03x99107 - Art is an expl*si*n of Love: Chibiusa’s First Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99107 - Art is an expl*si*n of Love: Chibiusa’s First Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Chibiusa has a boyfriend?

Because I'm her guardian,
I can't just sit and watch!

I'll become the cupid of love,
and do some matchmaking!

Become better friends!

Become better friends!

Hey, now, you over there that's getting
in the way of my spell of love!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Isn't there something?

Sheesh, this house really has NOTHING!

Oh, there IS something!

Such a good thing, too!

Let's see...

Now, everyone eat up!

W-Where did you get this apple pie...?

Usagi, I hope YOU didn't make it...

It was in the oven...

I think Mom baked it
and left it here for us...

Then we can eat it without fear.

Well, we don't want to get food poisoning
right before our entrance exams.

What's THAT supposed to mean!?

Well, now... Here, here, and here.

Wow, this apple pie sure
has a lot of apples in it!

Minako... Your sense of humor
is going downhill lately.

Yeah, yeah.

Yup, she's right...

Hey, guys, do you know what happened
to the apple pie that was in the ove--

The apple pie that I
took the effort to make...

T-This is...

...something we shouldn't have eaten?

H-How are you going to
take responsibility for this!?

Sheesh, Usagi!
You really are hopeless!

Don't worry...

In the name of Mars...

...I will chastise Usagi for you!


Y-Y-You traitor!

I wanted Masanori to eat this, too!

Who's Masanori?

T-That doesn't matter, does it!?
Oh, I have to get going now...

Usagi! I'll have you
make up for this later!!

Where did Chibiusa go?

I don't know, but lately,
she started going to art class...

...saying that she's
going to study sculpting...

I see...

Then maybe she made
a good friend there?

Considering that she baked
such a delicious apple pie...

...perhaps she found someone that
she feels is more than just a friend?

Come to think, she mentioned
someone named Masanori...

But should we really
eat all of this...?

It does no good to keep
it partially eaten.

We'll leave the rest
for Usagi to deal with.

Guess so.

You're kidding...

It's Masanori...

She's here...!

I wonder who he's waiting for?

M-Miss Michiru!

Oh, Masanori.



What's wrong?

T-These are a token of my affection...

Please accept them!

My, they're beautiful roses...

These flowers represent
passionate love.


I understand.

Thank you...

Oh, you were here too, Chibiusa?

Masanori and Chibiusa...

Let's hurry.

The class will begin soon.


I won't let this get me down!!


Why do I have to watch
over how Chibiusa is doing!?

It's your fault for bringing
the apple pie over to us!

You have to take responsibility for it!

Yeah, yeah...

It's not going all that well...

Hey, Tsukino, what's that?
An urn?

No, it's a holy grail.

I saw a picture of it in my
mom's room. Just once, though...

It had a lot of gems on it.

I've always thought that
I wanted one just like it...

A holy grail, huh...?

Then it probably would be
better to do this here.

And about the gems...

If you stick on buttons, beads, and such,
I think it'd look more like a holy grail.

You're right.

You're as amazing
as I imagined, Masanori.

Nah, I'm not that great.

So that's the much-rumored Masanori.

What is that?
She's doing rather well there...

You're so wonderful, Masanori...

He really is the only one
who can be my friend after all.

So Michiru comes to
this school as well...

There seems to be a
painting class next door.


You shouldn't be helping Chibiusa
too much with her artwork...

Oh, y-you're right...

Do your best.

My dear little rivals...

What a wonderful person!

I haven't lost to you yet!!

I see... So that's what's going on...

Hey, what are you planning to do?

There's only one thing!

I'm going to play matchmaker
between Chibiusa and Masanori!


Yes, this is Chin-chin-tei.

Four ramens, was it? Hold on
just a little bit more for that...

I ask you to do your best.

Yes. Eugeal here...




Is something the matter?

There was quite a bit
of time lag there...


By the way, have you
found our next target?

Yes... I will send the reference
materials over to you now.

I see... It's a wonderful monument.

It is rather unbelievabIe that a
-year-old boy created this piece...

Masanori Tsuzuki,
a prodigious artist of a boy.

His refined intuition and his pure
heart which keeps creating...

...more pieces, I believe,
must be holding onto a talisman...

I see.

This might finally become the first step
for us to get everything in our hands.

I shall now create a Daimohn for you
that's best suited for this purpose...


