a rosy future, and
entrusting that dream to the next generation.

I guess that's one way to live.

But we have no time left. The silence
of this world is quickly approaching.

To prevent that from happening, we
must hurry up and find the talismans...
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