I looked around this area.

It seems like Eugeal's group isn't
wandering around that much...

I see... then we can
relax this afternoon...

Hey, where'd you get those flowers?

Does it bother you?

A little...

Is it a gift from your
boyfriend after all?

Of course...


I didn't know there was a guy clueless
enough to be your suitor, Michiru.

It's rather unusual that
you would be jealous, Haruka...

I'm not jealous at all...

It's just that I can't allow you
to look at anyone else, Michiru...

That's called jealousy.


W-What is it!?

The cupid of love
makes its appearance!

Come on now...

What are you saying!?

Tsukino... Is she your older sister?

Yeah, something like that...

Nice to meet you, Masanori...

Please be good friends
with my little Chibiusa...


Well, see you later!

See, Chibiusa?

I gave you an opening!
Go ask him out! Ask him out!!

Just go home!!

Do you want to be stomped on again!?

How scary!

Everyone, please calm down.
There's no reason to be alarmed.

W-What in the world are you!?


It seems...

...that this didn't end up
being a peaceful afternoon...

Don't say it so sorrowfully...

This is our important mission.





This time, I'm sure it's a talisman...

You again!?

Dammit, I won't let
you get in the way!

Appear, Daimohn!



You can't, Chibiusa...

If you transform in a place like this,
they'll figure out your identity!

It's fine if I don't transform, right!?

H-How barbaric!

I won't let anyone have
the heart of my dear Masanori!!


You're a bad girl...

Think about how much
troubIe you cause others!

The same can be said for you!



Give back the crystal
for Masanori's heart!

Rest assured, little one...

We'll return it to you soon.

This one wasn't a talisman, either...

I-I'm glad...

All right, I'm backing up!

I'll leave you to
do the rest, Chokokkar!


Fighting here is
a disadvantage to us...

It seems that way...

Wait CHO!

Oh, man...

Everyone left without
cleaning up this mess!

Don't just stand there, transform!

Oh. Yeah, yeah.

You're fine now...

Just stay here and lie still.

I found her... My goddess...





Oh, boy.

Such a powerless enemy...

Work # .

"Beyond the m*ssacre"

Go! Art is to charge forth!



Work # .

"The Ambition of Silence"

W-Wait a minute!

Make it a piece that's
easier to understand!!

This is avant-garde art!!

Stomping upon the divine heart of
art with your magic hands of evil...

...and on top of that,
putting my dear Masanori in danger!

We can't forgive you!

For love and justice...

...the pretty soldier
in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Same here... In the name of the moon
from the future, I'll punish you!


H-Hey, get out of my way.

I can't move like this...

We're gonna be crushed!

It's dissolving...

I see... So that's how it is...


That piece's weakness is water!

I-I get it!

My artwork...

Now, you should prepare yourself.

Isn't YOUR weakness water as well...?



Whew, we were saved.


How long are you going
to be on top of me!?

I should have used clay that
doesn't dissolve in water! CHO!

Now, both of you.
We're leaving you to finish it off.

I know that!

Leave it to us!



Hey, what are you doing!?

T-There it goes!

All right!





We'll see both of you again...

Excuse us.

Those two are more reliable
than Sailor Moon after all...

Do you think you're in a position
right now to say that?!

Then, Tsukino...

You can call me Chibiusa, Masanori...

Well, um, I guess I'll see
you again in class, Chibiusa...


Oh, sh**t...


Can you take this?

I just finished it...

Masanori... T-This is...

See ya later.

Thank you, Masanori!!

You're enjoying your youth!

Chibiusa, you look so cool!

Y-You guys were watching!?

Chibiusa... You have to
thank me this one time.

Because of me, you were able
to be friends with Masanori...

You've got to be kidding.

Usagi, you were just
mocking the entire thing!

Yes, she did do just that...

That wasn't necessary...

But before that, guys...

What are you going to do about
the apple pie that I had made!?

You still remember!?

Of course!!

I-I'll bake you one next time...

That's not enough for me
to forgive you guys!

You do have a point...

But that was all Usagi's fault...

Yeah, I agree!

You guys...!!

Usagi, you really need
to repent for your crimes...

You guys all are so cruel!

Are you prepared to pay
the consequences, Usagi?

Please forgive me, my lord!

Hey, come down off of there!

- Please forgive me, Chibiusa!
- Hey! Come on!
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